Since red sonja is Hyrkanian shouldnt she look like a mongol?

It's Red Sonja, I know that much. I tried to avoid it, but maybe it's Gail Simone's run? That would make sense for the kind of crap in there.
I like Conan, but I wanted a solo Red Sonja series to read. That's my issue here.

The only good Sonja is Frank Thorne's Sonja IMO.

Does anyone have the story where MJ gets possessed by Red Sonja?

I'm always disappointed by vampires who just mope around and end up eternally glum. Learn a trade, master a craft, or maybe invent something, there's so many ways to keep yourself occupied.

That said, what is going on at the end? Does the black cloud mean that Mekri is her herald and now she's going to descend upon the prince's kingdom? Why did Mekri come back to life and give Conan the jewel? Is there lore we don't know, or are we just being plunged into a mysterious and fantastic world? I don't mind the latter, I'd just like to know where to set my expectations, and if there's any lore I'm missing.

I always liked how Thulsa Doom in the Conan movie was from the Kull stories and Akivasha was the villain in Kull the Conqueror

That's interesting, I didn't know they'd done a follow up the that story, but I meant an older story in Spider-Man, where MJ touches the sword and get possessed by Red Sonja and goes on a rampage.

Not a lot of people know this, but Red is a canon immigrant to Conan, having been stolen by Roy Thomas from another Robert E. Howard heroine, Red Sonya of Rogatino, from "The Shadow of the Vulture", set in the 16th century.

that was a nice story user.

even more reason to look like a mongol