When did this homosexual-transgender-nonbinary-queer communism became a thing? Homosexuality, just like transgenderism, is an illness, curable or not. We need to get rid of it.
When did this homosexual-transgender-nonbinary-queer communism became a thing? Homosexuality, just like transgenderism...
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I don't know, user, I see a lot more bronies associating themselves with the left than the right
Sure. Your "telling it like it is" and base perceptions are totally objective fact.
might be, right-wingers seem to prefer anime
You say that like its a bad thing
What are you talking about, comr8?
Tell me more about how there are more Nazi Ponies than Commie Ponies.
Tell me more about how living in a cult of personality autocracy with bourgies is "left"
Actually, just go here instead.
When did this "I'm so edgy, cause I like an ideology that killed half of Germany's youth, just because a faggot couldn't enter fine arts school", become a thing?
Oh wait… It's the "I cannot fullfil my dreams, so it's everyone else's fault" part, isn't it?
anime is a consumerist genre promoting degenerate things like NEETdom, also it was created by people inspired by (((Walt Disney))))
Or something like that
You may be onto something.
It's like saying "hollywood is only to make people brainless, you guise! Ignore They Live and everything that goes against the norm".
Count the number of commie animus and consumerist moeshit animus
You understand what you're saying, right?
Animuz are no bigger threat or worse that Hollywood movies and series.
Some of us just prefer this type of escapism.
You want me to start analyzing how HotD is critic of Ideology? DO YOU? PUNK?
Walt Disney wasn't bad, it was the people that came after that fucked it all up.
I still don't see the problem with having gay people. Sure you can ignore whatever data you want and say it's unnatural or a metal disorder, but why waste resources on eliminating something that does nothing but good? All those gay people not having any children sure doesn't cause any overpopulation problems. Literally the only practical problem with homosexuality is that you might possibly get a knot in your stomach after seeing a couple of men kiss (we all know you're fine with lesbians anyways).
Same with the transgendered. Yeah, there's a pretty solid argument that it's nothing more than a mental disorder, but who the fuck cares? Jim calling themselves Jill and getting a one-time surgery uses significantly less resources than lifelong therapy that will barely work at defeating something yah causes no problems. I really don't see any argument against this shit aside from "B-but men kissing is gross and boys aren't pretty as girls!" or "My religion maybe possibly says something about this, and I think it says it's wrong."
tell me how mulan oppresses you Holla Forums
Transgender politics want to undermine gender distinctions with their bullshit Butlerian philosophy.
It is nothing like homosexuality.
Not necessarily true. mtfs and ftms can and do propagate femininity and masculinity.
Identity politics took over in the 80s. Gays got stronger after the 60s and Civil Rights which allowed them entrance into politics and they've won a bit on the legal side while ignoring the class issues that have come up.
So now, most of our idpol-sters have thought to continue down this path and they're heading right into a brick wall when those social liberties undermine economic liberties and they have no idea how to unite on class issues.
In a communist society, there would be no trans cripples anyway.
Seems like something a leftist would say.
I cannot fulfil my dreams, so it's Global Capitalism.
However, I can use my power to achieve a better tomorow.
See the difference?
Then you're cognitive dissonant as fuck, since a ton of bronies are lolberts.
Every FUCKING day with these STUPID fucking shitposts! I've had it up to HERE with stupid fucking shitposts! You guys make me want to KILL MY SELF! Is that what you fucking want? For me to fucking KILL MY SELF and write on my suicide note "Cause of suicide: Couldn't handle all of the stupid fucking shitposts, killed myself"? Because that's what it might as well fucking say!
You guys are literally, L I T E R A L L Y incapable of having even the SIMPLEST of fucking discussion without "JEW THIS, NIGGER THAT, irrelevant shit EBIL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA EBIN AMIRITE?" Fucking STOP IT you pathetic fucking FAGGOTS, you are such fucking cancer that I cannot even fathom how you fucking scumbags live your dumb gay lives. Don't you have a job to get to or schoolwork to finish? Do you literally do ANYTHING productive with your lives other than publish stupid fucking shitposts about how white you are on the nearest fucking printing press? You fucking people make me sick and you're damn lucky I don't have any of your fucking addresses you fucking pieces of shits. I'd spit in your faces.
Could this be the beginning of an epic new meme?
I really admire how genuine this is. Nobody on a chan (well, maybe somebody) would actually kill or torture a fellow user, even if it is over insufferable retarded shitposts. but an user may just get angry enough to spit in another user's face. 7.5/10 had a good giggle, keep it up.
This is copypasta, isn't it?
Am I seriously looking at anime doggirl Gaddafi?
What? Do you think the fascists on here are all being ironic or something?
No, but I don't think they have nearly the testicular fortitude to back up their beliefs with action. Short of a fascist leader rising up and congregating an actual massive horde of followers.
When modern science discovered it was not and illness. In history, communism did its best with the information it had.
being wierd isn't an illness.
heavyweights was great and you've got shit taste maggot
This was gold. By the way, does anyone have that "angry birds is anti-immigration" one?
Soviet Union under Lenin was the first country to legalize homosexuality.
Communism is about liberation and end of all oppression.
This is a non-issue outside the Internet, and it's undeniably a smaller issue than fascism.
It didn't its just paid trolls spamming bait threads.
Manufacturing consensus.
ponyfag here.
Most other ponyfags are lolbertarian and lean to the right.
It's part of why I stay away from the fandom.
Marxist-Leninist pol