Wearable Tech

Sup Holla Forums, what do you all think about wearable tech? Yes, no? I'm a cashier at a gas station and noticed a few customers with headsets around their head, some have this Bluetooth thing around their necks. Pretty sure most of them are truckers and I know it's nothing that's really advanced but it just tripped me out when I looked up earlier and every customer had these things around their heads/necks.

So where do you guys think we're headed as far as wearable tech goes? AR? Im not really informed on the topic but I know Google tried it with Google Glass and failed. They're obviously onto something though, I for one am a huge fan of the thought of the concept in general. Then again I know it's not that easy and I figure we won't be there for a while

Until genetic modification is possible and glasses are no longer required, AR will forever be a niche product.

No thanks. I already ditched the smart phone because fuck paying $100+ a month to have corporations and NSA tracking my shitposts.
Reality is fine, I don't need to augment it. Fuck post-humanism.

Yeah, a huge object around your face isn't really something I'd be a fan of. Wasn't their some sort of Google contact lense, or was that just a meme? Lol

I like it, I'd like to get a pair of BlueTooth earbuds or something. Also, Google Glass could have worked, but I think it failed because it looked obvious on your head. If they could maybe put it in a pair of actual sunglasses that would be a lot more impressive.

Tbh this.
Technocracy is inevitable, and until we can make out own custom body augmentations or AR stuff, I wouldn't trust these kikes pumping out spying tools.
I for one am looking forward to being a cool space engineer with custom-made eye implants that let me zoom in and use x-rays.

As an user mentioned this stuff is pretty much inevitable, I guess we just have to see how it all pays out.

Things like this are obviously hard to predict but when do you guys suppose this technology boom will happen? Imo if you look around things don't really look that different from 10-15 years ago. I mean you have the obvious shit such as smart phones, computers etc, but other than that things seem the same.

The better question is how. I'm glad you referenced Deus Ex, because that and Ghost in the Shell make a compelling argument: human augmentation is going to be really, really fucking expensive (military or billionaire funding levels) and will create a us/them dichotomy like mankind has never seen. Animatrix also touched on this concept. It's going to be augs vs norms.
Why? Because the way the R&D is going to play out (and pay out). Who wants trans-humanism? (((Take a wild fucking guess))). Who is funding trans-humanism efforts (human body augmentation, AI, etc)? Holla Forums would know (((who))) the answer to that question is. R&D for trans-humanism is going to come from the same place most new tech does: the US defense machine. DARPA. Same folks who made DARPANET (you know it as the internet, a series of tubes) and are currently working on automated death (killer robots to replace human beings). Why would you need killer robots? First, to assist the augments in clearing out normies, but also to deal with the soldiers that might have some ethical issues with killing off non-augmented human beings. And of course killer robots will finish off what remains of the augmented army once they've outlived their usefulness.
You'll never be augmented unless you're currently in some special military outfit. Be prepared for the resistance.

yeah I always figured in the future there would be discrimination against augmented folk/robots and I like how Deus Ex touched on that.

Cancer can be treated, aids can be stopped, yet both are growing. "Bio industry" already got a fuckton of money with super cheap pills, there is no need to waste resources on that, better put that money on politicians and lawyers.


We're getting there.

That's beautiful :')


This fills me with hope and a sci-fi erection.

people keep saying AR is inevitable, but IMO, it's not really.

VR will allow you to do more and it'll cost less.

at this point, you don't actually need to leave your computer that much, and if you had a nice VR system, say the kind of thnig that'll exist a few decades from now, you'd need even less.



Same. Apparently the creators of DE:HR collaborated with a company called Open Bionics to create that arm for the little girl. Fucking crazy they did though, i thought it was bullshit when i first heard about it.

kek i fokin lov u

This. AR seems cool and all but like this user said

Companies that have spent years designing 3D models of robotic prosthetic parts are probably the best to design them for real use.

Grip is too tight.

Yeah definitely. Its just crazy to see the thing go from game to real life, obviously its a bit different but amazing nonetheless.

It can be moderated. Tight enough to lift a dumb bell or light enough to pick up a grape.

Besides, you could probably make attachments.

you don't know me.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Any futuristic backgrounds pls?