Wow, didn't know FXX was doing that bad
FXX Aims To Repeat Success With Even Longer ‘Every. Simpsons. Ever’
What was the *second* time Comic Book Guy said "worst. x. ever." ie when did it become a catch phrase?
Do you think that they notice their viewer count drop drastically after season 9 or are the people who still watch Simpsons on TV so far gone at this point that it doesn't make any difference?
why haven't they killed this show yet?
Just like real life, the sixth extinction event is upon us.
The rare times I get a chance to check it out, they're either airing a shitty romcom, a low-tier cg cartoon, or a season 10+ episode of the Simpsons.
With programing like that, I can only assume they're doing amazing.
We are the comet.
The Simpsons are about yellow things that stimulate the childlike minds of viewers through wacky shenanigans, causing said viewers to keep watching Fox and buying licensed merchandise. It's Fox's Spongebob Squarepants.
I think he's implying that we're in the midst of something like the chicxulub impact.
If I'm inferring correctly, webm related.
So it's like Nickelodeon where the only thing keeping it afloat is a yellow abomination that used to be good cartoon.
Spongebob was always shit, it does not even looks like Anime.
Spongebob always reminded me of this stuff.
Considering it's on season 27 now with 18 of them being shit, and at least 7 of those season being used specifically to push agendas, I highly doubt it makes a difference at this point.
Literally the only way to stop it at that point is to kill everyone involved, and even then a pipe dream like that probably isn't worth it since Family Guy's ratings would just increase instead.
I'm not sure killing all the Simpson's fans would work, and besides they're running the government.
sage for off topic shitposting
I haven't even heard about FXX.
Yeah, I stopped watching TV a good long while before that.
Neat idea for a marathon.
It is strange how for days they're just going to air static with commercial breaks considering we all know The Simpsons only ran for a couple of seasons.
The Simpsons is like the only show Fox have. Fox, in their infinite wisdom, cancelled pretty much everything else before it even had a chance to become successful.
Not even quality bait. Apply yourself next time.
So a dawn of experimentation, a morning of genius, an afternoon of meh and an evening of shit?
Would you like coke or vodka in that sir? Maybe an ice on the rocks? A-a sauvignon blanc?
Yeah, take that current year -2
well, since you insist…
I knew I had this saved for a reason.
I like season 10
he didn't insist anything but posted shitty child porn you faggot.
aren't you from Holla Forumsmblr?
aren't you from Holla Forumsmblr?
I think you mean Holla Forums.
Said the pedofaggot, that doesn't even fucking exist.
Simpsons is proof enough of how trash the majority in ours and the current generation are. Simpsons is truly the embodiment of a zombie in the form of a cartoon. I can't honestly understand how anyone can watch after the mid nose dive that was season 9. The Skinner/Tamazarian shit was really the beginning of the end and a true "jump the shark".
Yet another reason why Al Jean needs to be fired.
Did anyone else not see the Matt Groening signature at first?
I understand your pain.
the fact you are allowed to vote sickens me
I wonder how many fuckers make the same mistake.
Everyone knows you shoot yourself in the temple
Why wouldn't they just do so they know it's a sure thing?
So at first I thought that was FX renamed until I realized FXX was a new(ish?) channel since I don't watch TV anymore. What do they even air on the network? Doesn't seem all that different on Wikipedia.
FX made the retarded decision to create a new channel that half of America doesn't get, and put all their comedy content on that station. That's FXX.
Sounds familiar
kill yourself fam
user shitposting isn't nice
Erry tiem
7 years later and I still think the name is retarded. Who thought this was a good idea?
Should've stayed as Toon Disney.
If the history of revolutions is any indication the issue is everyone who takes over would be even worse
Cable TV has been in full on delusional la-la-land ever since the internet became a thing.
They needed a more boy-friendly name than Disney Channel