80% of AshkeNAZI Jews are not actually Jewish


Jewishness is matrilineal. How does it feel to not truly be chosen and not be the true heirs of israel?

You're squatting on Palestinian land you fake jews.

Other urls found in this thread:



Been know since forever they are just assholes eastern europeans

They don't like to the study or name it. Anyone have it?

Doesn't specify if these lineages are Jewish in origin. Are any Ashkenazi Jews actually Jewish?

I thought they were Turks

More proof that genocide is not enough, We need to purge all semitic influence and cults.

no, they merely adopted the culture and religion.

No shit. Ashkenazim are Japhetites, not Semites.

dubs of truth

If I could kill any one man from history, it would be the Khazar khan Bulan who led his people to convert to Judaism. Without his Tatar horde bolstering its ranks, the Talmudic synagogue of satan would have faded into irrelevance and obscurity, possibly only surviving as some pooinloo religion practiced in India like the Parsees.



they are taking our best parts and becoming SUPER jews

then killing us off with the mixing of brown hordes so they can rule over us all


they are all khazar trash. no connection whatsoever to the biblical jews.

n-now, what the… now who… here.. now what in the hell… this.. no you didn't

muh 6 million…..this number….always this fucking number

I knew one of them once, most bluepilled fuck I ever met.
Knew a lot about sports though.

it gets worse

by worse do you mean lewd?

off topic but…..



they'll just say that they have a matrilineal ancestor that converted

That's like saying they're squatting on dog land.

Get the fuck off my site you disgusting autist.

Who says the study (not linked, by the way) is credible?

spotted the kike

Is no longer your board

Fuck off.


This is not the origin of european jews. If it was there would be khazar loanwords in yiddish.

I thought the Khazar theory was disproven…

and how do you explain that all jews look kind of "jewey?"

It is disproven genetically and linguistically.

So some ancient semitic refugees raped european women and then lied about it to preserve their matrilineal faggotry?

so genetically, all ashkenazi achievements in physics and mathematics are really european achievements

this →

I think you have that backwards. Jews have a history of escaping, not conquering.


he is going to be replaced by Mark Mann soon which means moderation is going to be even more compromised, and also the maddowposter is a vol.

i've been telling these idiots for months now, but no one will listen to me


so how come most of the jews are european when the holoc-

you know what fuck it

They conquered our government and media.

Hell, I dated one.

Her mom was a Russian Jew and she looked very Eastern European. Shape of the eyes, complexion, face, everything. I'm 100% Western European and she had bluer eyes than I do (hers were true blue, mine are closer to grey than blue).

Their explanation for Jewishness' "special" character is that "spiritual DNA" is passed down via the mother.

Kinda sucks to be them now, when it turns out they're just goyim like us.

In fact I always wondered why she looked so not-Semite if Jews were actually Semites and they guarded their racial purity as closely as they would have us believe. One day I went ahead and looked for an answer why and that was my first step to getting redpilled.


Also if you read the article it implies what I said.
Maybe that is why they import more male refugees.

read the article they are still semites. Just not all of them are biblical jews. They are rapefugee spawn.

I wouldn't say that's totally inaccurate.

Consider for a moment Adam and Eve. They did something bad, which ultimately affected their souls. Despite the metaphysical nature of the curse, it's still passed down to us by blood. As composite beings that are made up of an dissoluble union of spirit and flesh, it follows that our ancestors pass down the background radiation of their very traditions through our fluids (see also: Christ spitting into the dirt and then using it to heal the blind).

Silly blue pilled pleb. Jewishness only comes from the mother. The father is irrelevant.


If you read history books, they explicitly state what I said.

Pick one

That explains why feminazism is Jewish in origin.

DNA doesn't lie Jews do. They are the feminist spawn of semites and white women. Y DNA is mostly sandnigger but mitochondrial DNA is mostly european.

While they were at the office, real men were in their bedrooms.

Real Jews/ Fake Jews/Muslims who fucking care? They MUST ALL BE DEPORTED OUT OF EUROPE.

They're "beast on two legs", right Moshe?

With 100% of their dicks still intact.

So..Jews are White…and Whites are privileged and….

Oh the poor Muslims being genocided by fake Jews. Let's send more refugees to Europe, Canada and America!

no see>>6875228
They are half sandnigger.

It doesn't matter. They are an inbred ethno religious group. Doesn't matter where they came from. Doesn't matter if they are European. They seek to dominate and destroy all Europeans (besides themselves, it you count them as euro too). So we must kill them all.


Can we use meme magic to pressure israel into taking them in?


This just means they aren't biblical jews.

It's like if the Amish decided to up and destroy civilization suddenly.

You're right, Shlomo, we shouldn't give a fuck about Muslims. And we shouldn't give a fuck about Christian Palestinians either, they're shitskins after all. And we shouldn't give a fuck when the Israeli government tries to poison German water supplies, they're evil Nazis after all. And we shouldn't give a fuck when kikes commit terrorist bombings and torture British personnel in Palestine, and then elect the guy responsible as prime minister, they're just fighting against oppressive imperialism after all. And we shouldn't give a fuck when Israel tries to sink American ships to draw them into fighting their war, they're our Greatest Ally after all. And so on.

i knew this one 'jewish' girl once who simultaneously claimed to be jewish, and that jews are a race, and that her family was originally from norway.

she turned out to be completely insane. surprise surprise.

Soooo….take more REFUGEES INTO THE WEST!


Go fuck a goat. Israel can bomb shitskins to their hearts content for all I care

But that's heresy, user. Let the Jews keep thinking this though. They'll use this to D&C themselves!

110% agree but I don't care if the muzzies bomb israel either. Not my problem.


Who cares? They've always been dickheads whether they're Khazars or Semites, you only have to read Exodus to realise that (which never happened by the weay, there was no exodus froim Egypt), Joseph was jewwing Egypt and then the kikes got bitchslapped by the new pharoah and they didn't like it.


go back to your own board >>>/christian/

I'm always up for a crusade

Go back to LARPing, heathen

More double standards for the 'racialists'

fuck off back to >>>/christian/


Dude, you 'racialists' are shills. All of you. OP has link proving it. 'White guy' means nothing when 80% of Ashkenazi jews are European. Throw your pathetic theories into the garbage bin where jews belong.


Oh look the morons from >>>/christian/ at it again

Culture and blood are linked. Ashkenazim were just the original race-traitors like SJWs are today.

Thanks, Schlomo.


Whatever you say

also yet another thread derailed by atheist spergs/shills

So if I choose to act differently, my DNA will change? Kikes are converts. They are just a superiority cult that cuts dicks to become dicks.

Actually it wasn't. Some user points out that Israel isn't a real state and then someone invokes the die for Israel tier meme of modern day neocon Crusades.

Then why the fuck you dont stay in your own board. >>>/christian/

Crusade implies the spreading of the Cross, not exactly something pro-kike. Not that a liar like you would respect language.


you see user, taking land is much different than defending the someone else's land

Why don't you go back to yours

Christians are not the problem. Every single thread that derails into AtheistvChristianvPagan is derailed by an atheist (likely a shill) sperging for no reason

No.. no. Jews still see themselves as the chosen. Just like these asshats over here who want to purge everybody but themselves.

The sacrifice of around 0 jews was still worth it, user.

False, communists sperg when they see a cross. This is a known fact. There was that one Finn who wanted Italian crosses removed from schools (and ended up doubling them).

Fuck off dude . Christian are the problem . They are semitic and alwayscome to derail semitic threads, They would rather live in a full christian country with niggers then a white pagan one.

The magic word. You think we are 'anti-semitic' because of 'semites' not because of 'jews'? Long live Iran! Long live Assad! Long live Egypt! Long live Lebanon! Long live Syria! I'd like to have Libya with them, but kikes ruined the country.

Were the Carthaginians semitic?
Do you live in a barrel? Look at the numbers. Do you think Poland is more 'semitic' now that they've renounced multiculturalism, or less so? They are one of the most Christian countries in Europe.


Most of us knew this already, with Zimmerman, Asians and SJWs, but now that kikes are not a race…

Duh? They are converts. Judaism isn't ancient. Christianity predates it and Christianity is wholy European. These "Jews" are just crazy fan boys obsessed with a later released prequel because it feeds their mental illness.

Over the passing of generations, yes. Especially if by "acting differently" means inbreeding and indulging in every degenerate behaviour.

I've seen maybe one thread where a Christian started a pointless argument
Not racially and whether it has semitic origin is irrelevant
depends on the Christian in question.

also, (1) for every post replying to me



Genes follow culture, it seems.

I can sympathize with Assad, Assyrians and everything Ass-related but let's not overstretch it.

This. Ashkenazim were just hipster Europeans that became similar to semitic untermensch through selective inbreeding.

reroll for hitlerdubs

Damn Holla Forums is slow today.

But Carthage was white, colonized by ancient greeks long before the rise of the Roman Empire. Do you even know history you're citing, you nigger? Poland is white, but you should look at the numbers yourself. How many niggers are christian? How many spics are christian? If christianity is to be retained, it needs to evolve into race-realist religion that would bar shitskins, spics and niggers from joining. Perhaps gooks too, but they have their own religious things going on, so I don't think they'd even care to begin with.

We like Assad because his ancestry is white, you cuck. Does he look like a shitskin to you? You'd know this if you actually read the sticky with the threads like "ancient white history". Yazidis are white too and they are in that general area. Besides, he's stopping the kike plans of creating greater Israel and a pipeline to Europe from arab oil states. We shouldn't seek acceptance of other races, we should seek our dominance over them at all times, with some tolerance period inbetween. White race made this world before being corrupted by the kikes. White race can do it again.

No, most would not if forced to make the choice.



I can't speak in behalf of all Holla Forums but I think a good portion of us has a healthy amount of respect for non-hebrew, non-muslim Afroasiatic caucasoid brother race like Aramaics, Copts, Berbers and Cushitics. We just don't view them as equals.

But they worshiped semitic pagan gods.
Something doesn't add up.

Guess it was fortunate that Rome wiped them off existence before they degenerated into full blown Moloch worshiping Askenazim equivalents then.

link very related:

I agree. However, Christianity seems to be entirely different in nature. Ignoring the past 50 years, the church has been a positive influence in Europe. Of course, it should be dubious to accuse the church of everything recent, since the atheists and secularists have had their way for a while, but looking in the mirror isn't the jewish way.

My bad, Carthage was a colony of Phoenicians, which are likely semites. They were most likely not white, but could include territories that had white subgroups. They were a semitic civilization, though.

Ashkenazi jews dont marry outside their group in Israel…
Jews are special, if you check their parties where they dance to celebrate they have finished reading the Talmud or something of the sort, you will find several autists on the scenario. The jew is your autistic brother turned evil.

lolwut? Fucking hell, the ignorance in this statement is huuuge.

Why must you be so obvious >>>Holla Forums ?


>like the uncircumcised dick in your mother's anus, Schlomo

Rabbi Yoshua "the Deceiver" of Nazareth grew up in a social environment heavily influenced by European Ptolemaic Greek and Roman and possibly non-European Aryan virtues. The first people that it appealed to and caught up and thrived the most with it were Indo-European near easterners Armenians and Greeks. Romans implemented it in their culture almost naturally to the point Rome and Christianity became almost synonymous as Saturnalia became synonymous with Christmas. The rest of Europe embraced it almost with no resistance and further enriched it with local values and cultural elements honorable mention to edgy Vikings and literal Goths that tried to stick to their beautiful culture of man-sacrifice and generic barbarism before Charlemagne and co. beat the heathen out of them .

The awful lies of Matthew 23.

no refutation because the material is even taught in blue tier pleb land, everyone should be familiar with the shit yet here you are. The forced conversion, burning at the stake, torture didn't happen in the last 50 year. Hell, anyone just watching monty python knows more than you.


Done by kingdoms for tax money. Still better for the natives largely. Notable exemptions are Finland and perhaps Baltics.
Better than being sacrificed as a human sacrifice or living as a viking slave.
Of jews and Muslims after Reconquista. It eradicated Spanish jewry entirely and made Spain Christian. Torture hasn't changed either, it is still utilized, not by the church.

And just to not be taken out of context I was only quasi-ironic when referring to non-Christian Germanic savages. Their resilient volkish/tribalist attitudes, naturally selected by the post-glacial shithole they lived in for thousands of years, would be really useful today to prevent White Genocide but they were incompatible with the spirit of then successful Southern European cultures in which "success" did not mean purging the neighboring village to ensure the scarce resources for your tribe alone.

Lets see a couple of the miracles from christians favorite man: Feeding the multitude and John 2:1-11 Jesus Changes Water Into Wine and compare them to Heralds of Nanna (Sin in the semitic pantheon)

37-41. He is ever able to increase the butter of abundance in the holy animal pens of …… and goats. He is able to provide abundantly the great liquor of the mountains, and syrup, and alcoholic drink for the king on his lofty pure platform.

Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford

Lets see who is this Sin or Nanna guys



Well its an animal with horns just like the Canaanite God the jews worship,you know that moloch guy. But dont worry this is just (((coincidence))). The hundres of coincidences that point that all semitic religions worship the same god? They will blame the jews and cry wolf, just like the jews do with muh 6 gorillions.

I ain't no devout Christcuck, I am into it for the kebab removal, please elaborate.

It was irony. It's where Jesus preaches against hypocrisy (of jews).
Relating to this thread and OP, I'd say the relevant bit is this: Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You traverse land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are.

Ashkenazi = National Socialism
National Socialism it's just socialism
Hitler was controlled OP
Jews confirmed for white

Difference is that Hitler did it in his own country, not that of others.

From a kikes perspective Jesus might had been an actual deceiver. After nearly a millenium of ethnic existence kikes' only notable achievement was building a fucking a temple as the throneroom for a literal Demon-worshiping backwards autocratic theocracy and then some European-looking Nazorean kracka note that the closest lingual associates of actual Semites were Cushites comes in claiming that He's a rabbi that respects their divine law while preaching to them in Greek that they should finally grow the fuck out of their sandy shekel-grabbing, child-eating-demon worshiping, revenge-obsessed goat-fucking phase and into proper human beings like Greeks, Romans and Persians. He was wrong though since youcan easilydefeat a semi-retarded IQ 93 fool but you can never deceit him out of being an IQ 93 fool.

OP is on Holla Forums but anti-Nazi? Hmm, go on kike.


You should care. If the Jews lose, then they'll start going after Europe in full force. You should support Isreal so the mudslimes have a closer target to them so they don't go after than glorious Europa.

Bullshit. If we take out Israel, the Arabs could trade with us just fine. They'd be more like Egypt.
If they did come for us, they'd lose. It's simple as that. With no kikes, they'd stand no chance.

I tweeted the reporter for the source. No reply yet.


If the Jews lose, they'll come crawling to us and end up locked in ghettoes where they belong, like last time.

Only problem with that is that then they'd start jihading against us whenever we look weak (know thy enemy: read the Quran). I'm not saying living shitstains like George Soros are good, but we can sure as shit use them just like they're trying to use us.

And the cries of "ALLAHU ACKBAR!!!" won't be that far behind them. I'm saying use them as a shield and lightning rod, not kiss their damn asses.

To nitpick, Goths converted to Christianity long before the Franks did.

you can shorten it to either ash or nazi.
I like it.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt for a second and say that if that's what they're good for, they're damn useless at it. If anything it's the opposite, with the West shielding Israel from their Muslim enemies while they don't lift a finger to deal with the caliphate on their doorstep. Europeans have been able to fuck with sandniggers at their leisure since the 18th century, if we want a base for the oil trade we should just recolonize the place ourselves like Cecil Rhodes would have wanted.



That is what they consider him as - as well as a pimp, a "dark sorceror" and a cannibal. Read up on how Jesus is portrayed in the Talmud, it makes the smear-job they practice against their standard enemies (like Hitler) look tame.

No it is just Ahmed/lefty being himself…

I don't believe this shit, they've got curly hair and big noses like sandniggers, they've undoubtedly got some dunecoon blood


You realize by the standard you're using that a black-fathered mulatto is white? This study says the maternal line is Euro, allowing the paternal line to be Semitic.
We don't care about your baffling superstitions here, Shlomo.

Zimmerman was the media attempting to stir up the dark hordes and Asians are the white privilege meme collapsing when it encounters a group that doesn't fail by every socioeconomic measure compared to whites.

obviously they arent really jewish
most of them are intermixed anyway.
why do you think they look so white?

a real jew should look like an shit-skin arab looked before they were islamized.
the reason why they are so ugly is because they committed incest in the past

Turks who interbred with Europeans.

Semites are Shem's descendants and Japhetites are Japheth's descendants.
The bible names Ashkenaz as one of the descendants of Japheth.

Why can't you just post like other people?

Mate If you dont like their post just filter them,at this point you are just derailing the thread (19)

No, OP's link says 80% of of Ashkenazi Jews have European matrilineal DNA. They still have plenty of paternal sndnigger kike DNA.

All this means is Ashkenazi Jews aren't Jews by Jewish law, which doesn't mean fuck all genetically. It just means that they're half breed abominations.

This has been known for quite some time.

U wot m8. I'm not even Christian and I'm mad at your retardation and/or shilling on behalf of other Christians

Talmudic Judaism was invented in the 2nd century.

Christianity is 200 years older.

Indeed. And every time it is brought up the shilling to bury this fact goes to eleven.

Ashkenazim are the fakest of all the fake jews.

So Holla Forums was actually wrong for once? Ashkenazi Jews are mostly white? Jared "Jews are white" Taylor was telling the truth all along?


Jews are white

Europeans are shitskins

Jews will inherit the earth

Der Goyim must die!!!!!!!!!!!

If you identify yourself as non-White, and devote your life to swindle and scheme against Whites you should be treated accordingly.



brb exploiting big titty jewesses nazi fantasies

The "original" Judaism predates Christianity as the OT shares the same books as the Tanakh. However, Talmudic Judaism was formed after Christianity's New Testament.

Is this why they have high IQs?

aren't ashkenazis genetically similar to italians? I remember reading something about that ages ago

It just occurred to me that whites are even better at being Jews than Jews. Ashkenazi Jews make up most of the (((world elite))), lead Israel and have an average IQ over a standard deviation above Semitic Jews.

Whites really are better at everything.

Is that why they both have big noses?

Yes, this is correct



Nonono. They were necessary for Northern European export of blondes to the Muslims.