The picture of our generation, a picture that will never be forgotten


Years of riots have redpilled too many people on this subject. Nobody can look at that picture and take it seriously. Even normies look at it and see right through it, to all the race baiting, all the looting and rioting, all the horseshit that BLM has pulled, and everything else that has happened since muh Trayvon.

I'll never forget watching the Baltimore riots during a family gathering. My own mother, who I've never known to say anything of the sort, took one look at the screen and said "the niggers are out of control".

Even normies see through it. They know that, a week before this picture and a week after this picture, that dindu is going to be pulled over by the cops, refuse to give her license because "I DUNDU NUFFIN MAYNE PEEPLE ARE GETTIN SHAT BY DA PO-LEASE", and then go and fuck Tyrone as reward for him beating her.

Nobody fucking cares anymore, and god does it feel good.

Serious question: what's the story behind this pic? I haven't seen it before

It's a shame that the unedited original version where they are moonwalking and bringing her watermelon and KFC delivery has been lost.

The cops were holding a line to keep the violent protesters in check, when this dindu walked up to them with the sole intention of getting arrested while looking as peaceful as possible, for this picture. Liberals can now parade it around as an example of muh police brutality.

It pisses me off so much because liberals have no idea what cops go through. A woman just like that could EASILY be concealing a knife, a gun, a fucking suicide bomb, who knows. It happens every day on the streets. Libtards who see the world through rosey glasses and think it's wrong to temporarily detain someone in that situation would be the first people to be shot, stabbed, and raped to death, in that order. But none of that matters, because muh picture.

Don't forget that they're aided by useful idiot lolbergs who love to shit on (mostly White hard right-wing) cops more than the average hood-nigger.

Have you seen any libertarians talking about this stuff though?

My take is we wanted to join in but most of the movement is based on lies and the racial aspect was obvious nonsense so we retreated


Nah, that picture is far too blurry to be "the picture of our generation"

There's also far too much empty space with nothing really going on.

It's not that great of a picture, whether you buy the media narrative or not.

It's the establishment vs niggers, we're just watching.

Although, I do feel bad for some of the cops, they're really just ZOGlings at this point.

first time i've seen it. although once i start seeing bro-blm shit and fluff outside 'oddly enough" shit in my rss i delete the feed.

makes me think she reeked of nigger smell

Its the nigger version of the chinese guy who stood in front of tanks, but nobody cares about niggers.

It's a really bad photo. The subject matter is entirely center of the frame. It violates the rule of thirds and doesn't have much in way of contrast.

The niggress in the pic is culturally appropriating white culture by straightening her hair and dying it blonde.

She's also not that attractive with those huge arms and is wearing the dress she wore to homecoming her senior year of high school.

My mother recently said "I'm going to write a book titled, 'It's ok to be white'"

I've never heard her utter anything remotely sounding like 14/88. She's just fed up with Good Morning America treating BLM like martyr's and heroes.

My father, same impassive sentiments as my mother, sighs heavily everytime a new tv show paints the male protagonist as a bumbling idiot. Also, every single time a show has a 'gay' reveal one of the characters is revealed to be a fag or lezbo, usually by some unneeded exposition he comments "Why? Why in every show? Why?"

They both get uncomfortable if I bring up too many Hate Facts. I also use nigger, kike, spic, etc, liberally around them. They don't like that either

That dude got ran the fuck over too. And when you zoom out he had plenty of space to go

fucking this. even bluepilled boomers see through it.
My dad maybe once said something about japanese folk deserving the bomb and being slant-eyed pedophiles, but when he saw baltimore burn the words "uppity niggers" were uttered more than once.

Sorry lads, I had some shit highlighted.

This thread reminds me of the picture of a vulture looking at a starving dindu child ready to eat him and how the photographer staged the whole thing and later killed himself from guilt.

I had never even seen that pic until OP posted it; hadn't even seen it on Holla Forums, and I use this place -literally- every single day.

I don't see whats memorable about it.

Maybe if they were in the middle of tackling her and we see them all flying on the way to the ground it MIGHT serve at good propaganda. As is, it just looks like they ran up to her and are stopping very quickly. Also, she looks retarded standing out there because honestly, its not like shes protecting anything or doing anything. Shes just out in the middle of a street standing around a police line like an idiot.

Also, all this race baiting is pretty obvious and I'm surprised that there hasn't been more pushback since the BLM faction are garnering a reputation for being cop killers. I'm genuinly surprised that I have yet to see #BlackLivesMurder or #BlackLivesMurderCops.

Reminds me of that ugly bald nigger 'standing up to' some skinheads. The media tried to spin it as her being oh so brave.