I'm honestly surprised by Death picks cotton is not hated more by King of the hill fans. It seem like they killed off cotton as a attempt to make Peggy hill look good.
I'm honestly surprised by Death picks cotton is not hated more by King of the hill fans. It seem like they killed off cotton as a attempt to make Peggy hill look good.
That was a super weird death that I thought felt really out of character.
Friendly reminder KOTH got killed off to make room for this
Fans have issue with them retconing cotten to be racist.
Cotton was a shit father who got what he deserved. Peggy was a shit character too, but she was still leagues above the crippled piece of shit.
He died to spite Peggy.
Nothing is more Cotton than that.
This is true. As awful as Peggy is, I really hate her because she's awful to watch. Cotton is a horrible nigger, but goddamn if he isn't the best horrible nigger.
Cotton was a cunt, but he had his moments like when he took the fall for Bobby when he burned down the church. However, Cotton was a pretty shitty father to Hank who was the linch pin for everyone in the neighborhood.
Peggy was a spiteful cunt for most of the show, but her behavior did lead to plenty of moments for Hank to shine. Her manipulation of Bill was a really shitty thing to do, but Bill seemed like a massive cuck. Dale was a good father and so was Khan.
I think the set-up to get him into that situation was more poor than the execution of Cotton's death.
The set-up felt forced imo
Peggy's a shit character, but I think Nancy is the worst in the show. At least Peggy actually cared for Hank- Nancy didn't even like Dale for the majority of the series.
A good third of the cast are just awful people you would never want to know
Dale isn't a father.
Probably that's half the point since KotH's cast majority is people who grew up in a generation where you were just friends with whoever the hell was next door regardless of whether you liked them or not
But he raised the kid so wouldn't he be more of a father than John Redcorn?
That's something a cuck would say :^)
What pissed me off was how in the earlier episodes he went from being a piece of shit that everyone hated, who began to develop into a somewhat decent human being. He helped and inspired Peggy to walk again after she fell out of that airplane and lost all hope with her shattered body, and he took the fall for Bobby when the church burned down. Plus there were numerous episodes where he and Hank actually talked and had their moments together.
The last episode seemed to throw all that shit out the window. It felt really out of place. Cotton pretty much implied that he didn't even love Hank by calling him a worthless loser son. Plus he let himself die on purpose just to spite Peggy, which was both hilarious and extremely selfish.
While the Cleveland show did suck donkey balls, KotH got to its stage in life where the writing grew stale and tiresome.Even if fat nigger seth macfarlane show never came to fruition, KotH would still probably get cancelled around that time.
Not even family guy fans like the Cleveland show. Who watches this shit?
No one now, lmao
Even when helping Peggy he basically used spite to motivate her, though.
I think Cotton's issue is that he's got a good side deep down, but keeps it deliberately hidden to a huge extent, and thinks he's entitled to be an asshole because he was a war hero, basically. If the military school episode is any indication, he thinks a man is supposed to mean and unkind, even though he admits that Hank is a better father and husband by miles and miles. Which is more complex than and perhaps worse than just being an asshole; he has potential that he's never bothered with.
Some hints that he doesn't open up to being sensitive to anything because deep down he's kinda fucked up about killing fiddy men and all that. And given his only real love was apparently with a Japanese nurse, his feelings about that are probably complicated. (Well, past tense)