Web 1.0 / Oldsites /Nostalgia

Post 'em

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Here's a few.


Aren't forums, imageboards, and textboards considered web 1.0? What exactly is the cuttoff between web 1.0 and web 2.0?


Social media

Web 1.0 92-99, 2.0 2000-2012, 2.5 is now.

The Internet As It Was In 1996:



Then you tell me what is if you're an expert? fuckoff millennial.


2.5 would be the end of 2.0 and the beginning of 3.0, which we are entering with centralization and flat design.

Weird these are still hosted, nausicca last updated in 2010.

Nigger I was regularly going to basic HTML sites up to the early-mid 2000s and there are still forums around that have existed before 2000. There are even sites I've seen people consider to be "web 1.0" that I continued to stop by in the late 2000s. Don't try to peddle bullshit about arbitrary year cuttoffs.

He's kind of right concerning 1.0 -> 2.0 seeing the dates for javascript and CSS2.

Why are you even arguing you retard?

1.0 stopped evolving in the late 90s, thats why it changed to 2.0, grasp it yet?

Stop posting, please.

That doesn't mean that a website has to be made in the 90s to be "web 1.0", which makes this user's: arbitrary year cuttoffs a bad method of deciding whether a website is "web 1.0" or not.



You're beyond saving if I have to explain this.. the clearnet, as a WHOLE, moved on from the 1.0 designs.. effectively ending the era. Understand? See modern man and the Amish, the Amish exist but they're irrelevant today. 2.5 as is our current transition from modern web development to new 3.0 designs. It was in my opinion 1.0 ended in the late 90s based on how things changed fast.

fyi- imageboards are 2.0, bulletin boards are 1.0


That does not define what makes a website "web 1.0" or "web 2.0".

A standard that doesn't exist.

Imageboards grew out of textboards that appeared in the late 90s and there are little differences between them. By the year cuttoff that would make textboards "web 1.0" yet imageboards that started with just adding the ability to have an image with every post somehow not "web 1.0".

Willful ignorance, imageboards grew from bulletin boards. Bulletin boards evolved from textboards in the early 90s, textboards and primitive HTML code came from barebasic BBS influence.

Pffft ahahahahah, pitiful bait.

When support stops for such sites maybe you'll stop being an idiot.


user stop, you're just embarrassing yourself at this point.

Certainly not imageboards-- for starters they're a post-2002 invention, but they also use the cancerous Web2.0 "make your users create the content and make money off it".

1.0 is personal run, mostly static, webmaster-curated sites.

2.0 is about user-generated content and social platforms.

3.0 is about making it easier for computers to interpret page content and context, I think.

Why people consider this "versioning system" relevant or useful I don't know.


The older generation of degenerates is fascinating.

This man speaks the truth. I would know since my high school could only think about Web 2.0-related projects in the compsci branch, so I had to investigate Web 2.0 thrice.
BBS aren't even web, you underage faggot.

This is exactly why Holla Forums shouldn't be trusted when it comes to Holla Forums. We are Holla Forums LARPing as professional embedded C programmers.

B-but muh nostalgia. As far as I can tell, people just latched onto something they read as "this website is older" without understanding the actual meaning (kind of like the people who use "millennial" to describe anyone younger than they are when they were likely born after the early 80s themselves). The technical definition would appear to classify anything where users can post on the site in any way as "web 2.0", including forums from the mid to late 90s, while the most cancerous responsive design sites today could still technically be "web 1.0".

I have an idea for a "web 1.0" related project. Make the most cancerous modern style website possible while still technically being "web 1.0" and post it in every nostalgiafag "web 1.0" thread that appears. The content of the site could simply be about how the site is technically "web 1.0" and calling out nostalgiafags misusing "web X.0".

Yes. It should consist of 6 word "sentences" ending with a period within a series of hero-images. Make sure to use angular and the like, and make sure the top hero image is a video that never caches, and is constantly being downloaded over and over again.


Samefag harder?


Picture related: (you)

Let me break your bubble you millennial faggot, why didnt 2.0 websites exist during 1.0 ?

It's been fun, kiddo. Imageboards are not web 1.0 but keep pounding your keyboard believing it is.

The (world wide) web is different from the internet. The term is not called Internet X.0, it's Web X.0

If it doesn't involve HTML over HTTP (extensions of either included) it isn't the web and "web x.0" doesn't apply.

Are you retarded?


Would both of you quit shitting up my thread?

Post old sites or stop posting.

Try understanding what you're even talking about and it'll make more sense.

This should've been /thread

Internet existed before the 90s, user. All communication was through BBS flickering monitors.

The internet =/= the web you dumb nigger.

Except it isn't, read mongoloid.

Quit being so autistic about definitions, comprehend nothing you use today is the same as 20 years ago.

But you don't, and nobody else does either unless they want basic shit. Thats why we're in 2.0, users generate content and somebody else rakes a profit.



Here's also a resource from the person / company that popularized the term "web x.0"

Thank you, now the retard will shut up.

Sorry op have this

This is what defines "web 1.0", from Wikipedia:
>Proprietary HTML extensions, such as the and tags, introduced during the first browser war.
Just because some forum or other website where users can interact was made in the 90s does not make it "web 1.0" and plenty of smaller websites made in the 2000s were "web 1.0".

We should start a web 1.0 revival movement. Not only will it promote less bloated websites with a million JavaScript's running in the background but hipsters and Cyberpunks will eat that shit up

Neocities, tilde club and tilde town already exist. Many people have made homepages, very few have any substantial content. They like the idea of going back to simpler times, but either have nothing to say or lose interest upon realizing that nobody's ever going to visit or frequent their page and that times have moved on.

Meant to reply to


Forums have existed since 96 or 97 that used PHP. They are considered to be web 2.0.

It's not that old, but it's still nice to think about.

I think its different if we say its in the name of "art" though. Think about it, hipsters from San Francisco will eat that shit up and convince their startup college buddies to do this

They'll just backport as much "web 2.0" shit into it as possible so they can make a profit, while keeping it superficially oldschool. Or what they think oldschool is.

You know the small web-hosting service that ISPs (used to) provide to their users? You would get a certain amount of space and a subdomain and be free to put up pictures of cats or whatever. Well, if you know the format of those domains, you can easily find loads of little cobweb-sites using the 'site:' modifier in the search engine.

For example, I typed 'site:home.xs4all.nl' into DDG and got some cool stuff back.


zombo.com / html5zombo.com

Imageboards are still the best websites on the web, m8.

All of these wed1.0 sies are ugly. It seems Holla Forums can't into aesthetics.

Nice bait, now fuck off.


This one's a classic.

A website about possible end of world scenarios:

Hard times survival information:

Urban exploration:

Ascii art:

Information about viruses:

If only websites were still like this today.
Thanks man, I'm glad you hooked me up with javascript that loads the 10-20 image thumbnails one at a time while also crashing my browser sometimes.
I am going to find a web developer and shake them to death like a baby.

This site is from the future.

Find them and leave them in a cold car being snowed upon

Good links.
All of the "static" sites these days somehow still require js to load. Fuckers using retarded frameworks and "responsive" design. A sad age for much of the web.
Seems a few of these are still active. Don't lose hope, anons. Find the others.

A lot of tech related websites are kind of like this, such as
tldp.org/ , has a lot of linux related information, covers a broad range of topics, still very relevant
insecure.org/ , lots of security related things
telehack.com/telehack.html , open telnet server

Where did we go wrong?


When the .com TLD was approved.

I think it all started because we thought it was a good idea to lower the barrier to use a computer.

inb4 4cuck

There were some BBSes that allowed this too, but I don't remember the names of any unfortunately.

I've done this a few times already, but I have no where to host my shit. I had one optional JS that you could turn off and it was just to have snow falling on the page during the month of December. I even used tables for one section just so my site worked in Opera 3.60.

September of 1993.

Didn't Web 1.0 also have its bullshit like frames and table based layouts?


Months ago somebody dumped a list of old websites, maybe they'll see this and post them again?

First known mp3s to be released on the itnernet

So it had tables. Big deal. DIVs were shit back then, and even now don't support all the things tables can do to represent data visually. People only started going away from tables because muh screen readers.

People who use terms like "web 1.0" or "web 2.0" are like people who use the terms "first world" and "third world": retards who spew words without knowing what they mean.

I like that guy.


>✓ Good signature from Fredrick Brennan >. Verify this message yourself at 8ch.net/_g/1194.txt


I thought you got fed to the pigs too. AIDS from those Flip hookers at the least...

how about this site?

What a shame you had to spam, yet again, to get some arbitrary digits for your dead site.

hall of shame:

I didn't spam, I just waited and stole it. It was

the proofs is easy, check the timestamps of

they are just 4 seconds apart, time limit for a new post is 10 seconds.

well thanks for the get i guess. no need to be rude about it

Are you comparing your dick to TRS or some subreddit here?

youre makikng me uncomfortable.

oy I am laffin irl rn m8

That is the comfiest and best way to to it
Don't let anyone take that away from you, pham. Happy sailing!

Part of it's the 90s aesthetic, which I will grudgingly admit is a matter of preference.

Would be neat to see if someone created a Web 1.1 site, no JS, but it doesn't look dated


Are you familiar with systems analysis, or just the concept of systems in general?

does this count or are shitty 2000's tier websites with PHP forums a different category?


Don't remember the name but I used to browse a shitty IRC with british people on it in 2002

tfw born in 97 during the foundation build of the web

What was it like without social media?

Well, Web 2.0 was an advertising buzzword.

We have a winner.

AJAX was the start of web 2.0. The term was originally defined as a website that was interactive. Meaning you didn't have to refresh the entire page every time you accepted user input. Of course this was a hack and still is but the technique to make the web act more like a desktop application is what the term used to refer to.

Then faggots ruined webdev by invading it and it morphed into some hipster term that meant "lol everything before is crap it should all be endless scrolling and social media".

I'm bored today user so I'll do some blog posting for you. I was born in 84 and had internet access from about 1991 or so because my family ran a business. The also encouraged me to use the computers because they wanted me to learn and have a good job some day.

Anyway the early web and the BBSs weren't much different than imageboards are today. There were people shit posting, flame wars, even early memes. But the barrier to entry was high and it was far less populated. It was also only populated with...well I don't want to go full Holla Forums and say white but the lower classes and third world users weren't around in droves or trying to fit in. So if you avoided stuff that was intentional Holla Forums-tier areas of discussion you would easily find experts in whatever field posting just the same as everyone else. You could actually e-mail them directly and have a long conversation too, answering every e-mail hadn't become a burden yet.

A lot of people even signed with their real names in those days as posting was often tied to your professional e-mail. On the flip side most of the web didn't suffer from this. Everyone trip fagged but it wasn't tied to your real name nor was the fear of begin doxed ever really in your mind. As long as you didn't tell anyone your real name or where you lived it was assumed they couldn't ever find you.

The early web is often compared to the wild west and it was. There weren't any centralized sites distributing content to a mass of users like today. Instead you had web sites that linked to other sites and that's how you got around. There were early search engines but they didn't index much or have good ways to sort through what they had. Google only took off because it really did solve a huge problem in those days. A lot of things that are regulated to the darkweb now were in the clear back then and no one really cared.

IRC and other chat services in those days were a cluster fuck but a lot better than today. You could actually carry on a conversation in a large channel and make connections with people. You could find friends based solely on interests you shared and didn't have to worry about offending an SJW a long the way.

That's probably the main difference. Instead of karma whoring that is every where now people were just themselves. You gained a reputation for doing good work, or begin a smart person, or just begin someone interesting to talk to. No one gave a shit how rich/poor you were or how many fans you had, we never cared for such things.

As for the exchange of information think of it like this; It moved a lot slower. Things trickled down slower but a good analogy would be how things move today. Now a days something spawns out of an imageboard like this one, then after it's played out here it ends up on reddit and becomes normalfag cancer, then after begin played out there it trickles into facebook and becomes soccer mom cancer. In the 90s it would look something like this.

Another major change is how people treat the internet these days. In the 90s what you did online was totally separate from what you did in your day to day life. This is what scares me about the generation coming a long behind me. They never knew a time when they didn't have to be constantly on the look out about what leaks to social media. They don't know what it's like to be totally unplugged and how to just be a person. I think that's why karma whoring became so rampant. Without thinking about it they've adapted a strategy of building up a persona that is "good" in case any of the bad shit they do leaks out to the public. Add to that the fact that not participating in social media makes you seem like a total recluse these days. Challenge any 20 year old to totally give up the internet for just one month and they can't do it. They don't know how to live any other way. They're so dependent on it for everything that their mind shuts down at just the thought of it begin taken away.

There was social media stuff in the form of email lists, Usenet, IRC, MUDs, and even some commercial games. It was nice too because you could use any old computer, not just IBM PC clones. All your ocmputer needed was to be able to acoomodate a modem and terminal software to connect to a Unix host over dialup. Even early 80's home computers could manage that.

He's totally still alive, guys

That was informative (: and I agree with you, I probably couldn't last 2 weeks without the net.

How did people use floppy disks if they only stored 1Mb? did you use multiple slots?

I hope the two people who fell for this fell for it ironically.

It's sad because it's true. The only friends I have are online friends. I remember about 10 years ago I could have done this easily, but not now.

Anyways about your post in a whole, even up until recently there wasn't too much karma whoring and virtue signalling. It seems to have become a more gradual thing during this decade than it was the last. Of course, society started laying down the foundation for this kind of thing with the advent of Facebook/Myspace/Twitter, and the release of the first iPhone.

If you had a floppy disk drive, you were living in the lap of luxury! All the plebs made do with casette tapes.
But yeah, two floppy drives worked fine. If your computer had ROM BASIC, you could even manage very well with just one disk.
Anyway files were much smaller than now, and even hard disks tended to only be around 20-40 MB capacity in the early 90's.
For reference, I could normally fit around 3-5 games on one floppy during the 80's, and these were for an 8-bit computer that formatted the disks to 180 KB.


pretty much my only friends are anonymous shitposters and our only interaction consists of them calling me a faggot.

I have a local backup of the Anime Web Turnpike. Figured it would be dead before long, so I saved what appears to be everything that was on the site as of August 30th, 2010.

Trivia: JFG, one of the owners of the turnpike, went on to form the Internet Artist Directory, which became the Fan Artist HeadQuarters, which then died and was raised as the zombie that is GAIA.

Ah, the good old CG shrines, with an 8kBAUD connection, it seemed.


That brought back memories of trying to bump up my FTP share ratio, to get onto other good quality FTP servers for 'muh games'. I had a CD ROM burner (writers were rare at the time), so I would take those games and sell them to people at my high school for $5-10.

Good times.

Something about slow image rendering appeals to me highly, it reminds me of my time with Mario paint.

Glad to know it was good music.

Fuck you /sp/


Upload it nigger

No. It's like this:

1993, when AOL opened business and brought the internet to the masses.
1999, when Hotmail, AIM in the States and MSN Messenger outside of the States became popular and brought easy communication that Just Werks to the normies.
2003, when Livejournal became popular and Myspace launched, providing normies with the first social networks. It was also around that time when amateurs started figuring out PHP and began rolling out tons of independent forums like Gaia Online or Halfchan.
Also known as the Eternal September of 2008, it began one year after the iPhone was released, Facebook was opened to everyone and Netflix moved to video streaming. It has remained pretty stable ever since, because it has settled into a state where all the big wigs win at the expense of the end user, and the end users don't care as long as they get their fix of attention, entertainment and garbage information.

I think the hard part with a lot of these web versions, the old ones were still on life support as the new ones came in. For instance, 2.5 started in 2003, but didn't gain widespread attention until late 2004/early 2005. Until then, Web 2.0 sites were still the norm, but basically on life support. I remember people still making Freewebs pages until early 2005, but by the middle of 2006 everyone was on Myspace.

I would push web 3.0 back to to 2007 though, since that was the same year as the iPhone, it just took a bit for to catch on, and it fits with the age old theory that everything went to shit at the end of 2006/start of 2007. Pic related.

Yeah, the start of the current age was strictly speaking in 2007, but I prefer to count it as 2008 because it took about one year for these changes to permeate through American society.

This timespan is only in the USA, mind you. Here in the Third World, technology trends take about 3 years to catch on: one year while it establishes itself in the States and word of mouth spreads through the local internet (during this time only the biggest nerds have it), another year before trendy people jump in, and a third year before normal people jump in. I remember that Facebook here didn't really caught on until like 2010 or so.

Ham Radio counts as well, really. That's been around since the 1920s as an organized thing.

There was an entry barrier though. You had to learn how to use something before you could belong to a MUD, an Usenet forum or an IRC.

Come to think about it, could it be that the different "web generations" are entirely about how difficult it was to use social media?

I'm half normie, half autist, all shitposter.

I was born in 97 and half of this is basically no different from my experience with the internet mainly using anonymous image boards on slower boards/sites, otherwise only using pseudonymous sites and ignoring popularity.

nigger you can have friends outside of some kind of some imageboard namefag/tripfag circlejerk scene. all my online friends I met in an online game or its associated forum.

Sounds about right. It's popular in one country (Usually the US) first, then it travels to other western countries, finally catching on in third world countries, which EOLs the previous web x.0.

In addition to 3.0: Smart Phones make it possible for normies to be attached to the internet 24/7 so the can post every time the take a shit. Websites start catering to this new generation and the collective intelligence of the internet crashes as it becomes easy to find information on mundane shit, but difficult to find information on useful things.

That site looks amazingly functional.



I like Pajeet's site

No wonder calibre is a such poo.

A whole lot of people who post here or other social media-type sites sites have nothing to say either. Ditto with many of the stuff that litters github, which could have just as easily been dumped into an old school homepage.

Tables are fine, for tabular data.
But layout should just be left to the browser to render as it sees fit, without any exact assumptions on how it will look. The web wasn't supposed to be a fancy magazine, though that's what they effectively subverted it into.

The problem is people don't do it because they want to, they do it because they think they'll get fame, or the someone wants to read their mundane shit.

The proper way to do it something is to do it because you want to, not because you want fame, views, or any of that shit. You make it part of your life.



The last thing I need is hipster faggots invading and ruining my oldweb nostalgia.

What would I do without my memes?


Found this gem the other day:


Love that retro design.

That pic with Mosaic is actually DESQView/X, basically an X server for DOS. It looks visually close to Motif (and thus CDE), or even Windows 3 since that's what was in vogue those days.
Dillo would probably be suitable replacement for Mosaic. Even its big icons look the part.

Why did we break off from simple design?

Infinite scroll is such a retarded fucking feature that every website had now.

Useful site for all your bicycling needs.
On second thought, there seems to be some 3rd party crap on it, nevermind.

Boy, i'm glad that weirdo is gone. I'll take Emptybeer/MTBR over that site any day.

this hurts me.

I hate infinite scroll so much.
They should keep that cancer exclusively for phones and tablets but since the market is mostly those shitty devices I guess we'll have to deal with the cancer getting bigger and bigger.

this explains the strange folder structure calibre creates for all books that you add.


A while ago when I reinstalled Windows and configured Firefox from scratch I went to YouTube and couldn't get the comment notification system to work because it was presumably failing to connect to Google+. I whitelisted everything in uMatrix to see what the problem was, but it just wouldn't work. Eventually it gave up and now it has fallen back on some half-broken alternate system that has no G+ integration, and it doesn't look like there's any option to change it back. It also sometimes randomly fails to load interface icons for periods of time. I've had problems with other sites too where even if you whitelist everything they still don't work.

That's modern web design for you.

The original meme site


For me, web1.0 died when 'Jeff Hunter' pulled the plug on Totse. Things never really felt the same after that.

This generation will be the first generation to be less tech savvy than the generation before due to the overguifiction of everything.

Your newfag is showing. Holla Forums has been pro web 1.0 and anti website obesity for ages.

Here is some further reading:

There are a few others in the same vein as motherfuckingwebsite, but they suck. They try to convince you to use grey text, and one even says its ok to use a little jquery. Are you fucking shitting me?

IIRC server side includes are a resource hog, but cgi is the shit. I was working on a simple cgi textboard that used sqlite as its database. I need to get around to finishing that

Frames were shit, but I have no beef with tables. That shit worked just fine.

Oh shit dat realplayer tho


Thanks for the nostalgia trip, famalamadingdong.

I remember those early 90's days of being excited to actually get an email.

Oh man, I remember my first 1GB hdd. I thought I would never need another harddrive again.


table based graphic design should die.

Yes, but at the time it was better than the alternatives. I can imagine it sucking pretty hard for viewing on modern mobile devices.

Table based design is the only kind of thing that works correctly in w3m/elinks. DIVs not so much.

And over SmartPhonification.

Framesets made sense though. I once wrote a help manual that had the list of pages on the frame on the left, and the content on the right pane, and that way you only had to reload the content of the page, and not the fucking sidebar each time. No JS bullshit needed.

What we really need is to get rid of the W3C. They're just a bunch of web elites who decide what we can and cannot use. Seriously, they demand gender fields be strings now. Fuck that.

My uncle said the exact same thing to me once.

The table element exists to markup tabular data. Nobody should be design the look of a web page with HTML and this includes the table element.


There isn't a single tripfag in this thread, you fucking retard.

u wot m8?

i've read a few of Sheldon Brown's articles and a few things on mtbr and the ones on mtbr were full of buyfag noise. the only bad thing i remember about sheldonbrown is it had cloudflare at one point so i couldn't view it

(JS recommended for optimal experience)

Is this a parody? Or an example of what happens when Go fags try to make a website? It's sad that I can't tell.

Dumb sluts. Web 2.0 is just Web 1.0 plus dumb sluts.

Are Rust fags this illiterate?

hello i made a site called chiru.no it is a FLAC internet radio and has 14TB of anime music and server runs gentoo linux for audiophile, i have $1600 headphones and hear my tunes in 4 dimensions especially when i smoke weed

i find gentoo to be the best distro for flac anime songs

software is fully free and libre under the WTFPL

optimized as fuck, executes 0.03s most of the time

i want to marry cirno




I saw your site a while back, you worked really hard on it. Good job.

Are you parodying yourself?

Into what do you encode all non FLAC streams? Mediainfo cannot grab a stream, apparently.

Also, what encoders are you using?