Protesters Fume as Zimbabwe Vice President Runs Up a Hotel Bill
NY Times
Protesters Fume as Zimbabwe Vice President Runs Up a Hotel Bill
NY Times
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Miss me yet?
I miss Rhodesia. Why can't we have colonialism again?
Wow, what a shocker, who could have possibly seen that one coming?
I'm sure a 900 trillion zimbabwe dollar check for each of them will shut them up.
They made their shit bed, whites actually gave them a decent one, they chimped out and remade the old one, let them lie in it
and feed these niggers? Never
oh boy a shiny nigger nickel!
It's almost like the world is just. Ah, who am I kidding, it's just simple cause and effect. You jump off a cliff, you're going to have to land on something.
always relevant
O Kek why hast thou forsaken me?
How close is Zimbabwe to collapse?
Being the military is not getting paid now i'd say a matter of weeks before a coup
I think Kariba-chan might be even sluttier than Ebola-chan, just waiting for that moment to get everyone wet.
It's already in collapse, you retard.
Zimbabwe is not dead yet and I wanted to see them gone so I can watch the chinks colonise them for entertainment.
What happened to Rhodesia is one of the biggest tragedies of the 20th century.
We kinda have to hope the dam holds until all-out civil war, or the whole thing will be painted as "surprise accident destabilizes functional African country" in our (((media))).
I think it's just a lesson for superior/hwite people to not meddle with folks who dont want help or in this case, don't understand the help they are being offered
This is life lesson, some people just don't want to be helped and if you try to help them they will drag you down with them.
I'm pretty retarded in African politics, but does it even matter if Zimbabwe collapses? Just seems to me that niggers are nigging which is nothing new.
Can this have an impact on Europe whatsoever?
It is what will happen to Europe.
Because the same type of economics is being applied? The whole Keynesian shit?
Its communism in Zimbabwe.
Someone please draw Kariba-chan with tits about to burst through the cleavage
Niggers are asking for a handout.
If a famine starts in a few months, this could get really interesting.
kek wills it!
You're being generous; the average IQ in SSA is 68.
Let the monkeys die
Wait there's another dam that will be destroyed also due to overwhelming force coming from K.D. That means there will be 4 million dead niggers floating around. Zimbabwe, South Africa and Zambia will be left without the power.
I was referring to withes who lived there not niggers.
He means the Whitey Mugabe kicked out
if they purposely print 1 dollar zimbabwe bill, i think they could literally run a steam electric generator by burning fiat cash.
Bomb the fucking dam and give them something to drink!
nigger you stopped growing shit when you genocided/kicked out the whites
The rhree happenings in order.
Thy will be dubs
And them we reclaim the lands and get rid of all the nignogs?
Dub have answered your question sir.
This place is the best example any of us could want of why the African is inferior
Forgot to post the funniest part of the article.
I knew it was high but didn't realize that it had gotten that high.
What if after the place implodes, there's another "refugee" crisis and every cuck in the planet starts pushing these homeless niggers into white countries AGAIN?
everyday I'm alive. I'm sorry your son turned out to be a cuck for majority rule. I wish your bloodline hadn't died out though, regardless as to how big an idiot your son was.
RIP Ian Douglass Smith.
I cant think of a single white colony that has ever had trouble subsisting in a tropical environment. Disease was an issue, but I dont think food ever was. The tropics are "easy mode" compared to colonizing places with harsh winters.
Its amazing how niggers cant even get a working civilization in the tropics. You really need to stop and take that in. Even in places where they have fertile soil, plenty of rainfall, and virtually no winter, they cant get any farming done. Niggers are pathetic a deep and profound level.
really? you actually think it could last, a country ruled by darkest nigs?
can you even read. he not questioning its implosion. he's questioning if this will lead to more refugees in europe.
As long Africa is filled with 85 IQ niggers peace is impossible.
burger niggers have 85 iq. they got a boost from too many oil drillers. apefrica niggers are more on the order of 70+/-.
Beautiful read
please white man come back…
no more colonialism. we need flat out conquest.
Pick one. Let the chinks try their luck with that shit, see if the resources are worth the hassle (I doubt it). We really only "need" to lock down North Africa and the Middle East, especially the coasts, so not one more nigger can reach Europe. That is all. Problem solved.
That's exactly what I thought too when I first heard of this faulty dam issue a few months ago.
What do you mean "if", it's inevitable.
zimbabweans can already claim asylum in white countries if they claim they are in danger because of their political views
A Rhodesian farmer who had his land seized by Mugabe moved into the house across the street. I'm glad he made it out alive, as he seems like a nice fellow. He was lucky enough to have been let in before Obama was elected.
then we're safe….there's no such thing as political views over there. GIBS. MUH DIK.
Said no nigger ever. They're all going to starve not having learned a damn thing.
mugabe's already started begging whites to come back
Videos on Rhodesia make me incredible sad and nostalgic for a past I am too young to have experienced.
Niggers can't into economy.
except genocide
If this doesn't spell "coup soon" I don't know what does.
From what I understand the South African settlers had more trouble settling the further north they went, but I think that was mostly because their crops weren't well suited outside temperate regions. So I could be wrong but I think the tropics are actually more difficult to settle than mild temperate zones.
actually farming is easier in temperate regions. lots of rainfall actually requires more water management and diseases can prevent the formation of large population centers (until the advent of medicine)
It's like you don't even Sid Meier Civiliation
The South East Asians seemed to have been doing fine before European intervention.
They had Indian/Chinese influence but they still managed to form kingdoms on their own.
Same with most of India having terrible weather they still have one of the oldest civilizations on earth.
Is there really no point where economists are willing to say something is just fucked? Can anything beyond simple bartering happen when inflation is at A BILLION PERCENT?
It really depends on how consistent the weather is. Egypt rarely suffered for food because the Nile kept them with a steady flow of water without the need for rain; that's the ideal, lots of water without having to deal with rain bullshit.
That said, they still had to deal with flooding, but it never seemed to hurt them very badly. They learned to predict floods and manage them effectively.
That nigger mugobobboboa is like 10000 years old, pretty much everyone is waiting for him to die, i expect they will try to stick some pro western nigger on in a coup
Let it burn
Are you a son or grandson of rhodesians?
wew lad
I bet there are megaliths in those jungles… if not then off of the shore on the continental shelf. Nothing "advanced" but more than just mud huts
Check my post history: I said we should genocide the apes, so I'm not defending them. I just know you're wrong about it being harder to farm in Europe or America than in Congo.
The flood reintroduced nutrients to the soil. That's why the primordial/metaphysical darkness/chaos which occurs before rejuvenation/light is always associated with water. Just as the lotus blooms in the morning creating "dry land" out of the darkness of the water, etc microcosm macrocosm etc etc
Farming in the tropics is so easy you have to be retarded to fail. Plant 3 jackfruit trees and you can feed 100 people.
There's a type of rice that is native to Africa.
Family fled just before king nog started his murder spree, The Yugoslavs get a mixed reception here but they managed to keep a lot of people from being wholescale slaughtered immediately.
Zimbos don't deserve any mercy, nor do any South African's who wanted the blacks to rule. They all deserve to be tossed into a pit of shat on spikes.
As the saying goes, we don't die and for good reason.
I should add that I don't disagree with the idea that farming in the humid Congolese jungle may be more difficult than in central Europe, I wouldn't know for sure because I'm not a farmer.
I'm just saying that there are peoples who lived in similar conditions and flourished. Also those ancient Indian cities that were located beyond the coasts of India generally followed alongside rivers. Of which sub-saharan Africa has no shortage of.
The difference is that Native Americans had to come from somewhere. In this case they came through Alaska from Russia so their ancestors already had to deal with cold and develop culturally to get through it.
Africa is permanent summer. If you don't have food you can always pick up a stick and walking until you find someone that does have food. Then you just hit them with the stick and take the food.
Africa is a place of primal competition where future planning, settling the land, farming, building commerce, etc. just means you are a stationary target for raiders. Raiders got no problems, no house, no insurance, no currency. Just run in and take what you need. Africa has ALWAYS been this way. The climate determines the evolution.
My condolences, user. I hope that one day your dream will come true.
The holocaust numbers had the same inflation problem.
Rhodesia is not tropical though, it's just a very warm temperate region like Sicily. Where in the tropics can you name a place where winter nights average 6 celsius ?
No need for condolences. The time for mourning long ended, it is odd with the advent of the internet that many would gladly pick the old flag back up and wave it around in a proud fashion, its like Salisbury is still Salisbury.
It is odd what people attach themselves to, like short shorts, brushstroke and the idea of slaughtering communist.
As always the communist is just a useful idiot, be thankful they aren't militant like years before, they only convince the foolish to bring in Muslims on behalf of their money grubbing masters. I have a feeling the lot of you would enjoy seeing Bosnia burn with the Jihadist fleeing in terror.
What music is this?
niggers will never admit it.
i get the feeling they are ok with things being shit. what they cannot stand is the knowledge that someone somewhere is not living in the shit like they do.
Obviously they did. Europeans had dominion over the entire world, but the only places they successfully colonized without race mixing were temperate. In the Americas we see that north of Mexico and southern South America were acceptable for full blooded Europeans. In Africa we see that temperate South Africa was acceptable.
The only exceptions to this rule were Australia and Rhodesia. Australia was a penal colony with forced settlement, and today is most densely populated in the more temperate areas while most of the massive continent remains sparsely populated by virtue of its unappealing climate. Rhodesia was a successful settlement but we see that it failed more spectacularly than even Brazil.
'Zimbabwe Saga: Return of the Whitey' when?
Personally as a mixed breed I can confirm that full blooded whites are total pussies when it comes to heat. Its not that you cannot endure heat; obviously you can endure it. But you are not comfortable. During the summer I like to keep the A/C off and the windows all open, so the nice warm breezes can flow through. But my faggoty white room mates act like they're having a heat stroke if the temperature inside rises above 75 degrees. They like to keep the temps around 65, at which I am shivering and extremely uncomfortable. My ideal room temperature is around 80 degrees, but 90 degrees is alright with a breeze. Temps outside have to climb above 100 before I start complaining. Bitch ass Europeans want to freeze the apartment
I'm not sure if you understand hypocrisy.
When its winter, I accept the cold. When its summer I don't need an artificial fucking winter with 40 degree air blowing on me to keep the temp around 60 degrees
to whomever else wants these, after reading this thread, i won't need 'em where im going
65 is considered winter where you're from? Where do you reside? Los Angeles?
The boy who holds his finger in the dam didn't get paid this week….
The main point I'm making is that full blooded Europeans are just not genetically inclined for tropical conditions. I'm sure that with modern technology and a massive national air conditioning bill you could survive, but history has proven that Europeans can't create a successful, sustained, racially pure civilization in the tropics. Successful colonies, yes, but not a sustained civilization like America.
60 degrees is wintertime temps in the tropics, but the problem is that the A/C is much cooler than 65 in its attempt to keep the air temp at 65. So the airflow is like 40 degrees
And MY point is that it hardly makes them pussies for it, just like it doesn't make Somalis pussies for not being adaptive to the weather where I live.
Yea I don't really mean to call them pussies on principle. My personal irritation is bleeding into the post. I wouldn't want to live any further north myself.
I think the ideal situation for whites in the tropics would be an upper class of whites with a middle and lower class population of half-whites. Basically whitewash Africa.
Thats to say, a population of half-whites would be more intelligent, actually useful as workers, and less likely to randomly genocide the managers
Mugabe is not begging whites to come back.
They're still not allowed to own farmland.
Mugabe wants the whites to be sharecroppers.
Since whites themselves can produce sustainable civilizations in the tropics, but whites do want to benefit from management of the material resources of Africa, its necessary that a realistic compromise is made.
This is necessitated by the threat of the Chinese. China is actually a multi-racial country. South East Asians are genetically distinct from North East Asians, and Chinese people themselves are generally mixed to some degree. As somewhat who associated with many Chinese people I find it fairly easy to distinguish them by their racial type.
The threat is that South East Asians CAN thrive in tropical environments. So it is entirely feasible to China to simply colonize all of Africa and populate it too. They have the numbers, and excess of males, and the racial phenotype suitable to the African climate. If whites don't take action in some way, China will simply take all of Africa. They would become an undeniable world super power and would have a huge natural fortress (Africa) to threaten Europe with
Holy shit I hope no one is cucked enough to fall for that
Most who stayed are in Zambia laughing their asses off at the dumb nog.
made me laugh with ultimate shame
I can't wait for the day it collapses and let us go back and make Rhodesia great again. I would go all in to let Holla Forums build their own country there with a huge wall to do not let niggers come in and see them from a good distance asking for gibs
That dams got to break eventually. We've been talking about it for over a year now.
Holla Forums, I am disappointed
We know that Zimbabwe is a shithole it is filled with niggers!
Operation Eland, 84 Rhodesians kill 1000-2000 nogs within a few minutes. What a great day out that must of been.
great summary of how rhodesians operated. the operation you listed was most definitely a pseudo operation where they wore black face/body paint and used turned blacks to infiltrate the commie nigger stronghold.
this was also a crazy effective operation
We need a crowdfunding campaign to give them maps to Israel, the promised land. Tell Zimbabweans that Israel has a population problem and will give them free rent, food and healthcare to fuck their women.
Salvation is 175 hours away. Get moving.