What are some of the best comic cover art? Pic related.
Comic Covers
I always liked Locke and Key v2 #2 cover. Thorgal has some absolutely great covers too.
Op here
Here's a good one I like.
I had that issue!
why don't you put one up and show us how its done.
A bit off topic, but this might be the best comic cover ass I've ever seen.
And although I don't really like Silk all that much, I think the covers are pretty eye-grabbing. The lady who does them worked as an art director at Disney and now does the same at Paramount.
love Dodson's artwork.
that explains the style. Do you think many other marvel artists are trying to emulate it? Or at least the tumblr ones?
I don't think they're trying to emulate it specifically, but I've noticed a lot of the usual suspects just don't have great covers like Silk does.
Either they
-Showcase things that don't happen
-Show pretty much nothing but the character in a pose, unrelated to what's actually going on in the story
-Show a bunch of cameo characters who do not appear in hopes of gaining more attention
-Look fucking horrific
-Reference tired memes
that still pisses me off that Hercules wasn't in that story.
That's a cool cover
you might also like this one.
An oldie..but I still like it
The current Carnage series has great covers.
Goddamn those are fucking great.
Anything by Brian Bolland.
He does the best covers in the business, I just wish he did more actual comics…
one of my all time favs, ever since I was a kid
the hamma+silvestri combo is still yet to be beaten
You know, I always like the Killing Joke covers. Even seen one with Megatron holding the camera.
Check this out.
Isn't comic Mask just as fucked up as the Joker? Man..made that mistake thinking that it might be as wacky as the cartoon.
My nigga
This is one of my all-time favorite comics covers.
that's by jim lee tho
Yeah, but overall, Hamma & Silvestri made the best Wolverine comics outside of Weapon X. This just happens to be my favorite Wolverine cover.
OK..just finished reading it. Not bad..kinda liked some of the gags (Mask! Joker trying to reinvent himself is actually pretty funny) though it bugs me that it's not Joker going against the Mask ala Joker and Creeper.
Op here,
keep up the good work!
This looks like a comic about the S&M underworld.
What makes a good comic book cover, Holla Forums?
Have one of these
I hate how good these look.
Simplicity and dynamism.
There are SO many of those and I love it.
Strangely, only by one artist.
Of the Silver Age covers that aren't Super-dickery, this one always stood out to me.
Brutus Force is confident as fuck here and GL's on the ropes. In the story Brutus is a galactic-tier prize fighter who keeps hearing about how GL is the greatest. Sick of this he challenges GL to a fight. Afterwards he has nothing but respect for him. Pretty good nemesis and I have to wonder if he was ever brought back for anything.
it is kind of silly but it draws attention.
What is a good cover, anyway?
What makes it good?
How did Simone get such good covers for such terrible writing?
Is the interior art any good?
Tim Bradstreet's Punisher covers are some of my favorites. Dave Johnson's are pretty cool too and I'm liking his covers for the new flash series.
Speaking of covers, I know this was before the social justice infestation, but even then, how the hell did this one fly?
Actually it didn't, there was a huge SJW stink over it.