Well we finally get to see our first glimpses of the new Power Ranger cast with their respected Dino Zords.
And they look as horrible as one may expect
Well we finally get to see our first glimpses of the new Power Ranger cast with their respected Dino Zords.
And they look as horrible as one may expect
they could be worse
At least have them with their fucking helmets on. It's just one big green screen with little human heads breaking it.
Oh god…it looks crap. Seriously, couldn't they get the Japs to design the robots for once and not the jackass who thinks that robots should have their inner bits exposed?
I still hate their outfits. They don't look like Power Ranger style outfits at all.
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You're right, they can show us what they actually look like.
Why is the red ranger riding on a dinosaur dick?
Welp, I won't have to touch this shit with a 100ft pole.
That is some shitty 3d models
I'm going to guess it's because (((Haim Saban))) but it could also just be (((Hollywood)))
When will an actual trailer drop for this?
gah, I'm jelly. It's hard as fuck to find online any more. Also, Boy and Goushi were definitely my favorites.
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I like how the black guy just looks like he's there to audition for a modeling career. What movie? The fuck is a Power Ranger?
Even when I was kid I knew Power Rangers and shows like it were lame.
B-but then nobody could see how DIVERRSY and NOT RACIST the new, better, superior Power Rangers are.
Jesus those designs are terrible. If i didn't already know what the zords are supposed to look like, I'd have no fucking clue what I'm looking at.
Disney Power Rangers best Power Rangers.
Western studios literally don't know what mecha are, and they've never seen anime or mecha vidya. And they have no desire to, despite trying to re-invent the wheel.
I thought he's the only one who's actually showing some attitude.
Yeah, now that you mention it. I guess the rest of them are just kind of doing a whole lot of generic action movie poster nothing. It makes him look really out of place though, and I'm not sure why PR or whoever would go ahead and decide to make everyone else look so boring. That's just bad marketing.
So, they want to make something mecha related…but never seen a single mecha anime or vidya? Is there a word to describe this level of stupidity?
Why haven't the SJWs converged on this yet?
Why are these mechs so curvy?
Yeah, "Producer".
Guess the old proverb was right..a fool and his money are soon parted.
Yellow ranger has a nice butt
So, these are like fan made, right?
You're a bunch of faggots, this looks awesome. The original show was garbage and looked like it.
Wait, are Bulk and Skull in the movie? They were the best characters.
current year aerodynamics
I prefer when everything looked like air planes
so which series was the best?
my personal favourite was ninja storm, although i disliked the hamster sensei
deepest lore/plot, great costumes, great mechs
also for some reason i strongly remember this shit, even though it was basically a power rangers ripoff
might be because i was 8 when i was watching it
the hamster was just a Splinter homage though wasnt' it? I kinda dug it as a TMNT fan
It isn't really a ripoff, or of a western attempt at Toku, and it wasn't really that bad for the time. I loved the shit out of cotsumes.
Obligatory RPM post.
And honestly..I still have their theme song stuck in my head after all these years.
Yellow ranger looks Filipina.
And we can probably thank Johnny Bosch for asian black ranger.
The hell?
Tracer Ass 2.0
SJWs are mad at the yellow ranger having a great ass
That isn't even what the article is about faggot.
That's not at all what the article you posted was about.
You don't even read the shit you post, retard.
Speaking as someone who doesn't give a flying fuck about any of this, the new designs look fine. They're on par with the bayformers designs, say what you will, but that puts it about fifty tiers over what they did to the ninja turtles.
Cool that edge, bro.
My my black dude are you trying to seduce me?