Here is said tumblrina: SkippyDame AKA Olivia Stevens.
Christian Young
Next week…ayyy lmao!
Samuel Hughes
And it's guaranteed that it will be much more enjoyable than anything cuck/co/ has ever made so far.
Why am I even comparing the two anyway?
Leo Taylor
Oliver Gutierrez
So this permathread about anime and manga is now a hub for "raids" on it's sister thread back on 4chan?
Charles Diaz
You're not being subtle, highjinx.
Nathaniel Turner
Am I on point?
Landon Howard
We're missing Jimmy, Sarah, two other Kankers, Plank and Nazz.
Dominic Kelly
Actually, that faggot highjizz would all be for a raid. How do you know OP isn't tricking you guys again?
I'm also curious: what the fuck does Holla Forums have to do with raids? Nothing. So why should this thread stay up?
David Thompson
So was he an actual alien? He could be amnesiac Cars, since his "stand" allows him to transform into anything, which is kinda was Cars was able to do at the end.
Carter Flores
That's the thing, I'm not sure what character can equate.
Plank is「Super Fly」
Kars has purple eyes, Mikitaka has green eyes
Liam Reed
3rd pic: Someone should ask them if they intended to rip off the Eye of Agamatto (dispel illusion, reveal truth, tracking, 3rd eye motif), or they think it is homage.
Brandon Campbell
So how does horrible subbs compare to some stuffs quality wise?
Josiah Reyes
Kira is Johnny his dad is plank
Eli Cox
can't be the same guy, they have different eye colored eyes.
Joseph Anderson
Video quality? No idea, but Horrible just rips from Crunchyroll (garbage renaming and all), while Some-Stuffs does actual fansubbing.
Yeah, that's kind of a silly criteria, but Kars can only assume natural forms right? What about when Miki becomes sneakers or a six-sided die?
Chase Walker
That's when it breaks the theory, because the Ultimate Life form Kars could only change things into animals not objects.
Evan Watson
Johnny doesn't want a normal life and does stand out a lot, if anything Jimmy has more potential of being Kira.
Carter Morgan
Is there a save editor for 7SU? I lost my saves, and I'm not going through the game again without cheating my way to the new game+ room and getting King Crimson.
Camden Sanchez
thanks fam, will wait for some stuffs then
Alexander Richardson
Not to mention that ability suggested for Jessica Rabbit is a rip-off of Hato's Stand.
Also, as much as they brag they don't want to copy abilities from the series the ability of The Warden's Stand is too damn similar with Death 13. They just removed the rules of people being asleep to be caught by the Stand and Stand users being able to use their powers inside the pocket dimension.
Liam Jackson
Ayy Lmao is next week, that means we're not that far from the last quarter of Duwang Should we give these threads after DiU finishes airing and re-asume once VA comes around ? I mean, it's not like anyone on this board will give enough fucks about Cuckventure Time, and even an actual ATfag comes around he'll get drowned in Killer Queen pics and lewds of Narancia anyway
Cooper Perez
Well, with the manga being a monthly thing the threads will probably only really be active when those chapters come out anyway.
Oliver Gomez
Thank you brilliant user. I can't believe I never thought to look for this.
Thomas Cox
Sorry pal, I think there's only the one for later versions of RPG Maker.
Jonathan Brooks
Mostly Had more saved but cannot find them for the life of me
Hudson Nguyen
All synthetic objects come from nature somewhere down the line. Can Kars create oil? If so, he could create plastics, right?
Leo Taylor
I couldn't agree more on how accurate that is.
Chase Lee
Who's Jotaro?
Dominic Morgan
Lemme throw in my old edit, too.
Joseph Diaz
Eddie's brother.
Easton Nelson
Charlie Brown
But why did you remove the eyebrows?
Gavin Diaz
I guess he's happy to see you. I didn't even notice until you pointed that out
Nathan Rodriguez
If you don't remember, then I'll tell you now, Kars' cells contained the DNA of every living thing on the planet; his cells were all fertilized super eggs that contain the potential to become anything that uses sperm and eggs to create life, so he could turn his cells into creatures or just form pertinent parts of those creatures on his surface, like when he made his shell I always remember reading that line for some reason, just the way he constantly explained it vaguely as either being akin to a crab or a seashell, like he didn't fucking know what he was transforming into He could not transform into synthetics or things like liquids since those aren't actual living things, though he could transform into plantlife MAYBE because they technically have some form of life, though I'm not sure they have DNA in the same way animals do. As far as I know, Kars can only transform his cells into things that are considered "living," but how his cells contain a completely new genetic makeup after poking his brain with the power of the sun makes no sense.
Luis Long
I guess he can, considering he is against dropping onto a small flower, he might consider that "life" as well. So technically he and Giorno have the same power with the difference being that Giorno transforms objects into living things and back, but cannot alter himself or other people, while Kars can CREATE living things out of himself, but not out of other objects, and he can't get them to go back to nothing.
Cameron Johnson
I have been browsing imageboards for nine years and this is the first time I have felt vein-popping rage in all this time.
Dominic Price
Oil was a living thing long ago. Could Kars create within himself a process through which plant/amimal matter becomes oil at an excellerated rate?
Samuel Morales
I suppose it'd be the equivalent of dead skin to him, but once it's dead he could no longer form it.
Gavin Harris
Why can't the dice just be made of ivory and plant dyes?
Nathan Stewart
because elephant tusks being then shaped into a very small form and then automatically applying ink to itself doesn't make any god damn sense
Landon Cruz
They even dragged Judge Dredd, Nemesis The Warlock and fucking Condorito into it
Jordan Jones
Is that where you draw the line?
Owen Wright
I drew the line at oil, you're the faggot who keeps drawing this out
William Fisher
Is it even possible to have every character in Part 4 to have a smug face?
Lucas Lopez
There's that one pic of every smug face in DiU
Camden Sanchez
Seraah fits yukako better tho
Brayden Jackson
Necesito una explicacion. for real
Kevin Johnson
*Exijo una explicacion cuck/co/'s autism has no boundaries, or taste for that matter esta mierda no pasaba con mi general
Luis Bennett
Pero alguna evidencia,algo? Su stand tiene sentido o es algo como GER?
Hunter Hughes
He got a brief mention in their part 6 doc And for the love of god user, this is an english-speaking Vietnamese cave-painting wall, if you want to shitpost in latino you have chispajuan
Bentley Nguyen
sometimes i get scared of how many fellow beaners inhabit this board
Owen Gomez
Wrong country, wall-jumper
Lucas Gray
Isaiah Scott
I think he means spain Or Puerto Rico
Ian Foster
Not sure if people from spain care that much about Condorito or Mafalda
Levi Johnson
yeah Kars can fight by throwing yogurt and plankton but the question is why the fuck would he if he can just summon a hundred piranhas just by thinking about it
South Americans and the still white remnants of the French are the most weebish people I've ever seen
Michael Lewis
Because he wants to fool Rohan in a dice game. Duh.
Ayden Ross
Btw, today's Joseph's birthday
Jonathan Kelly
That scoundrel.
Ayden Allen
(sekai ichi) Happy birthday you magnificent bastard
Adrian Gomez
Matthew Cruz
Liam Kelly
Hunter Morales
What do you imagine an old Giorno or Jotaro would look like?
Andrew Myers
Literally the Godfather
A stern shrunken man who is 90% hat
Blake Cooper
that's really neat.
It would be cool if there was a similar one for Josuke.
Xavier Russell
Isn't the little kid Josuke?
Owen Brown
Drawing a blank here. I keep thinking he'll look the same even if he hits his 60s or 80s.
Somewhat of Old Snake from MGS4 or Kazuma Kiryu from Yakuza.
Checked their drawings, I haven't spot a Josuke drawing.
I stand corrected. Found a Josuke drawing from their twitter.
Ryan Rogers
nice, thanks
Leo Lewis
Spanishfag here, it exists. Not stupidly massive as it was in argentina, but it exists.
Asher Johnson
I would assume that old Jotaro would look like Old Joseph…except less fun. Incidentally..I always imagined that Josuke would've been a cop in Morioh and Okuyasu as a businessman, writer or a food critic in their later years for some reason.
Nathan Lee
I always imagined Giorno getting a less full beard than Joseph had, or having a curly mustache of some sort like a scruffier Guy Fawkes facial hair
It's going to try and adapt Part 4, and is coming out this summer, directed by Takashi Miike. This guy's adapted Ichi The Killer and Ace Attorney before. I don't know if that's a good or bad sign but I don't wanna know honestly. Pic related is playing Josuke (Kento Yamazaki)
There's really nothing else to say other than I feel sick and anticipate death.
Leo Sanders
I guess Hollywood got tired on comic books and are now targeting Cambodian cartoons.
Xavier Hall
I predict they'll combine Angelo, Akira and Kira into one character.
Hunter Hill
Jeremiah Nelson
Well at least its not hollywood.
But why start at part 4 I wonder. 4 through 6 are super depended on everything that happened in part 3, and 1. Honestly I would totally watch a live action Phantom Blood movie in the style of Johnathan Strange, and Mr. Norrel.
Thats honestly how I would do it if it was a movie.
Gavin Brown
I would blame the monkey's paw, but I'm sure as fucking hell I didn't wished for this
Joshua Thomas
user, what do you want me to tell you?
Activity:Guess which Kamen Riders are in each of these example movies!!!
Carson Collins
Bleach got a live action?
Gabriel Brooks
Adding some more for those of you who think this is just an equivalent to America's Superhero movie trend and that it's only shonen that gets adapted. BTW the Uzumaki movie was made while the manga was still serialized so it had a different ending
Was announced along side the final chapter.
Nolan Peterson
And speaking of super heroes…
Jayden Young
Not only are 4-6 dependent on 1 and 3, they also have so much shit going on in all of them that cramming it down into a 2 or even 3 hour movie would be borderline impossible without cutting a bunch of important/cool shit out.
You could easily turn part 1 or 2 into a pretty interesting martial arts movie though.
Zachary Bailey
Phantom Blood should be the easier pick, it's a drama + horror + martial arts
Ian Fisher
Not necessarily, a lot of 4 is practically slice of life most of the time. Despite being my second favorite part there is some fat you can trim from it.
Luke Evans
There's certainly some fat to be trimmed, but you'd still have to include everything dealing with the arrow before Kira is revealed as the villain, and that alone is enough shit to take up a good portion of a movie.
John Watson
A live-action JoJo? I have to say no..not even if the Japanese doing it because I cannot see anybody pulling off Josuke's pompadour also, if it's Part 4, they are going to need to do it into at least 3 or 4 films because Part 4 has a lot of things to cover.
Chase Nelson
Do you not understand?
Andrew Reyes
I mean, do it well. Second and third pic is kinda overkill.
Lincoln Evans
Ace Attorney was actually good, so I'm cautiously hopeful.
Aiden Roberts
Did Araki approve of this? The last time they ever made a film, Araki hated that shit.
Guy's pompadour on the left in the second pic is fine. Third and fourth pic sucks.
Nathan Lopez
Since it's part four, pretty likely he did. Rumors before were that it was going to be Stardust Crusaders that got a live action adaptation.
Evan Roberts
Thank god that didn't happen.
Jordan Richardson
It hasn't been confirmed yet. My bet is Araki has gone they way of HunterXHunter or Berserk, and just doesn't care anymore, or Shueisha fucked him over and gave the rights to a film to Toho.
Daniel Gonzalez
What's with people characterizing Mangaka as some type of reclusive geniuses who act above it all and are bemoaned by the less savory aspects of their trade? Miura is too obsessed with [email protected]/* */ to keep up on Berserk, and Togashi is sick 354 days of the year. Araki is straight up just weird dude who thought his house didn't have snacks growing up.
Luke Anderson
Hardly, Araki still loves doing JoJo to some extent, at least he's consistent with Jojolion's serialization Miura on the other hand just doesn't give a damn anymore because fucking [email protected]/* */, and Togashi spends more time in the hospital than anything at all, seriously, he's infected with Nurgle's Rot or Blockmania to spend that much time in the hospital
Adam Gutierrez
Well that would suck, and thanks for reminding me that abysmal rendition of Berserk is getting another season.
Doesn't Shueisha have a reputation for screwing people over or was that another company?
Aiden Evans
It's probably just not one company. I thought Jojo was safe because the rights were owned by Luckyland co. and distributed but not owned by Shueisha. But I guess not.
Henry Rivera
Why the hell would the author of Berserk care about some moe dating rpg.
Ethan White
Wait no, I just realized it's just an inside joke. But wait that's even worse because it means he truly doesn't care about Berserk anymore.
Nolan Peterson
Don't know. But I don't think he doesn't care, because if that was the case he'd hit the self-destruct button like other mangakas have done before. Does anybody have that final page of a manga where the author's note is "I have no desire to finish this manga" and I think the MC is getting arrested for being a pervert?
Landon Richardson
Holy shit did that actually happen?! That was a great fucking way to end a series if it did then.
Cooper Morales
Not gonna lie, from reading his little tidbits on each cover and his interview with Shoko, he sounds and looks like a chill guy that you can hang with.
Working 15-16 hours with no holidays and drawing gruesome scenes (not counting the current arcs) can really damper your mood/health, and you need something to balance that shit out. Though it doesn't really excuse him for dragging the arcs, not mercy kill Casca now, and allowing a shit studio to do an anime of his work.
Thomas Green
On a completely unrelated note to everything in this thread Anyone know what type of sandwich Kira bought? It looks delicious as hell.
Parker Powell
Katsu Sandwich, which is a fried pork (or chicken) filet sandwich.
Aiden Perry
Well, the meat is Katsu but the bread used for most Katsu sandwiches is flat not fluffy like the one in Jojo. What sort of bread is that? The sauce is just sauce, and there's lettuce in the sandwich too. All I need is the bread.
Lincoln Gutierrez
Bread is a french roll user.
Aiden Lopez
Looks too light. I don't think that could be the bread. The one in Jojo looks to be a darker shade.
Daniel Phillips
Stop being picky and eat your fucking sandwich user!
Man… after this Holla Forums will need a new cuck fanbase to anger with jojo threads…
tbh 2018 is very far, that shit should bite the dust NOW
Robert Wood
I guess these threads will be to see part 5 and 6 animated till then.
Liam Lewis
Since /mlp/ is banned here and declining, it could be either the Loud house or Steven Universe.
Parker Harris
Nah, Loud House is cool for now, and SU will derail on itself anyway
For now let's enjoy our time left
Landon Sanders
OOO is in AoT, Kabuto's in Black Butler, Den-O is in the third one, and the fourth one is Fourze
Anthony Stewart
I'm not sure that I'm ready to see Part 6 animated. Both for the final moments and everyone dies, and tumblr going batshit nuts over that part and overly making Jolyne along with Hermes and FF ugly fat black dykes.
Aiden Murphy
First time poster, long time lurker, congrats on AT's eventual death
Currently readan Part 4, watchan part 3 of 2014 adaptation and the SC OVA (s). Joseph a best.
I'm just finished Let's Eat Italian Food (in DiU), why is the Italian Chef so cool?
Levi Green
The only counter to that is make hot porn of them to drown out the ugly. Hermes makes my heart go doki doki
Jordan Lee
It's too late for that anyway.
Connor Thompson
Ryan Butler
Add in more vanilla high quality shit with annasui or weather report, I'll be cool with that.
Good taste user.
This is true.
Is that PGA?
Evan Lopez
Hunter Wood
I'm willing to believe that Kars killed all the men of an alien species and impregnated all the women, birthing a human-ayy hybrid species.
Samuel Hernandez
William Ross
Kars can't procreate though he has no need to.
Gavin Stewart
Seconding request for sauce.
Cameron Ross
On the contrary, I say SU has potential for /cow/-style milking. Let's hit them next.
Hunter Taylor
Its a shame that the only part six doujin has too much anal in it for it to be arousing.
Lucas Moore
It fucking hurts user.
Carter Lopez
tuck me in and leave me to die
would you change your mind if I told you Hermes was a beaner?
Nolan Smith
Why would her being a Mexican bother a Colombian? That's a rhetorical question
Matthew Green
Mr. Araki, dude! That's clearly one of those bizarre shit what Rohan would do too! You are not helping…
Nicholas Harris
Well considering people actually like the loud house, you are going to get some pushback. The only reason you guys get away with "trolling" at is because no one gives a fuck about it any more, so they can't be arsed to care about you derailing threads with jojo
Noah Rodriguez
Thoughts on the new OP ?
Kayden Phillips
Better drawings overall than all three of them, but they still look off as fuck, especially that King's Quest 7 walk animation Josuke does at the beginning There's no reason this could not have been in fucking 3D given that they apparently took the time to rotoscope Josuke, Okuyasu and Kawajiri doing absolutely nothing Good parts: feels truer to part IV being a chillax part rather than the action packed series that follows it, the idea of having all the supporting cast join in on that cover's pose is comfy as hell, Kawajiri looks much better than I expected him to be. there's a bit more foreshadowing but not too much, the fonts and effects and overall visuals look pretty spiffy. Bad parts: "HEHE I'M THE KILLER FOLKS" Kawajiri thinks as he looks at the viewer, Porky Pig like, animation is jittery as fuck, the song is even worse than CHAZUU because it just does not evoke anything jojo-related, apparently Hayato's mom is an important character now when all she ever did was being an egocentric whore and killing Tama, the Cheap Trick dude is drawn in pure Quality™ style, Star Platinum still looks like shit, WHERE'S MY FUCKING THREE-DEE CGI DAVID REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Overall it's okay but this whole series is a good chunk of steps down from Stardust Crusaders and David is spilling major spaghetti all around with this voice actor mismanagement. I'm honestly just waiting to see if they fuck up Highway Star too, and if they do, I'm thinking about dropping the series until Bites the Dust.
Isaac Price
What the fuck is this
Easton Jackson
Because Tonio is a grade A chef that only cares about making supremely delicious food that simultaneously benefits his customers' health. You better catch up to at least part 8 before you post here again if you don't want to get spoiled beyond belief. A lot of strange plot twists and shit happen in the Jojo franchise that you might as well isolate yourself completely from these threads for the time being if you hate spoilers.
Ian Torres
She's got some yaoi hands in that screenshot.
Jaxson Ramirez
So would he have blocked or outright killed Esididsi and Whammu instead of allowing them to use the stone of Aja?
Lucas Sanders
Shit, considering the PGA is an AT fanboy and he provided /cow/ with one of the more ridiculous threads they've had in awhile, I can only imagine what an entire fanbase of that tier could provide them.
David King
Who say anyone here is trying to troll anybody? You can still discuss AT here if you want, but there isn't much you can say about it that hasn't already been analyzed so thoroughly to the point that it's pointless and depressing, which is why nobody but a handful of unfortunate anons who are new to AT bother anymore. If you removed Jojo autism from AT generals they'd quickly devolve into "(grinning_potato.gif) why are cartoons so shit" tier threads, which are already tired as fuck on their own.
Zachary Howard
So you're going to skip two filler chapters after you've already sat through the whole badly drawn mess of a series?
Hunter Brown
That was supposedly good, so i don't fear much. But Diamond Is Unbreakable would fit way better as a tv novel
Seeing how he recently delayed Berserk to 2017, i wouldn't say he has no real need for them
What do they plan to do to drag it on even further?
Seeing how he literally said "His fault for fighting with honor" when Wammu died, i don't think he really cared too much about them
Colton Smith
I think it's more along the lines of four (not counting HS2), which is about a month of Quality
Andrew Jackson
That was kinda weak, and its making me miss the stylish 3D openings that the first three parts had.
These sudden hiatuses from him are weird as fuck.
Aiden Rivera
i feel like every new intro is worse than the last, but i think diamond is unbreakable has had worse so is the new guy actually an ayylium or is he just pretending to not notice stands?
Daniel Wood
That reminds me, did we ever went through on why did Jesse Moynihan's attempts at being Evangelion and shove philosophical shit into the show were bad in the first place ? Philosophical elements are a complex topic, they have potential to be either a gold Experience mine or a complete crash with no survivors, and AT ended up being the latter
Adrian Hernandez
He is totally an alien.
Anthony Edwards
Are there any artists interested in character design? I'm scouting for recruits for 7SU2. We're also accepting sprite artists and musicians.
James Roberts
I'm going to assume the lyrics are from the perspective of Kira, happily living his quiet life. That's the vibe I get.
Nathaniel Evans
I think any talent Holla Forums had left months ago.
Jacob Lopez
Have you tried in the drawthread ?
Adrian Brown
Not yet, although I guess it's worth a shot.
Ian Smith
Um, guys…..
Jose Sanchez
Oh wow, they are making a part 5 anime. Who would have guessed.
Ryder Lewis
Does this mean "Golden Wind" is canon?
Gavin White
Off to Italy, hope you like living inside of a turtle
Liam Myers
I think so, that might be the name of the part 5 anime, and Vento Aureo is just golden wind in Italian
Luke Edwards
How do you think they'll change the style for part 5?
Kevin Robinson
We'll go full fabulous for Vento Aureo And then we'll switch to girls with gains in Stone Ocean
Ian Ross
Part 5 is probably gonna have a huge budget since its popular in Japan.
I just hope they change the show a bit, by giving Girona a personality.
Brody Thomas
Full HD webms of the Gang-star dance soon
Christopher Ward
..You know, after the Ayy Lmao episode, we'll be getting the best chapter of Part 4, right?
Adam Campbell
Bentley Long
Looks like they are going to combine Rohan's house burning with the Highway Star episode.
Sebastian Fisher
Next episode's pacing will be odd as fuck They better not fuck up the chase
Julian Ross
I believe that was the plan all along. That description is just a meta way to acknowledge that yes, Kars planned to throw his bros under a truck only for Rohan to dive and save them as soon as he became the ultimate lifeform.
Dominic Reyes
Do you guys have the updated version of pic related ? I need it for edit purposes
Christian Adams
I think that was actually a major topic just before everyone gave up on AT completely and this thread turned into /jojo/.
Daniel Baker
Shall we give it one last shot before AT goes into [CREAM]'s void ?
Alexander Diaz
In the manga it was extremely ambiguous throughout. I personally like to think of him as a benevolent alien rather than some faggot pretending to be retarded, because pretend retards always manage to be more boring than actual retards as a general concept.
Give it a shot user. I mean, I'm not going to bother with it anymore, but I'm sure there are still one or two anons who browse these threads that are willing to pick recent AT episodes apart.
Also, I don't have the slightest doubt that the PGA still hangs around these threads considering he loves AT. There's always some fun to be had with that faggot.
Nicholas Foster
What the fuck. That's going to be completely atrocious no matter how you look at it. Highway Star deserves an entire episode to itself at the very least.
Mason Anderson
I don't consider myself someone that wise in the realm of philosophy to begin with, it's not my field Moynihan's work always came up to me as something a hipster pretending to be a scholar would come up with just to look wise and intelligent, like your average pseudo-intellectual at your university would do, a bunch of words and vague concepts slammed together like your average Ork construct, that once you put some thought into it they fall flat and end up being meaningless and worthless
What ended up rubbing everyone in the wrong way was the fact that he tried to, well, rip-off various elements from Evangelion constantly
Ryan Harris
That's everything wrong with modern AT in less than two paragraphs. Straight from your own post even.
Now do you see why these threads went so off topic to the point that we're now discussing an annie may about grown men posing dramatically?
Kevin Miller
(checked) And the part that infuriates me is that they WILL praise this bullshit once AT finally [BITES THE DUST] Hell, it makes me wish that AT's main problem was still shippingfaggotry
Daniel Williams
There's really nothing any of us can do about that at this point. Being angry over faggots patting themselves on the asses is like being mad that some high school clique thought they were better than everybody else. As in, it's pointless and it only serves to make your own life shittier for obsessing over a bunch of hugbox faggots.
Bentley Jackson
That pretty much sums it up, it's useless at this point
Continuing the ongoing trend of DIU OPs going down in terms of quality
Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town >= Chase >>>>>> the ED >>>>>>> Greatu Daze
Joseph Collins
It's only ever hinted that he's an ayyy lmao but stranger things will happen from now on, so I think it's fair to assume that he really is one. Plus he actually does use Earth Wind and Fire later on and is completely baffled by Josuke's "psychokinesis" as he calls it.
It's never been Golden Wind or Vento Aureo, it's always been the nip-speak equivalent of it, but Araki tends to add "Parte V" instead of "Part V" to his creation, plus the game is still called Le Bizzarre Avventure di GioGio.
Prolly using the same style as part IV but with a shitload more money and an OP that is more in line with Part III's.
IIRC some French autist went on a huge rant due to Part V's translation being even worse than Duwang since it eliminated all subtleties and accents but was barely better scanned - stuff like Abbacchio being a sarcastic asshole and Giorno being improbably polite under all circumstances. (sekai ichi) But the ending has an at least catchy tune attached to it, Chase is just generic shonenshit with generic shonenshit visuals.
Any updates on that shit and how're you guys developing it? Is it still in RPGMaker?
Charles Wright
That first part of the opening was great, but then it went downhill from there. Chase wasn't the most memorable song, but the visuals were cool. I don't really get what they're going for with the afterimages. Is it supposed to reference Bites the Dust? Because it seems like it would fit better with Epitaph.
Jeremiah Allen
Part 5 was by far my least favourite. I'm really hoping the anime can give me a new perspective on it.
Ethan Hernandez
it's him
Cooper Allen
It's official, it's the shitty dub Fuck my life
Aiden Hall
Not too sure on how to feel about this or having to stomach through the shit dub for season 1 and stroheim's voice.
Angel Morgan
No I'm not the "hurpadurp I can make my own engine by myself" autist, I'm just wondering
Wyatt Foster
Its passive aggressive and kinda autistic. But im not an AT fan. Just making an observation.
Blake Miller
The song was certainly creative. But it sounded like something from a Gospel song near the end.
Colton Taylor
It's OK, I guess. Chase is too…Naruto-y for my taste. Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town is still better though.
Julian Garcia
I'm not sure what to even expect anymore, Toonami doesn't air in my country in eons and I only watched random clips of the dub, some of the voices really break the tone of both parts
Parker Campbell
You know..I really do hope they put a lot of effort in the Highway Star fight and maybe an off-key version of Highway Star during the chase scene. I mean, they did it with Kira with a few notes of Killer Queen.
Anthony Morales
aw i was hoping for him and more autisting screeching. I generally lurk the pad, and from what i saw someone is trying to make the game in c++ but they're still using rpgmaker anyway, in case they won't be able to use the alternative.
i wouldn't get my hopes high anyway
Gavin Stewart
I'll give you autistic, but I don't think anyone is being passive aggressive. It's just that outside of one or two anons literally nobody here has any interest in AT anymore.
Matthew Carter
What? I didn't notice that at all.
Jeremiah Lee
That piano bit whenever Kira appears. It's subtle, but it is there.
When [SAIL AWAY] is active everybody in a 100 foot radius sees the world in 10 FPS. The user is immune to the and sees things normally.
Brandon Perry
You could count me as one of those 2 fags, but it's more of a morbid curiosity than anything else, just to see how bad it got after I dropped it But not that it will finally get [DELETED] in 2018 I might start enjoying how this shitfest finally crumbles upon itself.
Carson Phillips
And how exactly can you determine that if whenever someone makes an AT thread, its spammed with Jojo? Its hilarious enough a actual cartoon isn't allowed to be talked about here on Holla Forums because of some unwritten rule made up by a small group of users but an anime is. You are missing my points here,but ive already derailed the thread enough…
Justin Williams
Some say that Miura doesn't even want to continue Berserk anymore and that he is just dragging it on out of pressure
Which is unbearable at it's current state
Carter Baker
This shit is animu, weebs.
Someone has to burst your bubble.
Dylan Robinson
At least you're spared from the shit dubs.
I still don't understand why they decided to make most of the characters have hammy accents. It would of sound a little more bearable without them or if they made the accents sound less forced, but then again, Johnny Yong Bosch voicing Jonathan Joestar doesn't mesh well at all and Stroheim's VA sucks all together.
That could be the case or it's just a rumor. Either way, I just want them to get off the damn island, get Casca healed (or not), and go back to hunting down Griffith.
Josiah Morgan
I think they went for the "lel, Jojo is so quirky and over-the-top" approach that normalfags had when the anime first started airing
Kayden Thompson
Oh hey…Hijinx is back.
Cooper Hall
Except people have started these threads to actually talk about AT before, and the discussion always winds up petering out on its own in under 50 posts because AT is that fucking worthless.
Also, you haven't derailed anything, this is how these threads are between episodes and chapters.
Carson Harris
If it was PGA he'd be getting asshurt and then pretend he's trolled us. Sometimes shitposts are just made by random anons.
Josiah Rogers
I like the idea and concept a ton. But area of effect stands don't usually have high precision. I think that stands with "A" range also have range larger than 100 feet. I'm not sure about the name either, but other than that, very good concept aside from small nitpicks.
Sebastian Cook
Why so many fillers? I know they're in the manga but they nonkira parts of the anime are so unenjoyable…
Juan Myers
Why do you hate fun?
Lucas Stewart
Shit, I mean, Rohan.
Jaxson Sanders
Sorry but the only rock paper sciccors game I cna enjoy is kaiji. maybe hunter x hunter but that doesn't really count.
I don't know. THey're not that bad but I want to go back to Kira instead of these characters who most likely won't matter in the series.
Jackson Russell
Because Kira's dad wants to get rid of the people that want to kink shame his son.
I found them pretty funny.
Bentley Brown
Dominic Moore
I thought Number 1 did a pretty good job. He is the number 1 Jojo.
Luis Davis
What makes you think that Josuke would join the yakuza?
Parker Allen
Have you seen his hair? He's obviously not a good person.
Robert Edwards
Liam Hernandez
The hair, but the joke was more how similar the two organizations are.
If you asked me for real though I'm probably sure Josuke would use Crazy Diamond to leverage himself and become a doctor with Okuyasu working at the same hospital as an ambulance driver
Henry Mitchell
Josuke would probably grow up to be a doctor, plus the whole reset thing kind of ruins your plans
Carson Wright
What part of Jotaro screamed marine biologist?
Hudson Gutierrez
Jotaro was always a gigantic autist.
Eli Jenkins
PGA, is that you?
Jose Torres
Not really, the reset happens more than ten years after part 4 so plenty of time for Josuke to have a career.
He went under the water a lot during part 3 and must have decided he liked it better down there. Joeseph did a lot of traveling during part 2 set him up for his life later on as well.
Jose Nelson
He was always a fucking autist. Plus it's mostly a cover to justify being away from home fighting renegade Stand users without Jolyne getting involved, since that kind of job implies him being away on expeditions.
Mason Butler
He's an aloof autist with an obsessive attention to detail and clearly doesn't have a problem being away from home for lengthy periods. Sounds like marine biologists material to me.
Cameron Brown
Do you think that as Giorno gets older and possibly even more buff that GER will get gains as well?
Joshua Thomas
The Joestar's DNA will hit him sooner or later, everyone in the Joestar family is known for having a muscular build minus Johnny
Lucas Phillips
I'm surprised nobody has drawn GER with gains yet
Camden Thomas
Nah, I see Josuke more like a his grandfather.
Elijah Jones
See him following his grandfather's footsteps, and working as a gas station attendant part time.
Justin Richardson
Maybe more private detective then.
William Turner
During the submarine portion, he talked about how sea life was the coolest shit ever.
Jonathan Howard
Higashikata and Nijimura Investigations…sounds like a pretty good spin-off.
Christian Reyes
Probable, but GER will mostly stay the same
Johnny's got some pretty toned arm muscles, but you'd be a twig as well if your legs stopped functioning at the peak of your health.
By the way, I recall some pixiv artist making beef, part I styled drawings of all the part IV thru VII characters, has anyone seen those?
Didn't the 7SU2 guys make a Oingo&Boingo private eye thing?
Jordan Bailey
Don't know..but 7SU did skip over Oingo and Boingo…and Hol Horse and Boingo.
Matthew Johnson
7SU did skip some of the brothers segments, butif you stayed with kakyoin in the hospital you'll encounter boingo
What are you talking about user? There's segment of those two in the game and an ending with the brothers and hol horse.
Andrew Reyes
Meant oingo in the first part.
Ayden Turner
But that's the whole point of their arc, they were so ineffective as a duo that the gang doesn't even notice they were being attacked, except for Joseph and Polnareff ignoring them when they realize their ruse has backfired.
Benjamin Roberts
Yeah, if you take that one route with Polnareff..if you followed the manga route, you also have an option to skip the Hol Horse/Boingo fight.
Lucas Collins
Is Araki the most prolific living mangaka?
Levi Bailey
Feels bad Man
Grayson Bennett
You can't be band all on your own, user.
Jordan Richardson
He has "Fine Art" status, considering him and Miyazaki are the only Manga/Anime folk to have been the Louvre
Noah Cox
at the*
Caleb Miller
That explains the Rohan at the Lourve thing.
Luke Cooper
He's one of the few manga artists I know that is also considered a full-time artist as well by critics rather than some nerd making comic books.
James Peterson
It's not like most mangaka have any time to do anything other than work on their manga.
Gavin Watson
Jesus fucking christ… How does your average Comic book schedule fairs in comparison ?
Adam Myers
15 hours of posting on twitter, 1 hour of writing, and the last week of the month is for the artists doing everything as fast as they can
Evan Jones
Probably a fair bit better considering few writers are also the artists and how many modern comic artists have resorted to tracing, also how there's even a separate colorist whereas manga typically has one person doing all those jobs with assistants to pick up some slack. Though this doesn't really help all the time if an artist doesn't have a style that gels with the writer or if the colorist doesn't work in a way that flatters the artist's style either.
Josiah Evans
Am I the only one who really liked Diego?
Jacob Wilson
yes. All the people who did hundreds of fanarts were being forced by Araki at gunpoint.
Seriously, "Am I the only one who…" is one of the faggiest things you can say regarding a fandom or ahobby.
Kayden Allen
After seen this i just feel myself like a pussy after bitching over my three shift…
Zachary Parker
No. And I just realize now that he has a little bow on his hat/helmet. That's pretty cute.
Colton Adams
Am I the only one who rode a dragon dildo while reading Diego's chapters in SBR?
Aiden Edwards
Yes, yes we did.
Camden Jenkins
Looking at that schedule, it's no wonder why Araki switched to Ultra Jump for a monthly release, with few hours for regular necessities and even fewer free time, things like Hunter X Hunter's creator spending more time in the hospital than working on the manga
It's a great contrast to the western comic industry, who the only ones that I think they have a similar schedule are 2000AD and Heavy Metal Magazine who also work on a weekly release
Nathan Moore
Holy shit…makes me appreciate the mangas even more.
Adrian Hall
Gets me all the times
I think Jojolion's style is suffering a lot because of that. Too many repeated backgrounds and establishing shots over the action parts.
Diego Brando > DiegoAU
Ian Cook
What's this /a/ shit doing on Holla Forums and why are ATfags, SUfags and MLPfags tainting Jojo with their faggotry? What is it about multicolored cartoons that draws you shits in?
Colton Rodriguez
How new are you ?
Adrian Collins
Oh, hey..Hijinx. What took you so long?
Jonathan Miller
I was in the hospital.
Ian Thompson
So..uh..are you going to do the thing now? Or should you wait for an audience?
Jaxson Long
Diego AU was such a stupid fucking callback just for fans of part 3 that it pissed me off. It served no purpose to make The World appear for just one fucking chapter to eat shit, it would have been better if it was just an asshole Diego that still had Scary Monsters considering the biggest threat he had was being able to circumvent the threat of Tusk Act3 and actually turn it back on Johnny just by quick thinking.
Honestly I feel like the entire Alternate Diego thing in general could have been cut and I wouldn't have cared or even noticed, just make it that Johnny quietly rides to the church with the Corpse and maybe has a final temptation of whether to take its power for himself or not before locking it away for good Atleast until his wife gets the Crazy Bendies, but I guess Araki just fucking loves ruining endings like that huh?
Sebastian Rodriguez
At least she didn't die of a cold
Also, DiegoAU wasn't THAT bad and I feel that Araki actually meant for that part for having a "reborn" Diego Brando anyway. Since it's a repeat of parts I and III, it makes sense that he'd be the final villain, as well as him having chronokinetic powers. What really bothers me though is that for one thing, Araki zig-zagged on the usage of the older characters having an alternate self, so we never got to see KakyoinAU or PolnareffAU or an expy thereof, and for the other he made Ringo way too fucking retarded of a Stand user possessing time related powers.
Andrew Perry
Ringo wasn't stupid. He just truly believed in honorable duels.
Wyatt Young have Stroheim..but not SEKAI ICHI!
Ryder Robinson
Anyone got screencaps of Rohan's house burning down ?
Jayden Lee
Well, duh. We got to see Diego develop as a character (the mere fact that he was able to work as a team with Hot Pants means he's more well rounded). We don't even know if Another Diego had the same backstory.
I don't feel like it was "just quick thinking". Without stopping time, Johnny would have wrecked Another Diego before the bridge scene ever came into play. I think it's kind of crappy that Johnny wasn't just immune to the Infinite Spin, it definitely felt like less of an amazing power than some of the end game power-ups like GER and Star Platinum.
Ringo wasn't stupid, he was convinced that his stand was tied to the watch. Considering it's a crazy magic power and it wraps his watch arm in cables, he's not crazy for thinking the watch is an important element in it.
Also, was Mountain Tim not a Kakyoin replacement?
Ethan Thompson
He was more of SBR's Speedwagon
Justin Howard
Even though the Speedwagon Foundation already existed in SBR.
Joshua Hernandez
Yeah, but Erina Pendleton got two counterparts, so there might be two Speedwagons too.
Grayson Turner
I always thought Steven Steel was the SBR version of Speedwagon.
Caleb Rivera
Who besides Lucy?
Isaiah Sanchez
Rina Higashikata?
Blake Howard
Oh, I haven't caught up on Part 8. I thought we were talking about Part 7. And if that's the other Erina, then it doesn't follow that both Speedwagons would be in the same part.
Dylan Evans
Oh, wait, is Rina the one Johnny marries? I don't think that counts as a parallel. Unless we find out more about her in Part 8.
Andrew Rogers
Have any of you actually read Part 7 or at least the fucking manga. Erina has 2 or arguably 3 counterparts. Hotpants, and Rina, and arguably Lucy. Speedwagon is Mountain Tim, Steel's corporation hasn't been seen yet in 8 therefore it might not be the Speedwagon corporation of this universe.
Nolan Bennett
well user the Speedwagon Foundation is the Speedwagon Foundation of part 7, they just don't throw money at the Jojos anymore
Thomas Thompson
Steven and Speedwagon comparisons
But at this point the counterparts don't even seem to matter anymore and most of the ones still existing are tenuous at best, and if you still insist that it does you're just clinging to the past anyway.
There are people that think mom Higashikata is Jolyne just because she was in prison
Thomas Cruz
Daniel Evans
I'll wait for 4chan to die and then see the ensuing flood that comes in. Shit should be fucked enough then.
Angel Bailey
Benjamin Roberts
Aww…come on, your close associates aren't helping out?
Nathaniel Torres
Steven Steel from Part 7 not Steven fucking Universe you walnut
Mason Watson
It really is Saturday
Ryder Phillips
Camden Thompson
Lucas Hall
Might be, I still felt kind of disappointed
We got Prussian Stroheim though, what more could you ask for
But that's what makes it all so intriguing, every Stand, even the protagonists', has got some irredeemable flaw that can be exploited to defeat it. GER is the only one that doesn't have a clear weak point, imo it's more about how Giorno can't really control it (and if we go by the games' rules, GER is only temporary).
Names don't really mean much in the alternate universe, Jolyne's called Irene but she's pretty much the (almost) same character despite being another person.
Scratch that, there's people who haven't realized that Joshuu is OkuyasuAU and that the Nijimura maid is JotaroAU
Actually, has anyone compiled a list of alternate universe characters and their original ones?
Adam Johnson
Prussian Stroheim? Who? And the AU characters to original characters ain't exactly one to one. Like you said, the Nijimura Maid is Jotaro..but so does Yoshikage Kira.
Ryder Price
what a time to be alive…
Jaxson Hughes
James Bennett
Yeah, I know. It's a conflict in my head about wanting unstoppable badasses for heroes versus having a more compelling story. I don't like how the main JoJo got blue-balled at the ending two parts in a row, though.
Wut? Because she was a female party member? Hot Pants shares more with Dire, Lisa Lisa, and Stroheim than Erina. How is Lucy not a dedicated wife who does her best to help and protect her husband, and is strong in her conviction even in his absence? I get that she has more to do, and that might throw people off, but there's very little room to argue she is anybody except for Erina.
While typing out a bit for Rina, I realized that her name is a very strong statement of authorial intent that she is related to Erina. I assume she gets fleshed out in Part 8 and I just haven't read it yet. Let me hypothesize then that Lucy = Erina Pendelton and Rina = Erina Joestar.
Levi Watson
I love how japanese Josuke looks every time he gets exasperated or just reacting to shit around him
Connor Adams
Dis guy
I think it's pretty great that the hero gets to die or lose at the very end but his legacy will keep on living.
Charles Williams
Jotaro has several counterparts in part 8. Kira is the one who looks the most like him and is the son of Holly, Kyu has his trademark hat and is the daughter of Holly, while Josefumi has the Kujo name.
Hudson Torres
I don't know..Josefumi's more Josuke than Jotaro. Then again, so does Norisuke.
Camden Carter
Imagine if you will
Samuel Bell
But user…Sex is Useless for Kars.
Andrew Torres
Who said anything about sex being involved?
Are you telling me you've never heard of kids grown in labs before?
Thomas Lewis
I want to do an image like pics related with the headliners of Adventure Time's cancellation with smugs of Rohan and other jojo characters laughing, but I know next to nothing of photoshop
Jordan Martin
Shouldn't it be taken place during Vento Aureo? Why would you skip parts?
John Hill
It could take place during VA, though I really just skipped VA cause I'm not sure how 7SU could fit into the whole mob theme unless the new characters are members of a rival gang or something. Though a rival gang of stand users is rather interesting.
I also forgot to mention The Police's ability which is it can imprison the opponent in any object it touches
Joshua Reed
I just noticed: Part 1 and 2 had one opening each, Part 3 had two and Part 4 has three so far.
are they doing the fibonacci sequence?
Cooper Wright
It's the equivalent of saying who else likes him. Stop getting butthurt over dumb shit.
Lincoln Torres
The look on his face when Joshuu fucked with Tama's hair (or whatever that rock guy's name was who cut Josuke's liver out) was a perfect "oh shit" reaction.
Cameron Hall
No, they're making them depending on how many episodes that part has.