The human body is a prison for the soul

Just think about it: there are only so many ways (many of which are illegal) to feel pleasure, but innumerable ways to feel pain. If there is a God, he's pretty shitty.

It's true. Purgatory does not come after death. This life is purgatory.

Without pain you would never appreciate pleasure in the first place

You kinky bastard

That's not true. If I were in a state of perpetual orgasm, I wouldn't think to myself, "Gee, this sure feels better than drowning to death!"

This is foolishness. With unlimited potential and will comes with recognition that the limitation of ability process unique life and experience.

The body may be considered a prison but it is a prison so much as the unlimited potential provides a single unique existence versus the ability to be more unlimited and provide restraints for that which is infinity.

Yeah, fuck the Demiurge

we all are infinite cosmic gods trapped in a prison without walls, created and powered by our own delusions

Smells like Socrates.

its gonna be a 2Deep4U thread?

No, it is going to be another uneducated bullshit spewfest, just like it always is.


Read before posting hitler:

just a little.

Im waiting

what's wrong with that? we're on Holla Forums. there is no objective here.

OP left thread

We have all been born into slavery, nothing anything you or anyone you know does, matters. When you die, you will be forgotten, when I die it'll be no different. This world holds no true beauty, all will turn to ash.

pain is gain
you decide if you're worthy to exist
you decide if you want weakness or gain
pleasure leads to pain since pleasure is passing, and pain is always there even stronger when temporary pleasure has subsided

If you felt only pleasure, it would start to feel gray and dull to you, with you eventually wishing an end to the sensation, a moment of calm, and if it went on long enough you might even long for death.

Fuck off demiurge, you're the reason for this gay world

no u

For Kennedi!