I was looking around for a new Distro to experiment with and I came across MX Linux. I don't understand why I haven't heard about this Distro before because it's very user-friendly without being Ubuntu. I am pretty meh tier when it comes to GNU/Linux so I was wondering what Holla Forums thinks?
New Normie Friendly Distro: MX Linux
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How is it different than X newb distro?
What do you get out of it that isn't in X newb distro?
Mint and Manjaro are security cancer, normal Debian is Intermediate while this is Debian beginner, and Antegros is based on Arch which already ruins the point.
It has the MX Tools which are pretty userfriendly like a Codex for gaming.
It also defaults to sysvinit but has some systemd stuff installed according to Wikipedia.
Isn't it just AntiX rebranded? AntiX was good but if you want a noob friendly distro Ubuntu and it's variants are still the best. It's where all the noobs are, and it's what your average dev targets when they target Linux.
Get Virtualbox and fuck around with it if you want. Worst that happens is you don't like it. AntiX is good, so expect it to be good as well.
I run it as a daily driver. It's fast, stable, has its own repos to give newer versions while keeping the debian stable base, and the MX tools come in handy. I think the reason it's not touted as "newb friendly" is because the package management doesn't have some shiny front-end like Ubuntu. It is really good though, and I haven't seriously considered switching since I installed it, which is big for me as I normally hop like mad.
Why not just use Devuan?
It uses antix as its base, but it has its own community repositories and some other differences.
That's not really an issue here. Both distros are based on Debian, and therefore 99% of the solutions you'll find on Ubuntu forums will work on MX too.
please elaborate
Because Devuan doesn't fix or replace certain systemd functions like Power Manager Suspend and Hibernate for Laptops which really killed my interest in it personally.
all these guys need to do is make a gui installer for debian with non-free repos codecs and branding.
There will never be a normie friendly linux distro as long as the command line is required.
There will never be a linux distro where the command line is not required.
Why are normies so afraid of typing?
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get udtate
I dunno, that's what I imagine they think
They type all the time. Complimenting baby pictures on facebook, writing articles on medium. Stupid shit.
That's too much to ask for normies.
Certain distros and desktop environments like ElementaryOS and KDE reduce the usage of the command line.
its still beta faggot
This isnt in beta faggot so therefore you should use it instead of unfinished software.
What I define as a Normie Compatible Distro is the ability to use only the bare minimum of knowledge and having the best ease of computing.
Funnily enough I've been running OpenSUSE Leap since they released 42.2 and I haven't had to use the terminal for anything yet. Everything that can't be done in KDE can be done in YAST. We've had normie friendly distros for ages. Ubuntu has a Driver manager built-in, and Ubuntu MATE even comes with a program that recommends programs for different tasks.
Computer illiterate people can't use Windows any better than they can use any other OS, they just remember where things are. As far as the average guy is concerned you're a pro if you can change the theme. I've had a guy ask me how I got a mac on a PC because I was using Snow Leopard’s default wallpaper. Being a Linux user doesn't mean recompiling your kernel while ricing a tiling window manager, in the same way that being a Windows user doesn't mean fucking around with Windows Server, downloading Photoshop from The Pirate Bay and disabling services that slow down your vidya.
I gave my dad a Mint laptop 2 years ago and he's completely tech illiterate. So far he's figured out how to use it just fine. He asked me for MS Office, so I installed that for him and he uses that without issues. He wouldn't have been able to install MS Office himself using Wine, but then again if he had a Windows laptop he still wouldn't be able to do that either.
What we need is laptops and desktops easily available from retail stores, which come with some Linux distro. Do the whole Mac thing where you make the display look really nice, and advertise their immunity to Windows viruses and stuff. Canonical are in the perfect place to make that happen but they're too busy fucking around with Mir.
OpenSuse with Yast comes a long way, I would even say a 'normie' would not have to go into the console.
i run antiX without systemd and im semi retarded and also a noob, no need to run ubuntu stuff if you are a noob like me
this thing has to run perfectly fine if its from the same people that make antiX
Antergos is pretty based user-kun, but I would say I'm pretty intermediate. I only had to mess with the terminal to install docky for xfce, but even then I could have used AUR. I do like pacman very much though.
I hate this 'word'.
This is why the year of the Linux desktop is never going to happen.
It has already happened.
Yeah AntiX and MX are both good.
Wood recumman
You can just type "sudo apt update" these days.
I really don't understand how linux has penetrated every market from servers to toasters, yet the destep is still stuck at like 2.5% marketshare.
Same reason people don't drive crotch rockets for commuting
Don't own a motorcycle but that's my $0.02
That's pretty good except for the "can't learn to use it" part, only because that comes from sheer intimidation regarding the operation of both a crotch rocket and a Linux operating system.
The problem is that Linux still doesn't have a DE module.
This was not the case in the past but for years now normie linux has been easy to use. gentoo/arch/etc aren't, but mint/ubuntu is no harder than windows.
I agree, I'm using Ubuntu MATE right now.
Trying to use any motorbike (crotch rocket or otherwise) as your daily commute vehicle in most parts of Canada year-round is deeply stupid.
nice try arch shill
Not an argument
What's wrong with Mint? I just installed it on my grandma's computer because she fell for a "pay us $300 to fix your computer" phone scam and gave some Pajeets full remote access to her machine.