>At least she died with honour killing
>At least she died with honour killing
Other urls found in this thread:
who /(2+)/ here?
4th for civic nationalism
shortly after the Vatican is demolished and replaced with the Grand Mosque of Rome
Why am I not given the right to beat her into a coma?
xth for filtered you Chilean cunt.
Who /feelingrathermelancholic/ here?
If the reports of the attackers shouting jihad, daesh, and whatnot are true, then this pretty much an act of war against the Church, and yet the pope would rather kiss the feet of those who wish to see all of Europe bleed and burn than would call men to arms to deal with the invasion.
no shit, sherlock
see you on the streets then
if you guys don't have criminal records you should consider joining social services and participate in the reserve march through the institutions to save our society
what? when did that happen?
link to thread please.
Happening now.
Love the picture of the kids playing.
You can still do this, lad
'We're British like anyone else': Jamaican couple lash out at racist abuse they have received since Yardie killing took place at their sex pool party
I'm having flashbacks to that 'Meet the new Germans' image.
Catholic priests are more Discipline, and Orthodox priests are more like Holy priests, so I'd have to move to Serbia or something.
Pope is the Antichrist.
Lad, that's not really possible with all the pro-cuck quotas going on.
How the fuck do these disgusting subhumans get that much money?
t. Ben Zepanaiah.
Those feet aren't gonna kiss themselves lad. Bergoglio hungers for more.
Reading this made me feel sick. Don't know how anyone can read through that article and not want them to be sent back to Africa tbqh
Negress got some sort of compensation payout from a hospital. Naturally they used the three million to rent a big house throw a big sex party. High time preference in action
hmm mushrooms in the cracks
Why didn't Gordon just do this to his boyfriend?
Not this shit again. Besides, Gordon and his ex-boyfriend already have massive mantits and an unhealthy hormone imbalance.
what a dark time it is, where the deaths of leaders of the faith are the only way forward
poor old Gordon.
Fate has dealt him a cruel hand.
He should go to church
tbh i could do with this
keep a degenerate as a sex slave under the bed
Literally from Camp of the Saints.
prophetic as fuck
Jesus Christ, are they suggesting the royals should be forced to marry blacks and muslims to better reflect modern Britain?
lad, what are you doing.
lad its not really slavery if they're enjoying it
then its just a fetish
Have some standards lad, Jesus.
We need an internal crusade first.
We need rid of the BBC and all other pillars of modern cuckoldry.
So much needs to be cleansed.
This is going to be a black stain on our history for all time, all because some luvvies usurped the nation post-WWII.
Here's some more tweets. I guess there is still hope for man after all.
Pre-ww2, I might say. Otherwise you wouldn't have gone into it.
brb gone to burn down Beeb HQ
Depends on how it's dealt with.
I could see it being referred to as a century of confusion.
watch out GCHQ are pointing laser pointers on your nutsack as I type
This is the passage at the end of Camp of the Saints after the great influx of "refugees" comes across the mediterranean
Sound familiar?
This needs to snowball. They take comments like this and spiral them into agenda altering 'moments' all the time.
tbh lad you loved god more than Britain?
thats islamic talk that is
tbf if you wont sacrifice yourself for queen and country lad why even try
the voices in his head and the cumstains on the wall arent his freinds m8 they're his delusions
What syndrome does Gordon have?
Sounds like kike talk to me
yeah I did, lad
The new thread was posted, you tit.
never mind, I found it: Kallmann syndrome
you know whats above god?
our sacred isle, Our Albion
papists can't be trusted, sorry
It's ours thanks to God, without him we wouldn't have it
now go and repent you silly billy
sorry lad, i place my trust in Caratacus not in a kike sky god
We're in such a mess.
How do we escape from this pit?
I felt a little sick reading that.
I'm not a papist, lad.
Nice try, ayyytheist.
God bless Godfrey
it was published in 1973 btw
I'm Anglican, what are you?
Stop picking on the blind. Bastards
Non-denom., christened under CoE (but sod that cuckfest)
i wasn't christened/baptised but attended an anglican primary
only ever been to cathedrals never a church
daily reminder camp of the saints also had a latin american cuck pope character who shills for the rapefugees
wew, how is that eschatology treating you
greatest work of prophesy since the new testament
So what do we have
Pretty prophetic although, like Enoch, it's a couple of generations ahead of its time.
I'll find the Church when the Church finds God again.
i take your point, lad.
it's the other parishers that make my church worthwhile, not the clergy.
our regular female vicar is ok, she has a good way of conveying god.
I look at most Anglican priests with suspicion tbh. I think a lot of them are just middle-class atheists that have worked out that they get a nice house and a job for life if they say a few things on Sunday and pretend to care.
At my uni, the Anglican vic is a woman who grew up Catholic and converted to Anglicanism to be a priest. I just don't buy it.
It's like how a lot of Catholic priests are/were gay and the priesthood let them fuck a lot in private without any pressure to get a wife.
I do like the institution of our church, though.
lad I'm not taking any moral high ground, I'm a sinning shitehawk too and I'll spend a shit tonne of time in purgatory if I'm so lucky as to get in at all, but if you don't accept the sacraments how do you expect to get in at all
I agree with you that the church is in a dire state. Whether that's Catholic, Anglican, or Lutheran, it's all fucked at present, but your soul needs the sacraments. Please don't cut off your nose to spite your face. I need my fellow Englishmen to chill with in heaven, we can fangirl when we meet Arthur and Alfred up there, you know?
Oh shit there was a happening in Germany too
Germans are getting irritated
You can't get off the ride lad, all we can do is put a stick through the wheels now.
You are either saved or you aren't. Repent now user.
Arthur sleeps in Avalon lad
and Avalon is no heaven
I'm quite surprised we haven't had a terrorist attack yet.
GCHQ are pretty decent at detecting thought crime it seems and the paki's are self-policing because they dont want a suicide bomber drawing attention to Achmeds toddlers and tiaras themed brothel franchise
Haven't found a link but on the Sky livestream the narrator reported a shooting at a university in Berlin at 11am which killed at least 1 man before the shooter killed himself
What do, lads.
I'm Catholic lad, Scouse-Irish family. If we all go and repent and genuinely feel sorrow for our sins I hope we can all be saved together.
He'll get there eventually after he saves Britain again.
Based NA tbh
There are other places than London.
Like a lot of Catholics, you don't actually follow your church's doctrine. I am going to hell due to being Anglican m8, well apparantly
Lad, you live in London
I imagine he'd find it breddy dull
rather have him replace queenie/charles and rule forever as the god emperor
I kek'd
Doctor shot in Berlin. Attacker suicided
pakis are weak the arabs are more volatile
We need an army of the people FOR the people
NOT an army of the state FOR the state
Enough already
2017 Le Pen gets elected
Starts low level kebab removal
UK still in EU, Art 50 not invoked
You know how this will pan out don't you?
Yes I do, lad.
I don't know of any churches in the outer boroughs, and any that I have visited have been closed during the day.
That's been closed each time I've gone by it.
These and don't forget that Pakis are literally inbred, it's no surprise they're constantly caught before they cause a nuisance.
Two Pakis were arrested from my secondary for making bombs.
Land of milk and honey?
why because they posted pictures of their petrol/flour mix bottle bombs on facebook with the caption 'gunna bmb sum kuffar 2n8'
Do I need to remind you of our international humanitarian obligations?
Our culture is enriched by millions of diverse North Africans?
If you don't find yourself disagreeing with your church on some things, you're either not listening or you have no views at all.
Besides, the Catholic Church said the Anglicans had valid apostlic succession for a few centuries until the politics made us fall out even more. So I'm just agreeing with an older teaching if anything.
Charles is going to be our crusader king lad, have faith.
I can picture lil' George leading us into battle, especially if tossers like keep attacking him for doing absolutely nothing.
I wouldn't put it past them, honestly.
Not even once
those are called militias lad
Why are savages such bitches about being hit back?
just dont see it with him being the abject pacifist he is
the French are shit at surveillance…and it's a French word as well
that stereotypical arabian prince? the arrogant, dumb, vane, rapey, cowardly sniveling trope?
imagine that but theres 1 billion of them and thats islam
People under surveillance can still go to church. There's no way to protect the population from millions of motivated kababs short of increasing geographic distance.
George won't be king until it's too late or has already begun. Will won't be a crusader king but Harry might twist his arm, that bastard child has the passion.
he's just trying to make sure he doesn't have to abdicate tbh
What did he mean by this?
painting himself green and gurgling like a turtle
Jesus Christ Gordon's ex boyfriend seems like a literally retarded child. It's kind of creepy.
gordons nasty tits still disgust tbh
That's martyrdom, lad.
That happened in Darnall in Sheffield.
They walked in the back door dressed as muslims…beards and all
Internment and expulsion, followed by internment of all globalists and socialists and stripping of their assets
This is the way forward
they didn't say how slit lol
Lopping your own cock off is martyrdom…
How autistic are we talking, i know hes autistic but how bad?
It took
one hour
for the list of terrorist attacks this July to be out of date.
He only does what he likes, and he only likes computers and shitty memes Gordon doesn't like. He is also very "binary" so things are either good or bad, so why do the bad thing? Why taste something new it could potentially taste badly? So he only eats a specific custom bread and drinks milk. Having autism he also have no real regard for other people and Gordon who is autistic himself describes him as a sociopath as for his boyfriend there is no real reason to talk without there being a point.
Crazy times.
Jesus Christ, how did he even get started with dating that spastic anyway, it confuses me tbh.
Seriously. Plenty of countries have names that could use a snide "so-called," but only IS ever gets that treatment, apparently because otherwise the cattle might begin to suspect that Islam isn't really a Religion of Peace.
I thought Gordon was living with his dad?
I'm wondering how if the guy is that autistic, how the fuck did gordo even begin to date him.
they met in the same court ordered community support group
She can do a few good things sure, but she's still Sharia May.
…not a terror attack in Berlin
…they still have to go back though
I know lad, they say the stuff is moved to the home office but if the Media is criticising May for it then its probably a good move over all.
She is still Sharia May though, unless she just declares 'they all have to go back, deus vult net migration to -100,000' in the near future I'm not going to be on board with her.
Even is you're anti-monarchist, what the fuck does a Toddler have to do with it? The fucking lad still pisses his bed probably.
These SJWs are really fucking shit at getting their point across.
What did he mean by this?
he raped his autistic bf at plastic swordpoint
Gordon's life just depresses me at this point. What is even the point in his continued existence?
How the fuck do they justify 3 million?
Anyone else want to bring laws back tgat you can't insult the monarchy? The only people wgo are even triggered by them are leftists anyway.
im sure gordon also questions why he was born many times throughout the night
Gordon stilla makes me kek, he makes my life look like a gravy train compared to his
She's paid 80k a year at a TAXPAYER funded CHARITY, disregarding the non-logic of a charity people are forced to fund.
Who fucking cares. This is Holla Forums…not /freakcentral/. Fuck off cunt
leftist republicans, socialists/communists and hippies hate the monarchy
bunch of fucking whining traitors tbh lad
their getting fined for running an illegal business in an unzoned area
pretty funny
they don't want to be accused of racism
I'm turning him, lads.
What did he mean by this?
don't worry, Their lawyers got half of it
Leftists have a problem with authority even if its symbolic like the monarchy.
Watched that channel 4 show "The Windsors" it ended with Prince William calling for a referendum on the monarchy. It lured me in with some quite alright satire to full on leftist agenda pushing.
he means that he is a delusional and prospectless loser that thinks he is arguing with great men when he criticises them.
they have a problem with symbolic authority
they love an authoritative anonymous authoritarian committe that answers to noone and is sympathetic to their agendas though
but a Crown? a symbol of power that unifies the church and the native people together as one and creates a sense of identity and legitimacy seperate to the state?
oooo the liberals hate that dont they
So they spent two thirds of it on a mansion?
Stupid niggers
He is trying to heroise his struggle against the pitifu and non-existent difficulties that he faces in life, and is validating his inevitable failure to take self ownership by paraphrasing Nietzche like a true psuedo-intellectual.
The church was on an Islamic State hit list
Is Gordon going to be alright, lads? Kind of fear for him tbh.
they only rented the mansion, lad.
they still fell into the old tenancy trap
Hopefully not.
No wonder (((they))) want us to miscegenate with these apes.
They'll have a stupefied population that can't into money moreso than now
Lads, I think we should talk about this.
African Union Passports
Gee, I hope Boko Haram members don't get new AU passports
Gee, I hope this doesn't make it easier for Africans to get to the people smugglers at the Mediterranean
Niggers can't into money
I don't see what difference this makes, African borders were notoriously easy to sneak through
in general: not paying taxes, illegitimate income like selling drugs, scamming government benefits, gibs..
also blacks are very materialistic, they could be flat broke and find a way to get expensive clothes or shoes. their priorities will always be the superficial, the appearance so a lot of the time are nowhere near as wealthy as you might guess..
From the "one race human race" thread, but by God it rings so true that it's surreal.
They got a payout from the NHS for their son being suffocated at birth
I wonder (((who's))) behind this.
hence why i said 'in general' lad, these people are a specific case obviously
I really fucking hate muslims lads.
Good, maybe he won't be gay anymore.
>Idiots saying it was a good thing for him to find a bf
Fucking awful thing to happen to him, couldn't get much worse.
Jesus Christ , niggers truly are subhuman
Matthew 5:44
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you
note that it doesn't say "have no enemies"
You don't buy houses to throw parties in
You rent, write it off on tax as entertainment expenses
He's a musician, probably registered as a business so it's a business expense and he doesn't want his own yard trashed by yardies
Niggers know what niggers are like
wew, looks like labour have seen their polls.
Based blairite I guess?
Even dogs follow instructions better.
wash your hands for typing that
missed that bit
Yeah, you can tell just from the transcript that he doesn't feel comfortable with what he's saying.
it's unlikely he will have children, lad. He has kallmann syndrome, and says even if there is a possible it would be an ethical question because of his genetics.
Where were you when the Blairite was more in touch with working class sentiment than the Socialist?
What does it mean? Or is it all on the surface?
Blair, Miliband, Corbyn have all said the same thing.
This is pure desperation.
Looks like somebody took a look at the opinion polls for once.
Boris looks
Sorry lad
All on the surface; Christ saw women being kiked.
She is literally and figuratively a champagne socialist.
Oh look, the shills have arrived in the happening thread
James O'Brien and his problem glasses
Physical copies are always the best.
Meant rather than
Every thread can be a happening thread now tbh.
Ah, but I can underline bits and leave sticky notes.
What is this slang?
Obviously he would never mention non-white immigrants, that would be racist
I've just been laughing at that thread, Yanks literally cannot comprehend anything beyond "white", even when referring to European ethnic groups as different as Portugal and Sweden.
I've a copy to read, a copy for highlighting like that, and a spare copy just in case
Aye, because of all the immigrants it's the Poles who stand out in public places…
Needs something at the bottom, Print Bible can be gutted and fits a phone w/ Bible App inside!
Sounds good lad, might have to get another then.
What i hate about him is how he says "we welcome in pakis yet hate poles" why can't yanks comprehend we hate them all, they have this idea you have to like one or the other.
There's a Yank currently going off on one about Brits sucking off Ahmed because we don't want mass immigration. I'm starting to think that Yank/pol/ is as dumb as it pretends to be.
Its just shills
surprisingly accurate
Have memes gone too far?
Good lads all compiled into one tbh
does anyone have that pic of old british ww2 veterans surrounded by shitskins and it says something like this wasn't what we fought for?
good lad
Might not be the one you're after but there's this
I warned you lad! You'll break the meme-space continuum if you do any more!
Thanks lad, might do that but I don't mind buying another if this one's a bit defaced.
Donald Trump, Keek etc could be to blame, can't remember it being this stupid.
Hahaha good lad
They're beautiful copies, and there's no harm in getting one of these ones alongside buying another.
Good lad.
Is your drinking becoming a problem m8?
You're right, that is beautiful.
Father Jack SA, getting pissed while reading the bible smhtbqh
What did he mean by this?
No. That pic was from last year.
KJV, n'all.
fkn lightweight :^)
…Intesive Care?
One of my friends got tipsy from half a can of apple cider. She has a tiny frame, though.
was she also 5?
Good Lord, it's got to kick off at the rate it's going now.
Women are naff with booze, in my experience.
The doctor is dead and a patient in intensive care, which means you are either unconscious or practically disabled, shot him
How do you get a gun when you're in intensive care?
Thanks for linking that. It's a superb copy, nevermind it being free. Do you think they'd ship to the Isle of Man?
Knew a girl who was practically on the floor after one G and T
she was a jewess
Is it considered a UK address? Might be worth emailing them to ask.
Not in the UK, but most places tend to label it a such. Requested one anyway, see what happens. Cheers again lad
Depends on the gin to an extent, but fkn ell that's just pitiful.
Obviously they do not question those who are of the religion of peace why they need to carry an peace enabler into intensive care.
You're welcome, m8
They are notorious for getting drunk easily
Ashkenazis have a gene defect, one of many, which means they can get smashed using only a winegum and a glass of water
A few teaspoons of cough syrup did the same. Even a single square of chocolate or a cup of tea got her pretty hyper, which was always amusing.
Did any of you lads watch the DNC last night.
It was THE biggest display of progressive pandering I have ever seen in my life.
All topped off with Bernie bending the knee at the end.
Absolutely superb, they are going to lose to Trump hard. Get your bets on a Trump victory lads.
she may have that fake adhd syndrome because shes not eternally apathetic
It was amazingly terrible. They can barely cover up their anti-white agenda. I'm looking forward to more of it, I must sustain myself on happenings.
I can't be bothered to watch either of the conventions tbh, as soon as i saw that rock band shite at the RNC i tuned out. I don't even want to imagine the shit show that was the DNC, how bad was trhe pandering, give me an example of the worst.
hahahahahah what
anyone got a vid of Bernie the Bolshevik literally bending the knee?
I checked the livestream to find some child on the mic talking about the big bad Trumpie Wumpie. Then the adult next to her started speaking Spanish, so I left it.
That being said, I didn't really tune into the RNC either.
Nah, she's genuine. I know her pretty well.
I can't imagine where they can take it from here. Cannot wait until tonight.
It would be hard to pick the worst but they literally had multiple illegal immigrants on stage (one of the couldn't even read Spanish let alone speak English) complaining that they didn't want to be sent back home and had the right to stay in America because…..
The crowd was probably 50% Bernie fans, Bernie comes on and they go wild. Bernie banners and flags fill up the arena.
He rails against her platform for 20 minutes even going as far as to BTFO the Koch brothers (who endorse and sponsor Hillary). They he endorses her and walks of the stage.
Creepy as fuck tbh
Might have to tune in tonight, but it depends when its on tbh/
Someone shop the sign in pic 1 to say Francis instead of John Paul II
Speak for yourself, I thought the brushstrokes were crude and he NEVER EVER got perspective right.
His landscapes were ok
Where these Xtians came from?
Did people start to convert en masse or something?
Roughly midnight - 4am, I was only going to watch the first hour but it kept getting more and more ridiculous as the night went on so I ended up watching the lot.
I really have no idea where they can take it from here but I expect some Muslim pandering as the only group not represented last night was Islam.
OH and they even rolled a cripple out to shill for Hillary.
Everything about this post is a mess.
B-based BBC right lads?
Milo fan: "oh that's cucked bring back the crusades darling"
Yes, the homosexual crusades, fucking hell.
Because of course monarchy is unique to white cultures
When have we ever considered the Beeb based.
We're going to end up seeing a President Blair because of these cunts.
who /bigmuscles/ here
Top edit
At least he wasn't a fucked up in the head degenerate wannabe woman who wants to lop his cock off and was leader of a nation…
your turn
The BBC is a great example of what happens when you don't keep the left in check.
They will never stop pushing for the destruction of Britain and it's institutions until they are made to.
How long do you think the BBC would survive if they were defunded?
If the Guardian can lose 150 million in a single year how much would the BBC blow through per year?
loses head by deliberately throwing himself at peaceful muslim guest's diversity penknife
5 billion quid easy
Tbf lad ttpw hasn't yet started a global conflict that created the foundations for the decline of white civilization.
About the same length of time as The New Day.
He's a fucking tranny. What part isn't he playing in the decline of white civilization?
Watch this space.
Are we talking about the same ttpw?
Why do they keep reporting he had his throat slit instead of his fucking head cut off?
We need a new Christian hierarchy tbh.
If this isn't a sign that we need to crusade then I don't know what is.
The Vatican must be purged.
The landscapes are nice. I don't overly have an eye for art, I just know what looks visually appealing, especially pieces I can idly dawdle at.
because having his throat cut doesnt sound as violent as him being decapitated
Go back to the Nicene creed alone maybe lads. (^:
George lamenting after the great purge at the BBC
Surprised they aren't reporting it as a shaving cut gone awry tbh
oh leftists
I think he'll be redpilled as fuck
thinking of moving to jersey lads, anyone been?
If they keep on bullying him like this he will be.
Hope you have at least a million GBP saved up, lad.
That or you are happy being a second class citizen.
Christianity is weak now lads and it will remain forever more weak
the Nazi's were the last ones to try and develop a more warlike exclusive Christianity but they failed, they mostly removed the overtly semitic influences but couldn't remove the pacifist streak
its a lost cause fam other methods will save us
I think he'll be an interracial gang bang tranny by the time he's King
if we don't sort out the mess we're in
I love guido tweets first thing in the morning tbh
laughed aloud
You better know how to defend yourself if you're moving to Jersey.
What else is there though lad?
You can build off of strong foundations with Christianity if you go back far enough.
if the young prince comes out as transexual then im afraid we may have to purge the monarchy of all its foreign and common influence
There's quite a lot of jobs going tbh
You cant even do it right.
soon, lads
too bad they wont go back far enough
Every single church and christian institution cares more about shekels than their flock these days and thats a fact
most religion these days is little more than a cash cow for the charming
"Cardinal Raymond Burke has said there is “no question that Islam wants to govern the world”, and that Western societies should return to their Christian roots."
Fucking racist tbh smh
Not sure what other methods will save the west politically, the Nazis seemed to admire Islam for being brutal and direct.
We need Christianity to inform personal morality, without that the decline will continue. I can't see any temporary fascist state or what have you coming about without first a resurgence in faith.
It's another thing that leads atheists to be hedonists, they see nothing beyond or after themselves. A myopic nation can't reverse its decline.
Yes, you will be a second-class citizen. If you own on Jersey you don't have to bother with pleb-tier work, you import the staff.
You won't ever buy a property on Jersey with any of those jobs hence you will be a second-class citizen, presuming you are ok with that then it is a nice place to live.
Capicola is actually delicious tbh lads
Then we become our own flock
There are plenty of churches that are for sale.
If filthy Arabs and Pakis can buy them up and desecrate them with praise to their Moon Goddess and her Warlord then I'm sure a new Church can be established at some point down the line.
This isn't true at all.
Is it possible for the British monarchy to regain its power? That chick should be exiled for those comments.
honestly i think we should revive Celtic Christianity in Britain and tie it up with British Nationalism
that means no priests, no vows of celibacy, teaching the doctrine of christ side by side with the stories and rituals of Taranis and Nodens minus the human and animal sacrifices as celtic christianity was
you know reviving the religion of Britain that both appeals to the christians and rejects the vatican imposed nonsense on us in the 4th century AD and the modern day lutheran/anglican cuckery
Only in a "crisis" :^)
We'd have to focus on killing cultural marxism tbh
you know how the christianized anglo-saxons fought the vikings?
or that he violently attacked the peaceful Salafist guest's keyring penknife with his neck resulting in the sad shooting of two peaceful and innocent muslims
…in other news
Berlin police release name of hospital shooter
Ali Adolf Hitler Akbar
The nicely bronzed German has apparently been in a coma since 1945 which explains why he had a gun on him
He was in total shock when he awoke to find himself in 2016, panicked, shot a doctor and then committed suicide
I'm not a celt. I'm Anglo-saxon.
celts are losers that have always lost.
they exist only because they are in isolated places.
succumb to your Anglo-saxon masters, whelp. it's in your nature
honestly Alfred the Great was the exception lads
the last christian anglo-saxon king of East Anglia was a total cuck
We don't want no colered cats around here
Fuck that, I'll see the juicy parts after its done tbh.
same shit different names lad
i bet you hate King Arthur as well dont you kraut lover
Not with that attitude, you won't.
Name a better space marine chapter
lad, no.
I don't think you're at a point to have this argument so I'm not debating it with you. You win have a cookie.
Fucking say that to my face you cunt, meet me behind the sainsburys just south of east kilbride and we'll fucking settle this.
my life
Go ahead and impress the unbelievers. I'm sick and tied of this Christian wishful thinking and LARP.
Thousand sons pre-heresy
Ultramarines, of course :^)
Idk about Celtic Christianity lad, though getting rid of papal celibacy makes sense.
Papal indulgences were good for crusades, but became corrupt, it makes no sense to have the papacy reduce your time in purgatory for giving them money.
Considering the donation of Constantine was a forgery as well, the pope should accept he's another fallible human, not supreme.
The new pope's so awful maybe Catholicism can't be recovered.
I've been looking into getting a simple wooden cross. Much nicer than the gold/silver ones.
Lad that's obviously not allowed
Wew smurf
18+ lad
Funnily enough
He deleted all his tweets since that leaving his pro muslim one
Fuck that, I'll see the juicy parts after its done tbh.
Whatever gave you the idea of it not being the case
British people stranded in Calais
Is that the one in your pictures? If so I will grab it.
Can't change the future lad, they're traitors
It's the emperors fault they fell tbqh
the height of corruption tbh
very semitic, pay your sins away with shekels
point being Christianity when it first came to Britain wasn't spread by the sword and it didnt listen to the vatican
we had no priests here until after Constantine the 1st and this was still the time where celtic warrior culture inter-spliced with Christianity
hell Constantine marched his army to Rome with his legions full of Christian celts
cue 200 years of Vatican kikery bleeding Britain dry afterwards and we get invaded and conquered by angles and saxons, and lo and behold the Vatican does the same shit to them and they get conquered by vikings another 200-300 years later
pathetic fam
Finally arrived lads
>inb4 UKIPs pointless now Nigels not leader
That's the one I have, though I got a different cord to replace the naff one it came with.
UKIPs becomes pointless after Brexit happens.
Not quite yet, though
Paying shekels to kikes. Ever
They've probably contaminated it with spent nuclear fuel from Dimona
She'll be back after Woolfe fucks up.
There's bugger-all chance of getting a wooden one another way.
Carve one yourself
They're neckbeards from /tg/
I've never felt the need to wear the cross
If I could carve one myself then I would.
Constantine even marched his overtly Christian soldiers to battle the last co emperor of the Tetrarchy Licinius the pagan, apparently the Labarum wielding Christian soldiers demoralised them, considering Licinius broke the edict of milan by persecuting his own Christian soldiers.
Nicene Christianity as it was then was still popular under the Vandals, Ostrogoths and Arian Lombards.
Yeah we can be corrupted all the same.
Thought the reformation left England significantly poorer, and unsure of what was and wasn't heresy.
I'm looking for more history lectures like this (on any topic).
just blue peter it, lad
just saying
use apple, ash or oak wood if you're a true British Christian
dont buy one from fucking jews in Israel thats the height of kikery
enjoy inhaling minute traces of anthrax spores
buy from here then lads
that will teach those pedophiles xDD
the Vatican in Britain after Constantine conquered Rome did something akin to a sword hunt
they totally pacified the native celts by 'correcting' the 'heretical' elements of their faith
hes a poor guy really, Constantine made up a lot of shit about this guy to help justify his conquering of him
tbh neither emperor was truly overtly religious the wars of the Tetrarchy were political not religious
it just helped Constantine to gain power by currying favour with all the christians by denouncing Licinius as an evil pagan murderer
I can't even keep track of the happenings lads.
At least none of occurred in Britain
Yeah well just remember the crusades and how muslims back then were slaughtered in their mosques by white people.
that will definitely be in the comments section wont it
Constantine did make up a lot of stuff about Licinius, maybe his persecution of Christians in 320 was completely invented, maybe we'll never know. He did agree to the edict of Milan in 313, and then mostly lost to battles from Constantine.
He was baptised by an Arian heretic priest before his death, still superstitious about Pagan gods. He did build the Church of the holy apostles, he and Byzantine emperors after him wanted to be likened to the apostles (isapóstolos). Rather arrogant, could have just been politics.
The council of Nicaea was good, actually ecumenical unlike Julian the apostate's pagan councils siding with arianism etc.
But yeah, when Licinius only have the diocese of Thrace, might as well have spared his life considering he was married to his sister and she pleaded for him. Just accused him of gathering an army and executing him to consolidate his position as sole emperor, not on.
That clears it, it was all political.
Lads, erm…
Did you know that Jesus was a Jew?
Kike on a stick xD xD
I was waiting in a queue the other day and the news about the syrian who chopped up his pregnant wife was on. When they said 'he had been refused asylum' the girl behind me said to her friend 'oh well, should have given him asylum then'. Fucking normies I swear
Apparantly there has been a mass stabbing in Japan. Distracted by France I guess.
Could one of the reasons we've had so few attacks compared to the continent be that our intelligence services are superior? The amount of plots they've foiled is staggering.
Based Wotan tbh
tbh Julian didnt even hate Christianity and wasn't an apostate
he was still a baptised Christian he just really liked neoplatonic philosophy, he disliked the rising political power of the church threatening the power of the Roman state and he was critical of some of the outright semitic and barbarous practices of some of these early christians
i remember one time he wrote a criticism of a christian community in Delphi because they were practicing usury against non-christians and Julian chastised them for being Christians and committing usury
instead of seeing the error of their ways they chimped out and burnt down some temples
I'm pretty sure I read something like Licinius was sympathetic to the Christians in his region he just refused to outright endorse them like Constantine
typical normie response
its pretty standard really
strip a man naked, tie him upside down for 24 hours, keep them awake with a bag on his head making him listen to the teletubby theme tune while flashing a strobe light in his face and hes gonna tell you where the bombs are
They really should emply sado masochists for terrorist plots, you wouldn't be able to torture the cunt.
not even
if i could get a tidy sum for peeling a kebabs scrotum with a bread knife id be happy as a clam
w e w
e l a d s
w a
Wait i might have mixed them up, i forget the name for the perverted people who enjoy extreme pain.
If he liked neo-platonism you would expect him to agree with the hypostatic union, or what not oversee councils that would deny the divinity of Christ.
Julian did attempt to remove Christian teachers he disagreed with from schools, expelling Nicene bishops again and trying to bring about a resurgence of paganism. Funny he died because he thought he didn't need armour, the sophist Libanius lied and said a Christian killed him.
Jovian after him was worse, surrendered to the Sassanids and burned down the pagan library at Antioch.
Certainly after 313, but after a couple of defeats against Constantine, it's believable he did persecute Christians in his army.
just sadists and masochists lad
but you dont need to be one to enjoy watching a kebab writhe in agony as you insert a cocktail umbrella into their urethra
Better have some heavy duty gloves there pal, don't want to be touching kebab knob.
How do we fix the Freddo brit/pol/?
Abolish the metric system.
pls be my girlfriend
If there's been any good change to Britain against tradition, it's changing to the Metric system
well thats natural
apart from the Roman tradition of decimatio theres also the fact to consider he may have thought some of the christians serving him were saboteurs
sounds like a terrible emperor
the rumour was he was injured by a spear from the enemy and a christian soldier snuck into his tent in the night and murdered him
but yeah the actual evidence just points to an infection that killed him 3 days after having his bowels ruptured by a spear
well yeah hes the emperor
which didnt work kek
problem being that the Hellenic faiths were far less organized and strict than the christian one
he tried to develop the first priest classes for the various cults of Rome and it failed simply because they werent interested in it
again the only reason he did this was to counteract the political power of the church by organizing rivals to them
kitchen tongs lad
0% tax on all chocolate bars
This will do three things
-Reduce the price of Freddos
-Increase the volume of Freddo chocolate
-A big fuck you to Jamie Oliver
You two can have a date behind my filter
dentists and insulin production centers across britain popping champas
I've always said we should help private healthcare out more.
Might have made some difference expelling bishops had Julian not died so soon, he allowed the Arian heretics to return which would only weaken Nicene Christianity until the first council of Constantinople at 381 which condemned Arius again.
Same emperor that issued the Edict of Tolerance (probably not called that) to reopen Pagan temples, but it was all to divide Christianity.
Only being around for 18 months he didn't do enough.
Reminder that this man cucked Trudeau's dad, let's wish him a happy birthday
reminds me of that scene from 300
Fucking hell that's grim, amazing lad.
Has Gordon become Based NA's cave troll?
It fits tbh.
How would you fight it, lad?
if the trolls gordon then some soap on the end of a stick
Why, lad?
because he seems to be allergic to clean living
Lads this site looks amazing for audio history courses but they're all fairly expensive…
The syndrome he has makes him unable to smell, lad, so I doubt he cares tbh.
Sword lad, maybe a halberd.
maybe he can tell that to the festering lesions and boils on his fat arse and under his sagging tits
lad why pretend
you know you're filthy commoner peasant just like the rest of us
its either halberd or longbow for the plebs lad
I just don't see how you could do it, sorry lad. smh
Pls no bully
First day in London report: really nice place if it wasnt for all the ethnics
Polehammer would be ideal.
You couldn't pierce a cave trolls skin easily but if you broke its bones you can slow it down
He seems rather slow so you could probably kite him with a ranged weapon until he falls over and dies.
think breaking its bones are just as unlikely tbh
tbh bows would be best tbh
Longbow and Poleaxe tbh.
Did you know, lads?
does anyone remember the 90s before everything went wrong?
Must be all that milk, clogging our senses
Really vibrates my braincells
Where's your ambition?
Come on now lad
I just remember everything seeming nicer tbh
Really stimulates the cerebral cortex…
tbh not much use for cave trolls today thanks to guns. Are balrogs immune to bullets?
you could watch the TV or read a paper and it wasn't about some muslim acts of depravity
any true English/Welsh man should be practicing archery every sunday after lunch and before the pub
Reall cogitates the noggin
they're immune to lightning bolts so probably
Really increases brain bloodflow
What were politics like before blacks, browns and Muslims, lads?
if this thread gets quints it means England will survive
I wouldn't mind being the white man to dull her senses tbh.
should probably keep posting then shouldnt we
We will never die out tbh
miscegenation is wrong lad
Pakis out
Quints for Britain
Funny, isn't it? Isn't one of the arguments for white people's success our generally healthy diet?
Jerusalem will be builded here
Much simpler, more class based than ethnic identity politics. There was always the Ulster situation but the IRA never made a habit of outright mass slaughter as it would have been detrimental to their cause.
no idea lad
Ethiopian cuisine is delicious to he honest, friends.
Rule Britannia
We'd armour them, of course. Plus even if they didn't kill many, they'd strike fear into them and demoralise the enemy. Then again it might be counter productive because they might be motivated after slaying the odd troll and think themselves heroic monster slayers.
We should just use those DARPA dog robot killing machines instead in all seriousness.
I wouldn't bring her back home afterwards tbh, dw.
quints achieved lads
as in England will survive the islamic onslaught
brit/pol/ steals another get
Waste tbh
I had to get them lad England was in peril
assorted bean paste
id pass thanks m8
Thank you. I-Is this moral?
I've been to Ethiopia and can confirm that it is superior to British 'food'.
If you liked it so much why not stay there
and take your nasty beans with you tbh lad
Well Ethiopia is an incredibly poor and volatile nation, but I would like to move to Africa or Asia in the near future. Man cannot be free in Europe and North America.
may i suggest Burma?
I feel its time we started re-colinizing the moral cousin of thailand
kikemarez tier
It's what Jo's cock died for
I really hate it when faggots misunderstand 40k
The Emperor was literally a fedora who cuck himself out of a galactic empire because of his hatred for "sky wizards" and love for science.
The Imperium only exists in that universe because of its faith in him as a god.
Why is this shit franchise even remotely popular
How is it shit?
A lot of people remember it with fondness from when they were younger.
It was also not cucked in the same way that comics or TV was/is.
Only ever met yanks who liked it because of MEMES. They treat it like an edgy MLP for adults now.
GW should turn it's sights back home to England once they stop fucking up all the time tbh.
R8 my local pub lads
looks nicem8
If whites are so good then why did we copy civic people's swords?
Isn't it all supposed to be a joke anyway?
decent establishment for a pint lad
I want a daughter like that, lads
Nice tbh
Is that in Horley? Looks comfy
I didn't need this feel
that church will make a nice mosque, the pub will have to close though
we dont lad
tbh lad we only adopted curved sabre like swords after swords had been rendered almost totally useless
put a bun in your missus oven then lad
Malmo getting enriched again
Holy shit!
Dubs confirm!
Kek has warned us!
Sound the alarms!
Yes lad, they claim it's the second oldest in the country, but that's disputable.
We got our first 'islamic centre' about 2 years ago. It's a town tradition to piss on the front door after the pub
Because they had a better design.
Ergo civics are better than whites.
That doesn't follow at all.
LBC right now
dont argue tight buns you're no good at it
What lad?
This one is obviously a very enlightened free-thinker
"Mohammed is in Reading…"
"More is coming…"
Mohammed > "I am Muslim…..Joe's Cock…nothing to do with the religion…some of them is criminals…."
: ^ )
Mohammed > "We have to give more space in the media to muslims to come and talk about Islam…."
Shame that the top Islamic authority in the world disagrees with you
Mohammed > "We need for example to give more space to Islam
Normandy Islamists filmed the execution of 86 year old priest apparently
Shut up
were they shouting world star or allahu akbar while doing it?
same shit different species of sub-human tbh fam
They 'killed' him according to ITV but forgot to mention they cut his head off
Tweet your disapproval here
It's only what Mohammed was telling LBC
I think you should complain to them
They walked down the steps of the church screaming allahu akbar and Daesh
Sorry lad but it just looked like mindless spam. Give context and greentext it all in one post in future.
Never forget. Jews use taqqiya as well
Like this guy who used to tell people he was a Christian
A new guy is saying don't shoot to kill terrorists
cept for jews its called baba kali or some shit
Because you're filtered
We NEED a return to hard borders. This is how the migrants are getting in. Via Ireland. It's a notorious route
Paddy can fuck off
wew lad
you mean semen right lad
I wish I was allowed to drink my doggies milk but I don't have one tbh
He's seeking re-election apparently
Semen, poo AND milk probably
Not only that, but she is actually the beneficiary of the only form of white privilege which exists: the systematic promotion of traitors to the white race, who receive healthy salaries for betraying their people to the benefit of all others, and most of all to the benefit of the most 'privileged' (((race of people))) on the planet.
Satan does so love such people's souls.
Lads, in what ball park would my annual salary be for a standard retail position?
I'm expecting this sort of thing to be happening more and more lads - up and down the country.
Fuck off weirdo. Never reply to my posts again.
min wage * hours per week * 52
Filthy yank globalist taig shilling for Rothschild…who holds British citizenship
Royal husband: 'Britain should not leave the EU'
This shit should disturb you as we've had the referendum but the globalists are piling the pressure on not to leave
Who is this rt fag
Thank you lad.
who is this
I'm unstoppable now, lad
Black Lives Matter Protesters Torch French Town
Multiple Black Lives Matter protesters have been arrested in France after demonstrations against the death of a Malian man in police custody left Beaumont-sur-Oise and other nearby towns in flames. Of those arrested, some are being charged with throwing incendiary objects at security forces and others for “trying to burn down” their towns.
Head of social media for Berlin Police - Yvonne Tamborini - is blocking people on twitter for asking awkward questions and telling them to look in the mirror
She has problem glasses
It's going to the bloody pan, and rather quickly tbh.
East Germany was actually pretty based in some ways tbqh
Go on…
commies pls go
They were actually much more nationalist than West Germany.
They supported traditional families (to a certain extent) and viewed homosexuality as a deviation that needed to be eradicated (they did a lot of pioneering research work on the causes of homosexuality)
The economic system was retarded, but they weren't affected by internationalism or cultural marxism to the same extent as the west
Bomb threat in Dortmund
The happening rate seems to be increasing exponentially
Civil war when?
I'm in the mood for a bit of tranny bashing lad. Don't make me contact the autist who figured out your address.
They got somethings right, I'll give them that.
Dortmund. Go on Germany
What exactly would Jews gain from turning Europe brown, lads?
Good Lad.
Don't look at mai post count.
gas leak, lad
No possibility of a strong white nation emerging
It's not a long-term plan really lad, it's more just a byproduct of their hatred for nationalism and stable, healthy white societies
Only Barth meme to get me to chuckle
It would be so easy SO EASY to assert your authority through some mild disciplinary force. The worse they behave the stronger my desire to do so is. I want the realities of nature and struggle to crash down on these sheltered people who poke, prod and spit the very people sheltering them.
We can tame a lioness but let these combative malcontent women run wild.
Beautiful picture, now all i want is a pet lion to go swimming with.
Shekels. Every. Single. Time
Jews are actually pretty fucking stupid people
#NotAllJews of course
All of this violence, its very sad, frankly.
Thankfully the soon to be 45th president of the United States is looking to co-operate with other sovereign presidents like mr Putin and yes even mr Assad to remove these lunatics, and almost more importantly remove the underlying problem which is mainly radical wahhabi islam, an apparition propped up by many who seek to gain benefit and tie us down with carnage, bad deals
we need to get rid of the crazies, the savages, get rid of the fundamentalists, we need to return to a prosperous age of building things, and making good deals, with good people.
and dont miss the AMA tomorrow with our fellow americans on reddit, be nice and on point I know you can if you want to.
Think about all the people that believed in Sanders(however misguided they may be) when you go, and when you banter. Very Sad how they were sold out to Crooked Hillary
Perfect time to fill every article with this piece of news' comment section with red pills.
I saw those earlier in that thread about a chink getting eaten by lions.
Tip top kek
Even tigers fancy the odd Chinese here and there
That second one got me laughing tbh
A war with "radicals" leaves us all in chains. I guess that's what they want though.
Grey consumers too brow beaten to think or speak for themselves.
Singapore is really the only example of a society being "multicultural" and even then LKY didn't think Muslims could be part of that in any real way.
Lions really are incredible things aren't they?
They are indeed.
I hope they court marshalled him later.
Nature really is wonderful.
It's a shame that Europeans, especially the British, are the only ones really willing to catalogue these wonders.
It wouldn't have survived without its mother, lad. This was merciful.
Jesus, look at this big lad eyeing the keeper and licking his lips. Weird they didn't react sooner. Luckily mummy lion was there.
Quick! Sling grant money and freebies at them, coddle them until they magically become literary geniuses!
That's true, I thought a similar thing about the paralysed lion. He's going to die and human intervention would be mindless tampering.
Is lion posting the new Big Dog posting?
Of courshe.
And no tbh. Just posting lions tbh.
tbh tigers beating lions kind of ruins it tbh.
That's like making a happening out of a shooting in Detroit, lad.
How did Richard know about lions? Unless he was from Africa…
Just your typical Tuesday in Malmo, tbh.
The Dortmund situation is probably a hoax
I think the psychological faze is being ramped up
They're mixing it all up
Would you get bummed for a million quid?
Imagine how much better an all white London would be compared to now
I heard someone say that when an East Asian person sees a bird of paradise on a branch the first thing they think of is:
Whereas the first thing a European thinks of is:
I know we were less concerned about conservation in the past though so I'm not sure how innate this is.
Probably. Knowing what I'd do with the million would cancel it out tbh.
only available in small.. they shouldn't make them in small ffs
Everyday is a happening in Malmodishu
I heard in another thread, there was 800+ grenade attacks so far.
It's part of this video by an Australian guy who lives in Taiwan.
I'd say we've always cared about conservation, it just became more apparent due to mass hunting and what have you.
R.I.P George never faggot
Dont bully me lad, I just switched proxies to avoid Mummy May
Who /DNC/ later?
I've been enjoying it much more than the RNC. They're basically a parody of themselves at this point, and it's so amusing to watch, especially because Hillary's campaign has been such a shitshow and Trump is doing so well. They're going way, way too hard with the pandering, it's so overt think that I think even some of the white cucks will be really forced to contemplate whether they want to vote for a party that obviously hates them.
I'll see if I can stay up. Find it hard to work out what's actually happening when and what will be interesting though
More keks. I can't believe this is a political event.
At what time does it end? I can't be up all night,
I don't know lad. I don't watch it all the way through, but I go to bed at 2-3am and it's still going then.
Seeing them appropriate Jerusalem really rustles me
compare it to this
The French have named one of the killers as Adel Kermich…I laughed at this timeline
Yanks have a good anthem tbqh
The Pole is a born nation wrecker tbh
Women and Yanks. Mental
It's odd because most of her tweets are inane female things, apart from that one tweet
She's clearly a half-caste of some description, lad
Sonny Bono is the reason I will never go skiing
Looks like a Turk/Central Asian type to be honest.
A half-caste 400 years ago maybe
I think I found the most prime cancer
Pick one.
The tranny?
What happened?
You idiot, that's CHAD BONO
No, her husband. He went skiing, ran into a tree, and died.
My favorite sport is golf– the sort of sport you can play by yourself, where you're surrounded by beauty.
I didn't realise there were two categories for Finn.
Ah, right. Cheers
I never said that.
I just said she looks like she is Eurasian. There are legitimate Eurasians in Central Asia and they do sometimes end up in the slavic nations
Golf is great. I love that feeling when you hit the ball just right. Absolutely intoxicating.
Alright lad, sorry I misinterpreted you.
To me she looks a bit native (south) american, but who can tell with these mutts?
/r9k/ culture is best culture tbh.
Well it was until 9 out of 10 threads became about boipucci
Hot damn, I'm on my way over right now!
new thread
Thanks lad