Screen Burn

T-t-thanks samsung. You can see the outline of Winter-Chan


It is a message. Avoid degeneracy, lest you want it burned into your retina, your mind and your soul.
Purge degeneracy. Keep your eteneral soul pure and free.


Ah, the wonders of OLED.

Yeah, I'll stick to "black levels may suck ass but at least it's basically burn-in proof" IPS.



Its not, its a Samsung UN40HU6950

here is the only other lewd winterchan i have

I am a bored chaos magician. Her sigil isn't hard to visualize or to draw. Although this MIGHT not be the best time to do anything as I'm not sure when people are going to come home but I could perform the evocation of winterchan. Any idea where I can get every image of her that exists (or at least the majority of them)?

I will make sure to report back on what happened as a result of the evocation. I just want to make sure to imprint all images of her into my mind quickly before I begin the work. I do some really elaborate ritual magick...

If I do this btw, I'll be doing it only for you, but you can share it wherever. I'll probably just talk about it here with you in this Holla Forums thread only. Probably. Depends on the will of Eris.

Fuck if I know. Try >>>/winterchan/

I just came here to bitch about my shitty samsung panel easily getting screen burn. If you want to try to freeze all the rapefugees to death, feel free.

It's probably temporary hysteresis

i've noticed this for several days now

But why

Based Samsung smiting degenerates


Can you ballpark the cd/m2 and hours for the outline that is now burned in?

Actually scratch that, the IR matches the black outline of the image, so it isn't degradation burn in. It'll probably come good.

Just don't display patterns above 100 cd/m2 for long periods of time.

Fuck if I know. Its been my wallpaper for a few months, the screen goes off after 15 minutes, escept the past few days where it was on probably 8-12 hours per day.

brightness shouldnt really matter as it isnt OLED

What are you weebs expecting with your shitty custom "ugly anime girl on a monochromatic background" trend? Thought you understood technology?


Huh, I assumed it was one of their AMOLED phones or tablets. This just means that Samsung is so incompetent that they can't even avoid burn-in on an LED-backed LCD (PLS, I'm guessing for this model).