What 90s cartoon is your favorite Holla Forums??.
Favorite 90s cartoon
Hey Arnold
Angry Beavers.
Hate the fact Nickelodeon hates fun and it's why the show got canceled.
Out of the ones in your picture, Ren and Stimpy.
As Told By Ginger was early 2000's.
Remember Bobby's World?
It was a bad_ show .
Tiny Toons
because of all the porn
Rocko's Modern Life. It's still a blast to watch and seeing all the crap that flew past the radar makes the experience even more enjoyable now that I'm old.
One of my favorites too. What the fuck happened that made Nickelodeon go from being great to being a piece of shit?
To be honest, I watched it a couple of years ago after not having seen it since my childhood (which I couldn't remember anything in the show besides Wacky Deli) and I… I guess I just don't "get" it. It never made me laugh or be entertained, and it's full of that stereotypical cartoony stuff (eye pops, head opens like lid to reveal brain, etc) that I just don't find funny.
X-Men or Spiderman. I know they weren't high art or anything, but as a kid, watching comics come to life was amazing. I should give the enlightened answer and say BTAS, but I was a Marvel fanboy as a kid (I still like BTAS, though).
I had some friends with the toys and we all thought they were super cool, but we had no idea who was broadcasting it or when. I've watched the first season, but this reminded me to go and find the rest. Thanks for that.
would Ed Edd n Eddy count?
Hmm, I just realized I thought the OP asked "what was your favorite?" As in, when you were a kid. If the question is asking for our current favorite, it's Roughnecks.
Trips prove that B-52s' version is the superior one.
Animaniacs is the superior show though.
it's what I strive for user
trips of truthtruth
Ren and Stimpy and Aahh Real Monsters were the best.
Tie between B:TAS and Animaniacs
patrician taste
Courage for the 90s, gave me feels like no other show could
Megas XLR for the early 200s
200s, sheeit meant 2000s
Did anyone ever map out how Pirates was going to end or the remaining treasures?
They should at least make a book out of it or some kind of Dark Horse comic rather than letting it remain unfinished forever.