New Antifa protest strategy, culturally appropriated from the Pajeets themselves
New Antifa protest strategy, culturally appropriated from the Pajeets themselves
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Real low energy tactic. I've always said; Feminism is shit, now this girl just proves it to me. Sad!
How revolting.
These "people" are disgusting on the inside and out.
Why are the mentally ill allowed in public?
In which country is this?
How "progressive".
Pooping is a mental illness?
word progressive has no direction
I kind of even understand the realm of "I shit on X" as a protest gesture, but when you go from that to smearing your own shit with your own hands onto that X it's time to call the fucking insane asylum. Bet your ass she would've been put in the ward no more than 20 years ago.
Also nice problem hair and glasses, marks the spot.
based geezer
No if you do it in the loo, Pajeet.
may i suggest some fibers?
because it's le
do they realize they make fascist squads very very very appealing by comparison?
pooping public and then smearing it with your hand is on a poster is
what is that socialist feminist icon and sex symbol shitting on?
reminder all antifa can do is whinge, cry and throw a tantrum like babies, this now also extends to public defecation
i propoose that all leftists wear mandatory nappies until they prove they're toilet trained since with acts like this polio could see a resurgence in the west
I try not to hate Women Holla Forums. I try real hard not to do that mgtow tier shit. But my god, they make it fucking hard.
doing things that are generally considered socially unacceptable on purpose can be seen as a mental disorder, either in the form of a borderline personality disorder or some other medium/severe mental disorder.
as to the why, well it's simple… the nuts took over the nuthouse.
yet they get autistically enraged whenever some bapholes decide to bless their print out profile pictures with semen. what a time to be alive.
you dont need to hate women you just have to accept the fact that 98% of all women on this planet are just taller mentally ill children
a farmer doesn't hate his draft animals, that is how you should think. women are the ultimate normies, they are for making children.
spoiler that unmoral content next time OP.
Haha.. I love that gif. This is what we need to make our societies great again
Don't hate women, hate feminists. I think we can all agree that feminists have opted-out of the female gender.
Some guy posted this long bit about how Jews are obsessed with piss and shit.
I used to have a Jewish roommate and he would always take profane jokes WAY too far to the point where the room would be silent and the subject would change (he did this a lot too). A good number of these profane jokes involved bodily fluids or sex in some way or another.
When I first saw the post I figured it was just a stormfag thing but the longer I live in Upstate NY and see/interact with jews the more I start to suspect that he was at least somewhat right. I think there's a very good chance that Jews could be obsessed with shit and these femicunts have accepted the shitloving as a result of exposure to jewish media that celebrates such profane things.
Anyone in this thread have a link to the pic that I'm thinking of that talks about this?
IRL shitposting?
Get the fuck out Gupta
i dont but i like where you're heading bucko
I know exactly what you're talking about, there was this blogpost by some Jew "comedian" saying how shit and piss jokes go hand and hand with Jews. They admitted it themselves.
you just know shes a lesbian but coincidentally is str8 for muslims and niggers
they even have a poop prayer
Watch any "comedy" movie starring Jews and there is always toilet "humor" in it, and shitload of it.
I see what you did their
Feminists are too uncomfortable with their bodies to enjoy sex so they only do it for political reasons.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard a feminist say something along the lines of "don't you just hate it when sex lasts longer than like 3 minutes?" It's just sad really, it's like Narcissistic Personality Disorder where they project themselves as superior but deep down they really feel small and useless.
What is she even protesting against?
but fascism has been dead for 70 years
Someone post this webm with the brownpill copypasta in Holla Forums and watch the salt flow.
The punishment for disobeying a rabbi is apparently to spend eternity sitting in a cauldron of your own boiling feces.
The jews believe that scraping dust from the floor next to s toilet, mixing it with honey, and eating it will give jews regenerative superpowers.
all whites are fashy in their view
Progressive like Cancer
I don't have the brownpill copypasta post it and I'll salt mine
I really want to send her to jail.
What's wrong with Nazis again?
find a dead board and its probably in there
i know /wx/ has one hiding in there
Tried to adopt it to leftypol, but I don't think it's good enough.
Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?
it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Slavoj Žižek, who presents and narrates the attached video.
Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.
Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!
Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Holla Forums maymays, this one is the real deal.
class war now my friends
What The Fuck?
Sauce? Just imagining that is making me ill
Sasha Grey has a perfect ass but she really is a stupid bitch imo.
it'll do
You know /brownpill/ is a thing right?
I like it.
I never realized leftist had such an affinity with brownpills.
it is done!
Holla Forumsres/813942.html
Jewess. Human Toilet Bowl.
Daughter of a Rabbi.
these aren't women. these are spoiled, oversized girls.
Huh never liked her porn tbh - it's gross. Just looked it up and her real name is (((Marina Ann Hantzis))) lol.
Never thought that she Jewish actually (no idea how).
Her whole 'subverting female oppression' thing by licking toilets and sucking 50 dicks back to back or whatever the fuck her political angle (doubt she could tell you herself b/c she's a dumb cunt) makes sense to me now.
She makes for a great meme though.
Little girls at least know how to use a fucking toilet. These are animal infants.
Genetically speaking what kind of Jew is Sasha Grey?
Now that I think about it I've met a number of Jewish girls that have very similar facial structures, bodies, and really really thin hair.
Who did the jews breed with to produce these traits?
Pic related - (what I'm talking about)
ashkenazis in terms of genetics are closely related to italians, hence why so many of them have big noses and curly hair
so boring
stopped at about 00:00:12-i didn't even last until she shat
We really need to bring back insane asylums for those type of people. At least until we can bring back death camps.
The jew nose gene must be really dominant
One of these days, someone is gonna run up and start raping the shit (lol) out of her if she keeps presenting herself like that.
Side not; that cutie on the right needs to be found, kidnapped, converted and/or impregnated. Seeing such good genes go down the shitter (lol) is just sad.
why feed and house them when bullets are so cheap?
do you have that low standards, or did the blurriness of the video prevent you from noticing her horse face
Upstate represent. Our town had a scandal a while back where they nicknamed a Hasidic travel bus from Montreal "smelly harry." That was a while ago. Before I understood certain things…
Always thought they were weird. That infographic about "how to spot a Jew" wasn't kidding about the scent.
Can't dispose the nose
They were the ones that let the lunatics out of the asylum.
do you know the real story about how faggots got crossed off the mental fubar list?
Fuck they can't even shit right.
I've noticed a lot of people here have low standards when it comes to women's physical appearance, always referring to manjawed and horsefaced females as cute. Seems the Femaoist plague has done more damage than we realize.
Constant exposure through media leads to that yea
Now that's a great example of fine, upstanding lady-like behavior.
Yeah I'm originally from south Georgia but I've been living here for the past 2 years or so. It's ok but it was a bit of a culture shock because growing up I never really saw any jews. A lot of southern fables started making a lot of sense haha.
People upstate are pretty based though, nothing like Jew York City.
Link to graphic? I've never heard about the smell.
The opposite is true too. The (((media))) has taught a bunch of folks that men are inherently ugly. Probably the majority of male leads in movies are played by jewish cucks.
It's funny how no one will find weasel-like jews attractive no matter how hard they push it. Men will find all kinds of women attractive, but women almost universally prefer tall Chads, which will never change
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that Mexico City, the Zocalo more precisely? Something tells me theyre my beaner paisanos, given the guy's Monster 666 edgy metalheads wear, and the building in the back looks like Palacio de Gobierno. And it seems like she's shitting on a Peña Nieto sign.
It's one thing to hate EPN, but taking a shit and smearing it with your own hand is a special kind of retarded.
The first part highlighted in cyan, but feel free to read the other highlighted parts. And to be fair, the rabbis only advocate eating dog shit to cure pleurisy as a last resort. Apparently dog shit can have a negative effect on your health. The More You Know.
antifa in berlin was disrupting authors and comedians they hated by sitting in venues and spilling bottles of piss two decades ago, the mexicanos are late to the party
Oh god we've been memeing too hard. We've brought the designated shitting streets to our own towns.
I ask again, as I did in the Webm Thread,Why is it always Women doing this? What the fuck happened to Them?
they never had a dick give them an orgasm so they have unlimited insanity due to self denial
Rejection of femininity.
pee pee poo poo wars in our lifetime
Iori-chan is a qt
holy shit this is brilliant
-from on article on a Jewess admitting her and her family's fecal obsession
We have been meming the wrong people as poop-lovers. It's not the Poojeets, it was the Jews all along.
Poo on the Jew, Shlomo.
how insane is the german antifa?
mentally inferior.
imagine emotional children that never grow out of the tantrum stage.
there's a bit of a reason jewish psychoanalysts try to so hard to rationalize coprophilia.
It's because lefty cucks can't satisfy a woman properly because they have allowed themselves to be brainwashed into feeling ashamed for wanting to have sex with them.
If you don't void 90% of the shit in your ass in the first 10 seconds you have a serious fiber problem. Is it too fucking hard to eat some fucking lettuce or whole grains every once in a while? I usually take less than a minute to shit, wipe, wash and be on my way. Subhuman animals.
Is it time to start our own history book, and use it instead of the current history book?
This image is far worse than any of those "Race-Mixing is Communism" protest pictures from the 50's.
And in 2016, the Democrats shit in the streets.
They celebrate the firebombing of Dresden every year and like most commie scum they go on about how ebul Hitler was for the holocaust while saying the only thing that Stalin and Mao did wrong is that they didn't murder enough people.
Also this
If it's one thing feminists got right it's that beauty standards are subjective to a point. You've got a few laws, symmetry, the golden rule, but the rest is really down to preference.
sounds like Brit/pol/ tbh
what u did
saw it
I didn't see a horse face, but it was pretty blurry.
"Women are somewhere between children and men"
Schopenhauer was Holla Forums incarnate.
That's not a 3DS, you fucking nigger. It's a first gen DS.
Of course Sasha Grey is jewish….thats why she has no tattoos or pussy piercings
Looks like Marion Marechal le pen QT. and you can't really tell if the nose is a Jewish one from that photo
Women truly always need someone with some balls too tell them they are wrong or they'll continue down the crazy path.
They judge men based on how much emotional shit or literal they'll take before they capitulate and give in. Once you give in you she looses all respect for you and seeks a new man. Those orbiters are just her punching bags and will probably die without children, which is good since they all look like mulattos.
Embrace the hatred.
jew agenda for jew benefit, jews concentrate in specific states and have high insanity so to ease costs for jew insanity they spread their costs to everyone.
Is that DYEL faggot supposed to be a male stripper?
Can you even call it sex if it's less than 30 minutes?
Absolutely Holla Forums
There Jews right now jerking off to this as we speak
So like…people want them to hate them or something?
Needs more fiber in their diet.
What the fuck was it?
Its a jelly donut
Well, this explains the insert of Harold & Kumar's Jew friends in that movie
How disgusting.
user take into evolutionary context the effect that constant access to water (or lack therof) has on people.
Arabs and Jews are desert orginating folk, with little access to water. Water is a resource to be hoarded, to be fought over. Who the fuck would wash more than once a month if they could avoid it? What a waste of drinking fluid!
So this brings us to a horrible implication.
How did people mass reproduce if they smell like stale urine and dried shit and dung all the time? They fucked anyway, and the ones that LIKED the fecal matter smell usually ended up fucking more with more children resulting.
That shit obsession is an evolutionary advantage for living nomadically in the desert.
why are jews and marxists always obsessed with bodily functions? only makes sense to me f they have diarrhea or some such shit
carlos still has to go back
You don't need fiber to do that, just enough grease and proper asian squatting form.
Bitch needs more fibre in it's died.
*diet*, shit. My inner thoughts leaking through.
Fuck is it with Jews and shit.
because they're mentally children
requesting pic of ass for scientific reasons
They are just accelerating their public lynching.
Diogenes took a shit in front of his contemporaries in order to demonstrate what he thought of their ideas. It is a story that lived on for thousands of years, but I don't even think he was crazy enough to spread the shit around afterwards. This "person" in OP needs a straight jacket.
>webm reminds me of pic related but not in a good way
.gifs related
Here you are user.
Pajeeta? My Daughter?
To be honest, I am more disturbed by the posture she used. Why didn't she just squat? It is the fastest, painless and most natural way of taking a shit. Why did she feel the need to simulate sitting on a toilet by holding her hands on the pole, so that she might hover?
Can someone whoop that picture so the book is upside down, please?
kek, dammit user.
Requesting that image of how girls take pictures with objects.
Strikes a nerve, it's just intellectual signaling.
I wish I was friends with brother Dean. He is not afraid.
You are not aloooooonnnee
What's taking her so long to push the turd out? I mean lefties are full of shit anyway.