He tried to warn us. Ever since the release of the first Trump-for-President trial balloon in 1987...
Dispute this
Doonsebury is one of those comics that I've always been vaguely aware of, but only seen a few times in the papers.
I don't remember anything about it really sticking out as interesting
Does anyone here read it?
This faggot doesn't even draw his own comics. Maybe if he wasn't so lazy he'd be more successful like Trump.
Never heard him but I know damn well he's a cuck.
Oh boy, another liberal with strong opinions about politics and none of the knowledge the back it up!
Given how people act on this site this one is still relevant.
As long as he isn't sweaty.
How much are they paying you?
If Trump wins, I'm going to wrap myself up in a warm blanket and wait for the mass suicides.
I don't think much will happen.
The people who threatened to leave will cry and bitch and moan for a little while before their ADD makes them lose interest and start bitching about something else.
I always liked Doonesbury, but it's worth remembering that Trudeau is a Scroll & Key alumnus, a real (albeit second-rate) insider.
If you're excited for extreme asshurt then you should be rooting for Hitlery.
Same here brother, but dont forget to make some kettle corn.
Who the fuck even reads Doonsebury?
Honk honk
I binged through a collection that went up to the late 90s.
I can safely report there is only one good character. Uncle Duke. BECAUSE HE'S LITERALLY FUCKING HUNTER S. THOMPSON.
It's one of those comic strips that nobody has ever laughed at or even smirked in response to; but lasted 30 years because it's just there.
Every cartoon aside from Dilbert and The Far Side makes me want to kill myself just by reading it.
Well, if this is really Holla Forums related instead of "something Holla Forums related I can mention Trump with so I can suck his dick" then fuck post some strips.
You fuckers act like we care what your political positions are. Post the fucking comic or delete the thread. Everyone here is claiming they've never even looked at it, so it's all fresh, right?
Well, if this is really Holla Forums related…then fuck post some strips.
I would like to amend this with "post some Uncle Duke strips." Like I said before he's the only worthwhile character.
if you draw your enemies, they win
post rule 34
user, just because you think Holla Forums is your safespace doesn't change the fact that Holla Forums is, by a yuge margin, Trump territory.
Fuck off back to tumblr or wherever you came from, because there's really nothing more pathetic than an assravaged hipster who thinks he speaks for the whole board.
i'm not that annon, but seriously post some comics
You asked for it
I love these old Doonesbury strips. It's so weird to see what college was like back in the 60s.
Man, sometimes you just forget how unbelievably shitty newspaper comics can be.
All these really stiff poses. All the traced and repeated panels. The constant reuse of the "4th panel is the character staring at the audience and grumbling" shtick. Backgrounds so empty that they make Tite Kubo look like a master landscape painter.
30 years of work and this is the shit he has to show for himself? I feel bad for the pitiful fucker.
well remember that this are his very first strips
don't they have to make one every day? and I don't think the newspaper guys give them that much creative freedom. I'm not defending this horseshit, and c&h or whatever good newspaper strips there are out there are valid arguments, but wow stop sperging out.
Or it could end up like that South Park episode with McCain and Obama and people are panicking at where the country is going and settle into that it might not be so bad. Funny how this whole election is like another South Park episode where you had to pick between a Douche and a Turd Sandwich.
this are the last five
I always got Doonesbury mixed up with the (much better) Bloom County. Of course, it's much closer to a liberal Mallard Fillmore, but eh
Yeah, that's actually the biggest problem. Needing to come up with a new joke every day in the confines of a few panels is something that few could actually do well.
A decent premise and a strong cast of characters helps, but most will still have many dull periods. Doonsebury started with a shitpremise and shit characters, and this Trump thing is just his way of trying to cash in on the craze and stay relevant in some small way.
Sleep snug, smug
I like it
I heard the movie wasn't bad. Has anyone seen it?
He does get points for having a Hunter S. Thompson expie.
I really think his strong run was during the Vietnam war. My dad had the "The President Isn't As Stupid As You Think!" paperback when I was a kid.
Heh, I remember seeing the Uncle Duke action figure in a comic shop in the 90's. And Megaton Man regularly taking the piss out of Doonesbury.
Actually, there's an old Cherry Poptart story where the comic is bought out by a younger and reasonably good looking Trump expie, ("Ronald Plush"), and he makes Cherry take it up the ass from black guys, until her mom sticks a basketballer's dick up his ass, and the last we see of him he's on hands and knees, screaming OH GOD YES! BEST SEX I EVER HAD!
She also fucked Bill Clinton, YEARS before the Lewinski scandal. Like, back when he was a senator. Larry Welz fuckin' called it, lol.
Doonesbury was moved to the editorial section "because it was controversial".
the actual reason was not even people who read newspaper cartoons enjoyed it enough for it to keep column space over Snuffy Smith and Dagwood.
was this made by the people who made the archie comics?
Yeah, Bloom county was pretty great. Still fairly liberal, but at least the guy had a sense or humor and liked making art.
Lol, no, Larry Welz is an old underground cartoonist from the vintage of Robert Crumb, Vaughn Bode and Spain Rodriguez, who wondered one day why there weren't any straight-up porn comics, and published an Archie parody that really took off. It kind of vanished between a moral panic, an industry slump, and a lawsuit from Kelloggs, but for a while in the 80's and 90's Cherry Poptart was considered the ultimate contraband at school, a better status symbol than Penthouse, Playboy or Hustler, topped only by Horny Biker Slut.
wow didn't know that thanks user. I just looked up pictures of his work and can see that archie parody style with cherry.
I'm not surprised from a Jewish puppet
#3 one got a smile out of me.
speaking of bloom county, for the entire last year, Donald Trump's brain was implanted in Bill the Cat's head
Only one of four comic strips I read on sundays.
I really don't understand this comic
it's the future you chose
heh, I just read a strip today, and, yeah, it was shitty. But then again most comic strips usually are, with the rare occasion of a few that can be witty. Doonesbury is devoid of wit.
And in my defense I only read the comics because of Beetle Bailey.
Nigger, no.
We didn't chose this future. Newspapers did. Instead of having unique comics as an advertising tool, they decided regurgitating information every other paper had was better. This is what led to their downfall in the internet age.
It's shit. Basically the ctrl+alt+del of the print world.
it's not actually funny, but just kind of hangs there like most comics.
there are a lot of shitty comics that are really popular, I'll never understand why
How long has it been since there was a new Far Side or Calvin And Hobbes strip?
And yet they keep reprinting the same old shit.
You know what newspaper strips I do respect, though?
Pogo Possum, the original Chester Gould Dick Tracy strips, Modesty Blaise, Hal Foster Price Valiant, and Alex Raymond Flash Gordon.
You won't see their likes again. Not the way newspaper strips are shrinking, it's barely enough for a lousy gag strip format, let alone and adventure strip or political satire.
To be fair, you could have called that from a mile away
That's because newspapers basically killed the comic strip business.
Webcomics wouldn't be so prevalent if cartoonists could get steady work.
And that's why I see no hope and stopped trying to fucking achieve anything in life.
Not even kidding.
I will forever be paid shittily. While that scum gets payed 3400+ bucks for THAT CRAP!
Yeah, that black girl wants the dino dick. Question here is why does that dino have that slick hair piece?
The artist has no understanding of subtle metaphors of allegory
Such a cute elf girl wasted on god awful political commentary that can't even get the quote right.
Then lets steal it
Someone should definitely do a follow up to it
Why is this in quotes? I've literally never heard of them until this thread.
you drew this?
noice user.
For me it was always the comic my grandfather cut out and painstakingly laminate to post on the fridge.
Mind you, he was the type of ultra left wing person born from living through the great depression and being "saved" by the New Deal AND indoctrinated into loving the government through serving in the navy as a grunt no less during WW2.
I still love him though, makes great breakfasts
hand holding while user is dressed as a spanish conquistador?
It all makes sense now.
liberals have no grasp of the concept of "allegory"
very clearly the artist thinks donald trump is either powerful, scary, violent, or old
what the fuck is that supposed to mean.
the black skin of the elf is obviously supposed to represent some kind of minority resistance (despite the fact that donald trump has never in his entire career or history said one disparaging thing about black people), but why is she an elf? elves represent magic, haughtiness, and vanity. Is she supposed to be characterizing black people as vain, self-centered "chpsen people"? Why is she shooting the dinosaur? why does an elf have an m16? what significance does a fucking Tolkien-esque elf have in american culture? why is america a unicorn? unicorns symbolize, like elves, magic and mysticism, but are a primarily european concept. yet this one is some kind of "american" unicorn. Is america "special" in some way? Is america inherently "european"?
this is like some kind of post-modernist enigma that could easily represent minorities taking a european country away from the "king" by force through modern weaponry.
user it's simple yuge Trump Rex+Chocolate Elf=hot jurassic dickings
Bit of a rush job but here
This man was a drama teacher.
There were students who were led to believe that that was competent acting.
The face needs to look cuter but overall keep going user.
It's the little touches
What's up with the color in the thumbnail? Did codemonkey break something again?
No, ever since I started using Krita it's been doing that to the thumbnails, it has something to do with the color settings but I'm not sure what.
This is what they deserve after trying to pozz me when I'm trying to get to the slylock fox comic.