Things you shouldnt say to other user's

Ill start
Go back to Holla


Are those dubs?

The game

I'm from reddit

Wanna go sarge som HB's at the local lair?

Did you guys see my banner they used?

Who are you?

your waifu is a shit

Post more miget elf nudes

No daddy, no… not again!

Lurker here.
I'd be happy if you all kept going.
I think this thread is a good way to catalog
things that upset anons. I think it'd be fun.

I don't like to upset people.
I'd recommend not getting upset.or do

My contribution[user Trigger Warnings, Triggers & Fire Starters Over-The-Years]:
-Let's recreate old Anonymous
-I think I'd feel better if we had IDs
-[8ch]Hey guys, I just got b& from 4chan…
-Spam is free speech
-*Posting almost any meme from 2005-2009*
-*Posting any meme from 2011-2013* [See below]
-Can anyone give me…
-[2007]Autism is a made-up illness for neeting
-[Now]"The autism is real with this one"
-"Flat-earth discussion thread"
-*A rebuttle ending with "Kid", "Kiddo", "Son" etc*
-Come check out my X
-Prove it
-Prove me wrong
-Holla Forums has always been this way
-Girls can have dicks
-[2005-2013]Cat Abuse
-"I've seen a real ufo before"
-Declaring something is cancer
-Ironic Shitposting

-60s Spiderman
-OccupyWallStreet / We are the 99%
-Shit People Say
-What People Think I do
-Call Me Maybe
-Arrow In The Knee
-1st World Problems
-Hipster Ariel/Barista/Etc
-"We're a culture NOT a costume"
-50 Shades of Grey
-Scumbag Steve, Chemistry Cat, Friendzone Fiona and the other 9001 variants
-"X'd like a boss!"

Bonus Points if you can remember what May 21st 2011 means.The Rapture

I may create a nostalgia thread later on because. I think "New to the internet" thread sounds okay.


Go back to Holla

This Isn't reddit you massive faggot, no speech restriction here

Maisie is the queen of Holla Forums

so what did you do in the weekend?

Holla Forums is pretty good.

Your supposed to say that to OP
I know this is free speech, thread is about what you shouldnt say to anons cause it will russel their jimmy's

I actually liked hotwheels

Hi everybody, I'm new

Stupid fucking list
why is this even on there?


Sage now turned into a bump cause of my autistic ass