How 4chan is Holla Forums?

A lot of anons are claiming that Holla Forums is still Holla Forums and that 4chan hasn't taken over.
Here is a test to see just what the 4chan level is in here.

The test is pic related. Responses will reveal just how alive Holla Forums is…or is not.

I see bronies.


Sorry your shitty thread sucks. Maybe try going back to 4chan faggot OP


jews and niggers burning

reverse psychology

i'm drunk so i'll be honest
i come from 4chan and am lurking here
what is so bad?
i guess i'm a newfag

Go back.

if you can give good arguments i'll actually do it

You'll go by yourself so I don't have to argument with you.

4cock is faster and qualitively better.
Holla Forums is trying hard to anhero and folk like you stop the show.
drinking, thinking or doing anything unrelated to jim's retirement fund is strictly discouraged here.
4cuck is the business. it's cash, while 8cunt is a failing turd manufacturer gone gay. you stink and 8chadders wash weekly. go away and die. >sheckles, penis and donald.

Fuck off.

The macaroni wrecker
template threads a shit. Post something more interesting in it next time



That was too easy


No your not your posting. Learn how to lurk


TFW I hit the catalog and this page 6 thread is the only thing I find worth clicking on…and now that I have I wish I hadn't because OP's point is pretty well made.

Holla Forums *IS* 4chan. :(

WTF did you expect?
Have you not been paying attention?
Yes, 4chan went to shit and everyone came here, so now this is 4chan.
Don't like it? Leave. Your precious Holla Forums is gone. Deal with it!

That about sums it up, user. Don't know why OP bothered with the test when it is obvious to anyone who has spent any time on both sites over the last couple years.