I prefer a decent quality instant coffee to your average barista snobbery brew. Fuck your Rwandan special roast tbh

I prefer a decent quality instant coffee to your average barista snobbery brew. Fuck your Rwandan special roast tbh.

Trump's good hair day
quality post on Holla Forums
emotionally mature reddit user

What are "things that do not exist", Alex.

The bait would've been more effective if "decent quality instant coffee" were at the end of the post. Instead you led with the punchline.

I know this is a bait post but hijacking to talk about coffee.

I went from the shit they served at work (Some mass produced community coffee) to bringing my own french press and bean grinder.

Ran out of some beans recently and drank some of the work coffee. Shit tasted terrible.

shit. Guess I'll go make another cup right now.

Heil'd but I really mean this. Instant coffee is GOAT

i agree. i tried expensive coffee machines and cafe bullshit and it all tasted like ass. at least instant coffee smells like ass, but tastes preddy gud

fuck is wrong with you people? just get one of these

how good is it? never tried it

as good as cafe stuff, for 1/40th of the price

cafe stuff is shit though

depends on the cafe I guess

The process is for snobs. It's all in the beans.

You retards don't know anything. There's no such thing as "cafe coffee", it's called espresso, where the water is pushed through ground coffee at very high pressure and then steamed milk is poured over. If you don't want to shell out for an actual espresso machine, you can at least get a cheap coffee brewing device like a French press, moka pot, etc. where you actually still use real coffee.

the best part is there is no mess and it is instant.

Real coffee is a nigger tier beverage. Instant coffee requires engineering and modern technology to be produced and is therefore of superior quality.


>>>/coffee/ here
Everyone has their preferences.
I like to put honey in my coffee sometimes.


that's a new one. gonna give it a try, though I doubt it'll be better than Nutella.

I worked at Dunkin' Donuts, all of the coffee tasted the same unless some syrup or milk was added to it.

Dark roast and Espresso is more bitter than the regular batch.

I buy my coffee directly from a co-operative in the Kenyan highlands which reinvests its profits in sanitation for the local population. for every kilo i buy, about 7 cents goes into toilet blocks and running water for those poor niggers, while 21 dollars 50 goes towards buying a villa on the french riviera for the kenyan agriculture minister.
i prepare my coffee in a sterile area of my fitted kitchen (well i sleep there too. i'm in the bay area), in a double vacuum and at 37,6c over a mean period of 7 hours before pouring water at exactly 98,6°c over the moult (contained in a standard 20micron FFFFFIIIIILLLLLTTTTTEEEEERRRRR XDD)at a rate of 1l/29seconds for 20g of moult per 10dcl of liquid substrate.
the result is that my beard has never looked better, even if all my friends seem to have fallen asleep and the bottom of my mug is dirtier than my bf's ass after a radical-lesbo encounter at the truckstop.


I like drinking instant every now and then but I don't consider it coffee.



Tea has caffeine. Yerba Mate has caffeine. Tomatoes have caffeine. Etc.

what about ES? :-DDD

coffee tastes like crap and is for unstable weak people

what you need is tea

because tea-drinkers are such paragons of masculinity, amirite?

compensation of someone who spend his youth drowning his loneliness with mountain dew, huh?

tea keeps you healthy in general, coffee is nothing but crap

clearly it does according to you, since you think drinking coffee makes someone weak

learn to read, i never said it makes people weird, but that it is for weak people

not weird but weak

Cheap instant coffee is made from the Robusta type instead of Arabica which is all good tasting expensive coffee.Robusta has less of the flavorful oils than Arabica but is MUCH higher in caffiene than the good stuff.
Thats why I roast my own Colombian Arabica for morning but drink cheap instant to get thru my afternoon slump.

i bet you eat hay for breakfast, don't you?
good organic hay and then beet for lunch.
silage in the winter ofc, once the hedge bottoms are clean…baaa…baaa.