I have to hand it to Telltale, this is actually a bretty good twist, provided they follow through on it and don't chicken out at the last second.
Those Dastardly Waynes
You know it's gonna end in a cliff hanger introducing the Joker right?
Huh, never saw that coming. Is the "game" good?
If they make the Joker a Wayne I'm going to find whoever wrote that and shit on their desk.
It's a Telltale "game", of course the gameplay is shit.
Or worse…Martha Wayne
Wait..wasn't there a Batman villain whose origins are that his parents are gangsters, they got killed by cops and he swore vengeance against cops?
That would actually be hilarious though.
That would be Prometheus. But his origin story had nothing to do with the Wayne's, I think you're confusing him with Hush slightly.
Livestream it, pls.
Knowing telltales games plot twists. The joker will be Bruce Wayne brother.
Didn't Grant Morrison did that twist? That Bruce's estranged brother (who was mentioned like once in the Silver Age) who was locked up in a mental asylum was Dr. Hurt?
I don't recall that. I do recall Hurt being implied to be Thomas Wayne once or twice. You might be thinking of Lincoln March and mixing him up with Hurt.
The joker is this guy.
No, no..I do recall Hurt being Thomas Wayne Jr.
Yes except for the fact that it's an years-old twist from the comic.
She was the Joker when Bruce dies
you're a good guy
4 all of us
didn't that already happen once?
I'd recommend saving both sites, just in case one goes down.
Are there any Big Guys in it?
The Doom That Came To Gotham had an ancestral Wayne be part of a literal Lovecraftian cult, not like that's new.
They're old money, it'd be surprising if they DIDN'T have have shady shit in their past.
Talking of which…