What is your problem with Javascript?

What is your problem with Javascript?

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Those dubs

It tries to go on no matter what, so it will automatically convert types for you even if it doesn't make sense, return undefined when you ask for an invalid key (even though undefined may also be an actual value), and it has awful meta-rules like "semicolons are optional if you'd otherwise get a syntax error". All of that makes sense for a language you write simple client-side programs in that need to run on many differen web browsers, but it seems awful for something like node.js or for "webapps".

Then again, I don't know much javascript, so maybe not.


Mainly that it infested the web with poorly typed, arbitrary code executing horror. The internet should be pure html/css like god intended.

Literally nothing, but schizophrenic autists believe Java is spying on them because a code that requests background data is requesting background data.

Jesus fuck.

Please stop posting about things you don't know anything about.


Code that look like this:
doSomething(param1, param2, function(err, paramx){ doMore(paramx, function(err, result){ insertRow(result, function(err){ yetAnotherOperation(someparameter, function(s){ somethingElse(function(x){ }); }); }); });});

Anything non trivial will at some point require callbacks, resulting in spaghetti code, making it realy hard to follow program logic. There are some fixes for this like promises but still it is much easier to follow/debug non async program flow.

Then there is node.js and npm, which is madness on whole another level.

JS should realy just be used for UI enhancements which should be entirely optional.

It lets people work easily and efficiently for many tasks, putting me out of work so I have to shitpost about it on the internet, while also crying 'mah pajeets'

What's your solution? You're trying to make a synchronous program on an asynchronous platform. The Internet is dogshit for scripts.

I really dislike the fact that you can't define specific kinds of variables, especially in regards to numbers. If I want a simple counter, I'm going to run into floating point precision errors because I'm unable to create a fucking integer. There's a related problem where not using 'var' creates a global variable instead of a reference error. So you could accidentally make globals and never know about it until something completely unrelated fucks it over or the other way round.

There's also weird inconsistencies in the way similar things are handled with different kind of wording, but I can't recall any specifics from the top of my head. Similar problem exists in CSS.

There wasn't a simple way to loop through arrays in a very long time. As in "for(var i of array)", as opposed to "for(var i=0;i

it's a programming language that is used by non programmers out of necessity and runs automatically

what could go wrong

but in another thread some sperg was going on about how javascript isn't a programming language

its designed to mitigate the human factor as much as possible but there's enough left to do damage

it's turing complete and thats pretty much what I go by

Pay attention to the autists, not the spergs. And as any tech autist can tell you, javascript is most definitely a programming language. It's HTML that isn't.

The original version of javascript was designed (and I use the term loosely) in 10 days. I doubt mitigating much of anything was a factor.

it's the only reason to have only one number data type

Nah, a more likely explanation is it was designed to silently recover from errors and otherwise limp along doing *something* as much as possible, even if that something is completely retarded.

and who made it do something retarded?

I do not like that they constantly write tools like $existing_tool + some minor feature instead of improving existing tools.

That's one of the fundamental flaws of all of web design. It's the same in HTML and CSS, browsers will try to salvage broken code and each browser will have its own idea of what you had intended. It should just act like a compiler instead: stop, don't display anything, and tell me where the error is.

I would much rather know that something went wrong and fix it instead of having the computer try to guess what I had intended and only get if four out of five times right.

It's a huge waste of research and engineering effort.
Despite all compiler work it's still slower than Lisp by 2-3x. There is a complexity barrier to reification of types in prototype languages, like with the CFA family of algorithms.
Javascript can never be made "as fast as C". Self-respecting programmers should dump this garbage and practice disciplined programming with static types.

It hates throwing errors.
No matter what crazy shit you're doing, it'll keep running with weird as fuck results instead of just stopping the execution with an error.

That's because JavaScript wasn't designed for that at all. You shouldn't be allowed to write that kind of code in a web scripting language. Including first-class functions in JavaScript was a mistake because it encourages more complex code and libraries.

The web isn't for apps. It's for content. The fundamental flaw of web design is treating it like an OS and trying to make "apps" that look the same everywhere.

Browsers are allowed to ignore any HTML tag or CSS style. There is no "broken code", just features that the particular browser doesn't support. HTML with all tags removed should give you a readable text file. It can scale from plain text to complex interactive "apps" with audio and video. This is what enables backwards and forwards compatibility, allowing the web to work at all.

The "noscript" tag worked that way. Browsers that didn't support scripts treated the data inside "script" and "noscript" tags as HTML, but the "script" tags contained HTML comments. Browsers that supported scripts did not process the HTML inside "noscript" tags. "Noscript" worked because it was a feature browsers *didn't* support.

Java is not the same as JavaScript, you fucking retard.

Other than the technical aspect of it
other user posts

The biggest problem of javascript is a practical one.

Has it is great to make the client do the work of the server it's also now a menace to privacy.

But that wouldn't be a problem if governments and people respected the constitution.

The problem that his inherent to JS is the lost of control over your computing.

JS cannot by it's design respect freedom 0

Don't feed the troll.
Know how to recognize one.

That's how things get funding. They have to be bad ideas so they can be stretched out for decades.

"Safe C" and "Fast JavaScript" can be stretched out for years.

"Faster Fortran" and "Safer Ada" get implemented immediately.

Weak typing


To be fair, they should have kept the previous name, livescript.

Java is to Javascript as Ph.D is to PHP

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Person of no fixed abode I'm guessing, gypsy?

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
because he is a cuck cooking tacos the wrong way

constitutional monarchy

Woo fuck yeah! Thanks man! You did a swell job on it!

maybe having some of those 'logo collection' books like the trademarks and symbols of world or the logolounge collection i think it has up to 10 volumes printed with more than 2K pro logos on each one.

le millenom girl

Yeah to bury someone?

MD is the shit

Nothing wrong with a little manlove haha

1792₪, with an extra 60k invested in shit.

I think you mean the World Wide Web, user.

So? What happens when you feed TeX a faulty file? It spits it out back to you and tells you where the error lies. Of course this only applies to broken code, not to broken layout, so if your layout is shit it will look like shit, but at least it will be correct shit.

nothing, it works splendid
I don't see pic related dozens of times a day

If it can't run on CP/M, then I'm probably not interested in it. That cuts out a whole lot of the useless fads.

NaN is a number and is not equal to itself.

Your idea is bad because of the nature of the Web. It's forwards and backwards compatible and it's device independent.



HTML isn't for apps. It's for content.

It was going to happen anyway. The motivating force behind ever-more complex Javascript is that it lowers the entry barrier to your app. Instead of having to download and possibly install an application, a user can save a minute up front simply by pointing your browser at it.

If browser A decides to develop itself into an "app platform," while browser B decides to be a "pure" web browser, then browser A will ultimately win. It will win because it will attract normies who want a mobile app platform as well as hipster devs who develop for this mobile app platform. This process creates a positive feedback loop in which increasing numbers of websites require scripts to function properly. Eventually, websites will not work on browser B, and browser B will become defunct.

This phenomena is encapsulated by the pic related. It is the same phenomena that makes one operating system dominant, why politicians appeal to the lowest common denominator, or why anonymous chans become progressively shittier as the user-base grows. Without a strong, dictatorial presence at the top, everything turns to mediocrity.

This is why we need Hitler. (As a corollary, this is why Godwin's Law exists).

This post gave me a rectal prolapse

Javascript has first-class functions, currying, closures, the choice of dynamic and lexical scoping as well as monkey patching and duck typing, and it's had all of this for a long time. It's an extraordinary flexible language that lets you easily program in any paradigm you want.

It's far better than your shitty, statically-typed, ENTERPRISE-GRADE, object-oriented Pajeetlang that only received support for lambda functions 3 years ago. Javascript is the transition from these garbage, class-based languages to pure, functional bliss.

I don't need Hitler or other dictator, just stop using sites that need JS. Granted there might be a couple JS sites you need to log into for administrative purposes, but just keep it strictly at that, and keep that browser distinct and compartmented away from your other activities, so you don't get into the bad habbit of relying on it. If you're running some Unix OS, you can easily just have another user account for that.

You a lolbertarian?

It could have been worse. At least nobody uses DSSSL and JavaScript Style Sheets (both of those names sound like Designated Shitting Streets).

Get out of here functional programming faggot

It's a language initially designed for simple clientside tasks that's been over-engineered so retards can use it to create their entire backend

I.E. Wirth's law: The Language

More like retards don't want any backend at all and want their entire 200MB webapp to run from the frontend.

So is there any way to hook those nested functions? I've been wanting to write UserJS which hooks the function infinity uses to update pages, so i only process new posts rather than having to use a timer and process everything.

I really like this frog picture