Jacobin has released their "ABCs of Socialism", and in looks pretty great, and couldn't have come at a greater time in this election and in history.
ABCs of Socialism out today
Jacobin is doing an incredible work spreading socialism in the US.
you guys goin to there next meeting in ca?
It would be better if they didn't include "radical" in it
It would be better if they said anarchism instead.
Is the printed book the same content as the online preview, or is there more? This is actually pretty decent introductory material, and it would be great if either I or someone else could compile this into pamphlet form for more mass decentralized distribution.
The Jacobin is shit.
This isn't like, SocDem shilling or anything… . r-right?
Well, yes it is. Originaly. As an idea.
Yes. But it is a Western Concept. As is Capitalism. Native Americans had other concepts.
No, Workers are the counter to Bourgies, and class struggle and so on.
Again, WUT?
"Radical" means "at the root" so they're using it in the correct context.
How far the Left has fallen…
Oh god, someone needs to annotate these for laughs and to educate those who may have seen the originals.
We should do our own version and release it for free.
ριζοσπαστικός - radical, Jacobin
Ok. Still got my English right.
Radical means "breaking it from the root".
And no, in the context it is not correct, cause modern "Radical" feminism has nothing to do with Socialism.
"Radical" Anarchism, for example, is all about burning cop cars.
It would be better if they clarified that they meant feminism can only be part of the wider class struggle and not some happy bedfellow that happens to like each other.
Radical feminism looks for the liberation of women and equality of genders. It can obv only be done under socialism. TBH it's from a different perspective since gender inequality stems from pre-capitalist society, but if you take radical feminism to it's logical end it will have socialist revolution.
Also when they say radical feminism they mean it's socialist/leftist variants, i.e not capitalist/co-opted/corporate feminism.
I mean it is true redistribution allows more people to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Then how come all these "radical" feminists want to become CEOs?
Ye, sure. And when I say Leninism, I mean Leninism, but everyone thinks I mean Marxism-Leninism.
It's even worse for "Radical" feminism, as the phrase has degraded beyond recognition and revival.
We don't want "more people to enjoy". We want PEOPLE TO ENJOY!
You cannot "redestribute" what is already yours!
The bourgies are bourgies cause they STOLE the capital from the colonies and after that they kept STEALING the working class' surplus value.
And this concludes and summarizes my basic problem with Jacobin.
Exactly like "Communist" parties, taking line from USSR, had nothing to do with communism, so does "Jacobin" has nothing to do with "Jacobin" or anything radical at all.
It is ending up becoming the ultimate form of SocDem, pandering to the zeitgeist and feeding the people what they want to hear.
"Socialism is universal"
"End racisms before you end capitalism"
"It's about feeeelings! It's not about class strugle and violence against bourgies, or anything"
"Now give us your money, so we can keep feeding you "socialism".
Very dissappointing. I feel like the Bernie candidacy and this will only further fuel the confusion surrounding socialism. Glad to see the interest, but the loudest voices seem intent confusing people and misdirecting their energy.
You may be just joking on the matter, but I don't think that's even a terrible idea. Maybe I'll set something up for people to do something along those lines in a little bit if people are actually interested.
I was dead serious, I would love to help but I have no talent.
Dude, you're adding WAAAAY too many qualifiers for this shit…
All I'm saying is about the root word. Regardless of whether it's modern or not, the radical root is where you get the power to change shit. I'm not talking about radical feminism having much, if anything to do with socialism (because that's a whole other can of worms), just that the meaning is that they are supposed to be looking at the root causes of the problems women face.
Now I do have my critiques and shit, but that's not the issue.
Do they have a section dedicated to actually spelling out what socialism is rather than just answering questions about it?
I would help. Not a good writer though. We would need some well read anarchists and Marxists to put it together rather than the regular idiots posting on the board.
There's nothing wrong with socialist feminism.
Simone de Beauvoir is great. MGTOWs will call her a degenerate rather than a libertine though.
Well, actually more than the "feminism" statement are "problematic".
No. There is everything wrong with SocDem Shilling and post-modern feminism.
Fixed that for you :^)
ITT: vicious debate over minor semantics
The finest leftist debate.
The best sectarianism of them all.
It's important, sure, but central? That's going to need some strong justification. Was capital weakened in any material way when slavery was abolished? What about when Jim Crow was repealed? The material conditions of black and white workers was improved somewhat, but did the struggle against racism itself actually do anything to undermine the power of the bourgeoisie?
when slavery was abolished? yes, the south's economy ran on indentured servants.
But afterwards these rich landowners got to keep all their productive property minus the slaves, and as soon as the post-war restrictions keeping confederates out of local and state governments were rescinded blacks basically went right back into a state of indentured servitude
It did break up the order that many southern landowners had, and decreased their political power by adding more to the electorate. TBH I think any human liberation, even if not from capital, is a leftist act, as long as it isn't at odds with class struggle. Also it would have been a breakup of capital if Lincoln wasn't killed and Reconstruction wasn't hijacked (which Jacobin very well knows)
Yes, but that's not what an awful lot of people (i.e. the people this is aimed at) think "radical feminism" is. Including "radical feminists" themselves.
Hello friends, it seems you have misconstrued my words, please refer to my post here
Yeah, that's true
I think I can agree with that.
What are you on? This isn't a thread about feminists.
Liberty for all and equality are the same concept