What literature are you reading?

Literature General

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Linux-Programming-Interface-System-Handbook/dp/1593272200/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1481790343&sr=1-1&keywords=the linux programming interface
volafile.io/get/DNqkumd6_ML8/Business Data Communications and Networking, 11th Edition.pdf

I've been working my way through Faust. I've never read it and it just seems like one of those things one should know. I quite like it so far.

I've recently bought and started reading:
1) Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach and 2) Data Structures and Algorithms in Java.
They're both incredibly old, 1st is 4th edition - so 10 years old- and 2nd is 4th too, i think, - also 10 years old-. The reason I bought these books is because I currently can't study in college and I'm not sure if i can next year so I decided to take matters into my own hands. They might be outdated but i'm sure that the fundamentals they teach are still the same. Regarding the Java book, i've been learning Java for the past 3 months using a pdf and i felt ready to move on from pointless programming to it being structured

I googled the title and found it interesting, have you read The Lord of The Flies or The Fountain? I ask since English is not my predominant language, those two books describe where my reading level is at, do you think i'd be able to read Faust?

Scientific American I guess.

Really old books like that are hard to read for anyone. Unless they've been adapted to modern vernacular, but that's not very common since people complain it's not authentic.

Reading levels past highschool are bullshit anyway. If you don't get something just read it again, read it in smaller chunks, take notes, etc. If it's still too hard to read (and not because it's dreadfully boring) then just come back to it in a few months and it'll probably 'click'.

LOTR, but next I have to decide between The Iliad or The Republic.

Is it even worth reading in anything other than German? Apparently a lot of the prosaic beauty is lost in translation.

I still like the story despite not knowing German. My roommate is a German major and really loves the tale, and he's been happy to help fill in things that seem to be missing, so that also helps.

LOTR is an excellent choice, by the way.

I tend toward the view that works like the Iliad are only worth reading in full in the original languages. Otherwise, I would just read synopses of the orginal and derivative works. Plato is a more interesting look into the ancient world IMO, and the big ideas from philosophical works are important regardless of language. Interestingly, Plato quotes from Homer like religious scripture.

There is also a famous Faust play in English by Marlowe, but does not follow the unique take of Goethe's obviously.

Marlowe is the superior but unlucky Shakespeare

revelation space series by some dude I can't remember

it's alright, he's a bit bluepilled in some respects, but definitely Holla Forums-tier understanding of elites and psychopaths.

Les Miserables again.

I am reading a data structures book from the 80s written in an archaic C style.

The book should be reading for all technicians.
amazon.com/Linux-Programming-Interface-System-Handbook/dp/1593272200/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1481790343&sr=1-1&keywords=the linux programming interface

I like to read programming books two at the time.
I am currently reading Stuff goes bad: Erlang in anger by Fred Herbert and Clause and Effect: Prolog Programming for the Working Programmer by William Clocksin.

Next ones will probably be SICP and Haskell programming from first principles.

I love Prolog for prototyping, as an alternative to a formal specification language. Once you're finished "Clause and Effect" I recommend "Software Blueprints: Lightweight uses of logic in conceptual modelling" by Robertson and Agusti.

I did some personal research into hardening such a prototype into production code using modules, the SWI tools PlDoc & PlTest, and the Ciao assertions add-on for SWI. I know the conventional wisdom is that you''re not supposed to do this with prototypes, you're supposed to throw them away, but it looked like it would work.

Right now I'm reading:

Practical Phased Array is really good and they separate the math from the text so you have one page of hardcore equations and then another page of nice readable text, but the Handbook is too heavy on math and interweaves it through the whole chapter which makes it boring to sit down and read chapter-by-chapter. Trump's ideas about people are actually pretty interesting and I like the little character stories he gives -- it makes reading books that are essentially about real estate actually readable for someone who doesn't give a shit about real estate.

That is right thing to do in theory, but in reality rewriting is costly and prototype usually ends up being 'good enough' and used for a long time.
Take that with a grain of salt because I never really released any software and my statement is based on lurking on tech related websites.

I was unable to find this book.

The contents were the same as lots of formal methods modelling books, e.g. Z, VDM or Alloy. However, at the end of this process with Prolog you got an executable program.

I found supplemental material at dai.ed.ac.uk/groups/ssp/bookpages/blueprints.html , you might get something from it. Or there's Robertson's Ph.D thesis at dai.ed.ac.uk/groups/ssp/members/phd-theses.html , "Pragmatics in the Synthesis of Logic Programs". I think this is like Refinement Calculus or Floyd-Hoare logic for imperative programs. The latter may be a bit too academic though, it focuses on two CASE tools that you probably won't have access too. The book ignored tools and just walked through a few case studies, using a much less formal notation than the thesis.

Just the required schoolwork shit. Some Linux+ certification guide book (although I skip some chapters because I only care about it as a workstation, not reading to acquire certification and I don't care about networking), some book on the principles of operating systems, some book on IT project management and that's about it.

Methinks user doth protest too much. Read Leviathan or some Gibbon if you want the feel of the Victorian tounge. Shakespeare is not authentic vernacular, and Chaucer was big on fart jokes. The writing style from 1700-1910 is where its at.

I read the 2nd book and liked it.

I like you

I'm reading a few books on Tcl because I'm doing Tcl now, for fun and profit! I'm also reading about rockets using materials supplied by NASA and NAR.

someone please redo pic related with a programming theme, I'm too lazy/busy

Can you anons offer up your opinions on the classics / essential reading for a Computer Science education?

I remember some faggots going on about a particular book (not specific to a particular language) but I cant recall it and lost the pdf.

Slowly working my way through "Guide to Fortran 2008 programming", but it's a chore because the author keeps pouring water and explaining everything in unnecessary detail. I feel like you could cut out half the text from it without losing any information. Which is especially weird, considering it states it doesn't aim to teach you programming from the ground up. And they don't even touch arrays until page 100-something.
There's also "Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!", but I don't think I'll finish reading the last 40-60 pages since I've lost the interest in the language. It was a nice learning experience though, especially its very strict type system.
Also reading a book on polish, but it's not really tech.

The Art Of Computer Programming, most likely.

I'm partial to this one. Understanding the hardware and moving up through Assembly before hitting C is the best way to computer.

Are you reading it with any cultural reference guide? From what I gathered it contains many references and cultural tidbits that might be lost on a modern reader without someone pointing them out, sort of like references to Florentine politics in Dante's works

I feel your pain

Currently reading the Horus Heresy series and Practical Common Lisp by Peter Seibel

No, but as I mentioned in a different post, my roommate is fluent in German and has been quite helpful in pointing out some things. He quite enjoys Faust and helped prompt me to finally pick it up, actually.



I thought literature referred to fictional works.

will add this to my list. looks like a multi-volume set. hard time finding a mobi or pdf set though so far.

seems hardmode, but that's ok. im learning python. will check it anyway.

pretty sure this is the book. thanks user.

Which book are you on? I'm on "Legion".

Yea that was my bad. I confused the term. But really any reading material is allowed

Are there any books that specifically give a how-to instruct of making effective viri or worms? I ask because just as people are making money selling ethical hacking courses, why isn't there a market for criminally infiltrating networks.

because that would be illegal

B-but muh freedom is protected by the first ammendment

There is a market for this, it's listed under NSA employment postings.
Really though, most crackers are self taught. Maybe they don't want to share their techniques because it will result in competition?

It is more likely that they do not share their techniques because cracking is arms-race. If crackers release info about security holes that they find then those holes will be fixed.


Yea, that's a better theory than mine.
There are courses and texts available on how to be a pen tester which will essentially train you to be a skiddie. Would be a good starting point if you wanted to make a career at it. Money's not bad either for being a wagecuck.


TAOCP is a DENSE book. Enjoyable though, but it'll probably take you a year or two to go through each volume. Just a word of caution, mkay? Still, it's a great book.

not Holla Forums related nigga

Is it any good?
Looks like college-tier shit written to pay Prof. Pajeet's mortgage.


Anyone have any recc's for books about networking? It's one of the few areas of CS I haven't really bothered with. There's a lot of shit in the gentooman's library but I don't know if any of them are particularly good.

I just got a nice hardcover copy of SICP for Christmas; although it's memed to hell and back I like it so far. Are you just reading straight through Compilers? That book is dense as fuck, definitely way more in there than what I'd need to know about compilers but it's alright.

Crime and punishment and Programming Principles and Practices using C++

Some Holla Forums related literature
Foundations of Algorithms, 5th edition By Richard E. Neapolitan
NETWORK HACKING Computer Security (2016) [WWRG]
Linux Server Security - Hack and Defend (2016) (Pdf) Gooner
Best Ethical Hacking Ebooks Collection
Network Security Through Data Analysis Building Situational Awareness
Secure System Design and Trustable Computing 1st ed. 2016 Edition {PRG}.pdf
Cyber Security E-book Collection [email protected]/* */.7z
Hacking Exposed - Wireless Security Secrets and Solutions, 3rd Edition.pdf
Unauthorized Access - The Crisis in Online Privacy and Security - 1st Edition (2013).pdf
Principles of Information Security 4th ed. - M. Whitman, et. al., (Cengage, 2012) BBS.pdf
Wireless Security tips and tricks
Cryptography and Network Security - Principles and Practice (5th & 6th Edition) Pdf Gooner
Hacking Web Apps - Detecting and Preventing Web Application Security Problems (2012) (Pdf & Epub) Gooner
The Hackers Underground Handbook - Learn What it Takes To Crack Even the Most Secure Systems
Nmap 6 Network Exploration and Security Auditing Cookbook [PDF] [01QLT].pdf
Unauthorised Access - Physical Penetration Testing For IT Security Teams[NepsterJay].pdf
Information Security Management Handbook
IT Security Books

This and embed related may of use.
Guide to Networking Essentials
Also this was the textbook for one of my uni classes.
volafile.io/get/DNqkumd6_ML8/Business Data Communications and Networking, 11th Edition.pdf

Thanks user, downloaded quite a few of those.

The republic is very dense.

Newfag here. What do to get these?

II think these are hashes for torrents. Just put each hash in search engine and it will give you a torrent side.

For the torrent hashes either A) use a none shit Client (Time to throw away your latest install of Utorrent, how has beeing apart of a bitcoin process been?) that supports them. Personally I would suggest Qbittorrent. Or B) If for some insane reason you really love beeing apart of a bitcoin operation, prepend magnet:?xt=urn:btih to the torrent hash. For the mega, come on now.

Didn't know you could do that. Makes sense.

synchronicity confirmed

This one, it's outdated but nevertheless a good intro book which I recommend. It has example programs written in BASIC.
This one has cost me 10 ebay bucks, that has been lucky I guess.

germanon here
the way words are used is 95% of what makes it
the story is decent, but not amazing
