Ask a man, who has never gotten dubs, anything.
My shameful decade of posting failure
This is not a question.
Kek has abandoned you.
Also absurdly unlikely
what makes you come here if you know you are a total posting failure
There's like a 90% chance of not getting dubs at any time. Plus, there are some Anons who either use magick or sit on the frtongpage waiting for 43s or 87s, so they can steal the dub.
So it's actually quite likely that several Anons have been dubless after 10 years in the game.
I mean, there's Anons who are sexless after 40 years of life.
If you got dubs what would you do with them?
Love them. Let them know they're the most beautiful numbers in the world every single day of my life.
You fucking asshole.
That sounds nice.
check these, loser
How do you feel about these dubs, OP?
checm em
in any 100 number series, how many dubs are there? it's not hard. if you wanna talk about numbers, do the arithmetic.
fucking kys nondubs fag
You niggers suck, watch this.
off by one
Getting dubs isn't that hard, guys
can someone post the scripts for numbers?
check em
b/ is definitely dead if a cancerous dubs thread can't even produce any dubs
Holla Forums lives!
Holla Forums is on life support
ask a guy who can't stop getting dubs anything
Check these digits if you don't mind, fellas
you seem to be lost. let me show you the way!
Is this the magic schoolbus?
OP, check these and kill yourself.
Fine then. Kek wills that OP lives.
For now.
You must not post a lot. Fucking normie.
Oh gee, I did it again. Guess OP should kill himself.