This is what homophobes actually believe…

This is what homophobes actually believe…

user-kun, why are you such a fag?

Fearing someone over such small differences doesn't come from a mindset of understanding or wisdom.

This is the reality of gay relationships.

I wear your insults as a badge of pride.

You're preaching to the choir.



Quotes from mainstream LGBTQIWTFBBQ media outlets, describing vid related:

I believe that. I don't want gays eating the poo-poo.

This isnt cuckchan you have to go back

You must lead a cold bitter existence…Donald Trump is going to Make America Gay Again and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

That video was part of a right wing smear campaign. It's whole purpose was to reinforce negative stereotypes.

Don't you realize one of your leftist friends is going to assassinate the Don and unwittingly raise the electric fence?

Gays do that well enough on their own, go look at a gay parade or any homosexual in public.
The only faggots who are worth listening to are the ones to know how to keep their sodomy in their bedrooms.

Awwwwwwww, is the Vigo angry that homosexuals aren't forced into the closet anymore? Does babby wish he could go "fag bashing"? Not going to happen fuckwit, it's 2017 not 1845. How hard does it trigger you when you see a loving gay couple that are happier than your repressed ass will EVER be? I'll bet it triggers you something fierce.

Don't you realize that hating/repressing people for something they have no control over is fucking sick?



It's never too late you know.

Agreed, there's still time for you to come out of your closet. If God hates fags then why did he create them? Checkmate Christians.

There's a big difference between a normal gay person and those attention seeking faggots.


It's okay, user. No matter how many times you fall for Lucifer's tricks the lord will still accept you.

This era will end and when it does the old ways will return.

Well that's a bummer. Purge?
He doesn't think the pope has some skeletons in his "closet". How cute!


Pent up rage much?

Fuck you pussy. Me and have got this


Uganda is awesome.

Yeah he watch fecal fetish gay porn for "research".

Disgusting…I'm not surprised that a bigoted troglodyte would find it appealing though. I'm not even intimidated by your bullshit, I fucking pity people like you. Break out of your mental cage before it's too late, you don't want to end up as a bitter old man who spent his whole life in the closet. Either way you sound like a thoroughly unpleasant hate filled piece of shit.

Either grow the fuck up or get the fuck out. It's your choice.

*wink wink*

He isn't serious. He was fishing for someone and you bit the bait. Congrats. Unless, of course, you were also baiting and I bit the bait in which case I am retarded.

The Kike worshiped Satan invented gayd

Homosexuality existed in pre Christian society, it's the most natural thing in the world. Why wont you admit that?

The o ly "trolls" here are the hateful, misshapen bigots trying to impose their bullshit on the population at large. Serious question: What the fuck is their problem?

There are retards on both sides. Just ignore them and keep on moving.

*nods respectfully towards you*

I Fuckn knew Op was a Fagget.

Anti-homosexuals. They aren't afraid of their own.

Who says peaple can't fag bash?

