Bored of vidya

What now?

What are some interesting sites and things you use that aren't chan sites?

Perhaps it's time.

try driving

Put some action in your life! Break some laws, do drugs!


Pick up a tool or two and build something.


See a shrink, you have depression

study maths you fucking loser
decompile windows xp

Go outside.

yeah nah

How much money do you have? You should try and find some time consuming, physicaly intense hobby to do. One of my freinds is currently building a car from scratch, but he has money and his parent garage. Here's one I just thought of, try and get qualified enough to get accepted as a fitness trainer, then turn it down.

pick up a real hobby, you fuck.
like drawing, or hunting.

Learn languages, get fit or get a real hobby.
And get a good job if you haven't already.

go lurk national irc boards and neet threads for following
US states
New Zealand

dataminer alert



t. take your meds Holla Forumsblrina

these, especially the language thing
study a language (lets say german), go to krautchan, kraut ircs, read kraut literature like Goethe, become Übermensch


what the hell is there to datamine? two or three slow ass posts per day mentioning some mainstream websites?

god you're a retard paranoid redneck loser aren't you?


man you're so boring and devoid of thought. no wonder your jumping at conspiracies laid out for you by internet retards


Zzzz you're boring now. go away.


No its because you posted the exact same thing for 7 posts in a row now. Contain your autism holy shit.


Are you seriously asking? Vandalize something and send pics.

Are you seriously samefagging? There is only us 2 in this thread Mr.dataminer

Smoke weed and be amazed as your interest in these things is reignited.

Suicide is an option

Have you played cell lab?

There is suicide.

There is also fun sites and games.
Stefan Molyneux
Free Rust Legacy (game) (movies)

You need a spanking OP?

run out of weed and stand aghast at the emptiness of your life. A thousand days fogged out, a thousand chances missed.

seems like just a way to fuck up your brain pointlessly, waste your time and empty your wallet

it makes being bored fun

go to craigslist and post in the "casual encounters – m4m" section for some dick

you dont belong here

Get into motorcycles. Worked for me.

It's time to die for israel goy