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Shouldn't Mario be fucking Daisy?
Who would ever fuck Daisy?
I have funny feelings in my pants
I would fuck that daisy
My ex was fatter
I don't know, faggots probably.
hello fellow faggot
are there any plump Daisy lewds?
Therected is nothing incorrect about that panel.
lmfao that 4th comic. is this suppose to be satire or did the artist actually believe the "white supremacist" pepe bullshit
based on his other comics user, what do you think
I'd like to believe its all satire
wtf, i hate tumblr
go to bbwchan
I don't understand
…Is Native Americans liking Trump supposed to be a bad thing? Are Natives considered Bad Goys now?
The idea is that Trump is a hypocrite for wanting to kick out Illegal immigrants when white people were immigrants as well. The people who use this argument also like to ignore the fact that white people have been living in America for more than 500 years and that the Indians didn't have actual countries.
He's infected by the idea that a woman should not get favourable reviews for her game just because she had sex with several reviewers
And the white Americans genocided them
But isn't that a good idea? To not let what happened to the native Americans happen to us? How is this hypocritical? Was trump literally a colonist from the 1400s, because that's the only way he could be a hypocrite.
Lets not forget that they were genociding each other long before white people showed up.
I wonder how it feels for this person to be living in a backwards reality where the right is still the political establishment, and ebul hwyte mail CEOs beat frail black babies with clubs for fun.
basically what I'm saying is, the comic would be actually correct if you swapped out "Hillary" with "trump", and "cancer", "emails", with "racism"
Is the last one satire? Seems like a poe tbqh but looking at the comics he drew, it's not.
Lefties are going to vote for her anyway (Despite hating everything she stands for) because they fear a Trump presidency
who is mr. fish?
Phil fish AKA MR. "Wahh wahh I'm canceling fez 2 suck my dick choke on it"
oh that cuck.
Dwayne Booth
Why do they look so much alike?
cant post pic cause mobile posting
He looks like John Green.
HAHAHAHAHAH that's even worse than voting for Hillary
so he does hate Clinton.
Fuck, we're going past questionable content/CAD/XKCD levels of WORDS.
for that third comic he literally just drew something irelevant in like, 5 minutes. Why doesn't he just get a Twitter or some shit?
He hates the system in general
So, is this shitty cartoonst still working or did he blown himself up already?
so is he a muslim? Is he an anarchist?
He is a muslim
That third one can't happen soon enough.
The strawman is strong with this one. Then again political cartoons in general tend to be crap.
Pat Bagley Cartoons - The Salt Lake Tribune
Well, I saw the news of the second picture and it was a pretty ridiculous event.
The rest is bullshit though.
Why do they project so hard. And once again is only the second picture the one who has some actual points.
does this guy think Clinton is innocent or something?
Political factionization is a helluva drug.
wait do you mean me or the comic? I'm just saying with the comic I can't tell if he's supporting her or not with the 4th pic in the 1st line of pics.
I like this guys work its pretty good. I even liked the Mary Sue comic he made.
Nice strawman, illustrator. Did you know that most people who commit crimes are repeat offenders? Did you know that individuals who do recreational drugs also have a higher chance of being involved in gang violence?
He just prefers her to Trump
Why this fear for Trump? they didn't even behaved like this when Bush was running for president, and he was a retarded drunk.
okay that drawing of Ted Cruz is pretty funny.
Reminder that if you think companies should be bound to the 15th amendment, you also must support companies like Twitter upholding the 1st amendment, or else you're a hypocrite.
It's deleting "problematic" comments OR forcing people to bake cakes, not both.
wouldn't freedom of association be a good way to deal with that so you don't get your cake baked by a homophobe and just not deal with people you don't like?
Jen Sorensen
why is it that they're fine with a neocon warmongerer as long as she's a woman?
Because she's the first neocon warmongering woman to be president
That's my point.
You can't say private companies can pick and choose which freedoms from the constitution that they have to be forced to uphold.
Like you said, in an ideal world liberals would just use their powers of freedom of association to boycott a company. But the problem with that is that nobody cares, only a fraction of the population is actually gay, and I'd say even combined with homo sympathizers they wouldn't even make a plurality. Them boycotting something wouldn't really affect that company too adversely where they would have to give in to their demands. But what they can do is target politicians to crest legislation.
Do we have a salt comic for after it flopped?
was that the movie with Angelina Jolie?
Doesn't she realize the pods DISSOLVE when you put them in the clothes washer?
Even having a trash can with a toddler wandering around it dangerous. If it wasn't candy shaped detergents it would be a bin.
Plus, if these detergents didn't exist, I bet the author would be complaining because front loading clothewashers are easy to access for children, and how we should all go back to top-loading. (Which is actually a trend right now)
Doesn't she know that the new trend is snacks is to have mini-versions of the snacks, butt have them unwrapped in a bag? Look at Reese's and Hershey kisses. Turns out that individuals packaging each mini candy COSTS companies money, and it turns out companies aren't hellbent on destroying the environment.
Yea, the whole "it looks like candy" argument falls flat when you remember that the parent is supposed to store chemicals responsibly and teach their kids what not to chew on.
where do you keep getting these political cartoons from? Why do you have them stored on your computer?
Just search up whatever squiggled name is on them.
Ex: Jen sorensen
Thanks but I'd rather not.
I fucking hate political cartoons. They're all strawmen.
posting political comics its cheating they are always unfunny.
I dare any user to post an actually funny political cartoon
You are silly though.
Challenge accepted
no no i mean like a real joke with a setup and punchline and all that jazz
In political comics, the setup is the context.
and the punchline ?
"I'll plant 500% more"
Does garrison watch Star Trek.
HA good luck buddy, humor and politics are totally incompatible
what about Southpark?
what about it?
And yet you went let anyone else have the chance to be there for more than 500 years.
I wouldn't let the dead of those Indians to be meaningless they taught us a valuable lesson about trust, that is to never trust aliens so if you ask me YES is okay when we do it
another stupid question ?
Is it really a lesson learnt when it amounts to "Well, sucks for them." and you were the ones who benefited from what happened?
Yup tough luck, uh?
So, no, you really haven't learnt a lesson. You just liked immigration when it was white.
Yes, what are you going to do about that pussy ?
A majority of Indians willingly sold away their land for
Plus Indians didn't have established countries and were more a hunt n gathering type.
The lesson is that you need to stop it when you see it happening.
The natives back then didn't have the power to stop the immigrants and got rekt. Today, we have the power to stop the immigrants, so we get to protect our culture and pass it on to future generations. Simple as that.
Nourish your tears when it happens to you.
I'm a nihilist by the way
Are you or
My true identity is >>669746
Tell the damn mexicans, Guatemalans, Belizeans, etc. to stop taking mayan land.
Tell the damn arabs to stop taking the rightfully fair-skinned european land of egypt.
So does a large fraction of americans today. (More than jewish ancestory)
And also so do I. I believe my great great grandmother was some kind of native. (I.E. I'm 1/16th native american)
You realize the whole reason the indians lost was because it was like if we got attacked by space aliens. Europeans had super-advanced technology compared to indians. Plus there was "biological """warfare"""" going on.
that's a dead link
sure thing
Okay Egyptians weren't always arabs but they weren't European. And regarding arabs and the middle east in general that place has always had territorial shifts and wars. The only reason why its even more messed up today is because in WW1 the allies established artificial nations in the region that conflicted with actual cultural divisions.
Also aren't Guatamalans and South Americans in general a mix of natives and Spanish conquistadors?
I don't hear Mexicans complaining about immigration in Mexico. Also aren't Mexicans the descendants of the Spanish mixing with the natives?
So an uneven fight is justified but a more even one is unacceptable?
Oh so its okay when your dad raped your mom its that what are you telling me that mestizos are the master race
because then you are fucking right
I have the documents somewhere.
Probably more spanish than native though.
I'd say they're closer to european than arab
Seems most Daisy artists are good people.
and the same for you rape enabler
I never said that but then again I'm a hapa so I can see the appeal.
This stuff is pretty good.
Well, you have to look at the history of the indians, who were forever locked in battles against eachother. Introduction of colonists generally made the region more peaceful.
Explain please how this is relevant
Have you noticed something about north america? It's a continent. Surrounded by water. With only a thin and relatively hard to reach are connecting it to south america.
if the Native Americans had a uniting leader would that have given them an advantage?
Yes, that's why we need a strong, charismatic leader to unite us and help us defend ourselves.
I wish I had one for my state.
Well yeah, because there's much less of them.
You brought it up regarding Americans and Natives. Americans complain about immigrants despite their entire society coming from it. If people in Mexico complained about it too, then they'd be hypocrites too.
Mexicans have a big problem with Emigration with people leaving mexico. They came from the spanish that were just doing that, so they are also hypocrites.
You were talking about how they stayed in the confines of north america.
dont gimme a "what?" you know what im talking about you little hypocrite you say nono when the white man comes to take my soil but when the white man comes to take my women you say yes let that happen so one day your country is full of precious mestizo babies
Do they complain about it?
I just said America. Canada had Eskimos and other natives.
I thought the Mexicans were worried about the cartels?
because a soilless man is still a man but a wifeless man is cuck you intend this for me dont you, fuck you dad
I didn't know that Mexicans originated from rape. I assumed since there was so many of them it came from relationships.
Stockholm syndrome bitch
Cartels drive away people.
They're seriously considering helping trump build the wall because the economy is so bad.
Canada is still north america.
Anything above central america is south america.
I'm going to sleep. it's 6 am.
Isn't it the other way around?
good night user.
good night bud, come tomorrow for more political fun
Not likely, The Europeans had better weapons/immune systems
Oops, typo.
Goodnight buddies, post @ u 2morrow
fucking ghosts
Wow, I didn't even know. I hear all this talk about immigration problems but never emigration. It's really interesting to hear about this. (none of that was sarcasm by the way)
When I say "America", I'm referring to the country (or back then, the land that became America) not the whole continent.
Funny thing is its 2 different artists.
Likewise, night guys
yeah I noticed by the artstyles.
i know that feel
You mean a comic about a Mary Sue or a comic made for that dreadful site?
Its a comic about a Mary Sue character on the Starship Enterprise. Its a pretty good parody of Mary sue characters and goes into detail of what is and isn't a mary sue. Also it made fun of Wolverine for being OP so I found that funny. Here's a link
Oh that one. I've seen that before.
did you like it?
I only read a couple of pages when I found out about it on TV Tropes and that was a few years ago, so I don't really have an opinion on it.
Muslims believe satan hides in your noes, pisses in your ear, and farts when you pray.
Not making this up.
I think they're supposed to be looking at the screen but the perspective is off.
The salt from this is delicious.
I know, I'm just pointing out that by the author's bad perspective he unwittingly drew the audience as so bored that they'd rather watch the wall instead.
based James
Morality is subjective. More at 11.
This thread has made me sick. I need something to wash out the bile.
He's a self-loathing White SJW or a salty Shitskin. Take your pick.
Is that what they call it now?
You SJWs should run back to Cuckchan.
Also, if you're a Whitey who lives outside of Europe then unless you've given up your home to a non-Whitey you're just virtue signaling.
Thank you for correcting the record. :^)
hail the conquerign heroes
they're good but come on
I like this type of comics.
The author basically admits that there is a genocide going on, the same one that happened to indians.
he clearly watches more startrek than you dumbshit
Ferengi didn't exist in the original series and everything in that image is from the original
his shirt man
Mr. Nihilist is apparently a seperate poster than the SJWs here.
Keep going SJW.
Protip: Dying from a plague isn't genocide.
Reddit is that way->
Or tumblr->
it's already obvious you know the way, you don't need to tell us
Says the SJW.
Hilariously, being that much of an arrogant faggot might as well make him part of the system.
You can throw in GameFAGs too.
sorry famalam
different person
Oh, wasn't even paying attention.
Protip: Purposing giving smallpox-infected blankets to the Natives is genocide
You have no argument.
all good
don't miss the debate at 9pm eastern
You mean on here or from that guy? It's already 2 AM here and I tend to sleep in til 11 AM.
I mean Trump V Clinton in the states GMT-5
I can't be bothered getting up to watch that crap. I don't want to spend my time watching two out of touch old folk sling mud at each other. I'm not even American.
Thank you. I'm actually tired of people that aren't even a part of the US pretending they have an interest in what happens here. At least with domestic policies and events.
it matters to you too but I respect your position and appreciate it as well
also you guys should just watch it to see Trump roast her
He might watch after the fact, and I have enough beer to watch that into the night and laugh while Trump manages to troll Clinton into blowing a gasket on national TV.
Hell, the olny reason I end up getting involved in conversations about it is because of all the derails across the boards.
In the grand scheme of things yeah, but it's something I can just look up cliff notes afterwards instead of sitting through the whole thing that I honestly don't care about.
Even if I was interested I can't bothered getting up at 9. Last time I got up early to watch something was a Nintendo Direct, only to be completely unexcited by Cloud Strife in Smash.
SJW talk
Go demonstrate there was a policy from high up to use biological warfare on Redskins instead of a commander acting alone.
Sorry, there wasn't a Holocaust but for Redskins. Even during war and conflicts by large, it was rarely Europeans versus Redskins, there were assorted cases of European powers with Redskin allies against rival Redskins and rival Europeans. Simple tales of genocidal Whiteys settling the Americas are a distortion by SJWs like you.
It's cute how you call anyone who isn't an apologist an SJW.
It was only a matter of time until Holla Forumsfags showed up with muh charts. Well things were fun while they lasted…
I'll probably end up doing the same, gotta sleep soon
but is 9pm early?
I suppose if it dras on it would be
night fams
could you be any gayer charts are fun fam
Tell us more on how Whitey should apologize for his success and doing what other races have done. Do you protest Saudi Arabia for its slavery?
You can't address the infographs. Go chimpout at your Dindu Lives Matter rally.
No but I go to bed at 3AM (I know I shouldn't, but it's hard getting off the computer when I have several sites I try to catch up on), so I don't fancy only six hours of sleep.
That you already see it as a dick-measuring contest says it all.
You don't deserve those digits.
Keep getting triggered SJW. Unlike you, I reject ressentiment (and what are Leftoids but wallowers in ressentiment)?
Somebody tell me when Holla Forums got invaded by SJWs.
About the same time we got invaded by Holla Forums.
Why can't you assholes go fight on /ss13/ or /pdf/ or something?
You apparently can't be bothered to apply it to Whiteys.
Still pretending Europeans going to a continent with warring Redskins is totally like illegally going into a country with a set border.
And besides, Europeans going to North America got us America and Canada. Illegal Beaners going to America get you what? Welfare eating?
Only when they're edgy hypocrites like you.
That strawman white guy has some good taste.
You keep using that word. All while keeping silent on the warring done by Redskins (and other non-Europeans).
I guess we should have invaded Japan too because they were always warring each other too.
I guess America should have been invaded again during the Civil War since they were warring amongst themselves too.
You still haven't demonstrated what makes the the Whitey Man's success in North America exceptionally dastardly.
By the way, the Redskins didn't come to be in the Americas.
Gee, if only people were this enthusiastically divided about every other US election.
This is all englishmen fault.
If they didn't bother the Spanish Empire with the new world they discovered everything would be well.
This is RACIST and I want the mods to delete this NOW.
Luigi has some patrician taste
Liberals have literally lost their mind.
The 2nd comic is right though.
Practice what you preach, don't buy products from a corrupt company and then complain about that company being corrupt and then comparing that to complaining about your living conditions in a shitty country is a false equivalence.
The second comic is making fun of the guy going around and "preaching" to the "hypocrites"
It's not being serious, it's making fun of that guy.
He isn't doing that at all. He's saying that it isn't going on now but that it was going on back then.
Please don't take this to mean that I agree with that comic in any way.
The tumblrites and Holla Forums faggots troll here because they can't handle the bantz on any other board
There are other ways to get people to do what you want other than just asking. The devil should know that.
Oops, I probably should have spoilered that.
lol butthurt
/k/ already debunked this one.
Have the Jews ever considered maybe just not being assholes to everyone?
If the biggest inventor of your race just invented peanut butter while some of white people inventors created things like computers, cinema and other high technologies, then you should question your own existence.
you dumb fuck, Mexico has a wall on their southern border to keep immigrants out.
not to mention that natives were grinding nuts into a paste centuries before GW Carver "invented" it.
to be fair, he did legitimately invent a lot of other uses of peanuts, that nobody ever used again because they were retarded.
Come on people, the sooner you filter the sooner this cancer can be cured.
didn't know /k/ could be so philosophical.
Is this trying to be serious or just joking?
On an unrelated note. This guys' art offends my eyes
I want to fuck satan
Yeah, it's kind of a mixed message when you're trying to draw a Christian cartoon but your Devil is rocking these big natural titties and a fat ass.
I guess you don't care about the grotesque
skull head.
Degenerate troglodytes
When I was young I too used to believe that that flag was a hate symbol. However, I was also taught to take other view points into consideration, and understand that history is not some one sided story only the winner gets to tell. So I looked up people who flew The Stars and Bars, even managed to talk to a few later in life, and what I found surprised me.
They were not the racists I had been led to believe they were, in fact many had no issues what so ever with people of different skin tones or cultural backgrounds than they. They were aware of what the flag could mean to some, and they were considerate of that.
To them though, it did not stand for those things. They did not fly it because they were racists, they flew it because their ancestors had, and they took pride in this. They were not proud of everything their ancestors had done, but there were indeed somethings that they could take pride in. They did not ignore the ills of the past, rather they took them as warnings of what not to be in the future.
I also learned of the harsh treatment of The South after the civil war. The citizens were generally looked down on with contempt and scorn. Though not as bad, that contempt and scorn can still be seen today; people convinced that The South were absolute monsters during the civil war, justify this vitriol by claiming that the south were deplorable racists, and still are to this day.
I, as a southern boy myself, never developed quite the same sense of pride, but I came to understand why some did. That's why things like the third comic rub me the wrong way. People want to turn The Stars and Bars into the new swastika. They give no consideration to the people who fly it, never give them the benefit of the doubt, nope they just MUST be racist because, oh my god, they are flying the flag of an army that lost a war in the past that I was told was evil.
tl;dr: Fuck these yankee dimbulbs and their prejudice against The South. Not all yankees though, I love some of you dimbulbs
modern political cartoons make me mad on a primal level
What happened to the funny and factual Political Cartoons of the Pre-19th Century?
they had some style and I like the 19th century early 20th century ones. Though I think they had better artwork in general.
It's sin and I'm perfectly fine with that.
That they take pleasure in it and then cry when it happens to themselves. Karmic, really.
Stop posting the guy with the retarded no-arms fetish's comic.
It's actually a symbol of salty losers still being butthurt about losing a war. If anything, it's self-hate for trying to remind themselves of their failure.
So why can't Germans take pride of their ancestors flags from their great war?
Did you feel bad for Germany after the went to war with the world twice? Or Japan because they were punished from trying to bomb civilians by having a couple of bigger bombs return the favour?
Well modern Japanese do try to guilt the Americans over that.
In regards to your little "pox blanket" argument, I encourage you to read this little document, or the abstract at the very least.
Also, Mexico HAS built wall along its southern boarder to keep illegal Guatemalans out. Mexico has the right to secure its boarders, so does America.
Holla Forums needs to leave Holla Forums.
Is that who this is?
I know everybody's a hypcrite.
Keep pretending the Redskins dindu nuffin SJWs.
So you're anti-White American. Thanks for admitting it. Not sure what a White American did for you to be so resentful.
Still haven't seen you address the Redskins not coming to be in the Americas. Or what happened to the Solutreans and Dorset (a genetically distinct population in North America that faded away by the 1500s with apparent help from Inuits)
If a man raped your sister would you be warranted in raping his sister? Even though she did not rape your sister and did nothing to aid your sister rape? Going from your posts you should support that.
Yes, he has some retarded comic where this girl has no arms but floating robot Rayman-like hands.
More like, anti-double-thinking hypocrites.
No, but I'd be warranted to beat the hell out of him like he deserves.
Slippery Slope Fallacy.
Sorry, I got confused with America not apologising to Vietnam and this:
They have apologised to China before, but I don't think they've addressed Nanking specifically.
I wasn't the one who said it, I just replied to it.
What where the other inventions? they must have been really retarded if they felt into oblivion.
You know, I'm a fedora tipper and I like kinkiness. If his art and how he present points were so retarded and shitty I might even like his comics.
According to Wikipedia, he made a Peanut Oil that you rub into skin for massages, and a hair product that was a mix of Peanut Oil and Lanolin. He also made products involving Sweet Potato.
Also, not an invention but he published a book called "How to Grow the Peanut and 105 Ways of Preparing it For Human Consumption".
So the best 'scientist' of america's black race could be called at best a chef?
There's black scientists right now, one in particular you guys call "Black Science Guy".
Most of its just porn set in a brothel scenario anyway. Maybe his visual novel will be better.
he's more of a promoter of science than an actual scientist now days. He's more a kin to Michio kaku.
Is the artist even black or of any other race but white?
This actually fits with the other panels, just remove the last text box.
Take a wild guess.
The answer is so obvious I'm affraid to mistake.
I have no idea.
Maybe he's got a case of jungle fever and wants more black women as colleagues.
I thought that Cryptocurrency was about making internet money and maybe laundry dirty money. Why anyone should care about representation in Cryptocurrency?
I've haven't been in a less funny LOL thread in such a long time
christ, of course they fucking are
It's that damn tripfag that's the problem
Fit pretty well for Moral Orel.
It's Horsey. Dude LOVES him some sexy babes.
He's either white or jewish.
Man, I miss Asay and the simpler times when we could all laugh at his bizarre rants.
Now all we have is tears.
Some of those, specifically the fucking neckbeard one, made me giggle.
No, he is saying exactly that.
Maybe in his delusion he believes that there is no connection but in reality there is.
If a genocided race agrees to what a man is saying regarding immigration then what the man is saying about the immigration is against genocide or at the very least would've prevented the genocide of said race.
Of course that isn't the point he is trying to make but that's the point that is: if the indians had the same stance Trump (along with better leadership) had then maybe they wouldn't have been eradicated.
These are bretty gud
Holy shit, that webm
Europe beats us on rate especially with all the new Muslims and the vast majority of murders will happen regardless of gun.
Now if you want to ban black gun owners…
Ban pools and Cars first
Nigger you serious?
Ok, that fucking 5th one has me triggered. I'm not against abortion, but how the fuck did fetal tissue contribute to the fucking polio vaccine
i want to fuck that hellish aberration
I'm surprised people don't just filter him.
Looks like rule 63 of the Jersey Devil from Wolf Among Us.
These people really are putting their best intellectual arguments out there, aren't they?
I just find it somewhat funny. A man makes some unpopular opinions, true or not. next thing you know, you have a bunch of people calling him (Trump) psychotic
How fucking triggered they have to be to defend Zoe Quinn
The first animated cartoon was political.
But you don't want know who's the second artist.
His AVGN reviews stopped being funny a long ass time ago.
Reminder that the last three images are drawn by a fat-fetish artist on DeviantArt.
No different to Bush=Hitler or Obama=The Antichrist.
People are retarded.
Damn, Righty be retarded.
who say it ?
Aren't the point of these threads to mock comics for being unfunny?
Actually I would like to know who is the second artist.
well it used to be but now i think people just post whatever they have at hand.
That say, i miss the worst and best webcomics threads what happened to those ?
should we just look up the shitty webcomics wiki for stuff to ridicule or should we talk about the shitty webcomics wiki itself?
we should talk about shitty webcomics yes, but also about good webcomics all in one thread.
And in what way you think that comic is funny, if at all its just cringe
The majority of the tribal people didn't understand the importance of land in the first place, hot head. The reason why so many of them were conquered so swiftly was because the European ideas of nation states and land ownership were new to them (Hell, it was new to the Europeans too).
why are you people still discussing this, it happened centuries ago. your arguing will not bring justice or punishment to those who deserve it but it sure will bring derailment to us.
I wasn't trying to do that? Just shedding some light on SJW autistic fallacy.
In order for someone to bring justice, there has to have been a wrong committed.
yeah sure, he seem to have forgotten but thanks to you reminder he will likely come to reply and then you are going to reply back and he will reply again until this thread ends being 1/8 actual content and 7/8 pointless discussion
ayy fuck you,
Since this is turning political (It's an election whatever) and Holla Forums struggles with producing content let's crank out some MS Paint stuff.
Theme: Political Comics
Umm because it's racist as fuck?
People need to ATONE for their problems!
Get out Nolan.
Nah, they would have been overthrown regardless for the glory of Burgerstan.
…Columbine, Isla Vista, Aurora, Tucson, Virginia Tech, Charleston Church and University of Texas all still would have happened.
So long as it isn't forced into this series.
Whites get it on a 2:1 ratio to blacks right now. Why would you make an ass out of yourself like this?
I didn't realize bombs were opinions now
the point went right over this artist's head
Trump became vishnu in the second comic?
The mountain goats are actually fucking great
I know it is a typo but come on man you are publishing a comic fucking proof read
Oh hey it's a reference to that pool thing!
For those that don't know a couple years ago some nogs decided to hold an impromptu pool party at a gated community pool that none of them lived in inviting dozens of people to show up, they then took the area over playing extremely loud music and making a huge mess, the people that did live there called the cops to complain and when the cops showed up several tried to attack the officers so they arrested them, one girl in a bikini got into a cops face and started screaming and trying to grab the cop so he tossed her the ground and handcuffed her.
He also did a funny combat roll for some reason.
Where did that come from?
When has Trump ever even spoken about abortion?