The show would have been so much better if we had brown harem slave girl.
The show would have been so much better if we had brown harem slave girl
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Go back to the Holla Forums thread nigger.
I agree OP
Now post more
couldn't you go to Iahfy's tumblr to get more?
It would have been better if it never existed at all.
Doesn't she fuck every character and then acts like it's ok?
Anything else would have been better.
Yes, even the girl because apparently fucking Mako makes women turn gay.
You all know why this thread was made. There is nothing left to discuss. The show was made for money, and could have been really good if the people behind it hadn't been such a bunch of fuck ups. The only thing left is to post the only thing Korra is good for… porn! Now get to it…
Wouldn't work OP. The reason we love seeing her in such a submissive outcome is because we are aware of how much of a cunt she is over the course of the show. If she started and ended as a slave than we have nothing to fantasize over.
In other words the greater of a cunt she is the more we want to fantasize her being submissive. Can't have your cake and eat it too OP.
That and I'm hoping a drawfag could draw more Slave Korra.
Except Bolin, the character that actually showed genuine interest in her and she cucked him for mako.
I only watched the first season
In the later seasons Bolin falls for another girl and gets her.
It's too bad they didn't go with TahnoxKorra. They were both egotistical water-bending assholes and would have been a good match for each other.
Besides that Korra needed a man who could challenge her and stand up to her bullshit. Not a limp dicked cuck like Bolin or a yesman like Mako.
Nah. Korra needed a guy who called her out on all her bullshit. Also point out how everyone coddled her so much that they never reinforced discipline of any kind. And a good dicking to top it off. Korra deserved and earned nothing about her fame. Reached a boiling point that nearly all fan fiction of her is Korra being abused in one fashion or another. Slave Korra obviously at the top. For she is the conceited woman anons te d to dream of enslaving.
Not much but I hope you like it user
h my goodness user. Thanks for this, it's wonderful. You did a good job. More would be golden but this suffices as it is. I'm not the requester though. This is just really nice and I think Korra is attractive even if the show is awful
Why did you give her a nigger ass?
I'm defaulting on that as of late. The brown skin just made it even more noticeable. I admit it's not a good habit to fall in.
I shipped the fuck out of Bolin/Korra. Their date was too cute, and they had way better chemistry together than Mako and Asami. Both of those relationships seemed so forced and random to me.
None of my ships ever come into fruition. It hurts anons.
Making a wild guess here, you shipped Dipper/Pacifica
Not that guy but I shipped both Dipper/Pacifica and Korra/Asami
Didn't Korra learn she was the Avatar at like age four or five? How the fuck did Aang go until age 12-13 without knowing it and then Korra learns in early childhood?
Usually the Avatar learns of his true nature until he is 16-18 (they said that on "the avatar and the firelord") In the case of Aang they made an exception because of the ongoing invasion of the Fire Nation. They needed their avatar ASAP. Korra, well she was an early bloomer, doing earthbending and firebending from an early age (another mary sue trait. "Child Prodigy" worked on Azula because she ended up really messed up from the high expectations on her)
God damn it.
The fact that firebending was her primary skill and it came really natural to her should have been a clue that we were in for a backwards avatar. That she ended fucking up the avatar cycle was only the logical consequence
Shippers deserve to be tortured to death
could you say she's a transbender?
Don't give those lunatics any ideas. I fucking bet you they'd do it, too.
Gee, it's almost as if she's the avatar.
No I mean that an avatar from the water tribe has an affinity for water which is the opposite of fire is what makes her a a transbender.
Lore in tlab made many points in the story about the avatar knowing their identity at a mid teenage life.
Korra knew how to bend 3 of 4 elements and her opposite element being one she learned early. Quite honestly the story could of been salvaged if their was just one character pointed out her bullshit till the end. From which Korra than would have an epiphany of some kind. But than that would lead away from a mary sue character who has no flaws…..Makes us wanna put are dick in her even more fitting as a punishment. Hell if Korra wasn't such a terrible person than slave Korra porn wouldn't exist to this extent.
See Katara, a character that dangerously threaded the Mary Sue line (you could argue she pretty much crossed it on Siege of the North but I digress)
She was a bending prodigy, already going toe to toe with her waterbending master despite only having a few months worth of training. But in her circle of friends she was consistently chewed at: Her big brother teased her and constantly argued her points, while Toph provided a contrast as another prodigy bender who never let it go to her head.
She was shown several times that she wasn't above going into selfish plots (her episode teaming up with Toph) or being absorbed into revenge (The Southern Raiders)
The writing team of ATLA wasn't afraid of showing her as a flawed individual and she is a much better remembered character than Korra as a result.
THAT BEING SAID, she shares a lot of the issues Korra had (preachy, talented without a good reason,the plot favored her views most of the time) She has her share of slave porn too and for the same reasons.
I thought it was just because it's hot.
Potatonigger detected, fuck off Irishman.
Nothing wrong with nice round asses, keep up the good work.
She wasn't really a bending prodigy. She was good at it but not a prodigy. She was being outdone by her own student and had her ass handed to her by that waterbending master. She was able to get hits in, yeah, but who ultimately won? You also have to consider that Katara was doing her own training with both her own experience with waterbending and with help from the scroll she stole from the pirates.
The contrast is what makes it hot. Uppity woman being put in her place is what drives many a mans fantasy. Now, not saying slave drawings don't exist for other characters. Just that the greater the bitch, the more slave drawings you'll see if her. Hell, I'd bet 90% of Korra porn available is of her in a submissive state. Rarely if ever the dominant one even when her series personality is to give little fucks of other people's opinion.
Katara was more of a mother figure for a good portion of the show. Her porn varies compared to Korra because Katara wasn't a cunt like Korra.
I didn't realize it was some hate-fuck thing. Welp, this fetish is ruined for me.
Not hate-fuck. Hate just means someone you can't stand. The fantasy of slave Korra is more of a discipline fetish. You want to "fix" her attitude.
You know, a good romance subplot works as almost any other subplot of a story. It needs to have some sort of conflict in order to be interesting.
I don't know if it could have worked between those two, and they didn't even try to make it interesting with Mako, and i don't know about Asami because i didn't watch the last season. But as far as I know they ended the season.
I ship them too but with Bolin it would have been the same, what would make the romance interesting?
All the characters just were kind of boring, and boring characters make boring ships.
No wonder why the Tenzin/Lin ship was one of the most popular at first, they did had a conflict and the characters were interesting (tenzin not as much, but still leagues ahead Korra)
I don't agree. Seeing Rey in the Slave Leia costume is a major turnoff for me.
I agree it's the contrast that makes it hot, but not on whether or not they're a bitch. But based on how attractive they are dressed normally in contrast and how unexpected it is when you see them in a more skimpy outfit but still make them look tasteful. And also how the design of the outfit isn't simple skank trash but something intelligent in design that don't overdo it yet make it subtle enough bring out the most sexiness.The loincloth bikini with the ponytail and artful things like jewelry or cloths and artistic design along with the slave leash drives me crazy. I mean didn't a drawfag draw Slave Korra and a human Celestia in a slave outfit acting flirty as hell in a POV sketch?
Beautiful. Here's my contribution. I think I could've done better with the left arm.
Jesus christ how whorifying
Korra was messed up by her upbringing as well though. Not in the crazy psycho way as Azula who had to hurt people to get off though.
Having trouble with something for an afternoon is not having trouble with something. Air is about freedom and Korra was denied being a person all her life. Fire is about passion and a drive and she thought all that she was depended on being the Avatar.
Aang got over his trouble in one episode.
It was popular because of who their parents were. Headcanon had it so that Sokka and Toph had Lin so if Katara and Aang had Tenzin then Lin/Tenzin had a trace back to Sokka and Katara.
Tenzin and Korra were the only reasons I stuck with the show. Both had conflicts and were interesting but the writing couldn't deliver.
I recall the implication being Aang was having consistent trouble with earthbending for far longer than the episode's actual runtime and that it was taking him quite some time to even figure out how to earthbend reliably with Toph teaching him, let alone get good at it.
Yeah if the writing was competent they would have developed the idea that she was raised and trained by a rigid group that didn't allow for failure. She never had 4 different mentors whose ideologies clashed and she had to reconcile then, and learn the lesson that your mentor doesn't have to be right all the time or even if he is right within context you don't have to agree with it. She is an ideological doormat who pretends to swallow basically anything which is said to her then immediately forgets it and just fucks up again anyway.
The writers are retarded liberals so in their minds ideology is a thing which is just handed to you, because well that is what happened to liberals in modern society.
Ah. No. About the whole bending troubles thing being non issue. Let's take a step back and look at the bendings, the overall plot and at Korra. Let's just let all of it sink in before I ask a crucial question.
Why was Korra good at water bending considering her personality?
The ten million dollar question, nothing about this show checks out.
Maybe this is the answer
Don't worry user, because Korra fucked up any connections to Aang or any avatar for that matter have been severed.
Yeah, they retconned the Avatar from being a single spiritual being who reincarnates every time he dies and has many human forms to just being the current crash pad for some spirit freeloader nobody's ever heard of up until that point because don't think about it too much.
Fap away, you're in the clear.
Kinda. See, when the user was explaining why Korra was having issues with Air was because X reason. Viable reason and why fire was easy for her. Which is also okay.
But water bending itself? Other than the cycle dictating water bender is the next avatar, there is nothing about Korra that says she could bend water. Her personality clashes with water bending even more so than Aang with fire, than it becomes her natural element because plot?
please elaborate. i fucked off at the end of season 1 because it had a shitty ending
Here's the short version. It was revealed in the second season that way back when, there was no division between the spirit world and the human world and spirits and people interacted regularly. Pretty much all human society lived in cities on the backs of those giant lion turtle things, like the one that showed Aang how to neuter people's souls. When people wanted to venture out of the cities to go do shit in the woods or whatever, they'd talk to the turtle and the turtle would give them bending to use while they were out of the city.
One day, some guy ends up out in the wilderness for a while and he comes across two giant kites fighting each other, one white and one black. The black kite begs for the human's help because he were a good kite and he dindu nuffin, so human guy intervened and set the black kite free. Well it turns out the black kite was some sort of evil chaos spirit and balance was only being maintained so long as he was attached to/fighting with the white kite.
I can't remember the finer points after than, but eventually the white kite starts hanging out with the human guy and gives him bending whenever he wants it. He can only ever bend one element at any given time, but after flying through him and giving him power for years the kite eventually ends up fused with his spirit or some shit, granting him the ability to bend all four elements at will and becoming the first avatar.
Years go on and war breaks out in the world due to the freeing of the evil chaos kite and the first avatar eventually dies. Upon his death, the white kite flees his body and finds a child who is just being born and occupies it, making it the next avatar.
So now, thanks to season 2, the Avatar has gone from being a spiritual being in and of itself, born to bring balance and harmony to the world over countless lifetimes through reincarnation, to just being some asshole who won the spirit kite lottery when they were born.
Also, now the avatar state is just the spirit that hangs out in their chest waking up and giving them a boost rather than the avatar themself waking up and drawing on the combined wisdom and power of all the human lives they've ever experienced.
wow, i'm glad i stopped. that sounds like shit.
It was, at least we still have the porn
I dropped the series like a Fat Man on Hiroshima when they did that massive retcon. Actually I had stopped watching during the episode where Korra's dad was framed, but my friends were laping at the series so much I decided to marathon the rest of s2 and right on that backstory epi I decided to fuck off and not watch anything LoK related.
that sounds stupid. Didn't the lion turtle in the original series said that people energy bend before they bend the elements? What happened to that?
Honestly, I think they would be the most interesting. Bolin's sweet and level-headed enough to fight Korra's fire. They could be a yin/yang couple. Bolin could be a voice of reason to calm Korra down, which could anger her even more. Also him goofing off could cause conflict as well.
Could also help them both develop into more mature, serious characters.
I'm currently watching TLAB since I missed out on most of it when I was a kid, and whenever people refer to Aang as the avatar I think "avatar of what?"
Apparently the answer is a white kite ghost.
This is the comfiest pic I've ever seen on an imageboard.
No. No he is not. I will never ever understand you Bolinfags. They could not be a yin/yang couple they could not work as romance (none of anything there with any of them could) they could at most be friends and no Bolin could never be a voice of reason because the only thing that came out of his mouth was jokes or something that was used as a joke.
Are you retarded?
Let me guess, you never watched the last season? I know lots of you didn't.
Well, he was more serious in that season. He tried being reasonable and it got him into hot water with his out-of-nowhere girlfriend, Opal.
The random change to being serious came out of nowhere (like Mako going from threatening cops and burning up parking tickets to being a cop himself), but it happened. And it should have happened sooner.
The tiny fraction of time that he wasn't a comedy character (which was why his character failed so bad in the first place), he was a sort of voice of reason. Just nobody listened to him because he was also beta as hell.
In a perfect world he would have been a good enough character that he could be a yin to Korra's yang.
slave!Korra will always feel right and remind me there is good in the world. Well done, drawfag.
It's a shame the porn boards here are so slow. Has KYHU done anything new recently?
Not really. All of her stuff is pretty tame these days.
Ever since SJW ratted her out to her parents she had to tone down her art to pg levels.
One more thing you can blame SJW for ruining.
Part of me is sorry for her but the other part finds that funny.
It's more tragic than funny. Because before it happened she was like a fucking factory of lewd Korra art. She had an almost autistic obsession with Korra and would pump out art of her faster than a korean sweatshop.
She probably wanted to hate fuck her more than we do
Yeah well, I'm surprised she didn't kill herself from shame after her parents found out, that's pretty ruff.
That being said, there's something funny about other people's suffering.
I swear they literally hate fun
They hate anything good or beautiful
She actually likes her unlike
and those who have such a line of thinking.
But like most people that like to claim they are bisexual/gay/lesbian she is a little messed up in the head.
Wait what when did this happen? Oh god I can't imagine having my parents discover my hentai/rule 34 folder let alone find out that I drew cartoon porn.
Right about the middle of season 4. When the finale hit and people were talking about the pairing they turned to KYHU thinking she'd be popping champagne and churning out art like the newspapers turned out copies when their team won the Super Bowl.
Instead it was radio silence.
Probably totally ignored like most things from Last Airbender.
Korra needed someone far more experienced than her. I'd say at minimum 10 years older. The reason Bolin would not work is that he is far too young, in no way could he handle Korras outbursts. Korra very much needed a father figure, but the closest was Tezsin and the writers wrote him off. I'd say it would work better if the father figure later became a love interest. Whether it develops further or used as a springboard for a healthier relationship with other men would of done wonders to fix Korras personality. Just, there was no one there to actually stand there ground and discipline Korra.
what about Korra's actual father? Or did he not raiser her well?
Tomraq did jack and shit over the life of Korra. Well, father figure wise.
Literally every single character bryke writes has some kind of parental problem. Every single one.
From what I recall she was pretty much abducted from her parents by the White Lotus until she had to learn airbending. And that because Tenzin couldn't relocate.
Even though there was no reason to do that because there was no pressing emergency or menace like with Aang
Does anyone have a picture of Korra dressed like a henchwoman?
weird question I know.
No, user, you're the autist.
Aang's big problem was Earth. He was actually fine with Fire but got put off when he hurt Katara with it.
Go back to Twatter.
Bolin is a Steve Trevor. He can never pair with Korra since that would be marrying down for Korra. It's an issue that plagues feminist designed gurl characters.
Go back to tumblr.
What makes the Raava twist even shoddier was that it shoehorned a God VS Satan dynamic into what was a setting rooted in Far Eastern creeds and mysticism. Even from the point of Yin-Yang it dropped the ball.
Overall point was that there is an element that is hard for the avatar correct? If so, the issue has more to do with the characters personality over anything else. Aang being aloof clashed with the grounded stern take of earth bending.
Now Korra. We can assume that air gave her issues because of the aloof feel compared to how stiff korra is. Thing about water bending is that it requires you to be adapt well. So in short water bending is very similar to air bending. Almost cousins. So korra has no problrms with water bending because?
You know what is sad, there is fapfic that started on this board that is still going on and pretty much did that but with a Pat Bateman like character. It's weird.
Korra being able to waterbend can be explained away by the fact that being a part of the water tribe she would have been forced to learn it. The real question is why is she actually good at it instead of really crappy, like how Katara kept whipping herself when she tried to learn those waterbending techniques.
That only proves it was only logical to follow that path
I always though Bolin and Korra had chemistry same for Asami and Mako to a lesser extent. I don't think Bolin and Opal had much chemistry or were that interesting together.
The couples in this show were not very good
Yes, being able to water bend is a given because tribe. But as you also pointed out she should be terrible at it. Aang grew as a character because his element bends were kinda a physical representation of his growing mentality. Korra on the other hand never stopped being a cunt. From which works well with fire and earth. But air and WATER would be the most difficult to use for her. Even makes less sense to be fantastic at water but suck at air considering that water and air share similar mental growths of an individual.
Now I'm thinking how Korra would be so much more interesting if in the beginning she had to deal with being a Water Tribe girl getting trained to become the avatar, but who didn't know how to waterbend. Like her frustrations would make more sense and more easier to empathize with.
I still don't get why SJWs were after her, isn't the lesbian porn she draw considered progressive for these fucks? Or did she fucked with someone in particular and this person came after her, it just keep me wondering what realy caused all of this.
…if it was never done.
If I had to put my money on it they went after her because at the time Korra was basically their sacred cow, and KYHU was basically committing heresy
Ew, she's got a receding areola line.
It's called schadenfreude.
I was just honestly curious how Korra could water bend. Conceptually she has to but she can water bend but not airbend? That shit makes no sense. Aang had no issue water bending since air and water were similar. So Korra can water bend but air bend because lazy fucking writing.
I don't know whats so funny about that situation. It sounds horrible for her since she can't draw porn anymore.
I am certain she still does, she just doesn't release it anymore
I'm hoping they do something with Kyoshi if worse comes to worse, but in all likelyhood, it'd be more LoKancer.
Also, I hope they treat Mako well. He deserves better.
Did the ATLA comics sell well?
Kinda. But nobody really likes ATLA since LoK came out
treating all the past characters poorly and shit
Those are two different things.
Well fuck
ok then. still sounds like the situation was just awful for her.