Why was this tweet liked so much and why do berncucks think that this is some kind of top bantz?

Why was this tweet liked so much and why do berncucks think that this is some kind of top bantz?

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forgot to post link


Bots and Berniefags in denial.
But mostly bots.

They've had an emotional day and they need something to latch onto to make themselves feel better about getting cucked

holy shit how did I miss this

Using bots. Just like Shillery.
Look at other tweets on the account & compare.

This is empty headed fake imitation banter that they have the media promote for them.

No. I'm using the coincidence detector

look how much the likes grew in a few minutes

Because they think it's a

But it's really not. unless there's something more to this that I'm not aware of

no, op probably has coincidence detector

Here's something for twitter if you want to shit on these idiots who pretend petulant demands are banter.

Liberals are fucking infatuated with childish snark. Reminds me of that dopey Shillary "delete your account" tweet.

Bernie just BTFO of himself. Most of his subscribers would never have seen the Trump tweet, but now he has brought it into their view. Absolute incompetence on his part.

Is this even a real Trump tweet?

It's all they have


He obviously has the coincidence detector installed.

I’d love the source code for that to see if I can make a Safari version…


50% of people have less than 100 iq. Probably more than that thanks to "demographics"

bernouts can't stop BTFO of themselves.
bernie confirmed cuckchanner.

It shouldn't be hard to write.
Keep a database of kike names and crawl the page with an efficient search algorithm, concat "(((" string ")))"

Wow, did anyone else catch this Trump tweet?
I know the whole Trump Pence dichotomy has been done too death but Trump did it so well here.

This isn't the first time they've done this. Delete your account was liked/reposted faster than any other tweet on that site.

They hire an army of bots for these 'mic drop' moments. Why?

This comeback is the equivalent to , 'no you'; its a scorned child's response.

Im sure a lot of the bernouts retweeted it because they think it means something even through their commie jew sold them all down the river to the devil in a pantsuit.

Also a little help from

That picture

In this case? To try to ensure that no Bernie supporter votes Trump, to make them feel like they are the traitors for even considering it, not Bernie.

Twatterfags ,get to shitposting on that.

>?Pence: Th-thanks dad Chad! Did I do good?

Now's the time to redpill the bernouts who won't vote for shillary.

You'd think they'd have a little more tact than that, is all. Does anybody think that Clinton really got 200K likes/retweets in 3 hours? Is such a thing possible?

Didn't Hillary get a similar "burn" in on Trump like a month or two ago? In what universe are these idiots living in where saying "Shut up" is a burn?

The funny thing is that Trump is *technically* old enough to be Pence's father.


All that takes is like 11 years difference.

his tweet reminds you of any other tweet?

Because they are millennials.

Yep. Same staff. I bet Shillary bullied Boynie into handing over control of his media accounts.

see his other tweets, they didn't get more than 10k

@BernieSanders is not his account anymore, it belongs to Hillary staff now.

They deployed they Hillarybots.

This. Now he's on Hillary's team, Hillary's botnet can boost him.

The 20 something millennials that write tweets for shillary now have bernies twitter and the best thing they can come up with is " NYEH STOP TWEETING NYEH"

I feel like this image sums up the Bernie Sanders campaign.

They think they can speak words of power without actually backing them up with power, like cucks are often wont to do.

kek is that real?

yeah, saw this the minute he posted it by chance. Had 7,000+ shares within that minute.

Really dumb move though. Trump was posting that *to* the Bernouts and Bernie just ensured that they would all see it.

Hillary's staff has continued to be incompetent time and time again. They're all yesmen who were hired not for their ability to think critically and independently.

It's a real addon that you can use, yes. OP just happens to be using it when he made those screenshots.

How accurate is it?


It's mostly a meme addon made by the goyim at TRS, I was never too interested in it, I just know it exists.

Oh, not very…

Yeah, I've heard of it, never took much interest in it

oy vey you figured me out!

It's accurate. It's constantly being updated with new echos.

It started out as a meme and evolved into something much more. The kikes then kvetched as they are ought to do, and the result was that a whole bunch of normalfags on twitter started getting involved and it was covered in (((mainstream news))).

You must keep in mind that twitter is playing a silent and crooked game, and sees itself having a stake in the election. It won't be beyond them to artificiality inflate numbers at a steady rate.
It is a social engineering illusion to make it seem like Berine and Hillary followers are inside a huge bandwagon.

It's an addon, but Google banned it once some newfag clued (((them))) in on the echos.

You can still find it if you search "coincidence detector".

Or even be involved in the "pay for likes re tweets, followers," action as well for celebrities. Give them an elevated platform over the peasants.

didn't anonymous launch a party funded by soros?




Those digits are promising, bruv.

These sound exactly the same, because Bernie is a Hillary shill and always has been and this proves he's directly working with her now.


spread this

It's the same as "delete your account" appeals to their infantile minds.

Clinton campaign took over his twitter.

Couldn't Trump technically block their two accounts (and Pocahontas' too) and they would run out of gotcha shitposting material?

I don't agree, I don't think it's that he's a shill, I think his account is now in the hands of the same staff that produced 'delete your account.'

These guys are on to it, we need to spread this around and look for more evidence – maybe check out the DNC email leaks?

"I got blocked by Trump" with a screenshot showing they were blocked would be 1000000x more potent than these one lines liked mostly by people who won't be voting for the next US president, because they are not US citizens but global plebs who believe progressive media lies.

feels like his twitter was taken over by Hillary

It's the exact same thing as saying 'talk to the hand.' This is the kind of thing I would expect from a prepubescent girl, not a 80-year old kike.

Its like "Delete your account".

Normalfags think this is literally the height of bantz which utterly eviscerates your enemy.

Inb4 MiniTwitter becomes a thing, instead of 140 characters people have 14 characters to work with

Inb4 that goes completely wrong

Make it limited to 14 words, i.e. we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Too bad they can't quite enforce that realistically or comfortably.


Unless you count the one running for president!!!!

I'll bet one of the things Camp Cunton demanded was control over not only that account but also his entire campaign supporter communications framework. Mailing lists, contact details, everything. Hillary is going to be wearing Bernie's skin and shilling for herself with it on.

Because liberals dominate twitter, liberals hate Trump, and liberals are generally pretty fucking stupid.

Its redditor-tier humor.


Am I illiterate or is it even a sentence? If not then why did he feel the need to put a period on it?

This has been confusing me lately.
Twitter must be at least 80% libfags.
But Trump gets easily double the likes and retweets anybody else gets.
At least half of Dems on Twitter are probably shills and sockpuppets.

Also fun fact Twitter is largely owned by the Saudis and there is evidence you can pay too have certain things censored, like most conservatives so they never group on their own.

Do you not understand wit? 2intellectual4u

Oh hey, its the hillary staff+bots on it again

Some things to consider, because this is a move that has a hand behind it from both camps.
Initially bernie just retweeted Trump without the "Never tweet" which is of course plain faced signal boosting of Trump's tweet, which isn't a good thing at all for hillary and the cabal who hold the plug on his life support.
SO the solution was to add in this "Never tweet" in reference to the Never Trump PAC/"movement"

Problem is this, sooner than anyone is going to arrive at "Never Trump" (since they know that whole thing was literally just a clinton foundation psyop) they're going to think "Never Hillary" in mass. What's most ironic about this is there's one person who this helps out immensely, in the doe eyes of the bluepilled progressive voter: Jill Stein, who is completely unaffected by the "Never X" sentiment, you don't see anyone going "Never Jill" but you suddenly will if she starts gaining huge traction from the afterbern/demxit crowd consolidating upon her. Developments should be interesting, pending the completion of the Disaster National Kekvention. Stay tuned.

Has nothing to do with berncucks. It's Hillary astroturf. Look at the average traffic on his other tweets. The tweets they want to be a big hit always seem to be a big hit. Funny how that works, huh?

"Never tweet"
"Delete your account"
"Don't speak"
"Shut it down"

The left NEVER address an issue, they ALWAYS either ad-hom or
Shut It Down!

Y'know at first I didn't like the Pence pick, but with him being Wojak and being a good little attack dog, maybe he won't be so bad after all.

Almost like Newt, who I really hate, but since he's now pretty much just a neutered little lapdog of Trump with nowhere else to go, he's kinda grown on me. He's still scum though.

It probably works in their little bubbles when they snap at whatever DNC peasants are forced to service their needs.

Not so silent anymore, ever since Faglo and a few other prominent conservatives got suspended or shadowbanned there have been a number of articles on it.

maybe one day these hipster millennial scum will realize that these little quips are not witty or humorous but rather the equivalent of a geek screaming stop as his nipples are twisted like the dials on a analog radio. you see this shit on reddit & twitter all the time and its clear indication that the person is mad as fuck.

It's not twitter. It's in general. I think Holla Forums seriously underestimates how blue pilled the overall populace is.

Good thing everything is turning to shit though. More people for us.

So Sanders's got the Hillary staff operating the account now?
The mindset of this tweet is completely identical.
He's an even bigger sock puppet now.

Who would have known that a jew will fuck you over.