Milo yanolhippopotamus

so what's up with this guy? is he valid? he's 100% cappie drone who supports donald trump and martin shkreli, but everyone on the alt-right paints him as some kind of "muh freeze peach" genius who rekts all the retarded commies :^)

he seems to pick his battles though, which kind of makes me question his true abilities. what do you guys think? is milo our worst nightmare or is he a secret power level hider that will bring communism to the world?
and why tf isnt zizek as popular as him?

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The more I hear from him, the more I get the impression that he's largely interested in money and recognition, and whoever will give him what he wants, in that sphere, is who he'll latch onto. I think he probably has some disdain for women, on a personal level, but the rest of his ideas seem very fluid.

does Holla Forums favor him over benji? arent they like the zizek and chomsky of the right?

In all seriousness, I think he's a wise ass, attention-seeking, selfish person. He repetitively mentions his gayness (which I don't give a shit about and nor should anyone) and says thing for shock-value. He's very rhetorical and people need to stop rallying behind personalities (including Zizek) and think about what they actually say. Yeah, Milo looks so cool and smart, right? Especially attacking some of the stupidest feminist "leftists." One who get popular over ridiculing (in superficial ways) other very stupid people, isn't impressive.

most of his followers arent intelligent nor charismatic enough to do what he's doing. he mentions he's gay probably to shut the "str9 wite male" may may libcucks like to throw nowadays.
im starting to think the "fags hate women" meme is true tbh. this guy seems genuinely woman hateric (not in a liberul sense) but he seem to want all that black dicks for himself


well sorry if i triggered you xir but i havent seen one ever on Holla Forums, only once on Holla Forums and all the fucking time on youtube, so i was just wondering what lefties think of milo.

I don't see why people have to look for Gods here on Earth. He's just a personality, and he seems very fake. Why should anybody care about his sexual racial preferences? He's a celebrity. That's it.
More outspoken right-wingers don't seem to like him, as evidenced by the comments

That's deeply insulting to both ZIzek and Chomsky. Milo is a self-promoting hack.


Most of the userbase among fringe right-wing sites is probably shared anyways, there are some guys with pepes as avatars in the comments

Do you think the original Nazis would've been like the average modern 4chan shitposter?

Milo uses his identity politics (gayness) to demagogue his opposition. The liberal fundies (SJWs) can't counter him due to his gay shield but they try to shame him which isn't getting to the source of his arguments.

He keeps among the culture wars narrative while really missing the point of what's actually going on.

IMO, he's just another reactionary right winger that feeds people the chum of bullshit about culture wars to keep his attention he got off of GG.

Milo is a self promoting faggot (literally)
He's an insencere demagogue tbh. He just latches on to the right for attention and money. The way he face turned for gamers after GG started when he shit on them for being manchildren before it began is telling.

Maybe fam, many of the original Nazis were truly weird individuals. And sometimes I wonder if the narrative that a great deal of the Nazis were faggots is more than just a christcon maymay.

A lot of 4chan shit posters are literal faggots contrary to liberal propaganda about it being a "cesspool of homophobia"

Samefag here. Now that I think about it many Nazis were autists too. Probably not in the literal sense (except for Goebbels) but mostly in the chan shitposter sense.

And the spooky justifications for anti-communism often betrayed their wider autism when it came to normie German society.

Many of them were fedoras who left atheism when it was no longer edgy and transitioned to something even edgier "muh ideals" "muh pagan ways" and then finally giving into
when it was clear no one was going to give up spooky christianity for even spookier paganism. I guess some of them out-edgied themselves and finally got to that point where embracing christianity was the only edgy thing left to do.

Milo is a house nigger for the gay community who's only popular because he shitposts irl.

He's a reactionary that likes black dick

that's it

These, mixed with the usual "shock the straights" flippancy of flamboyant homosexuals

he's a self hating faggot who makes Holla Forumstards jizz themselves. how is he a threat to us?

Why is he self-hating?

He said he'd actually make himself straight if he could so he could be more 'normal'

Ehhh, that's not necessarily self-hating. Wishing you were something else is something all humans do.

Except when it comes to gender though amirite

Sexual orientation isn't gender.
It just depends on how you do it. I bet many females in the world would prefer to be males. Since they are treated unfairly in many parts of the world, wouldn't you? Same with gays and whatever.

Could you explain why that is self-hatred?

Exactly. He cherrypicks and dismantles stupid arguments by feminists, then acts as if those arguments represent actual leftism. His whole career is based on one big strawman.

Well, I for one, a lot of times think that I'd be better off as a female. That is because I don't know how it is to be female. (I still like women though).

However, on this case, it's more about pandering to the audience that "wishing". It's about "look, I might not be how your ideal human is, but that's only a disability and I'd change that if possible for you to like me more".

It's pure narcissism!

Oh, you mean like Sargon and all those people?

Hmm… seems like there is a pattern there…

There's a lot of money to be made in the Strawman Industry (tm).

Have you seen plebbit, ever?

Males are treated even worse over the world, see

It does make sense how some males want to be a female, females have it objectively easier.

I was talking more about females in other worse countries. Both males and females suffer systematic issues. I was just saying it depends on what the person perceives.


in the first world yes

I think he's hilarious to watch tbh

Also I think we should be more like him and his followers, not in the sense of sharing the political views he holds, but having the same general attitude, the willingness to defy all customs, to attack as armies people who disagree with us, etc. The Left tries too hard to be civil and polite all the time.

So we should be like a mob who blindly follows an idol and doesn't think for themselves?
I do agree that we need to unite more though.

They don't blindly follow an idol m8. If he told them to support Hillary or Cruz over Trump he would have lost many supporters and many others would stop cheerleading so much for him. They support him because he says what they want to say and he does so in a very righteous manner, like the truth behind the horseshit he speaks stands higher than all social norms.

This is not what mainstream representatives of the Left typically do. Go on youtube and look out lectures and debates with anti-capitalist tones and without exception you'll find a prevailing boring, academic, geography teacher-y tone, a moralism that seems completely unconvinced of itself, a futile attempt at "properness" as if we could talk the system out of its failures.

We need more heat and controversy.

And just to add: it's this heat mixed with righteousness that gets people to rally after you and act "like a mob". And I don't think we'll get anywhere if we continue without the power of turning the masses into angry mobs.

Fine, they partially blindly follow him. Sure, they may have some foundation but speakers who are good orators seduce people into following them. One should always be very suspicious of anybody who sounds too "exciting" or too "interesting" by the manner by which they say something rather than the content. Don't know why yanks get all wet with limeys.
I wish people wouldn't treat everything as entertainment and get serious. Many of his followers are in it for the show, to pass time and the emotion. But fine, if the masses need some thrilling propaganda, then whatever.

Pol, here.
You want to know the truth about milo?
He is a libertarian wearing an alt right mask, like a typical sneaky jew, pol tolerates him because he supports trump though.
I would say 20 years ago he might have been a liberal but today he is rightwing because the left went insane with safespaces and sjw crap.
In the end milo is a fancy fag english boy who enjoys being outrageous and making mad all

You really need to stop making this mistake Holla Forums we would respect your (probably still atrocious attempts) at trolling us if you could just remember this one simple piece of advice

I don't see how he angers anybody at all. He attacks the stupidest of liberals (which for some reason are called leftists thus giving us a bad name) but whatever.
20 years ago he might have been a liberal?
1. He is a liberal.
2. When he was like 10?

I meant if he were the same age 20 years ago you leftist retard

Oh, then just be clear.

Milo is a generic liberal conservative that happens to be funny.

What a fucking idiot.

He's a yuppie kid with zero real world applicable skills or talents. Breitbart pays him to be the token gay that hates himself.

Nah, he still would've been a right winger, just a closeted one. Also liberal=/=leftist. Getting pretty fucking sick of explaining that to you tbh.


He's not funny.


It's funny cause he's so fucking reactionary when it comes to gay rights as well


Some stupid liberal Holla Forums idolizes, like Sargon. Nothing more.

The main thing you said that really is the most important thing is that he chooses his battles. He always debates feminists, proponents of intersectionality, and other identity based ideological positions. Milo can defeat people operating from these perspectives because the truth of the matter is simple, his ideological position isn't bigoted and theirs is. HOWEVER you rarely if ever see him making economic arguments against any left wing talking head, he intentionally uses retarded feminists as bait so that he can sell his other ideological potions, conservatism, being a capitalist apologist, and being pro Trump without actually having to defend those points because he presents himself as the opposite of these other people whom he is debating, and if you oppose them, you must agree with me.

I may be wrong, but I have never seen him address the fact that Trump is now taking donations from political interests, he has made contradictory statements in Syria, the minimum wage, women's health issues (planned parenthood and abortion), the Muslim ban, and practically every single position he has taken this far. He may even jump ship on the wall pretty soon because he knows that Americans are stupid and forget.

Milo doesn't debate people on economics and picks easy targets addressing social issues because those are the only arguments he can win.

There's a problem with your analysis. It's not that Milo is choosing to debate on social issues. It's that the mainstream "left" will only debate on the battleground of social issues. To all intents and purposes "left" politicians have capitulated to the right on the field of economics.

Yet even by this standard he only chooses to debate the most extraordinarily stupid people he can find.

You just answered your own question bro. He's on oppurtunitistic "media personality". Before he became the literal hero of GamerGate he ran an unsuccessful tech magazine. Apparently he doesn't even like video games.

But like the dozens of youtubers, "journalists" and famous twitter users he says dumb shit about SJW's and even dumber shit regarding communists which confirms in the mind of people who cant think for themselves that these things are as bad as my autism tells me.

Id say the reason for this is that they are well spoken but Thunderf00t, Sargon and Breitbart all fall under the category so its clearly not that

Why does he wear the mask?

I've never seen a more innaccurate assessment of pol/ in my life

He's a troll who is only in it for publicity and "lulz". You'd have to be retarded if he has any political convictions besides free speech. How can anyone expect him to debate "serious" leftists is beyond me, do you actually think he gives a rats ass about conservative ideals like "muh free market"?

Point in case, he thinks Holla Forums isn't "serious" about all the hate for jews/irrelevant shiting/ebin memes. They're just kids who want to provoke some boomers apparently. He's not even that knowledgable about the internet culture which is supposed to be his area of expertise.

At the end of the day he's still doing the right thing though, anyone who fights SJW shit is worth a million times more than a leftist who tolerates it. Also, why the fuck is he getting so many threads these days? He's been around for a long time but recently he's been spammed on a daily basis everywhere. Because of Trump?