Sexuality is D/C

The whole sexuality thing is D/C by Jews meant to destroy whites


Personally I think It's funny sad how pol hates Jews and yet defends their sexual repression (circumcision, various sexual phobias).

Also white nationalists further reduce their potential support (already limited to people who are white or Japaneses) by attacking whites who don't fit into the old Christian model.

people are against circumcision on Holla Forums what the hell are you talking about

other sexualities are frowned upon with good reason. Most people with weird fetishes are probably mentally ill in other ways too

christianity and jesus and his story is a giant mess of confusion, misspeaking, deception, corruption, and poor choice of wording. christianity as its basis is an email viral spam tactic for example "send this email to 10 people or a spooky ghost will pop up"

basically, the moment I hear that someone thinks I will suffer in hell for ever and ever just because I don't think exactly the way that they do, I instantly lose all respect for them and they can't even resemble a speck of integrity, rationality, and credibility anymore to me.

it's not enough to these people that they simply believe what they do about jesus, but it seems as if they go so far as to try and tell me as if they want me to feel bad or "save me" by threatening me it stops being:

and becomes

you believe that, but you don't keep that messed up junk to yourself, you follow me around trying to do something far beyond the 1st amendment and harass and psychologically torture me by constantly trying to remind me through highly indirect threats that you believe I'm going to suffer a fate worse than death over and over again for not a moment, not a day, not a week or a month or a year, but FOREVER! and that you are completely fine with that even though I'm your best friend!? really?

Exodus 20
"You shall have no other gods before Me."You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth."

Deuteronomy 5
You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.

as for circumcision discussion:

(in the womb), if you know anything about anatomy, the penis and the vagina start out as the same thing and then develope one way or another.

the foreskin, is basically the clittoral hood and the head of the penis, is essentially the clittoris

(give or take some of the internal erectile tissue or "butterfly wings" on the inside of the sides of the vagina) but no matter what, both males and females have a "head" and then the rest of the organ's body.

so there are foreskins, and clittoral hoods.

they don't remove the foreskin to reduce pleasure, they do it so that you can actually feel good. Imagine having a plastic bag over your penis constantly but you have to peel it back in order to pee, wash, or do a sexual activity. all it does is look bad and get in the way.

Killing the jews fixes everything, problem is some Holla Forums tards believe in the jew fairy tale of the return of christ, so many support israel if only to hasten the 2nd coming and the tribulation, what a load.

people who founded israel didn't even complete the 3 oaths. zionists and globalists are these fake jews who jewed the real jews.

Sinead is a crazy whore

I think you mean Holla Forums. Actual white nationalists don't tend to be weebs.

Here, I will just talk like everyone on Holla Forums

Holla Forums

Yes but she was redpilled about the Pope and pizzagate before it was a thing

Let's praise Him with joyous song!
"Open your bowels for Jesus,
Empty yourself and pray;
As you dwell in His Word,
You'll be undeterred
To open your bowels for Jesus."
Amen & Glory!
Praise him with many motions!

I sucker punched Kyle Hunt at the mall one time. Sinead stood there and started screaming like a beast, Kyle himself just kept his head down and went "Bro, bro, bro, chill, it's cool, ok". I gave Sinead a psycho stare and made a pimp slap gesture. She went all quiet and made a step back. I laughed, called them a bunch of controlled opposition kikes and swaggered away like a boss.

Fuck off Elliot.


Truly terrifying.

using apple products almost guarantees homosexuality

Does using apple products cause gayness or does gayness cause you to use apple products?

You must be CIA here.


You are a big guy

For you



go to bed, rabbi