The Irrelevancy of Culture, Morals, Racial Superiority and Degeneracy

Hey guys, made a kind of long video trying to de-spook people about culture preservation, moralism and degeneracy.

What do you guys think of these longer videos?

Other urls found in this thread:

One of your better vids, for sure

get a haircut or move your hair from over your eye it looks fucking ridiculous

"Why don't you try to shave" they told lenin.

The outcome was not great.

Every leader needs something distinguishing. No matter how faggoty it is.

i love you xexizy be my bf pls you're so cute

Yes… create a cult of personality… What could possibly go wrong? :^)

I want Xexizy to be my naught little maid, in a black dress with stockings and everything, and make his little fine pink cheecks blush as I make him my sissy-boy.

Good job, comrade.

Stop bumping your own thread muke

Post it on Holla Forums for butthurt. Holla Forums will only get you banned.

What's up with people's problem with hair. It's natural. Not everybody wants to be fucking bald looking. Long hair is cooler. It should be enjoyed before it falls off.

Thanks. What about it made it better? The topic? The length? The arguments?

I'm getting one soon, but my hair dosnt look that bad fuck you.


I'm considering it

If you dont do it i'll do it.

Pretty good m9. I thought parts of it could have used more nuance but overall it does a good job in explaining the case to a skeptical n00b audience as well as the Nazis in the background who play the role of the wise "commonsense" very spooky critic.

The length

You should also do more video responses to retarded classcucks on youtube


Rebel, like I said in the video, kill yourself.

lol fags

Great argument, you have converted me to fascism.

I didn't come here to engage in your pseudo-intellectual circlejerk, I came here to laugh at you.

Oh ok.

So you have no argument anyway.

That's what I just said retard.





This is really the only relevant picutre

What happened to the Soviet Union again?


Why wouldn't you? Can't cope with the fate of real communism?

Idk why I'm bothering to show you this, but if by some miracle you are open to actually learning anything, this is what went wrong with Russia:

I found a picture that sums up that video. BTW get a haircut e-celeb faggot.

You watched that video, found that picture and made this post, complete with an ad hominem, in less time than the actual length of the video. I'm impressed.

Pinkos are easily impressionable so no surprise there.


Yes, enjoy it before it goes gray. Graying long hair looks sad. I should give up on pulling out the gray hairs and finally cut mine. I am too old to keep trying to look like I am in Pantera anyway. Now I am depressed.

Nope. If your voice was not that annoying I would give you a chance but this is a nope.

I think you'd be more at home over here >>>Holla Forums

Xexizy is Holla Forums's spokesman, we're all in support of him.


Fuck off back to bunkerchan with your cancer


You're the faggot that needs to fuck off

It's a Holla Forumsack

You're a Holla Forumsack, I'm a Holla Forumsack. This board is Holla Forums when it LARPs as pinkos.

Sure thing, buddy
