Wew lad.
DC and IDW's Latest Pandering Project
How long ago was this now?
Jesus Christ, DC.
What is Love?
Why are they pandering to a genetic dead end? I mean, in the grand scale of things, what does homosexuality achieve?
Baby don't hurt me? Don't hurt me, no more?
Well they pandered to comic readers for decades so I don't see what's changed here.
I'm going to assume a lot of the evils that will be struggled through and defeated in Love is Love will be represented by the evil white politicians who gave them the right to marry and not the backwards foreigners who gunned them down.
I'm more concerned that this shit is coming out when the victims are now nothing more than fag skeletons. It's been six fucking months since some mudslime mowed down some butt-pirates, you'd think this shit would've come out in July, or August if they needed more time. But in fucking December?
You can bitch all you want that they're making a faggot book, but it's a fag book that they've waited six fucking months until after the event to publish. Why'd it take so fucking long to put out pandering? If it was going to take that long, why not just push it off until the one-year anniversary of the bugger-bombing?
Seriously, what the fuck is even going on anymore?
I thought the 9/11 piece was pandering too, to be quite honest.
This post is trying way too hard.
So? At worst there might be a few some very cringy stories, which is to be expected from anthologies in general.
And this isn't even the first time DC's done this with another publisher: they coordinated with Dark Horse for the 9-11 anthology comic (DC published Vol 2.) Also, Heroes Against Hunger/Heroes For Hope, DC and Marvel's respective comic jams for African Hunger.
Did you expect them to shit out a relief book the Wednesday after the shooting?
Welcome to the comics business. It's slow as fuck.
DC especially is king of the snails since they spend ages "fine tuning" events for maximum profit. This is why all of their events read like they're written by marketing directors.
9/11 wasn't canon in the DC universe until new 52.
That's more believable than you might think. Marvel already retconing reality by saying Muslims are more tolerant of gays than everyone else and most suicide bomers are white Christains.
I'm referring to this.
If I recall correctly barely any of the comics in it are actually to do with DC characters. There's was one with Krypto but that's all I can remember.
Why is bane a 9/11 fire fighter?
I'm sure comics that come out monthly are 3-4 comics behind of when its released. This isn't like manga that comes out weekly that are 4 chapters behind of when they are released. You've got to prepare ahead of time in case something happens to the author and artist so you can plan ahead if something should be delayed for release. Also, people are busy and with ongoing projects, so to get together for an event takes time.
Found the biggest piece of shit involved in this.
To make sure the fire rises.
does that person have no shame?
Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
Oh, no, wait, you're talking about a different kind of pandering. One that looks like shit.
Watch: Not one mention of Islam or gun free zones.
It's almost as if having gun-free zones surrounded by gun zones is lazy half-measureā¦
Ya know, I'm all for Batman not using guns. It's just not fair to the villains if he became his father from Flashpoint.
That said, you'd think Superman being raised in Kansas would be very open and supportive of guns. Not that he'd need them, but seriously, he was raised in fucking Kansas.
Solution: Mandatory gun zones. Working guns and ammunition are provided for all.
Thomas Wayne became Batman after his son was shot in Crime Alley, set up his own shady casino chain to fetter out mob bosses, and used guns to kill them and any supervillains that came along.
Bruce would be way more effective using the same methods due to his ninja/detective abilities.
who will provide the guns?
really? I thought the analogy was more like provide people with fire extinguishers to prevent more fires.