Why can't the Hulk be a woman?
Why can't the Hulk be a woman?
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yeah, but what would you call her?
checkmate, feminists
I actually used to watch this guy.
A female hulk is she-hulk.
Isn't there already like 3 She-Hulks?
If Hulk is a woman, the male Hulk will be the He-Hulk.
You know, there's two female Abominations?
Guys you don't understand
Guys seriously, what if
Guys what if
What if Hulk had a vagina
Wait for it
What if Hulk had a vagina and bled once a fucking month and wasn't known as She-Hulk?
why can't feminists come up with original ideas themselves, instead of forcing creative people to adapt their creations to their needs?
i wouldn't mind a female superhero, but i've yet to encounter one that i can take seriously
He not even the most cringeworthy to come out of Geekvloution. Have you seen browncoat Eric channel?
He Did a borderline insane half hour rant on why he a atheist and hate Christains.
Here a lsummary
For fuck's sake. I'm a fedora tipper and I find that stupid.
I became an atheist first because I couldn't believe in god and was agnostic, then the Bush era happened and also lots of child abuse scandals. Also, I read the bible and found out how much of a dick god really is.
I thought you were kidding. He ether stupid or has schIzophrenia.
Unfortunately I used to watch a bit of this guy as well. I'm surprised he supports feminism though. I remember in his earlier videos he was against it and trashed the Wonder Woman animated movie.
So my dead Lutheran grandfather didn't fight in WW2 against the Japanese as a fighter pilot? Fuck this guy.
We're done here.
I can't believe i use to follow his Twitter and channel. Surprised /cow/ doesn't have a thread on him too.
Same here. Fuck this guy.
What's more stupid He calls religious people sheeple.( with the exception of Muslims of course) yet he only a atheist because he a Garth Ennis fan.
He like a living neckbeard fedora atheist meme holy shit.
Can't really blame him for that at least.
That's great.
Have you tried to read something else beside the bible? Perhaps Buddha or confucio or any primordial master?
Before tipping your fedora you should really do a 360 over the idea of god
This is easily the stupidest thing I've seen all week, and I've seen some shit.
My inner catolic can't do such an heresy. I prefer being a fedora tipper than worship some asian devil.
If there is something you could call god it would be just an infinitely large lovecraftian horror with no real interest in humans or with a totally incomprensible set of values.
Why do I have a gut feeling my tax dollars are paying for his videos?
Azazoth is what you are looking for my man
He looks like he in his 30s. Yet he still acts like a spoiled edgy teenager. It's embarrassing.
would la veyan satanism be your thing? They're athiests who larp as satanists and have sex orgies all the time.
Crow fans confirmed for good taste, Tom fans confirmed for gross taste.
Is this a joke? Seriously? They are actually changing she-hulk's name to hulk. This is ridiculous. When Bruce Banner died I didn't think for a second that marvel would do something lie this, it's too stupid.
These people are missing the whole point of the hulk. And to be honest so id the people who came up with she hulk.
Seriously why is Bruce Banner's hulk grossly over muscular but Jennifer's is just a large green woman?
If there is something I've learned from Moral Orel is that satanists are disgusting old fat people looking for a chance to fuck.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Why can't Dr. Who be a woman?
Why can't James Bond be a woman?
Why can't Link be a girl?
Why can't popular male character be [strong], [female], [not straight], [race that isn't white]?
Here's a simple question. Why not make an original character instead of a derivative of an already established character that won't be solely defined as just being a female version of them? Besides, isn't that already happening in comics now? Isn't that the reason why we already have batgirl, she-hulk and supergirl? They started out as that but would later grow and define their own roles as writers shift and years of stories piled up.
Just seems like people have a false sense of value in what a different gendered character could bring. Make it too subtle and you'll be accused of making a man with boobs. Make it too gender centric and you're a sexist. It only takes one displeased blogger to start a digital witch hunt with their overly long, poorly stated but emotionally dramatic essays. I've yet to hear what makes a good female character, even though I think we've had some before, it seems those aren't good enough anymore.
that is why we must stand strong against them and do our own thing.
Because making a new original character wouldn't be as populat as well stablished characters with a story of decades. Also because those fuckers can't write even if their life depends on it and couldnt't accept any character not made by them because 'sexism', 'racism' or any other buzzword.
They've fucked up all my favourite female heroes growing up.
X-23 was my waifu. Now she's whedonspawn.
I loved Carol Danvers. Now she's a dyke.
I loved Shulk. Nuff Said.
My favourite series is and always has been exiles so atleast that's untouchable.
Yeah I was a fedora for a bit but I recently became a memester.
Why can't Rogue be a man?
Why can't Wonder Woman be a man?
Why can't Black Widow be a man?
Seriously, this is all too dumb. Why people don't realize it?
I used to like Squirrel Girl.
Wait he became an atheist after reading Preacher? Holy fuck that's beyond retarded, first things first Preacher was written by a cunt who can't write characters who aren't immoral assholes and thinks that a character called Arseface is funny.
Second of all and this is hands down the most retarded shit in that stupid comic, God is portrayed as an evil asshole who hates everything he's created, which would make no fucking sense whatsoever. Because if God was evil then why would Heaven exist? Why did does the Devil exist? Why does Hell exist? And wouldn't God be more mad at people for misinterpreting his teachings? But nope God's evil because fuck you!
This guy is like the ultimate unfuckable white guy who wants black people and women to love him.
Why can't She-Hulk be a man?
That's what he said.
This cunt remind of a Muslim guy from my community college anime club who yelled at people for recommending jojo bizzare adventure. He was upset because Jesus was canon and that makes jojo Christian propaganda. It was funny because a dude that spends his day on r/atheism was backing him up the piss off Muslim. jojo.wikia.com
Jojo is heretical as fuck by a christian perspective since in it Jesus was just a powerful stand user and not really a deity.
He said he became atheist because he found christian religion is morally blameworthy.
…don't Jesus and the virgin Mary appear in the Quran?
Yes. Mind you I live in the uk. Muslims are openly taking over And shit anything that seem western.
Ah but user you forget these idiots think creating original characters is hard and that's why they constantly bitch at the big two to change shit instead of creating their own crap.
Much as I dislike Warren Ellis at least he created gay versions of Superman and Batman for the Wildstorm universe instead of writing a bunch of angry letters to DC about why Batman can't fuck Superman up the ass.
Because Marvel is losing sight of why Shulkie had many fans over the years. Take away what made her entertaining in the first place & you'll sell less than 20,000 copies.
I'm dreading the scans that will come out in December.
I don't see how that video had anything to do with being Muslim and not just some dude who was pissed off.
He was asked if KFC had bacon.
Because Amadeus Cho is the one and only Hulk now.
Giving the Hulk name both a race and sex lift separately is by far one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard.
That being said Marvel is isn't in the business of anything so oppressive as gendered hero names.
The Hulk* and Thor* along with Captain Marvel* and lets say one particular Captain America* should just make a big team.
Iron man proves that pronouns don't matter so there should be ANOTHER spider powered hero who is a girl and goes by the name Spider-man.
Perhaps based off the black version of MJ from the upcoming Spider-man reboot.
This is how the heroic age dies
Not with a climactic battle against a cosmic foe
But with mewling lefty retard bullshit
They really can't stand the existence of white male protagonists. It's not enough just to have female heroes and minority heroes - all popular male characters must be undermined, disgraced and destroyed. They have no real creative talent so confiscating and ruining IPs is all they care about.
I got the impression from reading part 7 that he was both.
Because most people who want to make those characters are not competent enough to make them interesting and then succeed based on merit alone, so they need to ride on coattails of already popular characters. You could also get someone skilled to make a character, but work for hire with bunch of limitations seldom leads to good results.
Besides, how about making Jessica Jones a man and Luke Cage a woman? There is serious under representation of women of color in Marvel comics, especially ones in relationships. How about turning Dagger into a man and have her and cloak be a gay couple?
Forget 616, It's all about 666999, The Tranniverse!
Wait, what are we mad about now?
Not really. Her new comic is only being called Hulk because it's thematically appropriate since Jen will be dealing with the typical Hulk grief on top of the CW2 fallout from Bendis' writing. Calling the book She-Hulk would just draw comparisons with her previous ongoings.
Originality isn't, and has never really been, a selling point in itself. If anything the bombardment of legacy usurping is because they know nobody would give a fuck otherwise. How else would they get the usual clickbait articles and YT celebs talking?
What would Bendis do if someone wrote Lucke Cage into becoming transgender woman, and Jessica Jones being "villain" of the story, because she chose to divorce him because of that?
In typical Bendis fashion, he'd just ignore it.
Bendis can't fap to that, though
I'd rather read about the Marvel Loliverse.
would Morrakiu's series be a better critique of God?
Please, they are changing the name to sell new first issues with the bonus of big name recognition. It has nothing to do with thematic integrity. As we can see from Shulk has dealt with the monster before, without needing a title swap. Additionally, this kind of bullshit is what makes comics a pain to follow. This story arc doesn't deserve a different main title, that's why we invented subtitles. And as for drawing a comparison between older stuff, isn't that the point? This tragedy and loss of control is supposed to contrast with her former self. By that logic, switching the title hurts the book even more.
As to your second point, nobody said originality for originality's sake. For instance, originality + an established author is a great way to start a new comic. Just because usurpation/mantle-passing is a marketing shortcut doesn't make it the best or only acceptable answer.
There's a DC's universe where Wonder Woman is a man, called Wondrous Man, and she fucks Superwoman and Batwoman in their pussy, but then again DC is fucking bizarre and its writers have a lot of weird fetishes.
Starring: Lou Ferrigno
Yes. He not cringeworthy to listen too.
Gamma irradiated hormones, the feeling of being in the wrong body plus turning into a Hulk, "Don't misgender me, you wouldn't like me when I'm misgendered…"
It writes itself.
Who would want to turn Power Man into a girl?
would she male hulk be a really buff futa?
Which makes perfect sense in universe since a stand is nothing more than a personified manifestation of the soul/spirit.
Will Jenn step up to the plate & deal with Hulk's old rogues gallery or is this going to be a sulk-fest?
didn't she fight them already though?
Ok, if she doesn't fight the Leader or the U Foes, is she at least going to clobber Col. Carl Manvers?
Bitch that is a feature not a flaw. Don't be a pussy.
Anybody who bases their morality or philosophy on a popular work of fiction, not some old legend or ideal of dubious veracity but a fucking fictional work written by a modern author who explicitly wrote it as fiction, should be shot.
Oh everyone who isn't and evangelicuck wishes that were true.
Has he never read any religious text or historical source document regarding Islam? There are very good material reasons to hate them and wish for their destruction. Also maybe mudslimes shouldn't invade and die by the tens of thousands to a few thousand European defenders than expect no reprisals for this.
Well us and the Chinks and Japs. The Muds assfuck them because in their retarded minds it ain't gay.
If only.
I wish they did it more.
Actually I'd say he was more a stand in for a jewish immigrant, because that is who wrote his character. But he was certainly endowed with Christian allegory later because what 90%+ of the readers and writers were white Christians, big surprise.
Funny story
I guess Asian hulk was boring.
Like I said… writes itself.
She'll fuck them to death
Haven't read his actual stuff but, I liked him in this issue.
You subhuman
hey user if you read the bible, I think you should give another shot at reading it
Also I'm agnostic just sayin
For those of you that didn't actually watch the video:
TL;DW: Marvel, if you're going to pretend that these female characters are going to take the place of the actual male characters, could you have the decency to actually kill off the main male characters instead of 'pretending' they're dead?
Anyone who gets triggered by this video is a retard who didn't watch it.
did he really say that?
well good job, it sounded like something he would legit say.
agreed, that was pretty good
But he doesn't even look asian
you saying Koreans aren't real Koreans?
if anything Jesus in SBR kinda means that Pucci was actually right in assuming it was all fate
I meant Koreans aren't real Asians.
never saw the vid, never got triggered just don't care about this anymore.
I did read the bible, I even have an old bible before the pussification of bibles just to be seen more friendly.
Wasn't she already?
What happened to she-hulk?
she hulk lives but she is in a hospital bed last time I checked.
not sayin you didn't fam, but I always like to recommend that passage when it comes up
And my greatuncle didn't fight island-to-island in the Pacific, according to him. He has the overweening zeal of a convert and little of the sense.
That's correct. He's even recognized as a Prophet. Any muslim that declares otherwise, you can call them a heretic.
You can also call any muslim that doesn't believe satan urinates in your ear a heretic too.
Has she lost her Healing Factor?
Does She-Hulk have a healing factor? I remember her dying of a broken spine in one of the Gamesmaster's contests against dead characters.
And didn't She-Rulk fuck her shit up too?
She's a Hulk so I would assume she has a healing factor.
She's got something at least. She fought off every STD known to man.
reminds me of…
In the wise words of Metalocalypse:
"Women are incapable of brutality. It's a cruel fact of nature"
why is i find this kind of hot despite not being a furry?
So a woman is physically in capable of crushing a cockroach with her foot?
because thick muscle girls are love, furry or not.
also, she's drawn,like, 90% human.
dat thigh crush.
Because you're a faggot
The previous seasons of Dr Who actually had a white male Time Lord known as The Master regenerate into a woman. While still being evil as before.
And then the last season showed a old white male regenerate into black woman.
Wouldn't be surprised if these were acknowledgement of the question over if the current Doctor/Time Lords could regenerate into a different gender/racial appearance. Or possibly trying to "prep" the audience for such a change for the next Doctor.
No. At least ,not for the purpose of brutality. Men have all that testosterone that gives us that primal urge to break shit , and not only break shit, but to have a shitton of fun while doing it. A grill usually has a more "thought out" approach to violent stuff, and will sate the same urges more easily, and that's because a grill produces much less testosterone.
To be fair, i watched the video and he didn't say nothing of that. I don't know where this guy got all that information.
kill yourself furshit
I guess that's where the whole female warriors being ninja trope comes from.
Wasn't Superman based on a Greek god, Moses and another guy I forget?
He's got nothin' to do with that Christ if I can recall.
I never understood this. If someone says they're into real tranny porn, fair point, that stuff is disgusting. But isn't that the great thing about all this drawn stuff we have? Isn't it only natural that people would be attracted to artistically rendered idealized forms?
Is the Greek you're trying to think of Atlas? Atlas is basically a pagan Christ figure, what with literally shouldering the burdens of the world and thus keeping humanity alive. It's inevitable that Superman will be compared with Christ, and I don't think that's unintentional, but maybe they denied it to avoid causing a fuss?
I'd so much rather have this cat beast drawn by Jollyjack than any comic put out by marvel in the past decade. god forbid they give Tigra any attention
Of course that's never going to happen because it would involve Marvel introducing a new character instead of race-swaping an existing one.
I mean for gods sake marvel, taking a concept like a monstrous appearance with your powers like Ben Grim or several mutants and trying it with a female perspective is like the only thing that could be mildly interesting thing that would actually require a female character.
Probably for the better though. The writing in comics today a massive buff cat beast would end up being a complete mary sue with eight degrees, live in a massive downtown apartment while complaining she's poor and spend most of her 'fights' being shouted at by strawmen so she can spout off feminist talking points.
Superman was originally a bald evil guy with telekinetic powers before they repurposed the name for a superhero
wait that a blast from an embarrassing past