Post the worst of the worst in character designs.
Godawful Character Designs
Remember when Green Lantern was a Green Lantern?
Remember when we thought this was a joke or some bad fan art? Good times.
lol, no.
wew, what happened to Supergirl there?
The nineties happened
What's the point of the spikes? All they can do is hinder or even hurt her.
What's wrong with it?
What in God's name?
She got really mad 'cause she found out that Lex was cloning her in secret in hope of creating a new body for himself. She was kind of in love with "Lex Luthor Jr." at the time.
if he lost all the metal and pads I could dig it. It's fairly solid otherwise I think.
makes sense
Oh come on, if we could all clone ourselves into Supergirl bodies, there isn't a one of us that wouldn't do it.
No argument here.
"Please pay attention to me" a work of art rendered in unstable molecules.
What happened to Kate Bishop? Right now she's wearing a purple sock with holes in it.
Yeah, it doesn't really fit Sue's character but as a dude who hates the [CURRENT YEAR] trend of de-feminizing female characters, I like it.
Designs I hate
The fuck is up with Doom's legs?
The pic you posted isn't the best example user.
When they first debuted the design, I thought Biker-Jacket Spiderwoman was some kind of shitty fanart thing.
Everything about it is just so aggressively unappealing.
Superbro bugged me, but the wonder woman costume wasn't bad. At least they didn't give her a shitty face.
Didn't like it when Connor does it and still doesn't like it when Superman does it.
And speaking of Cable, anyone remember Rip Hunter's Cable-esque design?
Are we allowed to lump every movie costume ever into a box and acknowledge that the shitfests we complain about at least have distinguishing colors?
Except maybe Batman's outfit…ok,exception being the nipple suit.
I think in that universe he must have been a gargoyle
Fishnet patterned tights that look pretty dumb since they're not actual fishnets. Removing the biker aesthetic for shitty shoulder pads and "armor".
Those are just a few, but you get the point. I mean what's wrong with pic-related?
Although I will note that the ones I listed aren't without some problems - like Raimi's suit being rather plastic-looking and Keaton's suit's neck issues - but they're all still far better than everything else in this thread.
I like Carol's costume.
Even the rest of the JSA is horrified by this turn of events.
Don't worry, they were so inconsistant with his helmet throughout New 52 that it's constantly changing. Sometimes the face would appear and actually move as if it were his actual face. I don't know if this is the various artists being retards or the writer having no clue what he was doing.
Everything wrong with feminists approved costumes summed up in a single character.
Seriously I hate this "practical" bullshit, it's a woman runner around fighting thugs dressed up as a bat, that concept shouldn't require a "realistic" costume.
Armored Batman from Arkham Knight can go eat shit as well.
I thought the Arkham Knight costume was pretty cool, but I agree, this practical shit misses the point completely. It just shows how these people can't into capes, let alone fiction at all.
I think the holes in the hips are what turned me off. They don't make any sense, that and wouldn't it make the costume more likely to tear?
Go die
Actually don't. But I'm still disappointed in you.
I just switch to the Batman v Superman skin whenever I play.
If we want to talk Holla Forums video games, I absolutely hate Injustice's Batman. I know they styled it after the popular movies, but he looks like an armored bug. Not to mention he looks a lot more svelte as opposed to his more burly appearance in comics and other media. It looked terrible and I always used the Arkham Asylum skin instead. I really don't like the armored New52 inspired costumes they had to go with.
I liked Zod's costume and this game's Aquaman might be my favorite depiction
Carol would be fine with longer hair and the domino mask
Ya know, I really liked the Yellow and Black costume of hers. I liked the Black on Black variant from young justice more though. Why the fuck did they go and do something like that? The girl has access to Bruce Wayne's arsenal for god's sake.
Also I liked Arkham Knight Batman's costume, though I always changed to either the New 52 costume or Batman Beyond.
Man the 90's were rough on costumes
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Anything Wonder Man has ever worn. Or will ever wear.
I don't think anybody liked Injustice Batman's desgin, the cowl looked like shit and most toy companies just made figures of the Insurgency Batman as his costume had the better cowl.
Also whoever came up with the stupid idea to have the Penguin be a skinny cocky pretty boy needs to be shot and killed.
For fuck sake, he looks like Barracuda.
I kind of preferred the second pic.
Yeah, I don't get some people. Just because it would piss of a SJW does NOT make that costume less of a disgusting eyesore. And Sue can look sexy as fuck in better designed costumes. More skin doesn't mean sexier, it just means Sue was having a mid-life crisis.
But I also think anyone who accepts shit, like that costume, just to spite their enemies is weak willed. Gotta stand by your standards, no matter who is with or against you.
Idiot, it's not the costume that's the problem, it's her dyke hair and flat chest.
There's the potential for a cool character design in that, if you didn't have to screw with an established character to get there.
2nd pic: Holy shit, good catch, what were they thinking with that mullet?
Why would you go out of your way to wear less, when your power is turning things invisible? You could be equally as protected from the elements as before while wearing a different costume each day by varying up what you mask out.
That's funny, because I'm pretty sure those weapons are of middle eastern origin.
It's Ultimate Doom, he's got goat legs, like old-timey designs for the devil.
The people behind Gotham, I guess?
The first designs, as bad as they were, were still better than the bowdlerised versions.
I think the Newgrounds cartoon pretty much summed it up, crackhead vs pedo.
Doesn't exactly seem like armor to me, considering how it comes to be.
Also I like that Supergirl outfit. Sure, it's not the skirt and all, but still nice.
I actually don't mind New 52 Superman's design as a derivative, but Superman's design was never broken.
Like fuck you could take away the red briefs if you absolutely have to but at least keep the rest of the design the same, it's too iconic to fuck with.
As for New 52 Supergirl it does a good job of shitting on itself.
Eh maybe not so much armor. But it has a lot of unnecessary lines on it. Superhero designs should be clean, simplistic and easily identifiable.
There's probably worse out there, I just find the boots and crotch shield to be rather lame.
Seriously, try tracing Azbat, and work out what he's look like out of costume. It makes Liefeld look like DaVinci. A real Escher Boy.
Yeah, there are alot of unnecessary designs. Not sure why they went with that. I still like it though. I thought the underwear on the outside was kinda lame.
Also her crotch shield doesn't really make me feel anything. The boots do though.
…Can't believe that was Mento's first outfit. Is this before the purple and black, right?
Her fucking knee windows always bothered me the most. Fucking wear thigh highs or don't, this open knee thing just looks retarded.
Didn't Azrael turn out to have ape DNA?
It would explain the arms.
I never understood why they gave Supergirl that red crotch thing. It made me think she was having her period or something.
You better not go outside with less than 40% skin showing buddy.
I don't see what's wrong with the first one unless the problem is looking like a rip-off of Spawn.
Thank fuck hobo Hal Jordan didn't last long.
I'm sure she gets super-periods.
I wonder what her super PMS would be like…Do you think Superman is called to stop her at least once a month?
I think her costume is okay, but she's got way too much stuff on her belt, making running and climbing impossible.
Also: Why is she making a selfie?! Does she have a Bat-Twitter. That would be stupid. Anyone could track her back to her real identity.
Regarding the thread: Hey, lets have the introvert psycho girl fight in a bikini. Because getting older turns you into a stripper, right?
Don't try to question the logic of the feminist writer who destroyed Batgirl in the second part of the New 52.
In the first part, the writer then was setting her back up with Dick Grayson, trying to, ya know bring back one of the older relationships in the comics.
Come the second part of Nu52, the writer completely fucks everything up. All of a sudden Batgirl becomes this hipster, she gets rid of a much more effective Batsuit, and despite having access to the resources of Batman, she makes that abomination of a costume. Also she starts dating a black dude, and does her best to distance herself from Dick for absolutely no reason.
Come rebirth, black dude disappears, and she and dick are once again doing the chasing thing from before.
I don't understand why the Joker tries to marry her. I guess it's feminist symbolism again, because man, THAT'S out of character for the seemingly a-sexual Joker.
Yeah I also thought about my post longer than I should.
Batgirl was one of those New 52 titles that started off great, Barbra got her legs back and all, and she returned as Batgirl. It's progressive decline matched the New 52's decline into some weird shit.
I agree with that. I didn't read the Batgirl stuff yet (I wanna read the Batgirl and Robin Death of the Family stuff), but I guess it's similar to Bluebird.
It just gets crazy later. Not that I hate Bluebird, I was like "Finally a female character with an interesting backstory and actually wearing something", but to see that Liefeld-ish character with two huge guns in that usually dark, non-flashy universe was weird.
all of the armored designs in injustice look stupid, but i think superman takes the cake
the raised logo makes it look like an armor-plated halloween costume
It started off being written by Gail Simone, who had Babs' brother being a serial killer who did it 'for the lulz'. That and giving Babs a trans roommate who had no character for equality brownie points.
I fucking hate Bluebird. She's one of those characters that were introduced to show how progressive they are. That and the character is a pretentious little shit.
In Injustice 1, not all costumes are awful though. In Injustice 2 however…
Actually, she totally was Cloe.
Except with a fugly nose ring.
I think that character is okay, but a girl working as an electrician in Gotham's underground? BULLSHIT.
injustice 2 designs look like they're making fun of injustice 1 designs
Like I said, I hate the characters design and the way the writers created her. She's a mixture of punk and SJW. I'm really glad she's been pretty much…blocked out.
Yeah… but I don't understand. MKX had amazing costumes and was a huge step forward to MK9. Yet Injustice has such awful costumes. Since the point is unlocking new ones, I'm sure the later ones are cooler, but then they should show them in trailers.
I didn't read much about her, but protecting your family, fag or not, doesn't make you an SJW.
Didn't read much about her at all then. It's not so much defense of family, but rather her views that makes her a SJW. I can go back through some of the books and find exactly what I'm referring too.
I mean Joker wearing his severed face was one thing, but this…
With how long she wore his face, I was surprised it didn't completely rot.
They did mention that she smells like a rotting animal though. So at least they even realize how disgusting it is.
Naw I believe you and I know the intent was to seem progressive. Still, I rather read her backstory than shit like "Catwoman was a hooker, now she gets her revenge."
Yeah, especially considering how it was already rotten at the end of Death of the Family.
Yeah and she's got that great backstory of "Oh she found the face - she's Joker now."
The current catwoman wasn't a hooker, she is the daughter of some lion-themed crime boss.
Current catwoman pissed alot of people off because she was fucking Batman too on the side.
I know, I'm talking about anything Miller does.
Happens all the time in the TV show Gotham. Like… ALL the time.
Batwoman fucking Batman was a good distraction from Catwoman fucking Batman recently…………
Show me. I have read alot of the Bat family New 52 comics, and I haven't seen that.
Talking about Killing Joke.
Never forget red faced Mr Terrific
The worst thing about her redesign isn't even the costume, which looks better without the dumb jacket. It's that they simply changed her hair and face, gave her fucking animal ears, and then sicced Henderson on her in a weird attempt to turn SG into Lena Dunham. Which clearly doesn't appeal to certain artists who draw her post-Unbeatable appearances.
You're talking about Bat'girl then. Batwoman's a dyke.
Batgirl, aka Barbara Gordon, was the one who got fucked in the Killing Joke movie. People were upset about it because it's really out of character for Bruce, and never happened in the comic. Though that's as good a reason as any for Dick to hate Bruce.
Batwoman is Kate Kane, Bruce Wayne's cousin and bull dyke.
And obviously, 90% of the posts in this thread are not remotely "worst of the worst", but just Holla Forums being Holla Forums and bitching about hermless modern trends.
While I'd agree with you on some of the modern redesigns, there are a few that are universally agreed as terrible:
-Batgirls part 2 redesign
-All of Injustice's costumes
I actually think the animal ears are an improvement. That stupid ass mongo face tho…
If you wanna create a character with a flawed appearance that's still likable, make her chubby like Mei from Overwatch or something. but at least give her a cute face.
I get eye cancer when seeing her, how is that appealing?! Don't we read comics mostly for art?
That version of Supergirl was a "protomatter" being of synthetic origin. I'm not sure she gets periods.
Arkham Asylum design was perfect. Why they need to change it every game?
agreed, also can someone explain to me how does injustice black canary shoulderpads work?
Power Pack v2 isn't awful (not good, but Power Pack has been in the hands of absolute shit writers at points and I'll take this over that any day), but man the costumes are shit.
If you're worried about cameras in a way 1980s people weren't, just say their outfits project a field that obscures the face on camera. They're already magic.
Posting anything from capeshit since the '80s should be considered cheating. The bad outweights the good by a vast margin.
Lots of people like Kingdom Come you faggot
But I find the lack of futa in current comics to be a pressing issue. :^)
Really? Because tranny's are a real issue for me.
He looks like bayformers
Read again:
That doesn't mean there's no good, it just means the good is the exception.
Still gotta agree. I grew up on early 2000's comics, specifically Superman. I loved it, it was largely focused on kids, and for that reason i'll always have nostalgia from when I was a kid.
Speaking of Kingdom Come, did anyone feel weird that KC Flash is Wally West but he dressed like Jay?
So that's where AnonLearnsANewWord.png came from…
They really fucked her up. I prefer the previous one where she was a crazy prankster from Earth 3.
Superman's mullet. Nightwing's mullet. Beast Boy's mullet.
Basically anyone with a mullet except Rachel Summers.
wasn't that supposed to be from a future timeline where Spiderman is hunted by the Police?
I know i'm in the minority but i always loved the idea of superman just wearing a t-shirt, jeans and that's it.
Sort of a basic brawler.
Conceptually he's the common man's hero so it makes sense to me that he would try to look humble and basic.
I don't mind that spiderman design.
Could be cool with some adjustments.
I get the concept but the problem is that Superman also has a very strong humility and kindness aspect too him. In a sense his classic cape and trousers sorta clown him up, and make him more fun.
Like I just can't see Jeans superman taking a cat down from a tree you know?
I think it should stick to current era. Otherwise it's too easy to go back to stuff like the 90's X-TREEME era and pick the most retroactively terrible designs.
Aren't the nipples a bit too high up? I mean I haven't slept for a while but I feel like they're too high up.
It was designed for him by an old Jewish tailor, who criticized the impracticality of skintight clothing in a city with harsh rains and extreme cold. Originally a just a concept, the suit is flexible, durable, and well insulated. The jacket is also reversible, to allow for quick costume changes.
A later story arc shows a vision of a future where the police are after Peter, and he is wearing said costume. He avoids that future, though, and unfortunately we never hear from Leo Zelinsky again.
I remember that story. Isn't that the one where the old guy is a tailor for Superheroes and villains?
Her nipples are definitely too high up.
The funny thing is, the skintight suit is much more practical, in the same sense that a drysuit is. Also it makes you much more aerodynamic, which is something spiderman would want as he swings from buildings.
Funnily enough, the tight costumes that superheroes wear have a basis in reality. Sure, if they were shot, ya know, they'd be fucked, but it's comics. Just like DBZ, no one stays dead.
This is one time when the (proto, at the time) SJW's had a point about objectified women's costumes and boob windows. I think they outsourced this shit to a 13 year old boy.
Awful just awful designs user. Especially Spiderwoman and the Human torch.
Yeah, which is why I'm so miffed that they just completely forgot about him. There were a bunch of metagags in the comic, like him criticizing this young hero for not being able to make up his mind, when in the real world, he had been the victim of several revamps. It's a great vent for discussion of that within the comic.
I see what you're saying, but Spiderman's suit isn't made out of unstable molecules or anything like that (at the time, idk what they're doing now). It was just skintight stitched fabric.
yeah I really liked that comic. I found it funny how whenever the villains came he always laid out Empire Magazine for them. I miss stuff like that from comics.
Well, consider it like this, when a gymnast does his/her routine at the olympics, they aren't wearing a stupid jacket. They are wearing a skin tight uniform.
When a Greco-Roman Wrestler wrestles, he doesn't wear a jacket either. He wears a skin tight uniform.
Routinely some of the most harsh sports that require agility are the ones that use shit like singlets and leotards.
I mean, scientifically, it makes sense that heroes that swing through the air or fly would use a skintight jumpsuit or something.
Hey guys let's take this fun loving laid back character and turn him into an edgy piece of shit.
What could go wrong?
don't remind me.
Who's bondage guy?
Captain marvel's costume is good, it looks more like a superhero costume than the one piece she used to wear.
Not supporting tacticool or feminisim or batgirl's costume but
I actually think that's kind of cool. Looks like a suit of armor.
He originally was called Speedball, then he accidentally got some folks killed and feeling quilty of this became edgy
I think it was some sort of selfie month or selfie cover variant promo.
A superhero with a secret identity taking a selfie of themselves still looks stupid though.
After looking back and forth between EH SQ and the previous SQ, it looks like EH really tried to simplify SQ design to make it easier to draw. (Less detail on face and no facial markings, less "fluffiness" to her tail, costume, boots and hair as they are draw with less lines)
But she went too far in the process of doing that and now we get this ugly, 2D looking SQ.
To be fair its a cool custom. Should have been his own character and not Speedball
None of you understand! He's DEEP now!
OK, where is this from? Because it's nice to see Marvel poking fun at their own stupid stuff once in a while.
Um, I'm not sure. It might me Squirrel Girl before the rot set in.
It's kind of funny because Speedball and Squirrel Girl are both Steve Ditko characters, but Squirrel Girl retained her Silver Age style, while poor Robbie went all EXTREME GRIMDARK.
Really, if you want to know why SG is so OP, it's because of her Silver Age SWAG, she harks back to an age when badass normals could kick cosmic level asses, because THEY'RE THE GOOD GUYS.
I miss those days.
It's from the Deadpool/GLI Summer Fun Spectacular.
show me a more stereotypical edgy design
Show me a more stereotypical shit-tier bait.
What did you mean by this?
Does 'it's old' justify bad character design?
The Shadow is a Pulp hero. He predates superheroes. His gear is just fine for a 1920's hero. If anything Batman owes something to him, just as Superman owes something to Doc Savage.
Besides, in the 60's they tried putting The Shadow in spandex, see above. IT WAS HORRIBLE.
You don't read the classics much, do you? Pulp heroes are the easiest to design because it's basically a guy in a suit packing heat or a guy who's really good at fencing. Or just a guy in comedy mask with a gun. Rarely you see heroes with amazing abilities like you see now. Sure, you have your Supermans, your Green Lanterns and your Captain Americas but for everyone one of those, you get guys like Phantom Reporter, Blue Blade, the Witness..guys who are just in a mask and packing heat.
Why can't the modern movies get Doom right?
Yeah, how hard is it just to make a guy, in a suit of armor and a metal mask? Design wise, Doctor Doom is so simple..yet Hollywood kept fucking it up.
Your sense of humor needs fixing, anons.
Literally textbook 14 year old OC edginess
There should be a Penance Universe where they give everyone the most edgelord redesign they can come up with.
Because Doom is the stereotypical comic book super villain. He's a 2-dimensional megalomaniac that wants to conquer the world. You can't get much depth out of that.
That is fair and all but what does it have to do with his costume?
Because they're trying to reimagine something that was pretty much perfect the first time. The elements of it that are over the top (like sometimes having a giant D on his belt) suit a character that is larger than life in every way possible. He's an ageless design that never needs more than the smallest adjustments from time to time.
Why is there always some autist who thinks something is a joke when it wasn't?
I dunno, would fap
Faggots, all of them.
I really don't know why both movie attempts from Fox felt the need to muddle him with super powers. Him relying on tech, magic and skill are what makes him such a compelling villain. Giving him lightning or head explodey powers cheapens him as a character.
That doesn't make it a good costume. In fact, with a character like Sue, that's plenty of reason to call it bad. She's a superheroine housewife, not a femme fatale. Rule 34 means you'll always get what you want eventually, you don't need it from Marvel.
It's a shame they didn't do something like the Street Fighter movie and get a great actor to just give an over-the-top performance. Hmm, actually, isn't M. Bison just an armorless Doom?
Technically you're not that far off.
He could have had his own daughter by now if he wasn't so obsessed with Richards' Stretch-Armstrong dick.
He could have had his own good comic if mahvel wasn't so obsessed with sucking dick in general.
Why are we still here?
Just to suffer, apparently.
Well, back in the day, your standard Marvel artists could draw considerably better than your standard Rule 34 artists
Of course now, Marvel's artwork is Tumblr tier
I always thought Christopher Lee would have made a good Doom.
I suppose people think every dictator in history was 2-dimensional. Maybe that's why people find history boring.
Oh shit, that would have been great, too. Fuck… who is still alive that would be a great Doom?
Timothy Dalton maybe? Jeremy Irons? I really think that Doom should be a Shakespearean
I'd pay to see either of them take on the role.
Jurgen Prochnow
Fair point, I guess, but I would never want the books to betray the character so I could get my rocks off. At least with malice you get a (comic book appropriate) explanation.
user…I love your taste.
It's the other way around. The costume first appeared in Amazing #500 and then the story with the superhero tailor who designed that exact same costume appeared later
Oh, thanks for clarifying that. I read the issues in a storytime, and I guess the poster mixed up the order. Maybe that's why Pete rejects the tailor's design so quickly (I always thought that seemed a bit rude).
I think the author wanted to imply those are fake tits. Fake tits have the nipples sometimes weirdly high up because of how the surgeon positioned the implants.
Since here batgirl is a fucking cumdumpster slut it makes sense she got daddy to pay a boobjob for her
Funny how femicunts always bring the IR thing yet you never see one with a black bf in real life
Projecting much?
Well it works out because Dr. Manhattan made that nigga disappear from existence.
Like before Rebirth, she was dating a black dude, then Rebirth happens and dudes gone and she invites Dick out for a date.
Anyway, no she's back into Dick, and he's back into her, to the point where Black Canary warns Huntress about telling Batgirl about how she fucked Nightwing.
But who hasn't fucked Nightwing?
Cassie, Steph, Kate, Lois Lane…I want to say Selina…but I'm sure Dick and Selina did it before.
Yeah, well, I think the point that the writers are trying to get across is that she's become a bit possessive since the Rebirth event where Dr. Manhattan has fucked with shit, as an attempt to bring back the fact that him and her were almost married.
Also Selina seduced Dick in a factory or some shit. I can't remember if they fucked or not.
I don't really hate Carol's, it'd just be better with long hair/longer sash. Practicool in general is cancer though and Kris Anka needs to stop being allowed tod esign characters.
The thing is, with certain designs, practicool and tacticool can look fucking sick and still be realistic.
But that's the thing though, they neither go for cool or realistic when they design their tacticool costumes.
Everybody loves Dick.
Seriously..everyone loves Dick. If any villain dumb enough to even hurt a single hair on his magnificent head, said villain would have every single hero knocking on his door.
good point the costume itself is fine I just hate the dyke hair they gave her and how incosistent it is in the comics. The hair in your pic looks better and I wish they would use that instead.
I actually really like the Troia design, it's one of the few Perez designs that isn't absolute shit.
Wait, Perez's designs are shit? First I've heard of it.
Didn't he get raped by a villainess while he was in a guilt-induced catatonic state?
Jesus Dick, you whore.
This calls for an investigation.
Oh god a basic google search has turned up far more than I care…
So the villain in question was Tarantula, or a female one at least, who raped him while he was in shock.
Bitch saw her chance, and she took it.
Here ya boys go
….thats Invincible
It's Dick Grayson getting raped by a chick is what it is.
Incorrect, Mark Grayson is who that is. Very similar.
Dick's a slut!
Slut's a dick!
And starfire loves Dick.
Remember user. It's not rape. It was just non-consensual sex
Remember kiddies, if a man does it, it's rape. If a woman does it, it's just non-consensual sex.
I guess she must be really bad at sex, I'm not sure why a secular man like Dick Grayson would mind otherwise.
Probably just the writer using the character to fulfill her fantasy of forcing herself on Dick.
Its like comic book writers have repressed sexual frustration or something.
I hate Netflix Daredevil's desgin, the only thing that looks slightly decent is the mask but everything else is just horrid.
Daredevil is meant to be a street level hero yet he's wearing something more akin to Ghost Rider than Daredevil. Too much leather, the black doesn't complement the red and the actor's chin just looks weird.
Ghost Rider just wears a leather jacket. For this Daredevil, they were clearly going for a more high-tech kevlar/carbon fiber mesh kind of look, which they use for every fucking hero costume now.
I like the concept costume more. It's not ideal but it's better than what we got. Bring an end to this era of tacticool hero costumes.
Also the Daredevil Netflix show is fucking trash. Fuck Netflix and their shitty gritty marvel shows. They all fucking suck. They might as well not even be marvel shows with how distant the characters are from the source material.
Would explain why they make so many fapbait outfits.
Would work better if it the entire thing was red. The black parts really don't complement it. They also fixed the mask on Season 2, hope they fix the entire thing on season 3.
It's really a shame because they fucking nailed the black uniform.
What's with this basketball texture every single super hero costume have these days?
When did it began in the first place ?
Was it with bravo Nolan's Batman ?
Actually… might've been. Fucking Nolan.
Since we're talking about the netflix shows… Purple Man having purple skin was really that much to ask? I mean… How can you fuck up something this simple?
They even had the perfect excuse for it in the last episode where he gets a power up.
For the longest time I thought this was just a flash cartoon and not a real thing.
What confuses me about that show is how the hell he gets everywhere, he must run 20 miles in full gear every episode without being noticed
Makes sense? Sure. Looks good? Not with Hollywood designers making it.
Hey now, that's a pretty good Claire Redfield design!
Who was the one with the Jay boner? Ross or Waid? Or both?
apparently hexagons = high tech
AHA! That's what it reminded me of. Claire even has one with a wing motif in the Dreamcast game, along with fingerless gloves. They aren't even trying at this point.
When did they do try?
>thinks I'm autistic
Okay, sport.
He definitely should have gotten the purple skin at the end, especially since they were planning on killing him off, but I'm glad they didn't give him purple skin to start with. It would have made it a lot harder to buy the whole, "No one knows who he is, there's no trace of him" when there would likely have been a million pictures of him online because of how weird he looked.
Gotta say, I have no idea for what they plan to do in season 2 since he was the only good thing about that god awful show.
I think they were hinting at that corporation that experimented on Jessica. Though I agree Jessica really only needed one season. If they continue show her with Luke Cage and maybe getting a daughter.
I honestly liked the show, and I seriously can't fucking fathom a season 2 being a good idea at all. I would just relegate her actress to being a full-time side character for the other shows.
Sir, I do declare that there is now some beef between us
who is he and why does he look like Kraven the Hunter?
That was hard to do.
Shit taste
What's the joke then?
Because as the guy who originally posted Shadow I made no attempt at humor.
Only Blockade Boy could have gotten away with that costume, and his planet needed him.
Let's add a hood to a full body spandex suit!
are those flats she's wearing with her costume?
This costume isn't that bad.
Knowing that Gwenom's costume is alive, just makes me think of her hoodie as having her head inside a cunt.
nice. I think of the inside of the hood as a vagina.
Explain why it looks bad in the Dark Knight movies, and I want a real reason and not "but muh comic accuracy!".
Do you think season 2 will be based off the sequel comic to the first Jessica Jones run?
I would dig the idea of a superhero/vigilante suit made of high-resistance materials if they didn't look like bloody Power armor
It's not a Kamen Rider armor for fuck's sake
Reminder that this project rooftop shit is the only reason this character has any popularity at all
All the male Manhunters suck.
I liked the one on the left.
And then all of the Manhunters are dead…or is a Manhunter agent.
Middle Manhunter was one bad motherfucker.
Took out an army of clones of himself, and his former employers, with sheer balls and ancient weapons.
I prefer this look to any musclebound circus strawman no matter how 'edgy' you think it is.
I feel like it's fine, she has a spider sense so it doesn't pose a practical problem. And after six or seven spider people, you gotta find a way to keep it fresh.
I think she'd look a bit weird without it.
well its true.
I hated COD Crossbones. Especially when he took off his helmet and revealed he wasn't all that burnt up.
Still a great movie. I think even the best superhero movie (not counting Batman as a superhero).
Remember when Superman and Wonder Woman fucked in the ocean causing Tsunamis, killing people?
Those child-birthing hips on Thor.
Pisses me off, too. But also the way he's handled in the movie. He's a friggin whimp. But he's one of the coolest and yet most hilarious villians in comics.
I want to see him use finger lasers and shit! I want him to be behind it all, but not revealed early. Seriously, Disney needs to get the rights on him! I want to see him fight any of the Avengers.
Thats okay then as a promo.
I hated that a character who is supposed to be one of the most scummy and self-centered mercs was willing to aloha snackbar just for fleeting vengeance. As for his design, yeah, it's pretty ugly. Maybe he should have been a male Black Widdow instead of a walking tank.
Best superhero movie? That's a tall order. There's way too much convoluted BS and contrivance. Plus it has severe continuity dependence. Ant Man, Captain America, and maybe Iron Man are all better super hero movies.
Ant-Man was bland as fuck
Ant-Man was super generic and the huge potential of shrinking effects wasn't used. Makes me want a "Honey I shrunk the kids" remake even more.
While I love Iron Man, the awful villian (a running theme in Marvel movies) dragged it down hard.
This was finally a movie where everyone showed what they got without going into embarrassing Pinocchio-Ultron territory. And no Thor. I hate Thor. Such a boring character.
And no Hulk-ex-machina.
maybe if you can't grasp dc films
Outside of two of Nolan's Batman films (Begins and Dark Knight), the two Donner Superman films and maybe the two Burton Batman films, DC films are fucking awful.
The height of cinematic brilliance
To be fair, DC's feature films have been…lackadaisical.
However, animated movies have been good and their comics and vidya are better than Marvel's.
Much like their films, DC has nothing to show but Batman. I'll give you comics though - Rebirth is neat and the "All-New" Marvel is all-shit.
Most of those games were garbage. Neither of them make good vidya, licensed games are garbage, even the so-called 'good' ones.
I never said everything, just licensed games. But nice strawman, faggot.
The Ghostrider game for the PS2 is actually pretty damn good. It's like God of War except fun.
Blade is unlockable, and he makes the game completely easy or next to impossible depending on the situation
Bland? Maybe, but still better than Opportune Marketing Civil War. Sure, the movies I listed all fall back on the mirror match intro villain trope, but they aren't about the villain, they're about establishing the hero.
Also, can't believe I forgot the Spider Man movie.
you don't know what gritty means, do you ?
No, because I didn't like Big Lebowski.
OH SHIT stop the presses!
I said I don't count Batman as a superhero. Read my post. If you tell me now that any DC superhero movie is good, then you're a sad person.
Or very very old.
Neither do you apparently
Or basically just Mahvel Baybee.
what kind of answer is that, do you know what gritty means or not ?
These days I don't care a lot about marvel movies but I would be interested if they ever put Doom into the marvel movies. I think they would understand the over the top style and give him a proper suit of armour. I always think of it as a simpler iron man suit with magical elements to it.
That was one of the few new designs I don't mind.
Also are you complaining about something being impractical? would you prefer a jacket and clip on cape for the sensible teen on the go?
i am saying that it looks ugly as hell
Like a few other anons, I quite like it. Except those blue slippers… I just don't understand that.
I'm not (but I am ), but a purple business suit isn't "gritty".
i mean that in comparison with the comic (where he has purple skin)its gritty
in case you dont know dictionary definition of gritty is "having strong qualities of tough uncompromising realism"
And it was made by Frank Miller, of course.
No, the definition of gritty is the world is a grey, harsh, dirty place where everyone hates you and everyone has ulterior selfish motives, and there's no such thing as basic human decency.
pretty sure you are talking about grimdark
No retard that would be cyberpunk
thats called non-fiction hon
Is it really edgy if it's possibly the very first superhero costume? What was there to compare it to back then?
This kind of pessimistic thinking is exactly where the garbage trope came from.
NRS makes shit designs, nothing new here.
I've always loved this one.
I seriously hope you are not referring to the fake muscle suit from 89? Returns fixed the problem with looking like a straight up armor instead of fake rubber muscles.