ITT child sex green text stories.
Child sex green text thread
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God Bless the Alps
Kek dude you were not raped.
Did anything else happen with that situation?? LOL.
Did you enjoy it?? LOL.
Yeah :P
God bless America.
Ahhh haaa I KNEW IT kids can enjoy sex take that antis.
This thread is only for true stories. Get out
not greentext but here it goes
when I was 12 I had my first sexual experience. At the time, I lived in a little suburb outside of Cleveland and anyway, the girl next door and I were really good friends. Our parents were both gone for the day and she was over playing Transformers with me. So anyway, we kinda got.. Bored I guess? And we started playing truth or dare, which turned into 'you show me yours, I'll show you mine". So anyway there I Was, 12 years old, heart pounding, blood rushing in my ears, and the chick (who was a year older than me actually) takes off her panties and hikes her little skirt up. So what did I do, you ask? I whistled for a cab, and when it came near, the license plate said "FRESH" and there were dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought "naw forget it, yo home to Bel-Air!" I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie "Yo homes smell ya later!" Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there. To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel-Air
Legally, he was
Legally ur a fgt
You might envy the middle school kid who gets his first BJ from the hot teacher but you're projecting your now-adult fantasies onto the mind and judgment of a kid.
It never dies
Shut up faggot I was ready at 8, and I'm still ready at 38
U mite envy big sweaty men who take diks up the ass but ur prjecting your now-gay fantasies onto the mind and judgment of your then-gay self.
I wanted a BJ from my middle school teacher when I was in middle school. Couldn't sit in the front because of the boners.
saging because the thread is shit
I guess. Something went wrong cause I remember struggling and the sister of my friend fuck her brother in front of me while the other one masturbated me.
It is a true story you fuck, but it was on 2005, I can't prove it anymore since I lost contact with those freaks and actually lost my virginity ten years later while saying to everybody I was a kissless virgin because of this shit.
Hi daddy.
And I probably would have let R. Kelly piss on my face when I was ten. Now I see why that shouldn't happen.
The gay community?
The trapped in the closet community
Id let r. kelly piss on my face right now.
I was 7, i showed my dick (huge 8 incher, i always had a big cock even as a kid) to the next door neighbor girl as we hid in the bushes by the house, she giggled and ran off.
How does it feel to be the manlet of penis sizes.
When i was 13 i showed my dick to my sisters who were both 9 and 8 at the time.
tell me there's more to that story.
nah one of them grew up to be a nun and the other one i married. All in all nothing interesting happened.
Well okay there is so me and my two younger sisters were all sitting out in the living room of my house watching tv and me being a horny little fuck who on occasion watched his siblings undress without them knowing i took out my dick and i said hey girls look do you like it?? they screamed and both ran upstairs to snich on me and after that my parents gave me a talking too.
pic related its you
and people wonder why kids who have sex end up acting like victims, if I was forced to go to a therapist every week that hammered into my head that I was victimized I'd probably start questioning myself too.
we're all gonna make it guys
sorry you were abused user.
I'm sorry for you, my friend. Was her pussy tight at least?
You deserve it for not liking mams pussy
real talk: if u both wanted it, its not rape
shit talk: wow, that shrink is a giant pussy
exactly. psychologist brainwash the children to make them think they were abused. It's actually that psychologists that hurt those children, in the interests of women and feminism. We need to pay them for that
are you sure it was sperm and not urine?
Very true user.
children don't actually cum until they reach 8-9. orgasms are more or less "dry" because the sex organs aren't quite ready to produce semen yet.
Babies and toddlers can orgasm but again its dry.
How can you consent if you don't know what you're doing? At 10, you can barely have an errection because your "pee-pee don't shoot white stuff".
And I would have like it more if her brother wasn't there and she would have done that with love.
Pretty much this.
Most of psychiatrists will try to find you a disease were is none to con your parents.
Reported. Can we go one week without this shit?
are you serious? I remember very clearly having strong erections long before I was 10.
You white people and your incoherent incest fetishes…
He's white, their dicks don't work until puberty.
I'm white, and I distinctly remember making my pants crotch shift to the amazement of a hispanic girl when I told her "watch this". I must have been around six. Neither of us had a clue, lol.
Would that mean I was in possession of CP?
This thread need some real men…
Thats explain the man jaw and smaller eyes compared with the skull (she is faking bigger eyes and a smaller jaw with makeup and angles).
Fuck off nigger
Fuck off sjw
how the fuck is this thread still here? fuck off.
Get out sjw newfag.
I love my family, and it loves me.
That isn't a sex story.
I will report you all to cyber police.
Fuck I really want a Switch but I'm poor wat do?
prostitute yourself
You dun goofed.
What the fuck user?? You should have said fuck yeah but let's go somewhere where nobody can see or hear us you missed out on something awesome also the girls in that pic are so hot.
Pedophile board
The last few days I've noticed a lot of incest fags, how long until they take over?
I still see her all the time but we never talk about it
pic related
ps: I would still fuck the shit out of her if she would let me.
and now look, what if you weren't 12 but 16 or 24? How would she magically be hurt and "raped" but not when you was 12? Where is the logic in anti-pedophiles?
Holla Forums Holla Forums has always been home to many pedos in fact most people on here are pedos.
I never said anything about her being hurt.
Calm down.
I am not an anti-pedo.
I didn't said you are anti-pedo. I am just pointing out that she had fun with you when you sexed her, why anti-pedos claim that if you were 24 instead of 12, she would be "hurt" and "raped"? But not when you 12?
I'm sure it was a sting op, you didn't know there were about 5 sheriff deputies around the corner just waiting for the signal.
Jim is a pedophile. That is why he doesn't allow pedoshit here. He doesn't want to draw attention to himself.
Maybe Hotwheels didn't get BTFO.
No she lives in my neighborhood at the time, I knew which house she lived in, who her parents were.
Seriously. Fix your speech.
Jim raped hotwheels in the butthole while a 12 year old tranny boy fucked hotwheels in the mouth.
Then jim kicked his wheelchair down and squatted down to look into hotwheels' dark eyes. He whispered "8gag is my site now fucko", then he took a big steamy shit in cripple goy's face.
And so it was done.
There you go you pedo faggots
gays please go
What my best friend can't be a girl?
Because women are dumber than niggers.
That isn't pedophilia and 17 year olds are not little children.
pubescents are not children either
anything older than 12 is not a child
child is 7-12
Pretty sure childhood starts at infancy and ends whenever you start going into puberty everyone develops at a different rate and some girls are starting to develop a lot earlier at ages 7-9 nowadays.
Tell that to the mods then
0-2 infant
2-7 toddler
well i wonder why
If this continues there will be 7 year olds with d-cups in 2030.
They are a bunch of freedom hating SJWs who dont know shit.
using a catch-all term isn't good
people have stages of development like any other animal
Good i want to see that.
Personally, I don't support pedo shit, but there's an awful lot of drama about it, a little more than I think is necessary. Don't fuck kids, but 17 year old titties…I mean how different do they look from 18 year old titties?
Again 17 is not pedophilia ill. just leave this here for any ignorant normie to read.
0-2 infantophilia
3-10 Pedophilia
11-14 Hebephilia
15-19 Ephebophilia
14 year olds have different looking breasts if they're still developing
trust me im a doctor
Believe everything you read on image boards.
0-2 infantophilia
3-7 Pedophilia
8-12 Hebephilia
13-17 Normal
18+ Gerontophilia
fixed that for you m'property
If you don't believe me you know there is documented proof *out there*.
Didn't need to be fixed dumb ass i know my shit maybe if you looked this stuff up you would know it was a Google search away by the way both Hebephilia and Ephebophilia are normal and pedophilia is natural and normal as well it is normal for both males and females to be attracted to children now weather or not it is right or wrong to act on it is a completely different subject but it is completely normal to have the attraction you really dont know shit about shit faggot and this is coming from a hebephile.
t's nothing to be sad about -U-
t. mentally ill child rapist
Oh fuck off normie excuse me but a pedophile and child molester are two different things one is sexually attracted to children and LOVES children the key word there is LOVE and child molesters are assholes are not sexually attracted to children they hurt children simply for power and control and because they are easy targets.
People love dogs. They take good care of dogs. Feed them, groom them, bathe them, pet them, let them run around the yard, take them on walks.
women are literally pets
I stopped reading at "Cleveland".
I'm sorry, but you are dead to me.
Not an argument buddy also the vagina by nature is designed to be fucked.
It all makes sense now i always thought he was a SJW but damn you make a lot of sense.
Posting from your iphone, right?
You niggers haven't lived till you've given a qt 8yo foot massages.
I would love that
I second that!
Do you think anybody really cares that I googled "underage boobs"?
If you live in the US, yes.
You're clearly underage, so no. No one will care.