Looks like I'm Intel + Nvidia from now on

Looks like I'm Intel + Nvidia from now on.


Other urls found in this thread:


Now this is about ethics in hardware engineering.

>employee resource group program encourages employees with mutual interests to connect with each other. These groups, which range from our Pride LGBT and Allies group' to the AMD Women’s Forum,

Don't they know that it's almost 2017?

Guess you better start making your own GPUs, OP:



OP here. I don't play games so Intel HD is the way to go now I guess. If that's pozzed, I'll use an ARM computer.

Krzanich may be a Jew but at least he's a Trump supporter. That's more than what you can say about AMDs Ching Chong nip nong CEO

I can already imagine it: "You see, John, we're still 5 short on meeting our quota of LGBTQQIP2SAA for this quarter. It has come to my attention that you, despite our best efforts, are still a man. Worse, you're white. I'd hate to have to fire one of our best engineers, but it's either that or you can go through voluntary gender reassignment surgery. Next quarter we can hire some other trans woman of color and you can get another surgery to turn back."

I don't even think he's Jewish. Pretty sure Krzanich is a Slav/Turkish last name and there is no record of who his parents were. Intel's last CEO was Italian

When will this ride stop? LGBTQWERTY just has to infest everything that was
doing just fine before any of this equality nonsense happened. Can't they just
keep their shit to themselves as in "Yes you are gay, now fuck off back to work.".

I wonder if complete takeover is inevitable. Perhaps a sort of resistance should
be formed such as forking Firefox in to for example "Feuerfuchs SS" or
hardware e.g. Ardunio to "Arbeitduino Hakenkreuz" just to keep this nonsense
contained in designated zones and keep community focused on work instead
of irrelevant issues. However, backlash could occur drawing even more attention
to the issue.

Welp I was gonna go with an AMD build for my next desktop.
Not going with it now.

Any company that supports LGBT deserves to be bankrupt.

What percentage of Intel's diversity budget did AMD spend on this, OP?

feels good man

Intel donated $$$ to femfreq too and other feminist companies.

All the western tech companies are cucked as the chinks continue to build faster computers. I heard China has the fastest supercomputer too.

AMD going full retard

Don't worry m8 you know that LGBT people are the worst retards that their can be.
Remember when Francis Rowe asked to have a refund to all the money he has given ot the FSF ?
They will fuck themselves because they are mentally Ill.
You can just push things a bit faster if you just say you disagree with their view.

This and they will.
If mentally sick person can't stay in the FSF then their is nowhere it while be safe.

do you know that amd still had blobs ? even with it's ""opensource"" driver ?


butthurt because people disagree with is Ill brain

they actually have that
But wait a year or two, china will lose a lot of companies working with them and the country will blow.


he thinks he looks like a woman

Come on, it was only $300 million. And not all of it went to "feminists", some shekels went to organizations responsible for removing Whites from tech.

By that I mean opposed to removing only men.

The funny thing about that is that it was constructed to be the fastest, not to do anything useful. So the government gets to brag about how successful and modern China is but Cray Titan is still probably faster at anything that matters.

Pic related.

Don't worry, Transfags have the hugest suicide rate. Once they go trans, they usually off themselves a year or two later. Always great when they remove themselves from race.

Of course not. They've not happy with who they are, so they rely on others to give them validation. This used to be met with shaming and telling them to get help, but now it's illegal to actually help people.

didn't you know user it's leah woods now

God said 640x480 16 color graphics is a covenant like circumcision. Children will do offerings. Think of 16 colors like the Simpson's cartoons. In the future, even if one GPU were universal, we would keep 640x480 16 color and not use GPU acceleration. Graphics operations should be transparent, not hidden in a GPU.

All these CIA niggers coming out of the woodwork in this thread.

Has any non-loser ever bitched and whined about SJW? I'm drawing a blank here.

Has any non-pedophile ever said anything good about a SJW?

Yeah plenty, unless suddenly the overwhelming majority of population are pedophiles now.



yeah sure, keep on lying to yourself you delusional faggot

Sorry you're such a loser that will never amount to anything you have to shitpost on a chan user.

Hopefully you can work up the courage to finally off yourself soon.

fuck off back to Holla Forums

You obviously don't belong here with logic like that. >>>Holla Forums

ITT faggots get triggered by trannies. Imagine being such a pussy that trannies make you mad.


/lib/firmware/nvidia/├── gk20a│   ├── fecs_data.bin│   ├── fecs_inst.bin│   ├── gpccs_data.bin│   ├── gpccs_inst.bin│   ├── sw_bundle_init.bin│   ├── sw_ctx.bin│   ├── sw_method_init.bin│   └── sw_nonctx.bin├── gm200│   ├── acr│   │   ├── bl.bin│   │   ├── ucode_load.bin│   │   └── ucode_unload.bin│   └── gr│   ├── fecs_bl.bin│   ├── fecs_data.bin│   ├── fecs_inst.bin│   ├── fecs_sig.bin│   ├── gpccs_bl.bin│   ├── gpccs_data.bin│   ├── gpccs_inst.bin│   ├── gpccs_sig.bin│   ├── sw_bundle_init.bin│   ├── sw_ctx.bin│   ├── sw_method_init.bin│   └── sw_nonctx.bin├── gm204│   ├── acr│   │   ├── bl.bin -> ../../gm200/acr/bl.bin│   │   ├── ucode_load.bin -> ../../gm200/acr/ucode_load.bin│   │   └── ucode_unload.bin -> ../../gm200/acr/ucode_unload.bin│   └── gr│   ├── fecs_bl.bin -> ../../gm200/gr/fecs_bl.bin│   ├── fecs_data.bin│   ├── fecs_inst.bin -> ../../gm200/gr/fecs_inst.bin│   ├── fecs_sig.bin│   ├── gpccs_bl.bin -> ../../gm200/gr/gpccs_bl.bin│   ├── gpccs_data.bin│   ├── gpccs_inst.bin -> ../../gm200/gr/gpccs_inst.bin│   ├── gpccs_sig.bin│   ├── sw_bundle_init.bin -> ../../gm200/gr/sw_bundle_init.bin│   ├── sw_ctx.bin -> ../../gm200/gr/sw_ctx.bin│   ├── sw_method_init.bin -> ../../gm200/gr/sw_method_init.bin│   └── sw_nonctx.bin -> ../../gm200/gr/sw_nonctx.bin├── gm206│   ├── acr│   │   ├── bl.bin -> ../../gm200/acr/bl.bin│   │   ├── ucode_load.bin│   │   └── ucode_unload.bin│   └── gr│   ├── fecs_bl.bin -> ../../gm200/gr/fecs_bl.bin│   ├── fecs_data.bin│   ├── fecs_inst.bin -> ../../gm200/gr/fecs_inst.bin│   ├── fecs_sig.bin│   ├── gpccs_bl.bin -> ../../gm200/gr/gpccs_bl.bin│   ├── gpccs_data.bin│   ├── gpccs_inst.bin -> ../../gm200/gr/gpccs_inst.bin│   ├── gpccs_sig.bin│   ├── sw_bundle_init.bin -> ../../gm200/gr/sw_bundle_init.bin│   ├── sw_ctx.bin -> ../../gm200/gr/sw_ctx.bin│   ├── sw_method_init.bin -> ../../gm200/gr/sw_method_init.bin│   └── sw_nonctx.bin -> ../../gm200/gr/sw_nonctx.bin├── gm20b│   ├── acr│   │   ├── bl.bin│   │   └── ucode_load.bin│   └── gr│   ├── fecs_bl.bin│   ├── fecs_data.bin│   ├── fecs_inst.bin│   ├── fecs_sig.bin│   ├── gpccs_data.bin│   ├── gpccs_inst.bin│   ├── sw_bundle_init.bin│   ├── sw_ctx.bin│   ├── sw_method_init.bin -> ../../gm200/gr/sw_method_init.bin│   └── sw_nonctx.bin├── gp100│   ├── acr│   │   ├── bl.bin│   │   ├── ucode_load.bin│   │   └── ucode_unload.bin│   └── gr│   ├── fecs_bl.bin -> ../../gm200/gr/fecs_bl.bin│   ├── fecs_data.bin│   ├── fecs_inst.bin│   ├── fecs_sig.bin│   ├── gpccs_bl.bin -> ../../gm200/gr/gpccs_bl.bin│   ├── gpccs_data.bin│   ├── gpccs_inst.bin│   ├── gpccs_sig.bin│   ├── sw_bundle_init.bin│   ├── sw_ctx.bin│   ├── sw_method_init.bin│   └── sw_nonctx.bin├── tegra124│   └── xusb.bin└── tegra210 └── xusb.bin



pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Oh awesome! I wish we had that here in the States. Enjoy your discounted, high-quality produce, user.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Because they always devolve into autism, trap roleplay/arguing, and half the pics posted are from when she's underage (which the mods don't like even though the pics are SFW).

Only played 1 and 4. 1 is WAY scarier, probably due to controls/music. But 4 is just more fun, keeps you moving and feeling like a badass

Synaptics drivers is the garbage causing the problem, use libinput.

Are there any good films about this place?


Video here, it looks shit

I've had it a few times, first time was terrifying because I had no idea what was going on. After that, I at least knew what was happening to me, and that anything I saw/heard was just part of a semi-dream state.

I've got to a point where I can reliably snap myself out of it, usually by twitching a finger or holding my breath, both of which 'wake up' my brain properly.

Sleep paralysis is pretty cool, actually. It sets a precedence for how people try to cope with something happening that they can't easily explain. Incubi/sucubi, ghosts, alien abductions, angel visitations... a lot of these can be how people interpret their sleep-paralysis. It's something we have hints of throughout human history. It really reminds you of the how much we have in common with not just each other in the modern day, but all the way back through history.


Intel is also pozzed. I can get you a picture tomorrow

That's what happens when you let PR people pick the recipients of your donations and just nod and smile like you've swallowed a lizard because you're just the CEO the the board of directors can have your head

You do realize that Intel has donated hundreds of millions to this shit and that Nvidia has had their own version of this for much longer, right? Of course not. You're just here to bitch and moan.

They're using that as a selling point for retards. They are not calling their customers shitlords.
I see no reason to stop supporting AMD.

wtf i hate amd now

Intel is much worse, user. They actually shower the freaks with heaps of money and propaganda assistance.

Everything is shit. All hope is gone.

ARM was designed by a tranny

Remove wireless card (or detach antenna if it's integrated on laptop board) and disconnect ethernet, and anything else comms-related like bluetooth. Now install TempleOS. Enjoy botnet-free computer.
This might not work so easily on future laptops if Microsoft starts pushing integrated cellular comms. I guess at that point you have to find and disconnect the antenna, or kill power to transmitter.

You do remember that Intel donated to Feminist Frequency right?


They're both founded by DIGRA so it makes sense.

They also donated to Donald Trump

Feels even better man


i'll still buy zen tbh


Why do tech corporations fear the lgbt crowd? It's not like homos are their main customers, their boycott probably won't affect profit.

Intel and AMD already have the monopoly of the x86 cpu market, it's not like aidswalker could conjure up a third viable x86 manufacturer.

They don't, its all about signalling. I would expect with Trump taking office and the shift away from hyper-PC culture that companies will slowly stop supporting such groups.

I'm sure an LGBT boycott of Apple would be quite effective.

>OS market share falls to


Remember almost every western women has an iPhone

And guess who's the hardware manufacturer!