Right click 8ch
this shithole is dead, just come and join us on nextchan and help us build the future
kill me
just think of developing in PHP a bit like shitposting
yeah, it's pretty horrific, but it's not mass nuclear holocaust horrific. and it's hilarious.
fuck yuo
Not an issue with Firefox.
no I'd rather go to nextchan
it's comfy
but slow
hopefully I can find some time to contribute to the PHP pro code sometime soon
wow it'd be a really good time to have a website that wasn't a piece of shit that takes hours stretching on months to invalidate every cached thread that you fucked up with your anti-spam measures, wouldn't it?
I wouldn't be surprised if bui is protesting juicyads. You go hard, furfag. Burn it to the fucking ground.
NNTPchan is written in Go and decentralised
314chan won't ever have ads (le smirking emoji here)
Allowed it through NoScript foolishly thinking it may have had something to do with the posting issues I was experiencing.
If I get vanned, it was terrible knowing you all.
Endchan is my deadchan of choice
t. Makise Kurisu
lispchan when
all imageboards are lispchans when they're occupied by autists
juicyads, lmao
Can't believe these kinds of ads are still being made.
I've only been able to post on Holla Forums lately. It's the only board where I can see the captcha. Testing Holla Forums now.
After more testing it looks like random threads are broken instead of random boards.
Yes, that's because this shithole doesn't actually have cache invalidation worth two shits.
It's a hacked together piece of total dogshit, with some sprinkles layed on it by Pigfucker's autistic son. The same pigfucker that's now running ads from the juicyads network.
Tell me, what's the difference between here and 4chan now?
Shit mods, shit admin, retarded posters everywhere.
Oh wait, 4chan actually has software that works, and their caching strategy doesn't leave a shitload of broken threads when they attempt a mass invalidation.
What a joke.
They proudly flaunt on their website that they serve pop-unders and mobile redirects. They're garbage and I refuse to whitelist them.
huh when I right click I get save page as... and save page to pocket, etc
The difference is the captcha here sucks less. 4chan sucked when they added that google shit. Even their catalog is broken without JS in browser (and I don't use any browsers with JS).