Other than MLaaTR, is there any cartoon (or comic) with a cute robot girl perfect for love?
The Japanese have plenty, it's not fair that we barely have one show.
Other than MLaaTR, is there any cartoon (or comic) with a cute robot girl perfect for love?
The Japanese have plenty, it's not fair that we barely have one show.
Other urls found in this thread:
Not cartoon exactly. But still
Lovely! Gib moar!
Also, are my digits the best or what? Got me five eights in a fabulous row!
Medabots had some pretty cute and sexy robots
Indeed, but it's a Chinese anime and not really cartoon.
Technically yes, but you're not foolish enough to not realise what I mean.
Or maybe you are, so which one is it? Are you a troll or a retard?
Drawing her with the cartoony head and less cartoony body is jarring as fuck and as such a real boner kill.
You know..I've noticed a lack of Jinmay.
Do programs count?
Does she have a metal exoskeleton? If so, yes…but Giffany doesn't have it so no, she doesn't count.
She did when she possessed that animatronic.
Very nice 8's.
I also find the lack of gynoids in cartoons sad.
It makes me wonder if The Zeta Project would have been just a bit more popular if Zeta was a gynoid that looked like Ro.
I say the little crazy from the dating sim counts, any AI counts. Artificial life made with technology and little or no organic components counts even without a body. Holograms count.
As long as it's cute and female.
Fuck yeah! I didn't like that show at all but with a cute gynoid I would have watched.
You know by now It'd be a cult show everyone remembers, with lots of porn and at least one reboot.
A teen gynoid would have saved the whole thing.
Not even one from comics?
I think this one counts. Correct me if I'm wrong.
She's a robo, right?
She's quite sex for someone so weird-looking.
Fuck yeah! I didn't like that show at all but with a cute gynoid I would have watched.
You know by now It'd be a cult show everyone remembers, with lots of porn and at least one reboot.
A teen gynoid would have saved the whole thing.
That's the one that's alive, it's the other one, with the hotpants and all the guns, that's a robo.
Cyborg Noodle is the one from Stylo.
Noodle came back in Plastic Beach and destroyed her when she went berserk and tried to kill Murdoc..
Interesting lore. How do you guys know all this?
Also, please more robo.
Most of the lore comes from Rise of the Ogre and watching music videos with your eyes instead of ass.
tfw proper rhinestone eyes video never ever
does Nyx count?
Oh my… the things I'd do to her.
Lovely but I don't know if she counts. Is she from a game? Games aren't cartoons.
Isn't this sad? Most posts are this question: "does [name of character] count?"
Which indicate how few robo cartoons we have.
So it's eyes=yes, ass=not.
Did I get it right?
Gynoid-loving music?
(checked, thread off to a good start)
I know of some
and they are american
also this helps en.wikipedia.org
first one may not be cute but in VR it could be
good taste user
but does your waifu have a screen to watch cartoons on?
What makes you say "never"?
because the first one was translated when it was released, and none since
You're aware of translators that translate for money, right? They usually translate porn, but I know they translate all sorts of things.
no one can even find scans of these m8, just title covers
from what i can tell they were just one-off prints sold at japanese cons. they sold some of the later issues online but they're all long sold out
So you're just giving up hope because of that?
They're somewhere out there, they'll turn up. Lost things are bound to be found, man! I tell you they'll turn up! Be happy and hopeful!
She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid.
She's a droid called ME-8D9 from Star Wars. Does things in Episode VII but in the mythology she's been around, unseen to us, from the beginning of the sage because she's an ancient protocol droid and quite primitive, but intelligent for a machine because protocol droids are intellectually superior, and because she's over a thousand years old she's pretty smart and wise and has learned morals and self-determination and is able to change her alliance according to her principles rather that living under the restrictions of programming. I think she was originally created by pirates or some other sort of bad guy, but she's no longer bad. She's one of the first droids ever made.
huh so she was a background character in episode 7. I'll admit I'm surprised they put that much detail in what is essentially a background character who isn't seen much.>>691786
Yeah, sure. I mean, when I said "she does things" I meant "she shows up" in Episode VII.
That they do. It's kinda neat, but also nerdy as fuck and overwhelming with geekery.
Who comes up with this shit? Darth Vader=a cool-looking bad guy. I don't care about anything else, I don't care what his armour is made of.
She's from a CGI movie called Appleseed Alpha, so should count
She's hot so I'm watching.
looks like abe wearing a helmet
this character from mignola
Which one?
Same. I wish we had more episodes with the exo-skin.
Never enough of them.
Same. I wish we had more episodes with the exo-skin.
user, never say NEVER EVER
That's the attitude!
Believe, user! Believe!
Never enough of 'em, I agree.
Anyway, let's know each other, guys.
By posting pics of out dicks. Or by discussing where we find ourselves in this scale.
Both good options.
She a cute. She sweet also?
Haven't seen the show.
Should I watch this show? I wanna sniff her yummy roboto loli cunny.
See? She's a tasty one. Which is why I want to sniff her yummy roboto loli cunny.
Too bad there's hardly any porn.
she only appears in 1 episode from what i can remember
I'm pretty sure she has to be in more than one episode. You silly.
Beautiful, loyal, quiet, classy, can transform into a hoverski, and is downright angelic. (Despite her fate when she fought the Phoenix in the depths of space in order to protect Godo.)
Olga is criminally underated, man.
Then post more of her, silly.
I'm pretty sure there must be cute roboto girls in western comics.
Sadly I can't quote any. Help?
robutt sex is confusing
Astroboy's butt socket is canon.
Also, Astroboy's butt cannon is cannon.
Well done.
Butt cannons.
Cute Clang from Comics?
There must be some.
I'm more bothered by the fact that Astroboy is a boy.
Boys ain't Gynoid!
if its cute and it has an input slot what difference does it make
Astro Boy's feet are kinda girly, though.
I want that cyborg catboy
Then build you one for enjoyment and lovey-dovey times.
Building one would be an android. A cyborg would mean building onto a person. Guess an android would be good enough for now.
Not really, it's a catboy cyborg.
Get cat, add boy. The boy part is all robo, and then you have a catboy cyborg.
I have my moments.
Remember this Brazilian comic based on Mega Man?
Sometimes it's pretty lewd. Too bad the art is inconsistent, never very good, and the comics don't make no sense.
Still, it's an example of a female robo in comic books.
i was streaming mlaatr and had links up in the jenny thread. after the stream was over i deleted my post, but it wouldn't delete, so i deleted it several times and i think i killed the whole thread.
my apologies
Is that what happened?
Well, it was an accident so I'm not mad. But I don't wanna OP two MLaaTR consecutively. Could you do it?
Not today, maybe not even tomorrow, but it's coming.
Dude, are you fucking serious? Don't play with my feelings, man.
My body is probably not ready.
some user used to post stuff from his OC robot girl long ago before the great exodus
i don't know what became of said user and its creations
That's a pretty cool and cute robo.
You didn't save more? Any idea where we can find this user?
sorry mang, those days are gone
the stuff used to be posted either in robot threads or OC threads back at 4/co/, before the split
you could try asking there, at your own risk
Wish me luck.
I-I may… not make it back. I'll try, though. For all of us.
went and used image search and found it at
ist an artist blog, but it haven't been updated since late 2013
so, most likely dead by now
rip qtrobofag, murdered by jealous feminists
Oh really? Why not now? Or ya just teasing us with nothing?
I still believe and hope.
Please don't be a liar. I believe. I believe!
More mecha cuties, plox.
Japan and the weebs are blessed to have many of them.
Be nice for us to have more too, but it would be difficult with the SJW takeover of comics and animation.
More reason for us to start drawing and writing our own comics.
Indeed, we need to make comics and cartoons great again with our own hands and include more cute robutts.
Cute panties.
And the ones we got are poorly drawn…
Well, as I said let's draw our own.
I love this one.
in my head i saw that going diffidently
Doujinshi isn't always porn.
have you guys considered that these robots may not want love, but instead to crush your head?
That's also a form of love.
I love that film.
If your a praying mantis that is.
Don't judge.
Not reading any of this, just want to say I get a laugh everytime I check the catalogue and see "for love and/or sexual"
What's funny about it? Just the wording is funny?
Well, I guess that counts…
Why is she a kitty? Not complaining, just asking.
Recommend good comics from America and Europe with cute robots in 'em, faggot. I want to call in love.
No disassemble? That's not proper English.
She looks hella sassy there, me likey!
It came out in 86, there are adults today too young to have ever seen much less used a VCR.
Did the movie even get a DVD re-release that didn't go straight to the bargain bin? It doesn't seem to have held mainstream attention.
Was it even that good a movie, or do we just cling to the nostalgic catch-phrases?
Reminder this board exists
But this thread has been blessed with best digits and is therefore glorious and pure.
It's still a good place for robutts
post moar robots
Where did that meme even start?
What's the point?
Plebs who can't into respecting the robot.
So much Roll
That's not a proper robot, user
But OP posted Nano pic. She looks human except for the giant clockwork key on her back. It's detachable as well. So Roll is a okay.
speaking of, does anyone know where I can download Archie's Mega Man run? I've been hearing they are really good.
You're wrong as fuck.
I'm an extreme fetishist so I prefer my bots to look like they're made of steel rather than look like humans.
Are you being sarcastic, user?
Oh, I see how that can be construed as sarcasm. I should clarify, these are the types of robots I like.
Sage for them not being Holla Forums-related.
Jenny's gonna get her cooch burnt if she keeps that up.
Imagination is a wonderful thing.
am I having a stroke?
I found this cutie by random chance while googling something else.
Info on her?
Google says Agent X from Quack Pack.
Never Say never.
feels bad man
She was supposed to be a deadly robot assassin, but she got her ass beat by Huey, Dewey, and Louie. And I might add she not only fell for "Happy Birthday", she rusted solid when sprayed by a hose.
Obviously the poor gynoid thought she was in the wrong kind of cartoon…
Need a rule 34 of Huey, Louie and Dewey fix Agent X and turning her into their personal sexbot.
That would be furry, though. Because they're ducks, and furry=bad.
Would be better to have her totally lessing out with Jenny.
That is homosexuality, though. Because they're female, and homosexuality=bad
Do you ever see a duck's dick? They need a robot that can survive horrible dicking.
The only correct answer is yes, because I'm on the internet.
But these are shota anthro ducks, and that makes the propsition furry, and furries are weird and evil. I like the idea of Gynoid/Shota but not if it's furry.
I accept Gynoid/Regular Boy or Gynoid/Robot Boy
I'm not into furry, but since I learned about the true nature of ducks that idea crossed my head when I posted that. I just want to see a poor Gynoid robot girl getting violently treated like a fuck toy by three very angry teen ducks until she's nothing but a heap of robotic parts covered in duck cum.
Maybe I need to bring that to /d/
user, that type of shit is a sign of deep psychological problems. It's erotophonophilia, it's the same shit a lot of serial killers have, like John Wayne Gacy and Ted Bundy.
She's a robot so she's not going to die that easily. If you want to you can write the sequel where she rebuild herself and take revenge upon the trio. Death and guro are never my fetish. I like my girls in porn alive, both gynoids and humanoids.
Corkscrew duck penis haunts the vaginal labyrinth of my soul.
This is what nightmares are made of.
I would honestly fuck that.
Silica from Starchaser: The Legend of Orin
Bo, Boo and Ohno from Mighty Orbots
Six from Tripping the Rift
What's Mighty Orbots?
It's ok to badtouch robots because they have no rights.
I get that Dr. Light made Roll for house keeping, but why did he make her cute, blonde, long haired and installed a cute little butt there? I bet he installed a smooth little cunny there, too.
A clean house makes me horny.
I just checked it out. Holy cow the animation.
Her body is properly covered, why the spoiler?
Not work safe.
What? Like, seriously, what?
I miss the art style
Man this could have been one fucking amazing show as opposed to like a 6/10 (7/10 on the best day).
The artstyle really made the show as well as the design and Jennys Voice acting.
Sky Doll?