New CNN Poll: Trump Ahead 3 Points

All the latest polls are showing Trump ahead now. He's less than a point away from taking the RCP lead. I assume the next release poll will put him over.

I just like seeing the major networks also admitting he's ahead.

Hopefully this holds and Hillary doesn't get a convention "bump". God willing Black Lives Matter and Bern cucks will start shit.

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Have we started a fire?

The LA Times Poll shows Trump expanding his lead to 4 points

And the Morning Consult also shows a 6 point swing in favor of Trump in just a week


Forgot to mention when including 3rd parties the lead extends to 5.

Holy shit!

European here, I still don't understand how Clinton actually has a shot at becoming president.
Those ~50% look completely absurd to me.

They fuck with the numbers & weights. Her real support is probably lower

Liberals and people afraid of changing.

Now that I think of it, Nixon got re-elected and even though he resigned he never went to Prison.
Are Americans caring that little about corruption ?




Nixon literally did nothing wrong. But the Clintons & Obamas did a lot to make corruption seem like no big deal. People aren't having it anymore, really.

I can hear the kvetching from here, soon CNN will poll 990 democraps and 10 Republicans to make their polls look better

It's going to be shit, isn't it. I'm starting to think that program some autist on Twitter came up w/ is the actual DNC program

That is by far the rarest and most glorious Trump out there.


So what was the whole watergate debacle about anyways ?
Even when I talk to americans about it they don't seem to know for sure and kikepedia isn't th most trustworthy source.

If this new poll is accurate with Trump at 48% he's only two points away from an electoral majority this early. All he has to do is draw in a fraction of the undecideds to put him over.

Trump tends to keep support once he gets it too. Hillary seems to have developed a ceiling while Trump doesn't have one.

Hillary is going to have a hard time to get her supporters to show up to vote too.

It's looking real good. And the debates haven't even started where 6'3 Trump will be standing next to little 5'3 Hillary.

One problem though. The media can still go all out intensifying attacks against Trump. I'm expecting that especially in the one to two weeks leading up to voting. I expecting them to throw everything at Trump and make shit up.

Trump needs to start launching negative ads on Hillary.

Some idiots tried to break into the DNC HQ at the Watergate Hotel. They were on Nixon's payroll But he didn't know about the break in until after it happened. He lied to help cover it up.

Problem is Trump does have an issue in converting not because of what he say's, but this bull shit about his tone.

If he stays off all nonsense tangents he likes to go down for shits and giggles, like don't retweet anything from anybody ever again and allow bullshit to block the core message, he will win.

People connected to Nixon broke into the DNC HQ, but he had no idea that it was going to happen and didn't know who the people were. They stole sensitive information, which was used to blackmail Nixon into helping cover up the incident, and their handlers used the coverup to take down Nixon.

Julian Assange needs to leak some serious shit on the Clinton foundation right after she's the nominee and no take backsies.

If these polls are right he doesn't actually even need to gain any more support. He could damage Hillary and demoralise Hillary supporters instead.

He's in a comfortable enough position right now that his options are open.

Praise Kek!

Trump is going to backtrack on a lot of promises that I can be sure. Throwing TPP in the bin is the one off the top of my head… even if he was to rewrite the trade deal, it would be useless and not convince the jungle azns. So it's this TPP and not a new one from Trump.

I honestly think Trump will not be that different and won't live up to his campaign proposals. The wall is the only thing he'll translate from words to action, it creates an incentive for his dreamed infrastructure building and blocks Mexico from dumping refuse in US that ramps up criminality.

All things considered I don't know if Trump or Hillary is worse. Whoever wins, the US loses.

shill detected, we're all voting for Trump come hell or high water, you can let your masters know they're wasting their money shilling here


she will, Holla Forums will freak out, and shills will hit the board hard

Just wait
These polls are in reaction to Trump picking Pence
Trump hasn't even had the RNC boost yet
Hillary hasn't had the reaction from her VP pick, the emails and Bernouts feeling Burned
Hillary will see a convention drop due to how bad the DNC will be

The replies covered it pretty well too
But they forget one thing concerning some shady stuff a prosecuting lawyer's assistant did or what ever her position was
I can't remember what it was but it was worse than what Nixon did
If you want to know her name its Hillary Clinton

I think what's more important is that Trump has the momentum on his side and he's spent practically zero $ while Hillary is already 150 million+.

Every person that Trump gains Hillary won't be able to get back in line. Hillary is completely fucked based on just the spending results alone.

Look Trump will represent a win for us, he's pushed the overtarian window so hard that even if he turns out to be a cuckservitve we can realistically see a Holla Forumsack have a really good chance at getting president Don Jr seems a lot more based than his father and is thinking about a 2024 run

Hillary looks to be taking her strategies straight out of recent failed election campaigns, such as Bremain(The Fearmongering), Malcolm Turnbull (Trying to appeal to the opposite wing that already has a candidate), Bill Shorten (Claims Trump will take away gibs as Shorten decreed about Medicare) and the Leftist from Austria (Decrees for globalism)

Never trust yourselves to the MSM. Ever.

We all know that essentially means that he's, in reality, many more points ahead of her.

Why would msm even entertain the idea of a trump victory? Sounds like McCain Obama race again don't get lazy an relax.

Well they base their polls based on how they think the population goes in regards to being Dem Rep or Indi and base their polls based on the percentage of each group would vote who and relay it to what they think the numbers are but Trump has been disobeying all odds and getting Dems to vote for him, Independants to vote for him and a bunch of first time voters

High sodium tears, incoming

Aside from the CNN poll, some info about the Morning Consult poll

They want to scare liberals to make sure they turn out and vote come November. They really don't want voter turnout to be depressed.


postan rare Ivanka

CBS also has Trump ahead.

Fucking Debbie rubbing it in Bernbots faces working with Hilldawg openly.

Poll showing Cruz may be in favor of committing suicide.


Haven't read thread yet but Trump ahead again +1 which puts him over by +0.2 for the average.

Superb. But is a fucking getty images,

Rare trump

Wow goy that poll isn't representative of the whole

Also ever notice that polls get taken about twenty times a day when trump was losing, but now that he's closing the gap on aggregate, they refuse to do daily polls?

Also gonna need a general election version of this webm soon

538 now has Trump as the likely winner

What do you think about Bill Clinton's term(s?) ?

Gentlemen, the second half hasn't even started yet and if Hillary wanted even a CHANCE of beating a candidate with vastly more charisma and stamina she would have needed a seven point lead or so. At this point all we have to do is convince a few bernouts to kick Hillary in the teeth with a Trump vote, keep the memes flowing, and keep a sharp eye out for foul play on election day. We are going to win this. Praise Kek.

Trump Speaks!

I don/t get how they average.

In the polls listed which are the polls used for the average you have;
Trump = +11
Clinton = +9

Somehow they get 0.2 when all of Clinton's leads are the older more irrelevant polls.

Trump should be closer to a +2 average.


He keeps bantzin.

Nate Silver might be one of the dumbest kikes around. Just a couple of weeks ago, he was saying that Trump only had a 20% chance to win the general. And this is after he said Trump only had a 2% chance to get the nomination.



Powerpuffsama? Aren't you the bisexual with the gook girlfriend? How's the gainz?

Sorry to bust your bubbles, that's actually owen wilson

The pendulum swings right.

Gainz goin pretty good to be honest. When you lift for Trump, what else can you expect?

Did you meet your french frog friend yet?

Nah. Reached a new max on the bench last week though.

>"guys look at this poll it proves how screwed trump is!"

like fucking clockwork

Seen that name on Twitter and Youtube quite a bit.
If that's a dude, he should surrender his balls immediately because he is one of the whiniest, passive aggressive bitch boys I have ever seen.

Just like when Don Lemon used a study about white officers response to blacks, only to say later that the it is not accurate.

He got re-elected when it was still thought to be a low level crime within some operatives on the RNC.

And Nixon was pardoned by president Ford (which was so controversial he ruined his chances at re-election)…

They had a few "fall guys", members of the party and some junior congressmen ready to fall on the sword…

There have been countless books written about this but Nixon's cover up slowly fell apart due to many months of investigation.

Yeah I know I'm seeing it right now. He's such a faggot holy shit.


The model he's built is rather accurate though (insofar as any aggregate polling model can be accurate but that's a whole different story).


Isn't it Nate Iron?

I don't think the average American likes Hillary, it's just the "other" vote because they've been conditioned to hate Trump.

So the convention (if there is no fart-in, BLM, other shenanigans) and Hillary only does a short acceptance speech, may help her chances if they can bash Trump enough…

But it can work against them if it's obvious that Hillary is just a shitty candidate.

Always play like you're 20 points behind. Trump's goal should be to beat Reagan in 80 - and beating him in 84 would truly be ambitious. The larger the margin the greater the mandate.

the dnc leak and schultz joining with shillary are probably the last straw for bernouts that wanted to be good goy democrats. i can't wait to see these polls at the start of august

which is about as ironic as it gets.

Clinton's problem is that she has absolutely no unifying message beyond elect me you dumb goyim. If she actually comes up with something to get people excited to vote for her she'll have much more of a shot. I don't know if its even possible but there are more than 3 months left which is an eternity in politics.


I can still appreciate his data. He and his team does a very good job with statistical work. However, when it comes to interpreting data, he's just as shit as the rest of the MSM. Just pay attention to the polls but not his analysis or punditry.

Even former Democratic Party whitehouse interns are bailing on Hilly.

If Trump wins this election i will be sorely disappointed if i don't see at least one headline going "ding dong the witch is dead"

I'm personally holding out on the riots and Trump's swift retribution. I want 2017 to kick off with record breaking niggerdeath.

Ignore the articles, the polls+ nonsense and everything else and just look at their poll aggregate models… they work surprisingly well (at least through the whole primary)…

It doesn't just take an average like HuffPo or Real Clear does but uses a "weighted" system that gives polls more or less "strength" based on the amount of people polled, distribution of polling based on population in the state and the polling company's accurate performance in the past.

Florida-fag here, sure as hell going red this election, Whites are still the majority in the state (not by much though) and we're sick and tired of the culture of the state being taken away from us.

You can be sure that even blue-haired obese Tumblrinas will hold their nose and vote Trump…

Most people only visit Miami and Disney World and think that there is no Florida culture or accent. And it pisses us all off.


Holy frog legs, this is with the RIGGED polls, no doubt at all. Praise Kek.



Filtered and reported.


I bet he sage!'d


Get with the times grandpa.


It's bad form.

Reality begins to sink in.

Double think is chiming in strong

everything goes by the plan

Where were you when Trump posting became the norm on the chans?

This one mad man ended up changing the way many people speak.

omg these people


At least we're consistent with our reactions to polls.

goys, the polls are ALWAYS manipulated.
Haven't you figured it out yet?

If the new poll says 57% , it might probably be 65 or even 70%

However, that's not a reason to calm down or relaxing, you can celebrate but WE MUST CONTINUE MEMEING UNTIL THE MAD MAN IS "DEMOCRATICALLY" ELECTED.

And (((they))) will rig the election numbers up to some point. Maybe up to 5%. That's why we cannot relax yet.


Trump had a chance to backtrack. He hasn't. And not only has he not backtracked he's made his promises part of the official GOP platform.

If he was going to backtrack he'd have done it before the RNC. I didn't expect it. I expected him to soften up but he didn't.

Ive been kind of holding this one inside, but is anyone else bothered that he didnt mention the wall during his speech?

Of all the thing he could backtrack on, thats the one that would hurt the most.

She might get the first post Convention dump, it's looking like a shit show even if no cops get killed (which I think is highly likely to happen)

Classy as fuck.

We don't want Don with too bigly a lead anyways, need people to go out and vote without thinking it's in the bag

He did mention the wall during his speech.

Huh? I was waiting for it and didnt even notice. Well thats a relief.

Now that's democracy that's easy on the eyes. Wowza!

He's admitting that the more people see and hear of Trump, the more they agree with him and see him as presidential material. That's essentially admitting that they would be doing better if the people were only keep people ignorant. That's a very Freudian way of admitting that they've already lost and have an inferior candidate.

Is this the first time Trump himself has used MAGA?


I think he has before

Yeah, he said "we're going to build a big border wall, oh we will!" Or something like that.

And the line pissed off (((the media))) because he didn't talk about the "big beautiful door".

I feel ashamed to know what that image is from

so can we criticize his jewish bullshit now or are we still pretending its all a master ruse? trump is winning with normalfags i think we should move to step 2.

You guys need to kill your boss right now.

This is better than the alternative.

No more LARPing, shill. You should livestream your suicide & give us a link

what i expected

Real number is at least 10 points higher.

==(((IT'S AFRAID)))

Very beautiful. I remember at the start of the school year I told my classmate that Trump was going to win and he looked at me like I was crazy.

Its almost the start of next semester and this mad man is the nominee and is beating $hillary in the polls. So much has happened in one year.

I don't understand this logic


Prove it, kike.