Newfag here

Just saying that comment means im gonna get shit anyway, but fuck it.

I am a newfag, and i came out here after hearing about the results HWNDU season 3, and i wanted to check it out. anything a newfag like me could do to get started here, and make my way around? Thanks in advance.

Welcome friend. Did you come from reddit too?


New flag's in Liverpool.

lole just lurk


well, ive been on reddit, but not much lately.


Into the >>>/oven/

actually, i kinda came here because i didnt think i could really find myself to be acquainted with 4chan, so i came here instead. plus, i heard this place got de-listed, and i was up for a little adventurin'.

greentext some oc pedo incest or stop posting

He is new, prolly dont know how to green text. Post it yourself neckbeard

Start by believing the opposite of everything Reddit believes.

alright, ill keep that in mind.

ok, this is bait. r-right?

no, not really. i actually am new here, and i didnt know precisely where to start, so i started here.

Welcome aboard, now go fap to traps.

im pretty sure traps are gay…

pay no mind to that user. fap to morally right porn=straight porn

Is this bait? Yes? No? Maybe?

just lurk like everyone else
