Why aren't any of you faggots supporting this man for president?


Why aren't any of you faggots supporting this man for president?

He's like the perfect candidate

Other urls found in this thread:


I too want to know the truth about sasquatch.

He believes in ayylmaoians.

Because that LIMP dicked lib trash is trying to run me out of a job. I SUPPORT my family by spraying chemtrails and this clown has no RIGHT to deny ME the opportunity to put food on THE table.

Not to mention that my family has been hunting Sasquatch on our plot of land for over 453 years. Where does Mr. Bazinga get the BALLS to tell me what I can do on MY land?

That's a reason not to support him?

maybe not a bad idea?

Posadism, friend. Posadism

I had no idea what Sasquatch was. I thought you were being serious. Then I googled it. TOP KEK.

This Andy guy is a total nutbar.

Is he advocating for UBI or some sort of guaranteed full employment program at $15+/hr? If so I'm in. Even though he's crazy.

Isn't that the time-traveler dude?

Hot damn is this nigga 4 real?

This guy is a legitimate crypto-Posadist. Holy shit.

This guy is fucking gold holy shit

He claims to have seen Lincoln deliver the Gettysburg Address and met George Washington. Also met a young Obama on the surface of Mars.

His lectures are on Youtube.

This guy supports socialized healthcare, decriminalizing drug use, ending police brutality and post-911 government spying on US citizens, raising the minimum wage, regulating corporations and democratizing them, and all sorts of other SocDem-tier shit.

He's basically Bernie 2.0: Ayy Lmao Edition

This guy is based as fuck. He's just the right amount of radical (for the US at least) and crazy.

Every time I scroll down I keep finding more gems like this


Why would we ever support Bernie when we have the second coming of J. Posadas himself running for president?

Clearly, what we need here is some leftypol crowdfunding. Let's help build up this guy's support base. The world needs to know about the ayy lmaos.

Basediago will bring us full ayylmao communism. He's everything Bernie is and more.

Then there is no time to waste! We must organize rallies! Gather the support of aliens! Teleportation, Bigfoot, cold fusion, what's not to like about this guy? I'm surprised leftypol hasn't already rallied around him.

This dude should be forwarded as a alternative candidate if Sanders fails to get the nom

Mobilize the memers at once! We need to be memeing harder than we've ever done before with Bernie - and it'll only be all the easier to make Basediago a meme when we've got ayylmaos on our side. We need to crowdfund a Holla Forums mission to Mars to make contact with the ayylmaos at once.

tbh I'm surprised Holla Forums hasn't already either since he's basically a more memerific version of Bernie

As the poster above stated, he could very well be plugged as an alternate candidate once Bernie drops out. Perhaps we could set up the Detroit commune on Mars instead? Anything is possible if we get this guy in the white house.

How do we get him in the whyte house, comr8?!?!?!1!1!!111

Basediago will bring space-faring technology out of the clutches of the greedy and corrupt US government and put it in the hands of the public. Asteroid mining will become possible and usher in post-scarcity; Mars can be set up as a planetary commune for the mining of asteroids, as a trading hub and diplomacy center with our ayylien comrades, and powered by cold fusion. There will be vast communal zoos for replenishing the cryptid population, and for Martian proletarians to go enjoy the Sasquatches and Jersey Devils after a day of mining adamantine.

The "Red" Planet indeed, comrade.



More people should be aware of Martian Tesla Time Travel Communism supported by Andy Basediago


My god

Posadism wasn't a prediction

It was a set of instructions…

What if I told you … IT WAS ALIENS ALL ALONG


Cultural Posadism soon.


bump for Basediago

but he has no chance of winning

That's why we need the alien vote