What the fuck is his problem?

what the fuck is his problem?

He was a night janitor that got into the jewtube game early on. If he had started now no one would care about him.


He was one of the first major ecelebs, but wasted all opportunities it gave him. He could be making PDP or at least AVGN money, if he would be clever enough to take advantage of being in the game early or have a competent manager/agent. Instead Doug had Mike Michaud. They also did plenty of other dumb shit, like pulling the plug on Blistered Thumbs when it was growing bigger and bigger.
Now even Angry Joe has bigger audience than Doug, and that talentless dope Latza works for Disney, likely making better money and has far better job security. It's surprising that Doug didn't descend to Spoony's level yet.


Well at least his pyramid scheme with TGWTG is still working and he is still leaching of other people work

But i still like him

Damn he was pretty handsome when he was young


eerr, no

I don't know if he's actually autistic himself, but he's definitely an autism magnet.



t. douge

Get standards

He thinks he is funny/informative/different when in reality he is bland and talentless. All his jokes are lowest common denominator, obvious, or just plain unfunny.

How and/or why the fuck is he an autism magnet in the first place?

He's autistic and vaguely famous. Moths to a moth shaped flame.

t. maisiefag


Was Doug that dorky kid in high school who thought he was the class clown because the rest of the class would often laugh at him for being a retard.

Not that I would know anything about that…

Are you from good ol' channel autism convo times, user? I remember that.

Why is he so fucking based bros?

Goddammit, it's not the real one.

you mean super mario bros? Where he was throwing barrels at them?




shes a man now user

Just made me remember. Didn't they have Awesome Comics from the IndieGoGo?

Will that video game show they promise ever come out? Will we ever see Pop Quiz Hotshot again?

Is that a beard?


fuck him


He's pretty much wrong about and doesn't understand every single movie he reviewed. That's some sort of autistic record.

he was a janitor?

and the only reason i watched already leaved

you watched him because you thought he wasn't a janitor?


Not really, he latched onto AVGN, who himself wasn't anywhere near pioneer tier.

come on now, who else was doind that kind of thing in 2005?

meant "not pioneer tier"



Oh you sweet summer child. First of all, AVGN didn't hit it big until 2007. Secondly, there have been ecelebs going back all the way back to 1999 with stuff like Classic Game Room and so on, and that counting just reviewers/vloggers. There were more ecelebs than there are now in the span of 2001-2006, thankfully all died out rather fast.

Some literally.

Nothing will ever be as great as this




the ironing is delicious

We made him kill himself. That counts.

I doubt this. Asalieri probably did more than any Holla Forumsack to push Jewwario to kill himself, tbh.




By making a video mocking Jewario's crowdfunding efforts, shorty before he offed himself.
(the video is a reupload, so don't worry about giving the fat Argentinian views)

bwahaha, I choose to think he offed himself directly because of this


There's was a rumor Doug couch cast Rachel But I believe Doug himself spread the rumor


Just where is that going to?

straight into the >>>/oven/

Yeah, seeing the monstrosity he had to marry, he's not capable of getting any pussy.


maybe that's his fetish

she would have to be truly desperate for a job to sleep with doug in order to work in his channel


working at a Walmart is more profitable than working for channel autism

More dignified too.


How much dick is she getting on the side?

I like how every one of them has that "dead inside but trying not to show it" look on their face

enough to have gotten pregnant and given birth, apparently