Why does women even exist? for what purpose?

Why does women even exist? for what purpose?
The only thing they can offer is vagina. And when you get bored of vagina, what then? What's the point of keeping at home that smelly monster who bleeds every month? And let's not forget all women have borderline.

women maek babby

But it's women who need to make baby to feel needed, not men

enjoy dying out shitskin.

Women are everything to a man. You don't understand this because you are mentally ill homosexual that faps to traps, watches anime and fantasizes about dating a futanari loli.


Asides from being fuckbags, women can't contribute meaningfully to society anymore, as feminism has turned them into whiny bitchcunts that believe that since they exist, they deserve everything

no such thing. We are products of evolution. The half of our population that gets pregnant is coddled by society, and has no evolutionary pressure to become strong or smart.

nothing what you said is true, except that I would date a cute sexy loli

in the past, in paleo, they had some uses other than being fucktoy, like foraging, collecting fruits and nuts, cooking, supporting you. But now at feminism/corporationism they are useless garbage. Only lolis still have some worth, but are soon destroyed at around 15 years old with jewish propaganda, smartphones, instagrams, parties

Agreed. I wish I didn't have the drive to hunt for tail. It has been nothing but trouble my entire life, but every time after I pick myself back up, the first thing that goes through my mind is "boy I'd love an ass in my face right about now."

I'm a man, I can't live without pussy. Be honest guys, women are the greatest thing ever.

We ain't talking about living without pussy, we're talking about the merits of women pre-feminism and post-feminism

Hell, you can marry a woman and she can take everything you have with contributing anything at all or having sex, and you're still in the wrong for being a man

I have nothing against feminism. It began as a good thing, but 3rd wave crashed it into the ground. No one hates 3rd wave more than an actual feminist.

Exactly, but being 24, every single girl my age/lower has been tainted by it, and I can't get anywhere unless I become a cuck

With the exception of pregnancy, anything a woman can do a submissive cute houseboi can do better

Yeah, tell that to Schopenhauer, Turing, and plenty of other guys
You probably meant "women are everything to a cuck"

do you even know how a women look like?

Aim for 13 years old girls. Oh no… you can't, because feminists and cucks banned that so girls can be brainwashed first by them, then you can get your damaged trashy woman.

It is possible to find other stuff that you find fun. After my last dose of getting fucked over I have lost my natural need for a mate and been able to focus on shit I want to do. I've got nothing against it, but my doge does me just fine for companionship and since I stopped giving a fuck, I've noticed a big difference in how women act around me. Best advice I've got is stop giving a shit.

You just have to find the right woman. There are rightwing traditional women out there you know.

I already stopped caring about me, but I will no longer stand idly by while the Feminazis continue the reign in the West

daily bait


They have the government on their side. Nothing you can do nigga. Just avoid those kind of people and chil.

Not for long. The Democrats, who plan on blocking Gorsuch and prop Comey up whenever it suits them, will implode after the average voter realizes the party is a floundering group of whiny crybabies. The conversatives will swell with those ditching a stupidly organized movement. We just need to help the Donald push them over the edge.

I don't completely believe that, but I hope.

Yes goy! women are terrible, buy an onahole and forget about having a family!

I hope, and I think Holla Forums can actually damage the Left's machine enough to break it

Choose one faggot. There's a reason why every civilization never let their women have power. When they did, they eventually collapsed.