Post Your Best Saved Art
Art Bread
Other urls found in this thread:
Third and forth pics are just retarded.
they're poignant and beautiful you triggered Holla Forumsblrina
I hate these fucking threads.
Saging this thread into hell where it belongs, art does not belong on Holla Forums, op leave this site and never return.
Eat rat shit and die OP.
So you continue to post Art.
You sure are Edgy user
They've invented technology that allows you to hide the thread.
Fight fire with fire.
I don't want to hide the thread it want it and OP to be irradiated from the site like the scum they are.
And double sage.
Also is that a fucking still from Reddit And Memey in pic 4?
Holy shit, this is my point, these threads are the worst fucking atrocity to this site, mods should ban this they way they ban CP, it's fucking atrocious.
That's pic 5 you retarded nigger
Would you fug that angel?
The two smaller pics confused me, but at least I don't post Reddit And memey on here.
Drink cockroach pisss.
Ignore the extra s, I just really hate these threads holy shit.
And a 3rd sage because fuck you OP.
An artist must have fiddled your asshole as a kid or something to be this triggered
Are you calling something from my art folder a reddit meme? Well I don't go to reddit . You seem very familiar with all things reddit though. Perhaps you should go back there.
This here is my point, only reddit users, the scum of all image boards post on this thread. They don't even attempt to hide it.
Requesting mods ban art threads, trust me get rid of this thread and you will improve quality by 100467%, not just on this board but site wide.
And now, I hate this thread because I'm an artist. This is pleb tier shit which is why I want you to stop posting,
on the site.
Stop posting on the side.
From memories when I was a Reddit fag myself I can tell, seems you haven't grown out of your phase, you should probably go back to Reddit, your more welcome there.
Requesting mods ban these threads and ban OP and the 2 other people (at best if it's not just OP.) from here.
Is that from the Podesta collection?
Sad to believe the only non Reddit tier thing on this entire thread is the work of a pedophile.
Angels are neither Male or Female user
Well at least it's not posting shitty art.
So your problem seems to be with Redit not Art.
I still want to know who touched you inappropriately as a child
No it's still the art.
I'm just constantly using "Reddit" to describe it because it's literally the best fitting word for it. All this art is post modern pure design dogshit, or minimalist cartoon shit, none of it is good. It's all things people on Reddit would post. That's why I want this god forsaken thread off the board and you and OP to leave forever, you're the reason Holla Forums and Holla Forums are dying.
I'm running out of images, seriously let the thread die.
I'm also running out of three letter words to post.
Sage negated. Stay buttmad you nigger.
Bite me anime fag, you're just as bad if not worse than these faggots.
Aha so you admit that you are from reddit. Also if you were actually an artist as you claim you would be able to grasp the good qualities in any piece of art as apposed to broad statements like how it's all just too mainstream for the likes of a real artist such as yourself. Why don't you post some of your own art . I will not make fun of it I promise. Are you a performance artist by any chance?
Yes I once browsed the site as a cancerous 13 year old idiot years ago, then I realized how shit they were.
That's why I want this thread gone.
It's everything Reddit was, all it's doing is bringing in the cancer here.
All I have is studies so far, I will in 2 years.
On the contrary mainstream popularity doesn't matter, quality does.
And everything here is reminiscent of Reddit.
It's okay if you repressed whomever touched you. It will come out sooner or later. Was it a gym teacher or a family friend. Did you do bad thing to the family dog and get caught? Something in your dark pass is haunting you user.
You people just can't let this thread die can you?>>6884291
Seems like you're obsessed with molestation aren't you? Something you wanna tell us user?>>6884803
Slit your urethra.
Well at least the threads been derailed by gay shit, and webms.
Forgot my sage fuck.
excuse me
My own photographs
Mine /2
I no longer have many people to share my photographs with
filename: exploring your moms vagina
I've only shot about 20 photographs worth sharing that I have currently available. Might have some lost treasures on old hard drives but Ill probably not bother to find them
second and third pic, Sweden?
haha. Yeah, we were spelunking in the largest storm sewer in the midwest
Very close, actually Milwaukee, Wisconsin
close enough, cunt
Im disappointed
counts as art for me
you have a very special taste. I like it
nice photos of pretty girls, but why don't you make your own thread?
because this is art, is it not?
or did you mean drawn/painted art
the thing is, if we post all our stuff in one thread it will reach bump limit sooner and fall off the board, when we could have two good threads
fair point.
this will be my last contribution then. I'll lurk though
i guess its a sign i need to take a brake
more of third pic?
more of 1st and fifth please
sorry, this is it.. for now
Requesting art with angels and/or strange women.
Thanks in advance
Like this?
Kind off, thinking strange women as in folklore and medival type covens. Such as this pic related.
Doesn't have to be lewd
It's not. Or it might be there too, but user is very very wrong on this being the work of a pedophile.
That's the work of Ria Pratt, one of the shattered personalities of a well known child sexual abuse victim.
Zdzislaw Beksinski
there are seriously billions of these
third pic reminds me of last saturday
What is #2 about?
Ski fi team art ?
is that like sci fi but set in Aspen?
Retro wave art
Crooked Eye Fart?
Is there such a thing as too hetero? Oh mama.
this obviously takes talent but as far as I'm concerned it's talent wasted.
My nigga.
Care to explain your needless edit?
oh dear…
A weeb must've made whoever made that butthurt af.
as far as cartoons go, this one is pretty odd IMO. saved from a Games magazine a long time ago.
they came out with a collection (a reprint book) a few years back, the first collection of Verbeek ever, but I don't own it. it was Taschen or something, pretty expensive (~$100) last I heard
nice motorcycle
Who else /drawscartoons/ here?
Challenge accepted. Logo I made
The second one (black hair pierced nipples) looks waaaay too much like my girlfriend. Mandy?
Is that for the Reaper DAW?
i like it
Looks pretty good user. Thanks for posting.
i ended up homeless but it's finally finished
im sorry, my pick = trash… not art.
third is beautiful
But second shows more off.
Weird, the mouseover shows the correct thumbnail, with third being the top row with the angel. Clicking the link shows the second row. Where is hotwheels dammit
There's some good stuff in here. Dumping what I have?
japan did buttfuck russia in that war
this reminds me of Jodorowsky's metabarons
I've never seen an art thread on Holla Forums so lacking in quality, especially in terms of image resolution and visibility.
Classic example of thumbnail saving. This is what I'm talking about; you can get this one off Wikipedia for christsake
That's a penis between those legs, if I've ever seen one.
nah they just had different dispositions back in the day, nowadays we don't care about that kinda stuff
did they really have dogs in Ancient Greece, though?
that's cupid, of course he has a dick.
the qt
what on earth is this gay shit