Wtf is a "spook"?

Can someone explain this new memetic usage of spook to me?

I've only seen it come up a few times thus far, but the context wasn't immediately clear.

I always thought it was just a term for a spy, a ghost, or a nigger.

Is it another "goon" now?

Other urls found in this thread:

everything is a spook

I assume you mean in the Stirner sense.
A "spook" is basically anything that doesn't really exist objectively, such as marriage or greatness.
Leftypol use it a lot but forget that Stirner was a massive memelord who was basically trolling everybody with his philosophy, and some retards lapped it up

A spook is a slang term for a black person. Holla Forums often uses it to show their lust for the BBC.

That makes some sense, but I'll have to see it used in conversation again to understand the context.

I already know this.

for example:
Pol: homosexuality is degenerate because homosex spreads disease and is damaging to your body
Leftypol: degeneracy is a spook

Humanity is a spook


I thought a spook was a gov agent

Anything that exists which sources its creation to the human mind. It is a shallow, the ultimate form of materialistic ideology, and ironically anti-leftist. Commies can't get into thinking though, so its really caught on with most of them. I'm glad too, keep them in their retard boxes. "Equality" is a stupid fucking concept that should be kept in the mistakes of our past.

Did they ever make one with Bloo and Mac?

Where is this from? LOL!!!



The creators of the show made it and leaked it when Cartoon Network cancelled the show.

A spook? I don't know what a spook is. I've never seen one. I can tell you what the fno​rds are though.

Good explanation but it doesn't add the further explanation that even reality itself isn't as objective as we perceive to be. That being said, objectivity itself is a spook.

Good callout on Holla Forums though. Stirner was a Discordian if anything, but he was nothing because there is nothing for him to be. Stirner is the epitome of a spook.



It's a spook.


"Spook" is used as an insult when leftyfags have no argument left

they never had an argument and can't use spook correctly.

"you can't see borders from space, therefore borders are a spook because they're arbitrarily defined"
it's the radical concept that because something has been arbitrarily decided it is not objective and therefore doesn't matter
it's stupid newspeak to further push their communist bullshit because every other ideology is "a spook"

classically spook was a derogatory term for niggers, then used to refer to ghosts or specters, then used to refer to government spies or fbi agents since they were like specters for how they remained invisible to the public.

Maybe it was a term for ghosts first, and later for niggers because they're hard to see in the dark?

Spook is also a slang term for CIA.

Dr Pavel, I'm spook

spooks are shills or secret bad people on the internet who tell lies


Everything is a spook but me and my property, and my property is what I can and will defend.

Basically, is not real or is not important. a.k.a a social construct

like dis, like magic

Then is the concept of spook itself a spook?

It's this faggot Stirner who was a literal cuck and a nihilist solipsist and used "spook" as a way to rationalize his nihilism.


That's spooky.

It's a term used by an edgy manchild "philosopher" to justify his retarded teenage tier outlook on life.

It's an elaborate troll by Engels, coincidentally the person that created those drawings of him.


Spook is essentially a retards attempt at interpreting materialism but ending up just dismissing everything that isn't material as a "spook" instead of understanding conciousness as a high state of material existence and ideas ("spooks") as reflections of material force forming this conciousnes

this thread is full of shills

there are no shills on Holla Forums

There are shills on Holla Forums

They try to push their shitty products and services all the time.

Those are free services anyways, if you use them you are not loosing anything.


Actually you can if two neighboring countries grow different types of crops.

I recall seeing some aerial photos of the border between Haiti and the Domincian Republic that confirm this. The former side is very barren by comparison.

I'm glad we got rid of that Cytube fuck

Oh, naïveté.